Looks like he got
*puts on sunglasses*
his just desserts.
about 14 years ago
Valve is toying around with making it still able to airblast but it costs a lot more ammo.
over 14 years ago
Stop using BB you f@gs. It sucks and if you find AB useless then you're f*cking retarded.
over 14 years ago
I've never actually used the airblast. I just don't see the point.
over 14 years ago
Anybody notice that in the earlier comics, Mr Pyro always killed the RED Spy, no matter what disguise? And cloak! I think this is that same Spy trying to get back at him by trying to turn him against his son's ideas, but not working.
over 14 years ago
Wait a minute, I thought the RED spy was gay.
over 14 years ago
though it is a terrable example, have you ever been on 2fort as a BB pyro and hit the entire enemy team as they ran into your base by jumping off your battlements?
it works, and im shure there are other places on other maps, but i only know about one on 2fort (flaregun pyro doesnt need no ambush)
over 14 years ago
Backburner is good for killing getting behind pushes, and killing groups of people very quickly.
Also, what Roflstomper said.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36355]@Roflstomper[/url]: Nope, they patched it.
over 14 years ago
No wonder Pyro was happy, the principal's a RED Spy....
over 14 years ago
a question for Jo, what program do you use to make your website? i want to make my own website with open comment like yours
over 14 years ago
Flamer > BB in all situations.
Pretty much, if you can get back crits on the enemy, they fail because they got flanked by a Spy with no cloak that doesn't even kill instantly.
And if you can't flank because you aren't playing morons, then you're not getting in range to use your extra DPS.
over 14 years ago
OP needs to learn to play Pyro better
Black Dragon
over 14 years ago
@Photo note principal:
Hittin' on Sniper-tan...that's a paddlin'.
Mentionin' W+M1...that's a paddlin'.
Dissin' mah purse...oh you better believe that's a paddlin'.
Mr Stabby
over 14 years ago
I wwas expecting a payload ice cream to have more flavors
Photo note principal
over 14 years ago
Frank and Zack, you failed at photo notes, please meet me after class. *readies paddle*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36344]@Roflstomper[/url] Welp, can't argue with that.
over 14 years ago
I am not your bomb disposal, I am not your anti-Pyro Pyro. I will not extinguish you, but I will KILL the Pyro who burned you, because I use the REAL flamethrower, the BB. LB is for wannabe support classers.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36340]@Vyce[/url] The only way the LB is considered offensive is if you blow the team mates off a ledge. Too bad you don't get kill points that way unless you damage them first.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36329]@Doopliss[/url] Reflecting projectiles means that I'm out in the open, which means I'm am PLAYING THE PYRO WRONG, because I'm supposed to be a close quarters ambush class. The only reason I'd use the LB is to extinguish team mates, but honestly, that's not worth giving up the extra damage.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36329]@Doopliss[/url] That's all I need, back crits. That and axtinguisher. The BB will down an unaware Heavy in SECONDS. The only way LB is superior, is that it reflect rockets, which isn't very effective because you need perfect timing, and it extinguishes team mates.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36338]@PyroPuta[/url]: It would be EOD if your statement weren't so simply debunked. FT can be used offensively. And I think The BB is more useful as a defensive weapon, since in defensive measures it's a lot easier and probable to get backburns.
over 14 years ago
The BB and Axe are great for offense, the leafblower and sapper-wacker are great for defense. EOD?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36318]@James[/url]: Of course the Spy supports the Backburner. It's basically backstab-lite, the sort of behaviour he encourages. Furrhermore, if the enemy team are using it, it prevents his own backstabs being interrupted by airbursts...
over 14 years ago
I would consider myself a very offensive pyro. I never touch the BB though. I don't get how having the ability to charge demo's and soldiers, with or without medics without fear can be called anything BUT offensive. Survival just makes you better offensively.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36328]@Pyrobusta[/url] I think he meant "I have never been killed by the Backburner, and I have never been killed by the Axtinguisher outside of ZF servers."
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36279]@Chris[/url]: "on ZF servers." There is your problem.
Play at other servers and see.
over 14 years ago
*pulls up a soapbox*
The airblast isn't about support. It's about pushing a Soldier away from his juicy Medic, or off a ledge. Surviving if you round a corner into a combat class, and making Soldiers switch to Shotgun when they see you. Interrupting ubers/backstabs is a bonus.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36322]@Roflstomper[/url] Now we're just saying the same thing in different ways. If you used the Backburner before it was buffed, all you would have over the FF was the back crits. If that's enough for you, great, but it doesn't help any in head-on combat unless you like speed-roasting fleeing enemies.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36321]@Doopliss[/url] Then you're using it wrong. I was using the BB before it was buffed, because i want to KILL SHIT WITH FIRE. If i want to play support, then I'll switch to lB, but when i want to play PYRO, I'll use BB
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36297]@Roflstomper[/url] "More powerful" is relative. I've got a lot of mileage out of the Backburner in the past, but I still found it a pretty lousy damage-dealer when I couldn't get the back crits off.
Like, say, a piddling five percent stronger than the pre-update Flamethrower.
over 14 years ago
So the Spy supports the Backburner? :S
Pills McMollies
over 14 years ago
P.S....Who are Zack and Frank?
Pills McMollies
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Pyro is good dad :3.
codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
hey jo, i know what you mean by, "i dont exactly agree with everything i draw" (lol) mabye you should not accept those requests altogether, belive me i wouldnt mind
over 14 years ago
All I have to say is flare gun. It does not matter what flamethrower you us if you can PYROKINETICALLY LIGHT THINGS ON FIRE! TAKE THAT YOU BLOODY SNIPER. Why yes. Your sentry IS down engineer. Oh no heavy guarding a medic? Now the medic is dead...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36295]@Dusk[/url] Whether you prefer the BB or the LB (leaf blower), you have to ask yourself one question. Do you consider yourself an OFFENSE Pyro, or a SUPPORT Pyro.
When I play Pyro, I want to light shit on fire. It's fine if you like both, but if you think the BB sucks, then YOU suck.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36295]@Dusk[/url] OP is saying BB sucks. It doesn't suck. It makes quick work of almost any class. It's not even just the crits. It's for the extra damage. It. Is. More. Powerful.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36294]@Roflstomper[/url] The point they were trying to make is that if you need to fight and you don't have the BB for crits, you can still have Axtinguisher for crits, even with FT equipped. Nobody ever said that you can't have both Axtinguisher and BB equipped.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36285]@D4rkLigh7[/url] If you play Pyro PROPERLY, when you see a Heavy, or really any non-support class besides Engineer looking at you, you will RUN AWAY. You're supposed to take them by SURPRISE. Yea, you could probably kill that Scout, but saw you coming, so come back when he doesn't expect it
over 14 years ago
My guess is that tankbuster probably does extra damage for a certain health level. It might be for having more than X health, Heavies in general, or maybe overhealed enemies. Regardless, it will probably do a ridiculous amount of damage to an overhealed heavy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36285]@D4rkLigh7[/url] If I wanted to baby sit an engineer, then I'd switch to the leaf blower. In case you didn't know, the Pyro is an AMBUSH class. While it's regrettable I can't support my team with compression blast, I don't give a shit. I light shit on fire, and I do it well.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36285]@D4rkLigh7[/url] Well first of all I'm not a troll, the OP is. Second, the BB does extra damage. The axtinguisher does good damage. WHY should I have to choose between 2 different high dps weapons? If you catch a Heavy unaware and pointing his back to you, you don't even NEED to take out your axtinguisher
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
Almost every weapon in the game is a situational weapon. There are times when you'll need to switch between BB and FT, neither is the better weapon.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36283]@TrollShark[/url]: Also worth noting is that a pyro staying behind to help the sentry nest will also be helping to root out spies, that skill + deflecting explosives makes a normal flamethrower Pyro a great counter to the two usual means of taking out a sentry nest.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36281]@Roflstomper[/url]: I know your a Troll but why would you bother with the axtinguisher and the BB? If you have to pull out the axtinguisher with the BB then your using the BB wrong.
over 14 years ago
when pyros about every one up in flames!
what you don't see is a bonus panel showing pyro smacking his son for failing his grades.
over 14 years ago
BB is for pyros who dont give a crap about anything but kills. It's designed for that. Airblast extinguishes teammates and helps with the whole sentry nest being bombarded by explosives. These however make the pyro more of a support role (add HW) than an offense role. It all depends on how you play.
over 14 years ago
Hey retards. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's probably worth noting that you can use BOTH BACKBURNER AND AXTINGUISHER.
Leaf blower blows. Real Pyros use BB. OP honestly doesn't know shit if he doesn't know how to make proper use of extra damage.
over 14 years ago
@ Terrytroll
Try reflecting 2 crit rockets from 2 different soldiers, at the same time and they both die.
So wish I had been recording that.
airblast + axtingish > Backburner
*I do prefer normal axe or HW*
over 14 years ago
Since i've never been killed by a BB pyro, and only been killed by axtinguisher on ZF servers, im gonna say BB sucks.
I seriously can't find anywhere it would beat the flamethrower.
over 14 years ago
Sure the Flamethrower is fine, but the airblast is only useful in maps like ctf_doublecross and that last control point in cp_steel. Most players nowadays are used to being blasted into air that they just aim downwards and fire.
over 14 years ago
Sure the Backburner is fine, but the airblast is too useful to give up. It's foolish to throw away such a good utility just so you can have a little extra DPS.
If you don't know how to do this, then don't fucking bother playing Pyro, you're not good enough for him. It's a flame thrower, not a leaf blower.
BB > Leaf blower
over 14 years ago
If you can't make good use of the backburner, then you SUCK at strafing, and you shouldn't fucking play the Pyro at all. If you think the backburner sucks, then you're USING IT WRONG. Oh btw, the answer to the quiz? A good 2 seconds and that'll do it. Crits with +15% damage will RAPE
Disregarding my 20 or so lucksman kills, and the 12 backstabs, all of these kills were done with the back burner. You can use BOTH backburner and axtinguisher.
yknow, is it just me or is anyone else alarmed that the pyro actually spoke eloquently without the 'hudda hudda huuuh' that I normally see?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36232]@LaserShark[/url]: I think he kinda just takes the sandwich and smashes it into his respirator thing.
over 14 years ago
Spy is the teacher? The put the sociopathic, reflexive liar in charge of *children*?
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: Blueberry Boom? *shot*
over 14 years ago
The backburner can be great, its just situational so people don't like it as much. Not great for general use. Its very good on maps with lots of twists and turns so you can actually get behind people. Likewise, its much better on defense than offense since you can get behind people more often.
over 14 years ago
Saxon: I'd say if you're taking three seconds to axtinguish you're doing it wrong. If you're sneaking up on them properly, forget airblasting and it goes much faster.
In my setup, like Jo's, the Axtinguisher gets a lot of use as a poor man's Backburner (or sideburner). I just love the airblast.
Hitman Spike
over 14 years ago
Black Box is the name of the Rocket Lawn Chair. Tankbuster is the pack theme.
over 14 years ago
Man if I was Pyro Senior and that was my son, I'd get him a bloody Sunday too. Airblast is too useful to any pyro with half a brain to take backburner over. (Trust me, when you reflect your first sniper arrow into his FACE its worth it. :D)
over 14 years ago
Valve said so on their post they are adding in game effects to the items, so they are going to be unique. And backburner is awesome on payload maps with a good distraction your like a spy but without the fail stabs.
over 14 years ago
If you stop playing exclusively on 2Fort and get on payload or longer conquest maps the Backburner stats looking more valuable.
Is it just me or does Valve look like they are using Polycount as a model replacement pack, not actually new items with new stats per-say. Milk = current scout drinks.
I actually prefer Backburner. Airblast is nice, but I flank people way too much for the airblast to outweight additional damage from Backburner.
over 14 years ago
I lauthed.
over 14 years ago
So... how's he gonna eat that? Come to think of it, how does a Pyro in the field eat a dropped Sandvich?
Saxon Heal
over 14 years ago
The way I see it Axtinguisher takes about three seconds to kill any class that isn't a heavy or pyro, while the Backburner takes about 1-2 seconds to kill any class and it works on more than one person at a time. When done correctly, that is.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36224]@sinez[/url]: Oh yeah. Yeah. Once I learned how to properly use the DR, I don't think I could ever go back to the C&D.
So the gay Red Spy is also a headmaster... who'da thunk?
nom nom
over 14 years ago
spy you are the father
over 14 years ago
note that the spy actualy cares, and thinks that everyone should be prepaired to use any weapon at any time, so they should know what is most likely to happen in any given situation.
or maby its just that its a spy, and the spy is awsome, (i mean have YOU PEOPLE ever tried bieng ninja?)
over 14 years ago
nope, 'twas a complete modeling and skinning competition.
over 14 years ago
Report card crusher
pi ro
over 14 years ago
positive enforcement
over 14 years ago
The spy's just jealous that Pyro Jr. doesn't want to sneak around like he has to.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Payload cart on the ice cream made me go d'awww. I wonder if it's edibal... Perhaps it has an explosive flavour?
over 14 years ago
as i know the polycount thing was a skin competition
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36210]@DM1293[/url]: ice cream on fire?
over 14 years ago
Puff 'n' Sting never works for me, probably because I play against decent heavies (the pain! the pain!) who perforate me even when I approach from behind when they're spun-down.
over 14 years ago
"My son not only wants to use the axtinguisher, but refuses to use a weapon that makes him only an ambush pyro?!? ICE CREAM TIME! And next up, he's going to Goldrush!"
I would think Pyros would hate ice cream though. A FLAMMABLE DESSERT.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I was expecting this arc to feature a heartwarming platonic bonding moment with the red medic. This is good too, though. :P
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36196]@Skofo[/url]: The problem is that a lot of bad pyros use the backburner. Its true that people can be surprised getting flanked by a BB pyro, but that works with the normal flamethrower too.
over 14 years ago
spazhero wasn't it the blu spy who done that? if anyone this is the pie making homo spy.
over 14 years ago
so the pyro kills the spy and serves his brain to his son.
corrective action it is.
over 14 years ago
The backburner is useful simply because of how unpopular it is. Nobody expects being backburned.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36184]@Hi[/url] he likes pyro jr.s awnser DUH
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