What people are saying about "Problem Child"
Problem Child
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Johnny the Hedgehog
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37319]@Mouse[/url]: Have you seem a backburning pyro using the ax after using the backburner? It's a VERY RARE ocorrence...
Johnny the Hedgehog
over 13 years ago
I like this kid already, especially the fact that now F2P keep puffing flames at ramdom, leaving spies out of business...
over 13 years ago
But he's right.
about 14 years ago
This answer is full of win.
over 14 years ago
for the question are you in front or behind the heavy?
over 14 years ago
These are my weapons I have for my Pyro.

.Flamethrower (I love airblasting :D)
.Flare Gun
.The Homewrecker (The Fire Axe is boring and the axtinguisher is for noobs)
over 14 years ago
I don't know if anyone noticed this, but Panel three makes no sense. You can axtinguish with the backburner just fine. Perhaps she meant "Backburner sucks Lrn 2 airblast"?
over 14 years ago
TheWinrar: I'm not sure that's unusual at all. The flamethrower's damage output is kind of piddling, especially if you like airblasts.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36135]@Chalkster[/url] I'm a bit unusual in that I use my shotgun MORE than my flamethrower. Flamethrower is for airblast, groups and retreaters.
over 14 years ago
Backburner doesn't suck, you still need to axtinguish, but I like the extra damage.
over 14 years ago
My layout is usually Backburner, Flare Gun, and Homewrecker/Fire Axe for the Pyro. I like outflanking the enemy team, waiting for them to spearhead either in offense or defense... and then ambush them from behind. As for the homewrecker... I like saving Sentries from Sappers.
over 14 years ago
I want moar Pyro.Jr :D
over 14 years ago
Why do I imagine Pyro Jr picking on a TF2 360 Pyro?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36127]@Dave[/url] on liq and sol spy: that makes pyro jr. solidus, and end up burning in a boat with his limbs missing and mistaken as his father. All so Big Blu can kill the blu spy.
Codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
Who the hell is frank!!!
over 14 years ago
BBPyro: This is a TF2-based comic and its readership overlaps a fair bit with the Steam User's Forums. Hate is the name of the game. :(

That said, I was wondering what was with the Compression Blast hate. Spamming will (after a bit of TF2Wiki math) reflect less than a third of standard rockets.
Sigma Silver
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36153]@Kishgal[/url]: Just trying to help here. No name calling or any other internet douchebaggery. Just a little tip for next time.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: The scout slapping people with a fish. That is going to be all kinds of awesome.
over 14 years ago
Looks like we have a "practical problem child"

This is way outta my territory.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36165]@Rawr[/url]: Sneaking behind enemy lines and killing them takes no skill and is cheap , but spamming air blasting people everywhere is the hardest tactic in tf2 and isn't cheap at all. /Sarcasm
over 14 years ago
But W+1 is a legit tactic.....!
over 14 years ago
Ignoring the rest of the argument, the Backburner is not only the worst weapon, it is also the cheapest and least skilled way of killing someone. Not only do you rarely, if ever, encounter face to face combat, when you do theres only one option, making it desirable for anyone without an oz of skill
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36160]@BBPyro[/url]: and good like critical hitting 5 people from behind without anyone noticing it and survive to tell the tale
over 14 years ago
tbh, the normal flamethrower has many practical uses, such as the ability to extinguish friends on fire.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36161]@Eric[/url]: Critical damage value of the Backburner is 472.5, not 427.5. My bad. Both answers for 3 and 4 are incorrect, and should be: 3. 1.003 seconds. 4. 0.93 seconds.
over 14 years ago
There are 4 possible answers to this problem.

1. (Heavy is being healed) 3.30 seconds.
2. (Heavy is not being healed) 2.75 seconds.
3. (Heavy is being healed, damage is from behind) 1.11 seconds.
4. (Heavy is not being healed, damage is from behind) 1.035 seconds.
over 14 years ago
Srsly, whats with the BB hate?
BB is pretty much an AOE splash backstab right now.
Good Luck Axtinguishing 5 ppl in less than 3 seconds.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36127]@Dave[/url]: Les Enfants Terribles. The Terrible Children
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Polycount winners have been announced!
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
I always snipe with the flare gun xD
That's why I love the huntsman so much.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36153]@Kishgal[/url] Sure there are those jerks that just announce Jo's mistakes...but what if Sigma was just trying to help him perfect the english language? Help can come from anyone/anywhere...
over 14 years ago
You gotta remember that Jo is (foreigness here, I'm sorry to have forgotten) and thus doesn't have perfect English. Which should have been clear by now.
over 14 years ago
I want the Axtiguisher so much, the only item I really want and haven't ever gotten
over 14 years ago
What a lame school. PJ (pyro jr) is totally right. I suggest sending him to military school... Maybe he'll lose that silly purse-carrying habit.
over 14 years ago
About 3 seconds too long since the heavy buff, basically.
Sigma Silver
over 14 years ago
It should be "A fully overhealed heavy." You only use "an" when the next word in the sentence begins with a vowel.
over 14 years ago
LOL i got the beanie yesterday
over 14 years ago
Why is he using a pencil? I can picture him writing in charcoal. :D
over 14 years ago
And people wonder why Josue didn't use words in the first hundred or so of his comics...

(no offence, btw)
Homstar Runner
over 14 years ago
Who are these trolls?
over 14 years ago
Pyro Jr.
over 14 years ago
Codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
I don't know why, but I think were gonna see GLaDOS. . .
over 14 years ago
I hope this will be a story arc. Love it :)
over 14 years ago
Yo your english sucks. Learn to speak english.
over 14 years ago
Yeah. I use the vanilla flamethrower and shotgun except for the axe, I use mr. hammer for removing sappers from engy who leaves post.
over 14 years ago
I use both weapons equally. Spammers get the air blast and I go defensive with the Backburner.

The normal Flamethrower makes offence easier with the extinguishing flame. While Backburner is good for ACTUALLY sneaking behind.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36134]@TheWinrar[/url] Fire Axe for the win, but I can't give up my flaregun. I have no problem hitting enemies with it at medium range, and the damage fallup makes it great for picking off runners. I know the shotgun's great for lots of things, but I just can't give up my flaregun.
over 14 years ago
If you're a backburner Pyro, you might as well be playing Spy. Then you can at least kill sentries without the assistance of a medic.

And as for the axtinguisher... lrn2regularaxe

Vanilla Pyro for life.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36102]@K[/url]: Detention for you!
over 14 years ago
The lack of trees in Nerf Now makes me cry.
over 14 years ago
'thing is, people get impressed with reflected rocks while people raeg about how much fail BB is when backburned. But look at this, if he actually successfully backburned you, wouldn't that mean he knows how to circlestrafe/ambush? And if it is noob, wouldn't that mean you are more of a noob?
over 14 years ago
Ultimatly there is nothing wrong with the back burner, it has the normal fire damage from before the update, but it has crits from behind, ultimately its an upgrade, but the normal flamethrower got the air blast... which makes you want to try and reflect things and then get killed by sentries/rokets
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36116]@Lancars[/url]: She'll have 2, liquid spy and solid spy
over 14 years ago
"an fully?"
over 14 years ago
Man, why do you do this?
If you want to keep making shitty/good comics, make it consistent. Don't throw a bunch of crap and me and then give me something gold like this. Now I have to keep reading.
(That was a compliment, by the way.)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36102]@K[/url]: I do jackass.
over 14 years ago
BB is far more viable than axtinguisher on Heavies these days. In the time it takes to whip out the ax you're already dead, while the BB actually gives you a chance from behind. Not to mention you can drop his medic in ~.1s beforehand.
Silly Pyro Jr., this is why you go to school!
over 14 years ago
He is soooo CUTE!
Mr. Am/Pm
over 14 years ago
I <3 Pyro Jr.
over 14 years ago
Problem, child?
over 14 years ago
Makes me wonder if Snipertan will have spies kid and drama will happen Soap Opera Style.
over 14 years ago
Ans: 15 seconds without the Medic overhealing
over 14 years ago
Blah blah, random bitching.

We get it, backburner is better for heavies, axtinguisher's better for everything else.
over 14 years ago
He did the right thing. Oh and to everyone who thinks puff 'n' sting r da lamez... Normal flamethrower makes you much more versatile, you can save your team's medics, get stickies out of the way, and stop kritz charges in their tracks.
Mr. Backburner
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36102]@K[/url] Who uses the backburner? Ninja pyros that sneak by undetected and pyro mages that can teleport out of nowhere. The backburner is for pyros who play it like it was meant to be played instead of these whiny puffers that can't circle strafe a friendly sentry let alone an angry heavy.
over 14 years ago
Thats sort of ironic. The axtinguisher does have a couple flaws to it (You can only target one person) and does require skill...
...but since the backburner got upgraded, its an effective ambush style.

Some pro. Dismissing one style of play for another.
over 14 years ago
Pyro JR should get a PhD in Pyroing.
over 14 years ago
Well, it's true. Who the hell uses The Backburner?
fire fire fire
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36099]@LaserShark[/url]: Takes about a second for Heavy to spin up and a backburner getting criticals does 472 DPS.
over 14 years ago
Pyro JR is credit to team
over 14 years ago
Trick question. You're dead in the time it takes the heavy to spin up (half a second or so), turn around (instant), and fire at you from point blank range (half a second, if that). Assuming he wasn't spun up to begin with.
over 14 years ago
Pyro Jr. is too smart for n00b school.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36073]@Zicak[/url] wow man you realy thought of everything exept other enemy fire...but im guessing thats for TF2 highschool or somthing
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36080]@Dave[/url]: "The first mind I dove into was my father's. I could see nothing but hatred for me in his heart. My mother had died giving birth to me (she respawned). I was sure he was going to kill me. When I came to, my village was engulfed in flames. I see you have suffered the same trauma."
over 14 years ago
The question was "How many seconds blah blah," not "Does the back burner suck?" Your personal preference does not change the fact that you didn't answer the question. Silly pyro.
over 14 years ago
@Picker of Nits

Yep, the Backburner does the same damage now as it did before the nerf.
over 14 years ago
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
The kid knows his stuff, I'll give him that.
over 14 years ago
Pyro JR grows up to be Psycho Mantis. Tru story.
over 14 years ago
Zicak has it down there.
over 14 years ago
ha yeah pyro jr is the best!!
over 14 years ago
There is insufficient data to answer the question. Is the Pyro attacking from the front or back? Is he attacking at point blank, or near max range where there is a slight damage penalty? Is the medic still healing the Heavy, in which case you'd have to factor in the rate of healing? lrn2quiz, teach.
Picker of Nits
over 14 years ago
@some guy: Did I miss some patch notes, or does the Backburner still do practically the same damage it did before the Aero update?
over 14 years ago
Correct answers were: "Comma, 2" or "x, 5, 2, M1, M1, M1, M1, M1, M1" or "x, 1"
over 14 years ago
Is funny because true
over 14 years ago
It depends. If you are behind him, it would take roughly 2-3 seconds. If you attempt it from the front, then you deserve 20 seconds of respawn wait.
over 14 years ago
Personally, light them up close range, air blast, and axe their face in. That or snipe with Flare Gun. Believe you me you can if you arc it well enough.
some guy
over 14 years ago
backburner's pretty good now
over 14 years ago
I would have just flare-gunned/shotgunned from a distance and ambush him later.
over 14 years ago
lol, thats how i would answer