What people are saying about "hikikomori"
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over 14 years ago
Lolz I too do that as Engie XD
over 14 years ago
That Engie is Zashiki-Warashi!
over 14 years ago
Robe = rope.
over 14 years ago
The rope/cloak/hoodie/thing she's wearing makes it.

Also, SP sucks.
over 14 years ago
Oh lord, i actually do this when i'm an engie.
over 14 years ago
Wait, wait....wait...
Isn't that the wrong hair style for red engine-tan?
over 14 years ago
also, heavy is going: five dollah foot long...
over 14 years ago
so little engie tan is borderline insane?
SPY IS in a loveless relationship
over 14 years ago
Heavy is spy
over 14 years ago
Everyone that plays Engineer gets a little paranoid.
over 14 years ago
Fun fact- Both baby Medic and Engie-tan use the diaper changing station.
over 14 years ago
Oh yeah, the hand gesture Heavy does is basically saying she's crazy.
It is in no way an asian thing, it just hasn't been used for YEARS.
over 14 years ago
Leveling and progress bar systems will lose popularity in the next 4-5 years.
Probably will be replaced by short-timed, fast to do leveling, which resets very often(say once or twice a week).
Other than that there will still be progress bars... in achievements.
over 14 years ago
Also, anyone know how to unlock Tech Attack 2 & 3?
over 14 years ago
All the level system did was give you more attacks. You actually got stats and stuff from food and other stuff you buy from shops. Feels more balanced that way, as you get more powerful attacks as you get to later levels, but can still upgrade your stats any time.
over 14 years ago
So, anyone who wants to know what a Hikikomori is... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hikikomori (I'm not liable for any time wasted on TV Tropes)
over 14 years ago
I get a feeling she will die right before she makes it :/ Also that scout might come and cap it instead. (Cause he's a jerk >:( )
over 14 years ago
Inb4 plot twist
over 14 years ago
Also, if you read the comments you'll find out what the title is about :P
over 14 years ago
@ Somefag

Engi-tan just shot at them, they are hiding behind a corner and Heavy is gesturing that she's crazy :P

A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
I wonder if Engi-tan, you know...with all that time on her hands, if she "whacks" her "sentry" with that "wrench" of hers. Hint hint, nudge nudge...

...either that or a hoe-down on the dispenser.
over 14 years ago
What the crap does the name mean?And what's Heavy doing with his finger,spinning it around?Or is it some retarded weeaboo hand signature that only social outcasts use?...
over 14 years ago
@Engi-trollnonymous: At least it's not a cardboard box that's moving on its own.
over 14 years ago
OH! you have intel. that makes you not spy... WHAT WAS THAT?! *bang bang* did you see the shimmer?!? I saw the shimmer... not gunna backstab me THIS time....
over 14 years ago
Then along came a critrawket...
over 14 years ago
How come Red Medic is still babby medic but Red Engie is now all grown up?
over 14 years ago
You know what annoys me, I have to wait a week to get the next volume of Scott Pilgrim, and Jo aparently has all of them stashed away somewhere. Silly shipping mandates.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago

It's supposed to be cute
Eugene Che
over 14 years ago
where be male engi 0.o
over 14 years ago
To be fair, the leveling system, while extraneous, did end up making a massive chunk of the game become a River City Ransom tribute.
over 14 years ago
Ten bucks says Blu spy grabs and runs
over 14 years ago
Glad to notice a few Zetsubou-sensei fans. :3
over 14 years ago
I'm sure there is a hidden joke here, maybe the title? If only I knew what it meant...
over 14 years ago
Yeah, I don't get the point of leveling up in beat-em-ups. Why is the system even there? Isn't the point to, you know, beat the shit out of people? It makes me think of the old arcade beat-em-ups, where all you had to do was press a button to join in the fun.
over 14 years ago
where was the joke for this strip? Or are we supposed to give a shit about these characters?
over 14 years ago
…who never bother to get training or employment of any kind, and are content to laze around the rest of their natural born life. Sometimes, they realise just how bad they are and they might try and change it. I don't know about the other cases, though. Remember, NEETs =/= Hikikomoris.
over 14 years ago
And usually, they will go outside, if only to get food or something that's attributed to their activity. Sometimes they do get over it, and end up being a very shy or reclusive person, but holding down a job of some kind. NEETs on the other hand, are jobless gits who are just a load on society…
over 14 years ago
@James Parmer: And besides, that's not what they are. What you've described is closer to a NEET than a hikki. A hikikomori usually shuts themselves off from society due to great stress that causes them to snap, whilst taking up some form of activity to help them cope.
over 14 years ago
@James Parmer: I know what it means. I'm betting others will still ask, though.
over 14 years ago
i am missing the real mens in this comics seriously where are the mens it wont take long and the next comic includes no mens
over 14 years ago
@Jake'm: Hikikomori: A Japanese term for a person who is a shut-in, someone who generally does nothing but sponge off of their parents and spend a great deal of their lives cooped up inside a tiny room. Also a term for people who make nothing of their lives.
over 14 years ago
Yay, Chibi Engie is back! A bit trigger happy, but she's back.
over 14 years ago
I agree the leveling thing has gotten outta hand the old school beat em ups don't need a level system leave that to the mmos and rpgs
over 14 years ago
Commenting on the author's note: apparently, Ubisoft said to the guys making it that people wouldn't be satisfied with the game's length for the $10 price and that they had to throw in leveling to make it worth it. Yeah, it's stupid.
over 14 years ago
Interesting choice of title name... I imagine SOMEone's going to want to know what it means.
Plot Device
over 14 years ago
@ Zone The RED Soldier used his equaliser to steal the intel from BLU base. Seeing Snipers on the roof, he tossed intel to RED Medic-tan to cap. She makes it back to base and is assisted going up the stairs by RED Heavy. In the RED Intel Room, they are shot at by RED Engie who thinks they are spies.
over 14 years ago
I just realized that the medic is red :O
So why has she playing with the blu pyro?
over 14 years ago
Pleasepleaseplease reenact the entire story of NHK ni yokoso with stay at intel engie and baby medic.
over 14 years ago
Engi is a Spy!
The Anon known as Ivan
over 14 years ago
The Heavy can dance the Robot ^^
over 14 years ago
Could someone please explain the story? I don't really get what is happening.
over 14 years ago
How cute! The engie has a blanket!
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
inb4 Frank/Zack photonote, and the rage it will inevitably cause.
over 14 years ago
DAT pipe [first panel]
over 14 years ago
Finally the doctor reach the new dumping site which is also being used as a stockpile(quantum stockpiling trick) for the local mechanic.

over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
what ridiculously good timing.
i want that metal pole that engie-tan's cleaning.
over 14 years ago
That damn Engineer is a red hunter.