Very nice story, things like this more often would be welcome, though a return to the sniper or pyro arc soon would be nice, as the pyro arc brings a happy ending involving a burning and blugeoned spy.
over 14 years ago
@Micheal C
Yeah because, you know, Roleplaying to beat someone up using weapons is SO mature.
Also, MW2 is for babies.
over 14 years ago
@Michael C:
>roleplaying in first sentence
>pretending to beat somebody to prove your point
You tell 'em.
Michael C
over 14 years ago
*shoves crowbar up rear end, then stabs knife into both eyes, finishes with bullets to the crotch* There. Used all three. Now take the macho shit somewhere else. =P
Jo, this was a great one. Loved the way gramps sees the same thing they are, just not in the same graphic style.
over 14 years ago
@Jack M.
Sorry to tell ya this- oh wait, I'm not. But you WISH you had that much experience with a knife, nevertheless throwing them. Now drop your stupid fucking knife, and get a REAL gun.
Let me explain:
And now you know...
over 14 years ago
No, CS, they hit the wall behind the cyclops which opened the ceiling
Common Sense
over 14 years ago
So he threw the blades forward at the cyclops and it hit the ceiling? which is ABOVE the cyclops?
Jack M.
over 14 years ago
And they said playing modern warfare 2 all day was a waste of time..
*whips throwing knife at toast in midair*
over 14 years ago
Haha that was nice =)
over 14 years ago watch it watch it xDDD
over 14 years ago
Hehe the little girl who looks like a white mage is cute
over 14 years ago
I suspect gramps used to play during the pre-crash era when salarymen used to go to arcades during break or after work.
Your moves counted when there were quarters on the line.
over 14 years ago
Damn Pops, you know your shit. And yes, i want that wizard hat in TF2
over 14 years ago
Good point. Some game mechanics/strategies haven't changed at all despite the advances in graphics in home consoles.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
So anyone else notice how massive that living room is?
over 14 years ago
cool story! i love the way jo ends his arcs, most of them are kinda unpredictable... even though i knew grandpa would do well in the end.
Jo, I award you the Golden NES pad for this comic.
Here you go.
over 14 years ago
That dude must be pro at the first legend of zelda
over 14 years ago
This was absolutely wonderful, Jo. It's like a callback to your previous comics; no words, no in-your-face fanservice, and letting the pictures tell the story.
Please do more like this.
over 14 years ago
grandpa got game!
over 14 years ago
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
over 14 years ago
Haha, nice little story Jo.
over 14 years ago
Think outside the box!
over 14 years ago
Old games gave you better reflexes. And memory. Especially the shooters!
I'm thinking Gramps had a Master System or a NES somewhere
over 14 years ago
ZOMG. Retro Player! xD
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
And so ends the epic tale of grandpa gamer.
over 14 years ago
Do y'all know what suck the heads means...
over 14 years ago
@ Duh!,
Well, now that they know that tricks like that exist, they'll be more observant during future encounters. That's the experience and learning work, ya know.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
@ Mujaki,
Ya play one Zelda you've played every knockoff since, am I right? Even with new four player co-op. If you though an AI fairy yelling "hey listen" was bad, wait until its three little kids on Live.
In addition, since this IS a trick boss, it's possible the three kids had no idea what to do to defeat it, and now that he's beaten, they can go on with the game. It happens. Especially in certain types of games.
I suspect Grandpa here of being a gamer from the Atari era. But more than that, I suspect he was actually already past the "typical gamer" age when he started playing, and has been playing games with his kids for a long, long time now. Hence, him knowing about trick bosses like this.
over 14 years ago
So, the kids that already failed at this level and only got through because of gramps help are going to keep on playing without him so they can keep on failing? Makes sense!
over 14 years ago
That was fucking horrible, Jo.
over 14 years ago
*plays dramatic western music as Grandpa walks away*
over 14 years ago
Nice comeback from Gramps' "fails" and a fitting end. Not sure why he's that old though, most people who played the NES as a child would be, what, around 30 now? Well, I was born in the days of the SNES, so I wouldn't know. Nice little arc, liked all the references to both old and new games.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33897]@Trollnonymous[/url]: you win my internets.
over 14 years ago
Gauntlet 4 > Whatever these kids are playing!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33918]@freshmeatt[/url]: Yep, it's ALWAYS the same.
And it just goes to show...
They're always going to keep pushing out remakes, milking the cash-cow sequels. Original ideas are too risky, they'll never make a guaranteed profit.
over 14 years ago
It's always the same, isn't it?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33913]@WUT[/url]: First knife was about to perforate the cyclops' cornea, but "missed". The second and third "missed" as well.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33913]@WUT[/url]: the one dagger that miss must have hit the slot.
over 14 years ago
''the outcome was never really in doubt''
over 14 years ago
Didn't old man rogue thingie only throw 2 knives, not 3?
that purple shirted boy
over 14 years ago
must be good at giving back massage eh?
over 14 years ago
I love men
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33905]@fuck[/url] lurk facepunch less
over 14 years ago
jo you furry
god so many fucking furs in this comic, why don't you yiff a cactus
PS: I find it amusing I'm posting information on trolls and using a "Troll NOW!!" button to submit that information
over 14 years ago
Wikipedia on Trolls:
... In Scandinavian fairy tales trolls sometimes turn to stone if exposed to sunlight, a myth generally attributed to pareidolia found in naturally eroded rock outcroppings...
over 14 years ago
I still don't get what game this is supposed to be.
over 14 years ago
I'm offended that a one eyed people eater turns rock hard when exposed.
over 14 years ago
needs more kids wanting grandpa to play with them
over 14 years ago
And thats the kind of grandpa im gonna be
over 14 years ago
Late at night!?!? What are you talking about its the middle of the afternoon....
over 14 years ago
Player 4: "Uhhh... a little help here?"
over 14 years ago
It appears I am not the only one who browses late night.
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