Clearly the oldfag is going to go super saiyan. It's just taking a few strips to do it.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33859]@vunar[/url] sorry I don't speak weeaboo
snoo pingas usual
over 14 years ago
Hands are free. God of War moment inbound. He didn't want to scare the kiddies with the ogre-gore.
over 14 years ago
Why is it that I can see the next comic showing the kids free from their bonds and about to kill some cyclops ass?
over 14 years ago
That was obviously Shunshin no Jutsu
over 14 years ago
The old man took a breath because he's about to pull of some badass move. He isn't losing. He's gonna end up kicking its ass.
Just watch.
over 14 years ago
Would of been funnier if it had been left as a cliff hanger.
over 14 years ago
When I'm old and gray, I'mma teach my grandkids how to play a mean Armor King in Tekken 30.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Seems grandpa solid snake isin't as good at games as he thinks.
Stick to infiltration and smokeing, Snake.
over 14 years ago
The kids are giving him the eyebrow because he just ate the cyclop's hand. Or, his hair gel killed it the moment it took a bite.
over 14 years ago
As Heavy would say: Grandpa is Sandvich!
over 14 years ago
Too bad WH literally invented it. WoW can't push grimdark otherwise they'd lose their fanbase and come under scrutiny for being "too emo".
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
All monsters should have ballerina shoes on when they dodge. Even final bosses.
over 14 years ago
The last comic said 4P over the ROGUE's head.
over 14 years ago
I still say Gramps is playing the *cyclops*. :-)
over 14 years ago
Gampa Rogue is hacking and hides something under his scarf.
If he arives at Ogre's stomach, he's gonna pull a cockroach bust on it (reference: MiB one)
over 14 years ago
WH40K:DMO is not coming out until Q1 2013. That gives WoW an entire other expansion to kick up the grimdark.
over 14 years ago
Does anyone else think the rogue bit the cyclops?
Kowl Slaw
over 14 years ago
I think they are more underwhelmed than angry.
They expected him to kick some ass with his old school skills, yeah?
over 14 years ago
...So they're angry that he attempted to save them, but failed?
over 14 years ago
Iv'e been reading your comics for ages now, and just wanted to say keep up the good work!
If anything was interesting on E3, it was Portal 2.
over 14 years ago
Lol VG. Just another damn developer under the THQ namesake. Hell, relic is under the THQ brand. VG is just another speck in a pond.
Khan FurSainty
over 14 years ago
Granpa is all like:
- Wait for it, wait for it...
over 14 years ago
Jo is a fa/tg/uy. And a drawfag. And technically, WH40K didn't invent the term, the FANBASE invented the term. At least that's the story I know.
over 14 years ago
'tis gonna be the only game I might have to pay subscription
over 14 years ago
P.S. Warhammer 40,000 invented the term grimdark.
"In the grim dark future there is only war."
over 14 years ago
Jo, if you're interested in Dark Millenium, are you already familiar with Warhammer 40,000? If not, I recommend the original Dawn of War series as a decent primer. Then you can google Warhammer 40,000 or just go to /tg/ and lurk for a while to learn all you want to know.
over 14 years ago
Oh what? At least grandpa tried to help. You can't blame him for ruining your game, since, OH YEAH, YOU'D ALREADY LOST.
Doctor Awesome
over 14 years ago
Grandpa I am dissappoint
over 14 years ago
You like it, but probably don't play it.
Be glad that GW is even giving Vigil a damn chance to make a freaking MMO off it.
over 14 years ago
So...a snake is going to kill the ogre?
over 14 years ago
There were no ropes
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Oi! The venomous sea-snake of "Al'bumkia" is a snake that will play dead in front of its prey. Its prey, assuming that it is dead, will think its easy food. The snake will continue this act, even if its prey takes a 'SINGLE' bite out of it. The snake then surprise-attacks its prey! *Plot Hint*
over 14 years ago
The knives cut the ropes the other players were tied up with.
over 14 years ago
Wat in the name is old dude grampa is doing? Don't tell me he has...
over 14 years ago
The only thing I wanted from E3 was more info on Golden Sun Dark Dawn, which is what I got. A DS sequel to one of the best GBA RPGs ever? Yes please, and thank you.
Also, Ogre's evasion stat must be 255.
Elevator Doors
over 14 years ago
Gametrailers already had a small interview with lead designer. You get all the basics from vehicles, squads, and their respective skills. All in all i want a Doomrider and a Gaurdsmen. F the giant shiny/bulky space marines.
over 14 years ago
The lack of tyranid makes me a saaaaaad panda
over 14 years ago
dark millenium looks like a shit sandwich. especially to one who like warhammer 40k
over 14 years ago
It's Warhammer 40k Dark Millenium.
So Grimdark Wow IN SPAAAACE.
Annoying Bastard
over 14 years ago
This is regarding todays comments: someone is obsessed with Demon's Soul....
over 14 years ago
Grandpa cares not for himself. He sacrifices his own life to give the younger generation another chance to surpass him!
over 14 years ago
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