Ugh, the trolls, the trolls!
I swear if it's not some religious or atheistic fanatic,screaming about how everyone is out to hurt them, or that only they can save the world (while normal religious and atheistic people along with everyone else just just facepalms). It's people whining like brats.
over 14 years ago
Disalbe your god damn ads! HORRIBLE!!!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37973]@Ugh[/url] 2: Why did you encircle comeback in quotes? Are you insinuating that it wasn't really a comeback?
over 14 years ago
hyper combo FINISH!
over 14 years ago
This comic proves forever that -1 * 9 = 10000
over 14 years ago
Also even if touhou isn't your favourite thing in the world and not TF2 or SC2 like you expect/want think about how that is pretty much the majority of the comics that he puts up. Sometimes artists just like to branch out
Thats good cause otherwise only TF2and SC2 jokes would get old after a while
over 14 years ago
I don't get why people can't seem to follow this comic.
I get it if people don't know touhou and the characters, but after that the story seems to be pretty straight forward after that, sides so far its all just a set-up for the punchline.
So wait till then to judge on its 'funnyness'
Ugh 2
over 14 years ago
If you seriously use the "comeback"
"Hey make your own comic if you don't like this"
then you are scrapping the barrel. If you put it on the internet and it's bad, people are gonna complain about it. You can say "Well it's a free comic" or any other shit like that, but bad is bad.
over 14 years ago
these aren't funny or entertaining. worst arc ever
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38032]@Batabii[/url]: Sorry Jo, but i second Batabii. LET THE FLAME BEGIN!
And nice touch in the tittle, Jo!
You sure love to torture me Joe. You made Starcraft Arcs when I wasn't the slightiest interessted in the Game. With me beeing a SCII Fan now, you just have to go and make Tohou...
Still, funny^^
over 14 years ago
Hey, isn't a comic that thing which someone does for their own entertainment as well as others? I mean, for the trolls, just go to the CAD forums, they react to everything. For those who are serious, just wait for the next arc and be a bit more polite.
Troll Away Spray
over 14 years ago
I feel a song coming on:
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
Okeyyy... I don't really know who they are. Yet, I know who Dan Hibiki is and what his fighting style is. So I have already an idea of how the next comic will start.
Even tough i find this arc fun.
over 14 years ago
toohoo is bad and you should feel bad
over 14 years ago
Give the guy a break. Even if you have no idea what Touhou is or if you know what it is and hate it, put up with it. This is like 4 comics out of like hundreds? You can put up with a week at least...
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Jo, while I may not know what this is about, I am enjoying the ride. And I'm glad you're writing comics about something you can be passionate about.
Now can you write a Dead Rising comic? Puh-LEEEEZE? For your buddy Frank? Remember when we covered wars together? Buddy?
over 14 years ago
What people expected, Rule 63 TF2.
What people got, little lolitas who have no idea where they come from. Thus the trolling.
Make yer own comic.
over 14 years ago
angry fan
over 14 years ago
I have just wasted my phone's bandwidth reading this comic.
I expected better, man.
Srsly, toe-hoe? Really?
Go back to TF2 or SC2. You'll get less flame that way.
over 14 years ago
⑨ went on lolirollerball rampage!!!
over 14 years ago
The fuck
over 14 years ago
sorry i have to say the past 3 pages are not funny.
over 14 years ago
It seems pretty odd to be against moderation, but ask people to stop complaining about other posts. A forum without filters may be a nice ideal, but posts will inherently filter future ones. Troll posts/flame wars can crowd out other things, and set just as oppressive a mood as "STFU" in a thread.
Leroy Mmjenkins
over 14 years ago
Seki ha love love tenkyoken
Her Bow
over 14 years ago
It is red because she supports one of Gensokyo's many charities, likely Reimu's sake fund.
over 14 years ago
Just go back to Team Fortress already. You'll recieve a lot less flaming that way.
Obadiah the Slim
over 14 years ago
Haoh Gadouken!
over 14 years ago
Her bow is red because it's painted with the blood of her enemies from people she usually fough in secret underground fighting tournements.
over 14 years ago
Panel 2 would make a pretty cool looking wallpaper.
over 14 years ago
btw, I expected some sort of comment from you about the UOL servers closing down, Josué >_>
over 14 years ago
And it does no damage. Calling it right now.
over 14 years ago
the best way to kill a troll is to starve it, don't feed the trolls.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
four straight days of having no idea what is going on >.>
over 14 years ago
*sigh* THE comments are full of encouragement today... Don't let these Guys ruin your mood. These trolls just don't deserve any of your attention!
Angrily yours
over 14 years ago
If this ends in an icicle fall easy joke, I am going to punch you in the dick.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38001]@Troll[/url]: Hey, why don't you eat a dick and go back to trolling people that actually need trolled.
IE: Fundie Christians
Frank West
over 14 years ago
And by the way, who ever posted that one photo comment, the one about me being a fairy? You're going down. I'm gonna cover you like a freakin war, punk.
over 14 years ago
Every panel after 6
Nothing but taunts
over 14 years ago
It's at this point where I really have to work on getting rid of that horrifically silly and apparent grudge with Touhou if I'm going to put up with everyday life it seems.
over 14 years ago
Hey, why don't you eat a dick and go back to drawing about games that anyone actually cares about.
IE: Not Touhou.
over 14 years ago
@Sho'santiel: sadly that heavy move from the server blu pyro was on due to medic choosing boobs.
pretty much gray heavy wanders from steam game to steam game, pub to pub enjoying life.
finding his fatty ass is going to be hard.
over 14 years ago
This is the third comic that goes completely over my head in almost every way.
I'm not cool enough for Joe :(
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37994]@SRG[/url]: I dunno, Heavy seemed to know quite a bit about pyro'ing. Maybe the two of them should talk?
over 14 years ago
that kero-bitch doesn't stand a chance.
over 14 years ago
The reason her bow is red: she am looking for frog. Him name is hopkin green frog.
p.s. she'll find her frog
over 14 years ago
blu pyro sr. should transfer his son to dan's dojo.
just look at that size of that taunt kill.
over 14 years ago
I... I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. Or who these people are. Eh, must be a game I've never heard of...
panel 4
over 14 years ago
most retarded advancing motion EVER
over 14 years ago
Annnnddd... She more than likely misses. Nine's attacks are most < shaped attacks, so point blank isn't really her thing xD (Unless this is the end part ><)
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
"I noticed some people complaining about some comments..."
...*Cough Cough* Most of us. *Cough*...
over 14 years ago
But.. but why is her bow red?
The [BEER] Clan's Hitman
over 14 years ago
Has anybody besides me noticed that by posting that in the description thing for the comic, Jo has successfully fed and fueled the "FRANK/ZACK is ____" trolls?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37976]@Nemorac[/url]: Dan is actually bottom-mid tier in SSFIV... and the are other characters below him.
Food for thought.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Also, I had to read a 4 page background story about Dan Hibiki to get your reference. I still have no complaints. I've just learned a new obscure internet reference.
over 14 years ago
Zack, (Is your name?) I love touhou; I also love team fortress 2. Once I saw one of your comics, the cute art style and innovative comedy got me addicted. I don't think people should complain about your comics, nor people who make positive remarks about them. I'm content with any of your comics.
Wait, Dan's martial arts training actually HELPED someone? Who the hell divided by zero?
Though, to be fair, I did perfect Seth with Dan, so maybe it's not TOO implausible.
over 14 years ago
Do a minecraft comic! Its like legos but with lava, a health bar, mining and Skeleton Archers that make you afraid of the dark.
over 14 years ago
Cirno cant win, that breaks every rule of touhou!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37962]@RAwrs[/url], because armpits.
Another Touhou character, Reimu, has the red bow, and she's fairly known for showing off her armpits.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Love the G Gundam photo notes.
and the comics title is asking why Jo made her bow red, when it should be blue.
over 14 years ago
And thus, Cirno being competent in 12.3 makes sense.
over 14 years ago
That's not a frog, Miss ⑨. Also, I actually like the Red Bow. BUT I LOVE FLANDRE.
over 14 years ago
I don't recognize these TF2 characters...
over 14 years ago
why is the name of the comic "Why her Bow is Red"?
this does not make sense
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
Cirno rocks! ⑨
over 14 years ago
In b4 icicle fall easy joke with Suwako in the middle of the only empty spot of that epic blast.
Guy who likes ice cream.
over 14 years ago
Shoop da whoop.
over 14 years ago
@Honk Derf: That's a strange way to spell Yuyuko and Flandre.
Honk Derf
over 14 years ago
Man, no one cares about Reimu and Marisa. Yuuka and Ran are where it's at.
over 14 years ago
@dan-sensei: You mean Diamond Blizzard, right?
over 14 years ago
Supertaunt-cancel-Haoh Gadouken Combo
over 14 years ago
I think she's just too baffled to do anything...
over 14 years ago
also note that the gadoken was always thrown one-handed, unlike the hadoken, which uses two hands.
over 14 years ago
actually, i can see dan's teachings working on a magical entity like 9. dan's main problem is that he just puts everything he's got into every shot with little control, which is why he can be lethal in the right hands. cirno just unloaded the full raw force of a full icicle fall at point-blank range
over 14 years ago
@Lou Nolastnamegiven: who cares
over 14 years ago
it looks a lot like rasengan, jiraya sensei training her instead dan?
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