Engie-tan is supposed to be a female(and quite cute) version of the Engineer. The real engineer lost one of his gloves, so that has to be the same for Engie-tan.
over 14 years ago
where is engie-tans other glove?
Screw the rules i have money
over 14 years ago
@Something I noticed.
He does have a CHOCOLATE now. Sandvich + dispenser = Chocolate?
Something I noticed.
over 14 years ago
There's a dispenser nearby. Do the math.
Screw the rules i have money
over 14 years ago
Looks like nobody notice that he was eating a sandvich some minutes.
Screw the rules i have money
over 14 years ago
What? Do you want to keep her to yourself?
over 14 years ago
JESUS CHRIST, Stop the damn photo notes on the bebi-medic.
over 14 years ago
(also, i tryed to figure out whats up with the frank and zack... is it just that one guy trolling the entire site? i coulnt find a word on it, not even in urban dictionary.)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_39518]@Connor[/url]: hate to necro-reply, but i feel like i have to mention answer: yes, her shorts do seem to be getting shorter, and no one will ever complain.
(frankly most people should probably perfer she showed up in every comic like she did in lazy engineer...)
over 14 years ago
The glasses were gone since they were broken. Who wants broken glass on their face. They are now back due to the dispenser having a pair. Happy?
over 14 years ago
That heavy is a hacker: He is somehow managing to share his Dalokoh's Bar with the Medic.
over 14 years ago
Why is it that in the previous 2 comics baby medic had no glasses, but now she has a pair on? Is Jo trying to say that this is the Red Heavy and Baby Medic from the "All my teammates are babies" arc?
ze popcorn
over 14 years ago
so thats were the story for episode 3 has bin hiding at
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Hurray the Nerfnow.com is back, though at the bottom now. All thats missing now is the comic title on the other side.
over 14 years ago
@Gabe Newel: Okay Gabe, don't start eating everyone. We'll do better, we promise!
The Scoot
over 14 years ago
Only to find out later tat the main plot is a FAKE!!
The REAL main plot is in the 3rd briefcase
Gabe Newel
over 14 years ago
Security warning!
over 14 years ago
Alert! Standard intelligence procedures have been violated!
Oh boy! A Plot Hook!
over 14 years ago
Though there really isn't much plot!
over 14 years ago
Lols Engie tan. Looting!
over 14 years ago
naw they just stopped at a supply cabinet cause heavy got hungry.
over 14 years ago
Wait a minute! That Heavy is a h4x! He was noming a sandvich earlier, and now he has chocolate? Heavy h4x, ban plz!
over 14 years ago
It appears that the engie has aquired pornography of the scouts mother. That was not the inteligence but the red spy's breifcase.
over 14 years ago
They apparently wanted the mustache off.
Too Bad.
*puts it on*
over 14 years ago
With the engy there, that's not all that's thickening.
over 14 years ago
I hate loli glasses that disappear and reappear at random times.
over 14 years ago
that panty looks like its the one thats in the special edition of kiss x sis.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Screw that plot hook, check out the Moustache! Aw an, if I had a stache like that...*Drool*
over 14 years ago
If you ask me I think the heavy is a Dad some times.
over 14 years ago
Her glasses came back?
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
That makes....waaaaay to much sense.
over 14 years ago
Imagine running around with the intel and instead of papers there's shimapan dropping out as you walk.
over 14 years ago
If you guys were to look closely. The Lambda Symbol has EP. 3 above it.
Hence it's the long-awaited Half-Life 2: Episode 3.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_39518]@Connor[/url]: The lambda was more used for the Resistance, Black Mesa had that little logo with a, well, mesa on it.
OT: Wow, there's actually something in the box? I always assume that it was just a Macguffin heh.
over 14 years ago
Hmm, did anyone else notice that the Heavy grabbed the envelope and not the Engineer?
over 14 years ago
Uh oh... The Heavy is offering Candy to Medic-tan.
...No, wait Medic-tan! Don't get in his van! DON'T GET IN HIS VAAAAAAAAAN!
over 14 years ago
What you should've said was
"The plot thins."
over 14 years ago
Wait...THAT'S what's in the briefcase?
Jeez, and to think of all the Scout's and Engi's wasted time trying to get/protect it.
Negative Zero
over 14 years ago
Wait... We are supposed to open it :O?
over 14 years ago
I couldn't help but think of this
Reference to the meet the spy video
"That would be your mother"
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
I wonder how much we would get if we traded the Main Plot document...maybe a Modest Pile of Hats and a Dead Ringer perhaps?
Iz ok...iz ok. Make your yokes...I needs it. WE needs it.
over 14 years ago
Im trying not to make a few hundred terrible puns on the last panel.
over 14 years ago
... annnnd not sure i made any sense what so ever, but meh.
over 14 years ago
" The plot thickens "
if this is what you had to say about scott pilgrim you sneaky bastard your completely right!!!! i absolutely LOVED the graphic novel vs the movie. the movie was flashy and it was nice listening to the songs and junk but the plot for the movie was awesome. well for me anyway.
dwarf fortress quake
over 14 years ago
So finally the mechanic cracked the case and reveal loot from the mad mason. The fort major crisis is over due to items needed to make what the administrator was mandating.
over 14 years ago
It's g-man's case.
over 14 years ago
UGH stop this Zack and Frank shit already!
Eugene Che
over 14 years ago
hey, just wondering, isn't red engi-tan with blue engi?
over 14 years ago
Someone on BLU team packed for a very kinky weekend.
over 14 years ago
And here comes the stupid ZACK IS X photo notes from Raziel. It was only a matter of time.
over 14 years ago
I suspect the briefcase belongs to a hockey-mask-wearing female Engineer who wears a false mustache and has important documents.
But that's just me.
over 14 years ago
All of a sudden, I feel like going around stealing blue briefcases to see what contents they hold... and if they hold the same thing as that one.
over 14 years ago
@Godot Freeman: The Lambda Complex symbol, which was Black Mesa. Technically. Unless I'm remembering it wrong.
Godot Freeman
over 14 years ago
Tat is not a Black Mesa document
over 14 years ago
Sumtimes she dont wear pants at all!!
over 14 years ago
I might be imagining this, but did engie-tan's shorts get shorter?
over 14 years ago
And as I say that, the right picture loads, despite my attempts to reload the picture properly. wat.
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