What people are saying about "Druna Reacts"
Druna Reacts
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2 months ago
if skallagrim didnt had videos about the topic already he may or may not go ''there is this webcomic going around lately....''
2 months ago
9 out of every 10 dwarves agree (the 10th one uses hammer. probably a cleric)
2 months ago
Meowcate reacts to Druna reacting to Victorie : "A *golden* axe ? using such a soft metal for such a strong weapon ? Yes, make out with it, because that's the only thing this is good for."
Beast Wolf
2 months ago
I like how everyone decided to go HEMA anyway.
Also "uncensored battle content", well people probably paid to see gladiators in arenas fight-
2 months ago
I have to say, despite my sword bias: Druna Logic is best logic. I hereby request Druna to be an official addition to the girls roster.

Also: Did Druna just get the Golden Axe????
2 months ago
(2) There are very few weapons that are better than swords, and it is arguable in those cases. Spears because of superior reach for the weight and superior penetrating power. Polearms because of greater reach and centrifugal force from said reach. And then we get to ranged weapons.
2 months ago
(cont 1) So you don't sharpen the blade if you expect to see people wearing plate. You still use a sword because it gets better reach for the same weight than a mace. Axes are cheap, but seriously inferior in every respect to a sword of the same weight once you get to making weapons with steel. (2)
2 months ago
...so what makes an axe better than a sword vs armor is weight. You make a sword as heavy as that axe and the sword is 100% a better weapon. What makes a sword bad against plate armor is the brittle edge chipping and the chipped places becoming worse. (continue 1)
Luriant Urs Karbalis Endorian
2 months ago
Next one, Asmongold react to "Druna reacts to Vic", and the Algorithm will be praised, closing the cycle. Good move Jo, but I have studied a lot of tentacle reactions and I can predict you next moveset.
2 months ago
A chain hauberk is "proper armour" too.
In any case, a sword is a sidearm (exception: the greatsword, which is a polearm). When you fight you don't want a sword: you want a weapon of war, such as a waraxe, polearm or shield. BUT if you don't have a real weapon, a sidearm is better than nothing.
2 months ago
@Cameron, they're certainly valuable options to have against armor, but half-swording and Mordhau are techniques to turn a sword into a bad spear or a bad poleaxe. They're not going to make a sword *better* than a heavy axe against armor.
2 months ago
Onlyfangs link? Asking for a dwarven friend…..
Cameron Seipel
2 months ago
@RedMattis; By proper armour you presumably mean plate, but despite personal spear bias I’d argue swordsmen could hold their own if they utilised half-swording or morehau to precisely target joints or beat a man with the guard respectively.
2 months ago
I mean, she makes an excellent point. Axes are simple, easy to use, no need to reload.
Kevin Tucker
2 months ago
Hi, long time viewer, first time poster: Orc, *unf*. That's it, that's my post.
Ovis Militaris
2 months ago
65 million years of human evolution has led to this EXACT moment in time. We need Druna on Victorie action. That would be the pinnacle achievement of life on Earth. Human civilization only goes downhill from its inception.
2 months ago
Swords are kind of poor against proper armor. You'd ideally want a mace, but an axe is likely a fair bit better, and you can just put a hammer head on the back of it vs armor.

A lot of issues with axes vs swords can be managed by combining the axe with a shield.
2 months ago
Mostly, the axe is good against a hard target, where you need to do a lot of damage to have an effect (such as against armor, or cutting down a tree). If it's sufficient to slash through soft flesh, or poke one hole through mail, then a sword can do those faster and with more reach -> better.
2 months ago
Druna's panel 3 about training is a good point, training is important and lets you move faster, but that also applies to her point about the sword - training means you don't need to spend time thinking about which sword strike to use either.