What people are saying about "Gatekeepers"
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5 months ago
And if a tweet is all it takes to make you throw a walleyed fit about your hobby, maybe that hobby just ain't for you.
6 months ago
This comics misses the point of gatekeeping so much...
Gatekeeping is about groups and tables.
At times it means the group never playing the new titles if needed and others just ignoring the parts of the new releases that are stupid or not make sense with the overall lore. It is all about groups.
6 months ago
@Nilok "Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians." This is the tweet. This is not about the history of the game. This is the new status quo after the retcon. There is no moment in real history where the ten thousand were created. This is in universe.
6 months ago
which they did. In sixth. This is not that. This is just restating a new status quo. Stop freaking out because of a single tweet.
6 months ago
Gaslighting would be like if they claimed Centurion class armor had been around since the horus heresy after they released the models, insisted this was true, and then went back and edited previous digital stories to have centurion armor in them.
6 months ago
@OokamiTez Ironically, what you're doing is gaslighting. They said that the first 10,000 have always been female, which is blatantly false, not even their new models support female Custodes. You can claim that they were talking "in universe", but they were responding to a question from a fan.
6 months ago
@John Lethrow No lying or gaslighting was done. One twitter message (as Drake clarified) was about how now after the retcon the lore is. Nothing more. "The first ten thousand." in the tweet is in universe. As in now (after the retcon) in the 40k universe there have always been female custodes.
6 months ago
Ah shit, we're really whining about female Custodes here?
And of course all the complaints are made by people that don't look like they know anything of GW or 40k.
6 months ago
It was a single Twitter post that talking heads are trying to spin into the worst way, Jesus Christ dude. Literally one sentence on Twitter. No one is gaslighting you or insulting you. It's just them explicitly defining the retcon. People just getting mad about dumb shit because they like being mad
John Lethrow
6 months ago
@Drake Raids GW If you don't see how GW lying about doing a lorechange for explicitly political reasons can be upsetting for people, then I don't know what to tell you. Whatever it is, you don't need to strawman and hate those who quite rightly don't like random political changes.
John Lethrow
6 months ago
@Drake Raids You seem to be doing a fair bit of strawmanning. Some of the large issue is the fact that GW wasn't even willing to admit it was a lore change or a retcon, but outright lied that the lore always had female custodes, and then didn't even release a single female custodes model.
6 months ago
But no one gives a shit about Beast of Chaos being squatted because they can't stop screeching about 'wimin cutodas' when it's a hilariously minor change that barely changes establish canon since there was never a reason for them not to exist to begin with.
6 months ago
Man I'm gonna be honest. No one particular needs you to try and save their hobby. We're good. Like does GW do shitty things? Absolutely! During this whole mess they deleted an entire faction from Age of Sigmar! If you want to shit on them do it for that!
6 months ago
@Drake Raids Being part of the culture war space, letting companies retcon whatever the f*** they want is a really dangerous thing in the current environment. Wokies LOVE to "boil frogs" as the saying goes.
Chiribito Sardina
6 months ago
@Drake Raids Yeah, exactly. This case is specially fun to see because by this time people would have dismissed this as ¨Haha smelly Nerds being sexist¨ but specificaslly the Warhammer lore, for being based on a distopian fascist future, is surprisingly advanced to it´s time (Sis of battle ftw!)
Chiribito Sardina
6 months ago
Besides, I see a lot of companies/people that complain about fanbases not adjusting to new changes. Those companies are there thanks to these fans. The customer is not who has to adapt to a company, is the company the one which has to keep being engagin so people don´t leave to the competition
6 months ago
But the amount of anger from people who don't buy GW models, have not bought GW books, or played Warhammer for decades is annoying. As a custodes player the amount of people trying to jump into the space and scream about shit is getting annoying.
6 months ago
The 'outrage' comes entirely from people who don't play the game and don't read the lore yeah. This is hilariously minor compared to the retcons that happen every time a codex is released or a new unit is retconned into the setting for new kits. It's just a problem now because 'Muh Culture War'
Chiribito Sardina
6 months ago
The problem IMO is how GW (And most of the big corpos for that matter) is not the change but the gaslighting. A ¨We know but decided to change it¨ wouldn´t cause so much fuss. There is always people that isn´t going to like it or want drama but a least you are not insultining your fanbase
6 months ago
...People on the net just can't read for shit and presume the worst or hear it from an agitator who isn't even part of the fandom. Also one of the older GW guys said that the only reason Custodes was made into all-dudes was that the model range was gonna be kept simple.
6 months ago
@Scryer: The post you are refrencing was a social media post that stated that after this retcon there has always been female Custodes. Now in the Lore there has always been female Custodes. As you could say after the Necron retcon that Necrons always had different Dynasties...
6 months ago
Problem is...it's all they got.

You're right, this shit ain't healthy. But these people were NEVER healthy to begin with. Just look at these comments. Just look at the whole Stellar Blade or Tifa nonsense. Could you imagine normies acting like this? Of course not. (continued)
6 months ago
(part 2) But these are NERDS we're talking about. Don't matter if they're "woke" or "anti-woke" or whatever culture war garbage you come up with, it's the same shit. No social life, no sex life, no real life outside their hobbies. All they have, all they ARE, is their toys. (cont.)
6 months ago
(part 3) So what happens when you take their toys away from them? Take their fantasies away, both sexual and non-sexual? You get the saddest motherfuckers on the planet, seething with impotent rage and punching down because they never learned how to exist outside being a nerd. (cont.)
6 months ago
(part 4) Of course, they can't find another hobby or nerd thing to get into because A. Their hobby is their identity...might as well ask them to amputate their legs B. What else is there for them? What hobby *isn't* going to get overrun by corporate raiders? (cont.)
6 months ago
(part 5) Because that's the reality here: Every nerd thing is a consumer product. Every fandom, nerd culture as a whole, is just consumerism. And nerds are the easiest customers to manipulate...and to dispose of.

Only way out's to stop being a nerd. And you know they can't do that.
6 months ago
(Cont.) because if they were, they would focus on the actual all-female counterparts to the custodes and astartes, the Sisters of Silence/Battle.
What they are interesting in, is having fewer men. These bigots see an all-male faction and they go nuclear. Oozing "I'm not mad, you're mad!" energy.
6 months ago
Sad to the see the amount of copium and projection from people defending GW's decision in the comments. "Bigots"? The people claiming "There have always been female custodes/space marines" are the bigots, because it all comes from people aren't interested in "more women" (TBC)
6 months ago
- could have done more with the already existing exclusively female factions. People already saw the Sisters of Silence as the female equivalent of the Custodes and their actions are said to be vital in mitigating the spread of Chaos, why not use them?
6 months ago
@OokamiTez; They literally said 'there have always been female custodes', which many have compared to 'We have always been at war with East Asia' and 'There is no war in Ba Sing Se'. We're annoyed because they're outright changing the faction to include female characters when instead they-
6 months ago
(Cont.) themselves destroyed and enslaved the C'tan. Much bigger impact for the lore and it was for the better. I think it is good cause now the bigots might be lest prevalent in the hobby.
6 months ago
Just presuming this is about the female Custodes retcon.
There is no gaslighting going on from GW. They made a lore retcon (like they have made so many times. Anyone remember when Necron changed from slave murder bots of the C'tan into a fully developed society who (Cont.)
6 months ago
is there a frog faction in the warhammer universe?
6 months ago
I refuse to give up, I REALLY dont want to watch another of the hobbies I enjoy die because retards cant keep their gross fingers out of the pie for 2 seconds.
Shatari Ishatar
6 months ago
My 3.5 edition D&D books and 4th edition Warhammer 40k books are all still fully functional and I don't have trouble finding players to play with. It helps that I live in a very poor neighborhood, and I'm the only one who can afford the books. :P
6 months ago
the only people upset about female custodes are those who barely understand the lore in the first place.
6 months ago
Pleas do not tell me you are crying about Female Custodes.
I have been reading your comics since "Medic Pay Day" and it would be really disappointing to find out you are shitty like this.
6 months ago
Crazy thing is it all goes south in the end. A small cotangent of people wanted all Day breakfast option from McD's They made enough noise that the company gave in going nation wide with the menu. It was one of the first things they dropped when Covid hit. Because they where loosing money.
6 months ago
(Cont, 1)
For the same reason GW is looking to expand their Casual/Wider audience. Someone said "WE WANT THIS" enough that they broke the lore to make it happen. It could back fire, with the old school fans not buying new content. Leaving then with a smaller player base of casuals.
6 months ago
(Cont, 2)
This is something other big companies are seeing. Key people told them "Woke/PC culture is in, we need to cater to them". Only to loose the core fan who they catered to for years. Doctor Who and Marvel are on top of that list.
6 months ago
(Cont, 3)
Ncuti Gatwa blames the fans for not being there after they left under Jodie Whittaker's run.
Tatiana Maslany blamed the fans for not watching season one of She-Hulk. This after the writers said "We knew the fans where going to hate the show, so we wrote it as a giant F""" You."
6 months ago
Gatekeeping is just a dumb waste of time. People are going to be themselves and if they take an interest in your hobby, you yelling at them to get off your lawn is just going to turn things nasty. Yeah, you made a difference in your hobby! You made it toxic! Whoo! Way to make things worse!
6 months ago
Just about every person I've seen wholesale condemning gatekeeping in the next breath will label anyone who disagrees with them the slightest of being fascist that must be removed or preventing from entering the hobby.
6 months ago
By 'suvive', I mean 'the fans are loyal to what it is. Twisting it for the mythical wider audience will drive them away in the hopes of appealing to people who crow about this change being a victory and how they love it, but never actually support it', we see such things happen time and time again.
6 months ago
Gatekeeping's necessary for a hobby or franchise to survive. If people are honestly interested then by all means, come on in, we're glad to have you. If, however, you're intending to change it, piss of. We don't want, say, LotR to become Rings of Power, the fans successfully gatekept the shit out it
6 months ago
(cont.) In short, if the newcomers have genuine interest, and are humble enough to accept that the hobby and hobbyists have no obligation to bend their entire hobby towards their will, then they are most welcome.
6 months ago
Yeah I agree. I also find it hypocritical of people to say that they disagree with gatekeeping, when everyone does it to a degree.
That doesn't mean everyone should be barred from a hobby. The problem is only when people who are entitled and only into it because it got trendy start flocking in.