What people are saying about "Retcon Ink 3"
Retcon Ink 3
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2 months ago
i liked cute jo to be honest, Plus if fits the look and feel of the comic better :p
2 months ago
still prefer brazilian Jo form old comcis
ammi Amelia
2 months ago
Ovis Militaris
2 months ago
Stand Master: Handsome Jo
Stand Name: Loli God Requiem
Stand Cry: NERF NOW!!!
2 months ago
So, the author wants to have this look forever, which makes me think about a famous manga.

Jo as a JoJo character.

Also, I vote against Anne. Pretty sus.
2 months ago
took him long enough.
2 months ago
I'm just happy to see Alek.
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago
Uuuuuh, no. Look at the footer (bottom part) of this page. You might see where the Jo comes from.
2 months ago
Does Jo short for JoJo? Does it come with a STAND?