Well, you could still do a SCII comic, just don't do it on the campaign. The first ones weren't.
over 14 years ago
Something other than TF2 comics please.²
Wake The Shark
over 14 years ago
No one's gonna know what I'm talking about when I'm saying this but I'd like to see a Homeworld comic.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38330]@Anon[/url], I ain't trollin' (mostly anyway), and NN isn't "western"
And Lives Under A Bridge, that only applies to a rare breed of Touhou fans. If more of them were like that, I wouldn't rage.
However, they aren't, so I will continue to rage and enjoy Jo's moe.
Moonbase Alpha comic plz.
over 14 years ago
My first videogame? Dune 2: the building of a dynasty... holy crap, that would make a cool comic! Ordos-tan vs Harkonnen-tan!
@Frank West: Hear Hear!
over 14 years ago
The first video game I ever played? That's easy. Super Mario Brothers 3.
Umbrella Incorporated
over 14 years ago
Incidently, how many of you can remember the first videogames you ever played?
Umbrella Incorporated
over 14 years ago
How about a comic about the first videogame you ever played, no matter how obscure it may be.
My frst game was Burgertime for the Intellivision.
Or maybe one about the Golden Wrench charity going on for the Child's Play organization.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
*ahem* Wanna start something pal? Because I'll cover you like a freakin' war.
over 14 years ago
Honestly, I always loved your tf2 story arcs... Also, on an unrelated note, that Sniper/pyro/spy love triangle never did get resolved .... *wink* *hint* *nudge* :P
over 14 years ago
a persona comic. (persona 3 or persona 4)
over 14 years ago
@Lone Wanderer: A Mysterious Stranger-tan!
over 14 years ago
I'd like to see a Limbo comic
over 14 years ago
Aye! What just happened?!
Fox boy
over 14 years ago
Polycount update? That sounds like a good comic idea. Scout as the milkman...*shiver*
over 14 years ago
throw some bad ass No More Heroes comics up.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38246]@Francis[/url]: Francis, why would you like it? You hate everything... For the love of God, you hate stairs! xD
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38356]@Rawr[/url] Don't forget the POW HAHA crap... Fuck it, as demonstration, someone should cover the comic with THOUSANDS of Spy Here's...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38356]@Rawr[/url]: Because they find it "funney"
over 14 years ago
Why can't people at least be a bit funny -_-
Hollow Aizen
over 14 years ago
I wouldn't mind seeing something along the lines of a Borderlands arc, or a comic about the leaked DLC content.
longtime fan
over 14 years ago
I don't know why but I'd love to see some Kefka. But thats just an urge for some old school villain stuff. I really dont care your stuff is pretty much always awesome.
over 14 years ago
Frank/Zack comments should be instantly blocked.
over 14 years ago
I want a comic about the Legend of Zelda - or TF2's Pyro wondering about the Degreaser.
over 14 years ago
Something other than TF2 comics please.
over 14 years ago
Most definitely more TF2 comics. You have never have too much TF2.
over 14 years ago
Portal comix pls
oh hai
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
some retro gaming comics would be great.
over 14 years ago
I wanna see a comic of secret of evermore!
over 14 years ago
it would be interesting to see a comic about dead rising, or resident evil
over 14 years ago
do a comic about the whole blu or red team doing nothing because there too busy on starcraft 2....or something like that.
over 14 years ago
More TF2, bro
A Fan
over 14 years ago
(That being said, more TF2-tans are never a bad thing. :B )
A Fan
over 14 years ago
Do a comic of whatever game you're playing and enjoying or whatever piece of recent gaming news has most caught your eye. In short, whatever's on your mind. We get awesome stuffs from you for free, I see no reason why we should dictate what it is you draw.
over 14 years ago
I want to see more of Demo-tan.
over 14 years ago
Fire Emblem comic would be nice. Nobody ever does those.
over 14 years ago
Lives Under A Bridge
over 14 years ago
What. All these people that keep saying that Touhou is a mediocre game just because "ZOMG SOME RANDOM PEOPLE LIKE A SHMUP WITH GOOD MUSIC AND INTERESTING BULLET PATTERNS."
It has enjoyable music and it's a solid shmup. It certainly isn't the end all shmup game but it's still fun.
over 14 years ago
lol @ Bob's trolling.
over 14 years ago
ALSO once again, because I loooove triple commenting.
I would just like to say that your art is so awesome, that it can even make Touhou likable for a split second.
Also, you should do an Air Traffic Controller comic, or something equally off-beat.
over 14 years ago
Also, fun fact: Any hent- I mean "fanart" for Touhou is automatically better than any chicken scrtach ZUN could make.
over 14 years ago
Automatically the worst arc ever because it's Touhou, which isn't a game anyway.
Touhou fans don't even care about the mediocre game, only that "ZOMG IT'S SOOOO HARD AND OBSCURE XD" and the stupid Godawful characters.
Do whatever you want I guess (this includes more Touhou). It's your webcomic
Engie Girl
over 14 years ago
I want to see lots and lots of that manly engineer. :>
over 14 years ago
Aww...poor Cirno. She'll get that...wait...her opponent was a goddess, nevermind, she'll never win.
Still...poor Cirno.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Do something original, a game you've never comiced before that you've played and enjoyed. Asking us fans is fine, but ask us too much and we'll request the same old stuff.
Jack Trades
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38318]@kdebones[/url]: No. Just no. That would be gay.
Lone Wanderer
over 14 years ago
Need more Fallout 3 Comics D:
Box Man
over 14 years ago
I like the Plants vs. Zombies idea too.
over 14 years ago
How about more of the unwilling princess (comics 189 to 192)? Or perhaps some kind of accidental crossover. Chibi Medic takes a wrong door and ends up in a Plants vs Zombies battle. Engie-tan goes the wrong way and ends up in Bioshock.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I think what we need is maybe something concerning Half-Life, like a "Waiting" kinda deal, seeing what the cast of the series are up to whilst EP3 is being developed.
Once upon a time
over 14 years ago
There was demoman\sniper comic undone.
over 14 years ago
MORE TOUHOU please, oh god, you must be the only western webcomic artist that even knows this stuff.
over 14 years ago
League of Legendes.....
Phoenix Wright
over 14 years ago
@ A Bag of Opinions
HOLD IT! You're telling me that Jo's going to make a comic centered around people arguing about what the next comic should be? I don't buy it for one minute. There aren't enough interesting characters in these comments to make a comic.
over 14 years ago
Conclusion to Pyro Sniper drama
over 14 years ago
I want to see more Touhous. Yuuka and Ran, plz.
over 14 years ago
We need a dispenser right here.
over 14 years ago
New L4D2 mutation is M60s for everyone with unlimited ammo. You can come up with something for that, right?
over 14 years ago
A conclusion to the Pyro-Sniper-Spy drama.
over 14 years ago
A X-COM comic would be pretty neat, especially before the remake ships and there are riots at 2K Marin.
over 14 years ago
starcraft 1 comic would be nice
hatchery-tan ;_;
x-com or magic the gathering would be nice too.
over 14 years ago
I want you to do this above all others(make it epic)
TF2 characters(including yours)
Team Fortress CLASSIC characters(also involve females)
A junior for all the classes! (you know, like pyro junior) Or just alot more fan service =P
over 14 years ago
Pyro and Sniper-tan!!!
over 14 years ago
next, make a comic about minecraft.
pd:Troll NOW!! FTW
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
wouldn't mind seeing some more pyro and girl sniper, see how that plays out.
over 14 years ago
You do really good TF2 comics and I would love to see more of them, Cheers!
over 14 years ago
a combination of every comment suggestion here.
over 14 years ago
Nethack comics!
over 14 years ago
Transformers: War for Cybertron.
I just wanted to stand out from the crowd.
over 14 years ago
must.... request... M:tG or something...
X-Com is good too.
As is something massive crossovery.
over 14 years ago
Metriod comic or back to tf2
over 14 years ago
less tf2.
regular reading began when this comic became less tf2-centric, more varied.
over 14 years ago
WAIT! i just thought of one! Why not an actual X-Com comic for old timey sake!
...Or maybe syndicate since there's talk of a remake... by EA... yeah, it'll suck...
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Tetris should come next, or failing that, its little brother Hexic.
Or maybe checkers or chess.
over 14 years ago
Team fortress would be fantastic. :D
over 14 years ago
Eh, I'm pretty sure you could find a way to make an obvious joke good:
over 14 years ago
Zelda, Halo or more TF2
over 14 years ago
MOAR METROIDZ! (and of course lots of zero suit samus)
emag eht
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38271]@Ariamaki[/url]: meh, just ignore raziel and shadownetzero, they're just trollin'.
over 14 years ago
something funny, and....
with cookies!
ananas head
over 14 years ago
or tf2
emag eht
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38264]@Aurum[/url]: OMG THIS!!! DEFINITELY THIS, IT NEEDS TO BE DONE!!!
over 14 years ago
A comic about how Lil' Pyro being a fool gets him into trouble.
A comic in the style of "Sniping in TF2". Backstabbing?
Or, a comic in which you introduce comment and Photo-note moderation so we can actually have some peace and sanity around here, free of Zach, Frank, and Touhou-basing non-entity.
over 14 years ago
Stalker comic?
over 14 years ago
Next comic: Cirno studies under Subzero. Fans leave Nerfnow to play Farmville.
over 14 years ago
Maybe a Castlevania.
over 14 years ago
Something about Twisted Metal
over 14 years ago
A story about Alice Margatroïd ! (Touhou-fan spotted :x)
over 14 years ago
I would like a comic aboot the engie update, or Counter-Strike: Source
over 14 years ago
The universe according to a pyro Perspective.
over 14 years ago
@Suggestion!: You don't have to read the comic if you don't like it.
over 14 years ago
Cave Story or TF2 or Gang Garrison 2
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Make a comic that's a comic!
Novel idea.
over 14 years ago
anything but this.
this kinda reminded me of the phantsay star 0 demo i played with my buds a while back.
over 14 years ago
Just stop making comics!
That would be for the best.
Zack 'n Frank
over 14 years ago
Zack and Frank are both videogame characters who seem to be fans of this comic.
over 14 years ago
Do some more Team Fortress 2. Perhaps something with the Engineer update. Or finallly put Saxton Hale in :D
over 14 years ago
I think as long as it has half-naked girls in it everyone'll be happy.
So do that.
Hell, you don't even need a logical plot.
Thug Aim
over 14 years ago
Who are/is(?) Zack and Frank?!
over 14 years ago
More TF2! Or perhaps an arc of epic proportions about a team of people tired of random teams deciding to have one last go at Alien Swarm before moving on and finding that they all get along really well, beat the game together on Hard and then go off and do the speedruns and insane.
over 14 years ago
More TF2. Please finish story arc with female Sniper's infidelity with Spy
over 14 years ago
Damn, So all this (including training) was a loss. Ok, now make Heavy's in F-14's.
over 14 years ago
ever heard of this game called dwarf fortress? Its like the sims on crack. you should try it.
over 14 years ago
Something about me.
Cause I'm pretty awesome like that.
over 14 years ago
I can understand not writing about the story, but why not make a comic about the humors and epicness in Battlenet matches on SC2?
over 14 years ago
More TF2!
over 14 years ago
You ask what we wanna see next? Here is my Answer:
over 14 years ago
I wouldnt mind seeing the rest of the pyro/sniper arc.
or another alien swarm comic would be good too =3
over 14 years ago
Maybe a little bit of Warhammer 40k :P
over 14 years ago
Why not portal 2? I'm so looking forward to rebooting GLaDos and helping her with science ^_^! May be now i get cake?
over 14 years ago
fuck that
how bout nerfnow vs. capcom
over 14 years ago
Yes!!! TF2 in Alien Swarm is a brilliant idea!
over 14 years ago
the rest of the pyro/sniper-tan arc, or an alien swarm arc, maybe.
over 14 years ago
@Solid Snake
Touhou is as manly as a game can get.
While still being about a bunch of little girls shooting each other with giant lasers.
over 14 years ago
yo do one on marvel vs capcom 3
over 14 years ago
I wouldn't mind seeing how the Pyro/Sniper arc ends
over 14 years ago
Okay okay okay I got this:
TF2 arc characters...
over 14 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions:jo better throw in that frank west vs. niko bellic in a panel or 8.
over 14 years ago
I would like to see a X-Com comic...
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Wait a minute...make a comic 'bout all of the commenters arguing about what should be the next comic!...
...wait another minute...that is your next comic! You were going to make a comic like that all along!
You sly, clever rascal you are!
over 14 years ago
Why can't these underdogs of gaming finally have a legitimat victory? I feel sorry for them.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Oi, Jo. I has good idea for next comic...and all you need to is look at YOUR commenters for inspiration.
For example, right down below me is a fight between Solid Snake, Frank West, and Nico Bellic...the NerfNOW community is quite the bunch, are they not?
Maybe...maybe WE deserve a comic...plz?
over 14 years ago
Heh, how about a monster hunter tri comic?
over 14 years ago
Um...can you please do a Full Metal Alchemist one please
over 14 years ago
Either something to do with Minecraft (TF2 blog and all, so a lot of people that read it will know what it is), or something older. I dunno, pick something that you played a long time ago and see how many people recognize it.
Suika Flat Chested Suika
over 14 years ago
Age of Wonders of course. I do miss your old tf2 comics,you cant even compare the heavy + loli medic with this Cirno one.
over 14 years ago
Something entertaining.
over 14 years ago
Minecraft comic.
Finish off the Sniper and Pyro w/ Spy drama
Finish the Pyro JR story.
over 14 years ago
More Engie-tan?
over 14 years ago
Finish the pyro sniper drama?
over 14 years ago
What Kobold said. Team Gray Heavy was one of my favorite characters, and we haven't seen him in a loooong time.
Teh Rawr
over 14 years ago
Touhou Fortress, like someone said before me.
over 14 years ago
Torchlight? F.E.A.R. ? Just Cause 2? Diablo? Quake 2/4
over 14 years ago
TF2 SC2 Crossover Engineer Sentry X Protoss Sentry Love!
over 14 years ago
Don't worry about spoilers I wouldn't care until they release the zerg campaign anyhow and even then I'll probably just turn to spoilers to find out what happened.
But in the event you don't want to ruin it for others, I'll understand :)
over 14 years ago
more cirno
over 14 years ago
i sugest you finish the kid pyro arc, it feels incomplete.
over 14 years ago
Personally, I'd like to see more of Spy Girl or Demo-Tan. They were both pretty stylish and we haven't seen much of either of them.
Or how's GuyHeavy doing? Leaping from server to server. Putting things right that once went wrong. Hoping each time that his next leap... will be the leap home.
over 14 years ago
More touhou, eventually. In the meantime how about a return to Megaman? you had a few really good ones a while back.
over 14 years ago
hmm... or make a inception/homewrecker arc... but then talk about more spoilers...
or how about dead rising!
over 14 years ago
Thankies much for the beautiful touhou arc. It made my week. ^^
I absolutely love the Touhou-TF2 crossover ideas people were throwing out earlier, or, short of that, something about engie-tan and her new stuff.
over 14 years ago
Oh god, this makes me think of Inception for some freaky reason.
over 14 years ago
guywithagun speaks the truth.
I really like Nerf Now's serious tone.
On a side, Cirno is so adorable!
Disco Kid
over 14 years ago
I agree with guywithagun: finish the Homewrecker arc.
over 14 years ago
Just finish the spy sniper pyro cheating thing already. I wanna see if Pyro gets a divorce or something.
Doctor Ossus
over 14 years ago
Personally, I'd like to see the Tf2 kindergarden story continue.
over 14 years ago
Engineer Update could be a good one. But if you're looking towards something COMPLETELY different, give Brutal Legend a shot. It's short, sweet, and Freakin' sweet. Though there is some "If only EA gave the Developers more time" bitterness after about the halfway point.
over 14 years ago
agreed, moar engineer and new weapons!
over 14 years ago
Well there's always Fem-demo and sniper,
there's pryo and fem-sniper,
and fem-engi. That's my vote
over 14 years ago
Something that you're playing, maybe? This arc was okay, even though I don't know touhou, but it wasn't quite as interesting as your others. TF2 is always good, but if you're digging into something really fun I'd like to see that. A muse always makes for a usually great arc.
I wanna see more fem-engy, personally. The last we saw of her was a rocket ripping her shirt off, her and fem-sniper.
over 14 years ago
Maybe a way of the samurai or deadly premonition.
Guilty gear?
Yay first post
over 14 years ago
Tf2, when the sniper and the spy meet, and the sniper cheats on the pyro with the spy, even though they have a kid. Get that back, i want to see what happens to everyone. Does spy get burned? how does Pyro find out? What happens to the Kid? and what happens to the pyro and the wife?
over 14 years ago
No more Touhou, unless it actually relates to cannon. I'm tired of all of this fannon shit, it's as bad as fanfictions.
over 14 years ago
TF2 loli plz~
Yann Solo
over 14 years ago
Maybe something focusing on the units not coming back in SC2?
over 14 years ago
More "Problem child" pls :)
Suwako Moriya
over 14 years ago
Why is cirno's bow RED?
over 14 years ago
Pyro and Sniper-tan, or MINECRAFT (You know you want to)
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
well, everyone loves tf2, and yes, you did leave the last ark sorta randomly.
randomly, you could try a disgaea ark i guess, that would be new, or just keep the touhou, people seem to love it.
over 14 years ago
Definately more TF2, about the Engie Update
over 14 years ago
Make a starcraft arc... or tf2 arc...
Whichever is fine.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Do a TF2 x Touhou comic, everyone is satisfied.
Roy Greenhilt
over 14 years ago
Pyro x Sniper w/ Spy.
TF2 x Touhou.
More Pyro jr.
Something awesome no one has suggested yet.
over 14 years ago
Gunslinger! More people need to enjoy stumpy!engineer D:
over 14 years ago
How about continuing the Starcraft arc you started long ago then abandoned?
over 14 years ago
Minecraft Comic! Minecraft is amazing you must write a comic about it, there is not even a story to spoil so go ahead write whatever.
over 14 years ago
Do an X-Com arc! C'mon, you know you want to. :3c
over 14 years ago
Either that or another TF2 arc...you kind of left at the "girls suck" thing ;)
over 14 years ago
next? i'd like to personally see something you havn't done a comic on before but really like :P i dunno what that would be since i dont know what games you have buuuut....
over 14 years ago
Wait, I take that back. Make one about pong!
over 14 years ago
EVERYTHING NEEDS MOAR TOUHOU. Let's see some Sakuya comics D:
over 14 years ago
Make a comic about kero kero keroppi...
over 14 years ago
A Dawn of War /II comic. Including 'Cultist-chan'.
Axel the Dark Hero
over 14 years ago
How about some Disgaea comics, you don't seem to do much of them.
over 14 years ago
you forgot cirno's wings D:
Frank West
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
"What you guys want to see next?"
You, not makeing cruel jokes about Touhou, but something nice about it instead.
over 14 years ago
@Solid Snake, Niko Bellic, Frank West:
Now now darlings, shouldn't it be better if the three of you appeared in one comic together? I'm sure you could work it out comfortably.
That, or I could kick all three of your arses. Let's rock, baby!
Frank West
over 14 years ago
@Solid Snake
This is getting ridiculous! I'm the only fictional character that leaves comments on this webcomic, thank you very much! And anyone who has a problem with that can take it up with me!
over 14 years ago
"Would like to see a conclusion/continuation of the Sniper/Pyro thing honestly. Although I feel it's going to be bad, was still an interesting angle."
Second that!
Please go back to tf2! I dont even understand was supposed to be a joke
over 14 years ago
something really sexy
Solid Snake
over 14 years ago
@Losers(Frank West, Niko Bellic)
First off, I've STOPPED wars dead in their tracks before they can begin.
Second, my bodysuit screams "Fanservice". C'mon Nerfnow, you know you want me. Isn't it time this comic got a little "Manlier"?
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Would like to see a conclusion/continuation of the Sniper/Pyro thing honestly. Although I feel it's going to be bad, was still an interesting angle.
Niko Bellic
over 14 years ago
@Frank West
Hey cousin, perhaps you should watch your mouth? I was IN a war. Which, by the way, is a bit harder than fighting corpses. Because, you know, the other guys ALSO had guns. Not to mention all the Sh*t I went through when I got to this country. I think this next comic should be about me.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey, never compare Niko Bellic to me! What has he done with his life? I've covered wars, you know? I've fought off a zombie apocalypse, beat up a guy on a tank, and killed a Spanish guy like three times! That's why this next comic should be about me!
over 14 years ago
I vote for Pyro and Sniper-tan or finish up pyro jr's school
*or maybe both in one arc?*
over 14 years ago
continue the pyro jr.! pyro jr. + sniper jr. + spy jr. :D
over 14 years ago
Pyro+sniper-spy continuation or DemoXsniper. That is all.
over 14 years ago
@Frank West: a comic with niko bellic playing as you would fit better with your current status in capcom had for you.
over 14 years ago
As for me, I'd love to see a new three-colored TF2 arc, like the one with Engie long time ago.
over 14 years ago
XXXX in TF2 arc, like the "Sniping in TF2".
Backstabbing in TF2, 2forting in TF2, etc
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey, Jo, it's your buddy Frank. How's about you write a Dead Rising comic? Maybe with me fighting zombies and covering some wars. I could model for you, I've got a lot of free time on my hands now a days. Just ask Otis for my Phone#, and I'll be right over to help with the comic.
over 14 years ago
1. Starcraft II arc(campaign unrelated)
2. Pyro Jr. continued
over 14 years ago
Spy/Pyro/Sniper arc
Baka Mazoku
over 14 years ago
Touhou x TF2... or Starcraft?
over 14 years ago
Honestly, I'd either like to see more of the Spy/Pyro/Sniper arc, or more of the adventures of Pyro Jr. in school.
A continuation of the Pyro-Sniper-Spy arc we saw after the Pyro nerfs :3
Oh hai
over 14 years ago
A left 4 dead arc would be cool There is a fair bit of stuff to work on in terms of what you have not touched. Lots of mutations, the passing DLC, ect.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Something ZELDA!
over 14 years ago
Ha, Dan Hibiki is never the man xP
What would be good, another Left 4 Dead arc or something =D You barely touched on one and didn't do anything for L4D2 as I recall =)
over 14 years ago
Talkin' bout Minecraaaaft....
Flagged Blue w/ Rocket Launchers
over 14 years ago
I'm with more TF2 Soap Opera Arcs.
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
touhou fortress.. or minecraft :)
Alice Margatroid
over 14 years ago
Ah, how about some Marisa x Alice?
Not that I'm, uh, lonely enough to need it or anything.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
small type before thinking mistake.
over 14 years ago
I want to see a Tetris comic. Surely there's a story arc in there somewhere. Maybe Square-tan is tired of the thin-and-attractive Straight Line-tan geting all the attention from T-tan, S-tan, and Z-tan?
I want maybe some pun jokes,or maybe little pyro=)
over 14 years ago
Liquid Dreamer
over 14 years ago
An explanation for those few comics.
Jack Trades
over 14 years ago
We all want to see more Pyro.
Py-ro, Py-ro, Py-ro!!
over 14 years ago
... An epic battle between Captain Falcon and Wolf O'Donnell? You might increase your traffic on this site if it gets posted on Halolz...
over 14 years ago
A sexy pinup.
over 14 years ago
Kethrian > Hmm, Portal comic ... i'd love to see that !
over 14 years ago
What about and X-COM series?
over 14 years ago
I have a feeling that the Sniper/Pyro/Spy story won't end well, but I want it to continue anyway.
Deine Muda
over 14 years ago
please continue the team fortress 2 - story.
with the spy, the sniper and the pyro.
over 14 years ago
what about eversion?
over 14 years ago
Touhou Fortress? :3
over 14 years ago
How about Mafia II? There's a lot of hype lifting up with all the devs diaries.
over 14 years ago
I open up the door, aand the creeper is leeeeeeet iiiiin... *BOOM* Miiiiiiiiiiinecraft! Talking 'bout miiiiiiiinecraaaaaaft!
over 14 years ago
Hmm. People are asking for more Touhou comics and more TF2 comics. The answer is clear.
Touhou + TF2 comics!
over 14 years ago
You should do a TF2 comic again, but maybe add some Portal to it?
over 14 years ago
More Touhou.
over 14 years ago
Im gonna give you some advice here, all free of charge:
Dont feed the trolls! The more you give in to people, the more people will expect you to give in. You get me? Sure asking what we want to see is nice and all, but dont do it cause some people didnt like it. Keep it real lawls.*^_^*
over 14 years ago
Yeah great idea Sebb, "pro vs. pubbers" comics could be fun !
Wait... did she get knocked out in the rematch, or was the whole training montage a dream too?
over 14 years ago
Honestly, I'd like to see TF2 comic, I really want to see how the Pyro/Sniper end up. O_O
over 14 years ago
I'd like to know this too
over 14 years ago
Just trolin' and rollin'
over 14 years ago
What ever happened to sniper and pyro?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_38062]@Tarage[/url]: BAKAtte iu hou ga BAKA na no yo!
over 14 years ago
Since i am now a long time fan of your Team Fortress 2 Comics id like too see some more of them.
Especially i would like to know what do you think about the competitive part of the game which are the 6on6 leagues like etf2l in Europe or the cevo in America. May you compare them a bit.
A cute webcomic about fanservice, video games, and... love. Mostly video games, though.
In a world where people can wield the magic of elemental Masks, all Ashe wants to do is help. Maskless and useless, with dreams of fire and smoke on the back of his tongue, he finds himself on a strange, dangerous path to uncovering the secrets of these incredible objects, and the source of the monsters plaguing his home.
Girl Genius
Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio
In a time when the Industrial Revolution has become an all-out war, Mad Science rules the World...with mixed success.
The Glass Scientists
Sage (S.H.) Cotugno
A gaslamp fantasy comic about the life and times of a ragtag group of mad scientists and their enigmatic leader, Dr. Henry Jekyll.
The end of the world is coming, and Tove doesn't want to be a hero, but SOMEONE has to look after her little brother.
Real Science Adventures
Brian Clevinger
Spin off stories and other adventures from the world of Atomic Robo!
Adam Warren
A sexy superhero comedy (except when it isn't) about the never-ending struggles of a plucky but very unlucky young superheroine.
Sister Claire
In the troubled aftermath of a great war between Witches and her fellow Nuns, novice Sister Claire just wants a purpose.
J.N. Monk, Harry Bogosian
A teen girl inherits a powerful alien artifact and proceeds to make a series of increasingly poor decisions
Knights Errant
J.R. Doyle
Wilfrid's humble quest for revenge becomes bigger and bloodier by the day.
Wilde Life
Pascalle Lepas
Oscar decided to rent an old haunted house, and that's when things got weird...
Never Satisfied
Taylor Robin
Lucy Marlowe, a magician's apprentice, competes against other apprentices for an important, magical, Goverment Job.
Go Get a Roomie
Experience the queer journey of an upbeat hippie and the friendships she makes along the way! A tale of self-discovery and love of many forms.
When Tiara's pyrokinesis is finally noticed, she is captured by a magical research organization for study. If she cooperates, she could be helping to save humanity from a dire threat - but can she trust them?
The Din
Karin (Karrey)
The Din changed the world, mankind & its technology. Gregg Emilio dreams of flying in a sky that hasn't carried airplanes in a century.
Monster Pulse
Magnolia Porter Siddell
Four kids run afoul of a creepy secret organization's experiments, which turn their body parts into fighting monsters. Part sentimental coming-of-age story, part monster-training shonen manga, with just a bit of sci-fi body horror.
The Mash
L.F. Garcia, Danigami
In a world shrouded in mystery and threatened by great evil,a young mummy prince will use his new life to unite with other monster children to save it.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
J.N. Wiedle
This story follows Helvetica's quest to uncover who he was in life, his existential crises, and his struggle to to make death worth living.
Demon's Mirror
Harry Bogosian
Based loosely off of "The Snow Queen", a story by Hans Christian Andersen, we see things take a different turn as the demons become central characters, and the side characters stick around. Yup, that's the only differences. Enjoy!
Mari Costa
A fairy godmother with no magic tries her best to successfully fulfill a Fairytale and win the respect of her peers.
The Sanity Circus
Magic, monsters and mysteries await in the odd city of Sanity. It's up to Attley and a colorful group of characters to find out just what is going on.
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
Kelly Turnbull
A weekly comic celebrating the finer things in life. Like manly men, lumberjacks, and time traveling special ops agents.
Devil's Candy
Rem, Bikkuri
A lush fantasy about boy genius Kazu Decker, the girl he constructed for his 9th grade science project, and the world of devils and monsters they live in.
Ariel Slamet Ries
In the witch kingdom Hyalin, the strength of your magic is determined by the length of your hair.
Speak of the Devil
Moz (M) Lee Lunsford
The rich and powerful of the city are quickly learning... mess with those who have nothing, and Sunday Blackburn shall appear.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
A highschool senior thought giving up his soul for a demon was a good idea. It wasn't.
Elephant Town
Danielle Corsetto
The long, slow tale of Kris, Paul, Berto and Mirando, four people who live in the same creaky old house, but don't know each other. New chapter updates every 2 months.
Claire K. Niebergall
A ghostly princess must sail across a haunted sea to save her soul from a devious, shapeshifting death god known as the Red Tide King.
Lighter Than Heir
Melissa Albino
A young Volant woman joins the military in an effort to upstage her war-hero father.
El Goonish Shive
Dan Shive
WARNING: This comic often ignores the Laws of Physics
Awkward Zombie
Katie Tiedrich
Gags and goofs about videogames and the things that happen in them.
Stand Still, Stay Silent
Minna Sundberg
A few generations after the end of the world, a small, poorly financed research crew is sent out to rediscover whatever is left of the forbidden old world in the south.
Anarchy Dreamers
Emily Ree
Sparkly undead kids fight society's worst Nightmares in this pastel-punk urban fantasy coming-of-age!
A historical romance with a touch magic and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the romantic adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer.
Little Red & Wolf
Aoi Maneki
Delve into the daily lives of two famous fairytale characters, and their adventures in this big weird world we all live in.
Ann Maulina
To maintain a peaceful life without her husband, a witch has to assimilate with the villagers, become a role model for her sons and also keep a low profile by confining her powerful magyx in public.
Sam & Fuzzy
Sam Logan
Troubled by gangster rodents, lovesick vampire stalkers, or confused ninja assassins? Don't panic! Sam and Fuzzy are here to help. (For a reasonable fee.)
Nix of Nothing
Moz (M) Lee Lunsford
The machinations of higher gods have stepped in and ruined Nix's, Demigod of Nothing, plans for an easygoing life. Now they must journey far and wide, meeting friend and foe, trying to get this divine target off their back!
Ghost Junk Sickness
Studio CARTRIDGE, Laura Lee
Two hunters try to survive and end up being pushed to pursue a deadly bounty dubbed "The Ghost".
Heroes of Thantopolis
Izzy Strontium Hall
A living boy fights to save the City of the Dead.
Ellen K
Two friends, Nolan and Gwen, take it upon themselves to escort the amnesiac spirit Lelief across the world of Parisa.
Koti Saavedra/Flipfloppery
Superpowers, monsters and conspiracies. Piras, the spoiled Dameschi heir, fights to recover his identity after becoming a terrorist!
Sufficiently Remarkable
Maki Naro
Two young women living in Brooklyn discover that you're always coming of age.
Ozzie the Vampire
Eric Lide
Ozzie and her best friend Kimmy are your average everyday normal art students – except one is an immortal vampire with superpowers and the other possesses a magic talking grimoire. Also they have to save their town from a demonic invasion.
Charlie Davis
An all-ages comic about a recently escaped prisoner's struggle to understand the outside world, and vice-versa. Also, a magic cape!
Atomic Robo
Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener
The robot punches monsters and bad robots and one time he was a cowboy.
Tiger, Tiger
Petra Nordlund
A young noble lady steals her brother's identity and his ship to find love and adventure, and to write a book about the fascinating life cycle of sea sponges!
No Need for Bushido
Suburban Samurai, J W Kovell
The flash of a blade, the clash of steel! A runaway princess and her samurai companion navigate a fractured country on the brink of war.
Laws and Sausages
Zach Weinersmith
Your cartoon guide to the American governement!
Between Failures
Jackie Wohlenhaus
The low stakes adventures of an assorted group of 20 somethings trapped in the declining years of American retail. They are naughty and say lots of swears.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Demon Street
Aliza Layne
Two kids explore a world full of monsters and magic trying to find their way home again. But when home has been stolen from you, where do you go to get it back?
The Hunter of Insania
Aoi Maneki
Wiol Alkko sells fake magical objects to those desperate for cures. When he tries to scam a real witch, she curses him: within a year, Wiol must learn and respect magic, or succumb to corruption of body and mind.
Star Trip
Gisele Weaver
Jas is a human taken from her home planet on a trip across the galaxy she will never forget.
Krazy Krow, Rocio Zucchi, Pablo Rey
When a lab accident gives Heather Brown spider powers and six arms, she does what any midwest comic geek would do: Become Ohio's #3 superhero!