Damn fun game. I like how TVtropes put it, "You'll want to make sweet love to the autocannon."
about 14 years ago
This is actually the funniest damn thing i've ever seen.
about 14 years ago
dobry poczatek
over 14 years ago
Why has nobody noticed the obvious pun?
Pedobear: *triumphant music* "YES...YESSSS..."
over 14 years ago
No One is safe not even men and boys pedobear can just turn us back into a cell in the womb turn the chromosomes into XX and forward time till we were little girls We Are Screwed!
over 14 years ago
I just finished the game, took me only 4 hours, kinda dissapointing.
It was fun but waaaay too short.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, you can't actually make babies in Singularity. They didn't want to end up on the news being screamed at for baby eating. So instead they devolve into muck or something like that.
I actually think that's better. It gives it more of a freaky Indiana Jones feel.
over 14 years ago
better off with using
over 14 years ago
time rift, blink, any prince of Persia that has the dagger of time, timesplitters, BRAID god the whole Tim is evil fits this.
google read later...
So the glove swaps between 2 eras 2010/1955 on a warped Russian island so this works only on 60-70 year old Russian women then?
over 14 years ago
so he doesn't know how the game works and he involves a meme.
comedy material right here
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35252]@raocow[/url]: Cool, one less asshole whining about the comic. Bye! :)
over 14 years ago
so just think all those 100 golden wrench revenge-criting engineers who will be running out begging others to wreck their shit.
over 14 years ago
well time for jo to call up that guest artist to do another comic.
also valve made it so that one can relive the REVengineer's first arc in any play session.
over 14 years ago
Ushanka, Pain Train, Max's Head, and now GOLDEN WRENCH?
You are my god.
over 14 years ago
Fuck Golden Wrenches.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, it took me a while to get this one, but it was worth it...
over 14 years ago
Can't stop laughing at the moment... the look on his face is priceless.
over 14 years ago
Wow...this is pretty stupid. Remember when his comics were funny? Oh wait...
The hand looks a lot like the one from Bioshock 2, with the Incinerate plasmid equipped. But somehow, he's using telekinesis.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35191]@confuzzled[/url]: It's called "Description." It's a reading game and very fun. In fact you can play it free on Nerfnow.com right under the comic strip!
@Copyright Theft: Stop that.
@Mikey[/url]: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=jo+pereira+porn
Seriously, it's 2010. Stop it.
over 14 years ago
That's mean!
And brilliant!
over 14 years ago
5% only that laugh? I call cattle-guano on that.
one of 5%
over 14 years ago
@/b/: indeed i did get a good laugh... i dont think people will understand that pedobear could de-age every girl/guy he sees and then pedo-rape them xD
Frank West
over 14 years ago
It's like the Midas Touch....
But for Pedophiles. Speaking of which, why don't you have a seat over there.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35217]@Mikey[/url]: He has done them, along with others.
Obligatory lrn2google.
over 14 years ago
So, if this is 3(rule)34, I demand rule 34 of the 2 engies Jo draws.
I less than three this.
Weee for being in the 5% that laughed.
over 14 years ago
Oh. My. God.
over 14 years ago
Ha. Singularity was fun though, In my opinion. The enemies aren't that stupid, gameplay is solid, you can invent new ways to use the TMD yourself, and there's no goddamn regenerating HP. Just good old HP bar and medkits.
I am a Pirate
over 14 years ago
Now I have something to download overnight! Thanks, Jo!
over 14 years ago
The sequel for this will be titled "Singularity Ep.2: Chris Hansen and the chair makers"
over 14 years ago
Man, I shudder to think of the horror's he'd unleash.
Khan FurSainty
over 14 years ago
Pedobear is all like: - I love the power glove. it's so bad!
over 14 years ago
That's odd. the TMD should be reverting the dead tree plant into one with leaves all over it and not a sprout. Also, reverting the soldiers to the blind creatures with excellent hearing in the middle of a huge firefight is pretty awesome. I saw one of them take down the armored guys in a few hits.
over 14 years ago
played it, fun game for killing about 8 hours, the seeker gun is fun to play with
@/b/: I guess i'm the 5% that laughed. i nearly fell out of my chair.
over 14 years ago
Interesting comic strip today. Might have to check out the info on Singularity if that's their selling point. But I do have to give +rep for the awesome G Gundam reference.
over 14 years ago
And thus, Pedobear could live forever with people who weren't Too Old.
over 14 years ago
Is it still pedo when you make the 80 year old 8 again?
over 14 years ago
@Chris Hanson: isn't his name Chris Hansen?
over 14 years ago
Phazonfarmer has no idea what he's talking about. The only reason de-ageing enemy soldiers to fetuses was removed is to streamline the game. 'Reverting' soldiers means removing all their natural temporal energy instead of just winding back the clock on them. It's spelled out on a chalkboard in-game.
over 14 years ago
I am so sorry to ruin everyone's fun, but the TMD glove doesn't work like that. Reverting a human won't give you a child, but instead a man-sized fetus-like creature.
Of course, if you're into that sort of thing...
over 14 years ago
i would be surprised if this webcomic did not attract channers
over 14 years ago
Isn't it usually 5% will vomit uncontrollably?
over 14 years ago
right weapon in a wrong hand
over 14 years ago
90% of people wont understand this. 5% will think its disgusting. The other 5% will have a good laugh.
over 14 years ago
And also, the comic is number (3)34. Consarnit.
over 14 years ago
...great the one time i show up right around the time one of these gets posted there's no tits to claim
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