He is boss enough that he will make a return. just to piss everyone off because he is that boss.
over 13 years ago
Spy is so boss lol.
They may not be seeing him, but if they reveal it, he'll be seeing them, get it?
VAG Tacho
over 13 years ago
The <a href="http://www.dandebiz.com/tacho-pro.html">vag tacho</a> that enables plug-in to OBD scan gadgets is definitely the exact same an individual as utilized by the dealership technicians likewise. The amount of reading available to you depends upon the <a href="http://www.dandebiz.com/galletto
An Evil Penguin
over 14 years ago
But at least look for easy fixes before slating the whole game.
An Evil Penguin
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41469]@Greg[/url][url=#user_comment_41515] @AnarchyX6942[/url] Go for some of the outstanding mods then... Yeah relic arent perfect but there are people out there who are willing to work on fixing it. Blitzkrieg, (best armour mod and balancing out there) Normandy 44 (insane levels of historical accuracy). No game is perfect,
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41463]@Anonomous[/url]: YES!
I used to play that all the time!
Best single player RTS I have ever played.
The only fault: you couldn't save your games half way through a level.
About the Nerfnow! arc, reveal while they're both there, but not publicly. Let them explain, apologise and forgive.
over 14 years ago
Goddamit Francis, stop horse shitting around on the internet and pass me the stick, that Smokers giving me puppy dog eyes through the safe room door again.
The Anon known as Ivan
over 14 years ago
Axis are OP and I love to play them, Allies are too weak with Tanks and too strong with Infantry. So, if you play Axis, use Panther or Tiger and win ^^
over 14 years ago
Real men play as Axis, Allies are OP.
Vank Vhank
over 14 years ago
I'm still wondering what the story is with Pyro and Engie. She was wearing the Mac sweater so it's possible that little tryst happened AFTER Sniper/Spy.
over 14 years ago
I agree with Greg, THQ rushed the Opposing Fronts expansion to CoH and the British really broke the game. That being said CoH:Online is free, includes the single player from the first game, and doesn't have the British. So if you can scrounge up a beta key its easily the best rts eva.
M. Night Shyamalan
over 14 years ago
What a twist!
over 14 years ago
spy there
over 14 years ago
I still say that spy needs a structurally superfluous new behind.
over 14 years ago
sorry for double but i want to say: i think spy is in the right here, he may act that way but he's a SPY, i agree with showing them the other photos and admitting what he did. if not his impassiveness at it
Black Dragon
over 14 years ago
I'm seriously wondering who the new BLU spy will be. Knowing Jo, could we see the debut of a new Spy-tan in the near future?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41485]@LCC[/url]: agreed, either this or nothing, doing it publically would destroy them, not doing it at all they would probably find out anyway, its probably better if they have friends to help work it out
over 14 years ago
Nothing, most likley. And given how heavy and medic are in your comic world, I'm guessing they won't show anyone the negatives, or destroy them.
over 14 years ago
And then Spy... was no longer here.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41485]@LCC[/url]: Yeah that would be a good idea. But its up to Jo
over 14 years ago
Watch as Jo take the jump to Company of Heroes Online
Eugene Che
over 14 years ago
my response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eU8hLBrLlI
The Doctor
over 14 years ago
They must go on Spy manhunt.
over 14 years ago
Confront them about it separately to see if they confess! Then, let them work it out on their own. Sure, they deserve to have the truth told to them, but it shouldn't be a public scandal.
Sigma Silver
over 14 years ago
I think Pyro in the photos was the spy. Further, I think the Blu Spy is actually the Red Spy stiring the pot.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41377]@Frank[/url] West: I still hate you.
Eh, Chuck is alright... I guess.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey! That was a different situation! The rules change when zombies get involved. And I told the truth to everyone after! Well, everyone that was still alive.
Don't ever mention that punk Chuck around me again. Stupid jerk stealing my thunder.....
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Show them both the photos!
So they won't have the guilt in hiding it from each other and (hopefully) have a better relationship.
over 14 years ago
Does this mean we're done with this stupid shit?
Koshi Rikdo
over 14 years ago
Reveal the photos, If they do care they won't give a shit and we get to see some spy get his shit wrecked. Oh and maybe some engie rape.
over 14 years ago
Knowing the softies that Heavy and Medic are, they won't say anything in the end, and both partners live on in happy ignorance~
Game Epidemic
over 14 years ago
We'll get into a game of blitzkrieg in no time!
Evil Pancake
over 14 years ago
O-o-oh, this is so dramatic choise!!!1111oneoneone
over 14 years ago
For some odd reason, I read the voice of Spy in this comic as the voice of the Narrator from Sam and Max Season Three...
And now so do you.
over 14 years ago
Of course the French guy runs off when things start looking bad.
Hey, I'm just saying...
over 14 years ago
Stay away from COH.Thanks to the uber broken British and the slightly broken Americans it's nearly impossible to win.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41377]@Frank[/url] West:
You were also in a situation where revealing certain bits of information made your enemy slightly more sympathetic, Eh Mister West?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41402]@unicode[/url]: sorry, if i had taken french instead of latin i would know that, but for now im stuck in latin, which i suck at. itz life.
also, did you know? im not actualy loged on to nerfnow, i just typ the same name every time. i realy do have an account named sinez, but i never take the time to.
over 14 years ago
So who else thinks it's all a cunning maneuver to trick everyone into thinking the Spy isn't around anymore so he can actually run around as one of the other classes without worry? Spies have to keep their identities secret, after all.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41449]@Eero[/url]: I LOVE YOU.
Lego Rock Raiders is freaking awesome.
I really wish there were more games like it.
It really did have the potential to make a new sub-genre of strategy games all it's own.
over 14 years ago
I really have no idea what he will do 0.0
over 14 years ago
I say release the ph...magma surely dumping both cheaters in the molten goodness will solve all problems(and less tantrum spirals), and a good transition to the Dwarf fortress arc jo promise after lying about the arc.
over 14 years ago
Confront Engy-tan and unless she can explain it away right, go on and tell them both. Or if it's down to the wire just tell Sniper-tan and let her deal with it.
over 14 years ago
it's all a spy master-plan.
over 14 years ago
I say to reveal the pictures. As said, the truth hurts, but it doesn't wound.
Besides, ignorance is not a blessing, but a curse. when you know about the truth, you do not want anything else, not even what was "lost", because you then realize that you haven't lost anything, for it was all a lie.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41444]@COHFANATIC[/url]: I'm sorry but lego rock raiders is the greatest rts of ALL TIME
over 14 years ago
It's obvious = reveal the photos!
over 14 years ago
Damn, that Spy is deep.
over 14 years ago
Company of heroes is THE BEST RTS EVER CREATED!!
Starcraft2 aint got shit on company of heroes. I just wish relic would have unlimited ammounts of cash like blizzard so that they could hype their superior strategy games.
over 14 years ago
Inb4 ShadowNetZero/Raziel "meme"
over 14 years ago
What a lame story arc. Doesnt feel TF2 even worth mentioning here. I'm disappoint.
over 14 years ago
2033 has the best idea
over 14 years ago
They should give them the photos...it would be an anticlimactic end if they just burn them or something.
over 14 years ago
Company of Heroes is a really nice game, one of the best RTS games in my opinion.
over 14 years ago
Let all the pictures be revealed, please. I want to see the drama unfold as to their reactions. If the pictures were thrown away, we will never know what might have been. It will have been very, very anticlimactic.
over 14 years ago
in dead rising 2 crafting photos
chuck green can craft a(n): flaming KGB
a taunt kill axe
some how craft both axtinguisher with the homewrecker to make a super melee.
Chuck green even has a blond daughter.
chuck really a ex pyro?
over 14 years ago
should hold a voting contest for 2 days (break for jo) and friday should be the reveal one what happens!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41407]@Sable[/url] i like your idea best
over 14 years ago
I want rage. I want tears. I want the drama.
over 14 years ago
There is the off chance that the Pyro-Guy/Engie-tan photos are actually Spah disguised as Pyro-Guy. So, no matter what happens, he gets a night with both lovely ladies, jets out for parts unknown (or DOES he?!) and leaves everyone else to figure out what happens next.
Da Spy
over 14 years ago
Publish the photos. Make tags with them. Call Scout. Troll everyone.
I hope the planned end won't be too obvious. The author is an infamous sucker for happy ends.
over 14 years ago
Company of Hero's is a great RTS game. Its one of if not my fav of all time. Great physics, great look and when the tanks just rumble through the hedge rows or over the barricades its just pure bliss
over 14 years ago
I have to agree with Sable, giving the photos of snipah and spy to snipah, and the pyro/engi to Pyro
Anonymous Coward
over 14 years ago
Oh, so they've got the pictures and they're Pyro guy's friends. TIME TO RUIN SOME PHOTOS
over 14 years ago
what if the spy just had sex with all girls on the team and then left for another server. Then tried to blame semone else? maybe not makes so much sense but..
over 14 years ago
Actually, we might try giving the negatives to the engineer instead, and ask about it..
over 14 years ago
There are two rolls of neagtives in the first panel. Looks like a *puts on sunglasses* double negative!
over 14 years ago
Think about Pyro Jr.
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
Reveal everything. Truth hurts, but never wounds.
over 14 years ago
A tricky situation, but easily solved.
Give the photos and the negatives to thier respective parties; the pyro/engi ones to pyroguy and the spah/sniper-tan ones to sniper-tan.
They will make the choices themselves, as only they know what should be done.
over 14 years ago
a simple guide to solving this problem:
1) grab negatives and fotos
2) make a little fire under the disguise that it is for making marshmallows (or smores whichever you prefer)
3)burn negatives and fotos
4)forget the whole thing and move along with your live!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41402]@unicode[/url]: He said that they wouldn't see him. Not that he wouldn't see them again. ;)
over 14 years ago
What a strange game... the only winning move is not to play.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41395]@Sinez[/url]: "Au revoir" means literally "See you later". In this context "Adieu" is more appropriate.
over 14 years ago
The readers would choose a better story arc.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41383]@snad[/url]: "Au revoir" is generally just used as goodbye.
Or he could be screwing with them, and mean that he will see them but they won't see him next time. ;D
over 14 years ago
Reveal it to both of them, when they are together, while Medic and Heavy are acting like Middlemens. On that way they have to justify themself against Medic and Heavy.
And please give Spy an invisble headshot.
over 14 years ago
orr interrogate one at the time if they love eachother then show him/her the photos
over 14 years ago
@Umbrella Incorporated: mini medic saw the one with the broken link, no one should realy care.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41383]@snad[/url]: actualy, "au revoir" generaly means "goodbye", nothing strange there.
over 14 years ago
both at the same time? lol
over 14 years ago
The next frame should have this at the top of the screen:
and then *BLU Spy has left the game (kicked by console)*
over 14 years ago
POW! the negatives.
over 14 years ago
The dramabomb has been planted!
over 14 years ago
But that obviously means both Pyro and Sniper-Tan are guilty, and surely, they'd be even.
over 14 years ago
how come everyone thinks that the first love achievement was for pyro it could have been sniper's and shouldn't there had been 2 of the achievement one for each of them
An Evil Penguin
over 14 years ago
Dude. Company of heroes kicks arse. Especially with mods like Blitzkrieg, Normandy 44 and to a lesser extent Eastern Front. If you're still getting the hang of company of heroes, its definitely worth a look at eastern front. It doesnt change any mechanics, just adds a Russian army and some maps!
over 14 years ago
'au revoir' and 'you won't see me again' is contradiction. Spah is messin' with the mind yo.
over 14 years ago
Personally, I think they should burn them...
There's no good reason for them to show Sniper or Pyro the photos of the other unless they really want to break them up.
1: Develop Photos
2: Blackmail both individually
3: ?????????????
over 14 years ago
Medic: (in Tychus' heavy accent) "Dayum, Heavy... now what?"
over 14 years ago
@Umbrella Incorporated: I wholeheartedly agree with that option as well. Atleast Medic-tan would be able to recall what sex looks like when she actually learns about it in school... or when she gets "the talk".
over 14 years ago
Keyboard cat, play it off! :O
over 14 years ago
"I obviously already know what they will decide to do, but I ponder, if given the chance, what the readers would choose..."
I'd put it in mah pants.
over 14 years ago
When in doubt, blame it on the spy.
over 14 years ago
Thay spy is a karma houdini.
Now medic is thinking "damnit, Heavy, why didn't you just keep it to you and your new team?"
over 14 years ago
It reminds me of when I found pretty convincing evidence that my dad was cheating on my mom, if not physically then at least emotionally. I have no real proof past e-mails, and I feel nothing would be gained by tearing my family apart so I have done nothing except swear to never do the same myself.
Umbrella Incorporated
over 14 years ago
I have to agree that letting them see their own photos seperately and allowing them to choose what to do with them would seem like the best choice. But remember, Chibi-Medic did see one of the photos very briefly and...wait...what color is the cigarette Spy was smoking...(gasp!)?
over 14 years ago
My friends call me coach!
over 14 years ago
Let pyro and sniper know that they have evidence of their 'relationships' alone. grill them on the 'why'
over 14 years ago
Negatives? In my 2010?
The Watcher
over 14 years ago
I note the spy says "Here are the negatives of ALL photos.", not "The negatives of those photos."
I propose this is not a mistake by Jo due to English being a 2nd language, but in fact is an accurate and true statement.
over 14 years ago
Spah's a manipulative git? WHO KNEW?!
over 14 years ago
Captain Picard
over 14 years ago
This is a good idea.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41357]@Frank[/url]: You'd be surprise how many successful affairs there are everyday. (Women are actually quite good at getting away with them.) And not all of them end in divorce, getting caught, blackmailed, etc. You can't live sadness about issues you don't know! lol.
over 14 years ago
The Heavy will sell the photos to the Red Team, then switch servers again.
over 14 years ago
1. Kill the spy.
2. Fap to the photos.
3. Tell everyone everything.
4. All of the above.
[url=#user_comment_41343]@Kay[/url]: Tell your friend that he's an idiot. Sooner or later it will be brought into their home (I.E. Divorce or being caught in the act). Besides, he'll have to live in constant sadness that his wife would be cheating on him behind his back.
over 14 years ago
Give them the photos... of themselves. Let them know that there is evidence.
over 14 years ago
You may have the upper hand; but a good spy never lets you keep it.
Black Dragon
over 14 years ago
Heavy and Medic just got trolled HARD!
over 14 years ago
A buddy once said that if his wife ever did some dirty, nasty, heart-breaking stuff with another man the best things in the world she could do after that are 1) One don't bring it to their home 2) Make sure he lives in complete ignorance of it
over 14 years ago
or he could just be setting up a 9 person orgy.... either way Im cool.
over 14 years ago
Actually, I can't help thinking blu spy is the good guy here, that pyro cheated on sniper-tan beforehand, and he had his go with sniper-tan to "even things up" in a kinda twisted relationship doctor way. In the end he gets rid of both sides evidence by leaving it with the two guys who care bout both
Captain Obvious
over 14 years ago
RED Pyro torches BLU Spy as he walks out the door.
over 14 years ago
Y'know, the BLU spy will end up being the RED spy disguised as the BLU spy.
Jo has set up this moment in like 3 different arcs in an elaborate scheme to make photo notes of SPY HERE completely irrelevant!
Now time to remove all POWs...
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I think this would only lead to Pyro distrusting Sniper and eventually their relationship crumbles as he reveals that he knows and that he cheated, admitting after feeling guilty.
wasd vs esdf
over 14 years ago
I think they should reveal both, for great justice. Let them both suffer, I always love a good revenge story.
over 14 years ago
Honestly, I think the arc ends here and NerfNow is just trolling us. Or maybe he doesn't know what else to draw after this and is trying to get ideas from us. Either way though, I would like to see the Pyro and Sniper back together happy and the Spy burned to a crisp.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Also, while I'm here.
Can anyone think of a good song for Spy's exit from the Arc? The Whispers - "And the Beat Goes On" seems to do his nonchalant/graceful saunter justice.
over 14 years ago
Also... I'd *love* to see Pyro go "Dark-Hero" - burn the Spy x Sniper pics, and let Sniper see Pyro x Engie pics/go public. Let them blame him as the bad guy, take the fall - as Pyro walks out on his family, to hunt Spy down to the ends of the earth! >: }
over 14 years ago
IMO, Pyro Jr should be taught about the Spy Check business ala Ghostbuster style. Or it could not end, and we'll have dwarf fortress!
I guess the only thing that confuses me about the arch was the team changery. Hwguy changed team colors pretty easy. I would check the intel or petition the admin
over 14 years ago
That Spy looks weird... I reckon he's Pyro/Soldier trying to fix stuff up.
over 14 years ago
That what I was thinking, confornt each one and tell them
"I'm giving these to you, do with them what you please, just do what is right for the both of you and your son."
over 14 years ago
Can't resist adding my own theory, but I would like to point out that in Nerfnow! characters like to change classes (ie. heavy is scout) so that the spy may not be, in fact, the spy. He may be the pyro trying to diffuse this smoldering powder keg. He's tricked us before...
over 14 years ago
Pyro is too much of a nice guy to get upset at Sniper. Even when he caller her "useless", he regretted it and waited all night for her to come back. (And got a hat! :D)
If HeavyScout shows Pyro the Spy x Sniper pics.... Pyro will probably burn them himself with the backburner - to protect Sniper.
over 14 years ago
I've been with Nerfnow! for quite awhile, and this is pretty deep. Heck, even for tf2 this is pretty deep.
over 14 years ago
Interesting, so both are at wrong and two wrongs don't make a right. Personally, seems to me both are getting what they deserve from each other.
At this point, would destroy it because it's up to those two to be honest with each other. Damage is done already, being reputation.
over 14 years ago
1. "borrow" pyro's flamethrower
2. Burn all evidence.
3. Airblast the ashes into the wind.
4. ???
Agreed with A Bag of Opinions : Ignorance is bliss.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
The truth is the only answer. Reveal them both, because secrets and lies protect no one. Trust me, I know about these things. I mean, I've covered wars, you know?
over 14 years ago
photocopy them put them on the internet and wait for pyro to find out. GREAT SUCCESS!
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
As a well-respected (I believe so) associate of the NerfNOW!! Community. I would like to offer my opinion on this matter.
Don't show the pictures. Like'a Spy said, drama leads to alot of BAD THINGS, and if I remember correctly, BAD THINGS are BAD.
Ignorance is Bliss, right?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41308]@TheKingofSprings[/url]: Yes, I do completely
over 14 years ago
Personally, I would show the pyro and engie pics to the pyro, and the spy and sniper picks to the sniper. Discuss it with them SEPARATELY, do not tell them about the other's affair, and see whether they should talk about this based on their reactions and maturity levels.
over 14 years ago
Anyone else thinking the spy just disguised as the Blue Pyro in the photos to give himself an out?
over 14 years ago
Confront them both separately. Both of them "seem" nice, so when confronted, I'm sure those that are guilty will confess. Or better yet, confront Engie.
over 14 years ago
"Then the blu spy left to find who frame him and kill his girlfriend knowing fully well that his team doesn't care about him or his spy clan."
the silly twist to this could be sniper and pyro are swingers, but that would be more a shocker to the son than anything.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41302]@Wraith[/url]: My thoughts exactly, He's a freakin spy, He could disguise as anyone.
over 14 years ago
Could always be the Spy disguised as the Pyro.
Still, I'd love to see him get "spy checked" on his way out that door. Namely with fire.
over 14 years ago
@ Jo's, note. Simple. Constrain both Pyro and Sniper with duct tape and show them the pics. Let nature take it's course...
As soon as I get the hell out of there!!!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41296]@Helonion[/url]: I agree, I think the Pyro should kill the spy for taking advantage of his woman! D:<
over 14 years ago
Sniper was in a moment of weakness, she feels bad for it, Spy took advantage of it and doesn't care who gets hurt. We now know why Pyros hate Spys so much! BURN THE ******* SPY!
over 14 years ago
Also I agree with Sakura, that couple MUST STAY TOGETHER
over 14 years ago
Do both, its moar exciting that way! :D
over 14 years ago
Scout Heavy should bonk the Spy
Damn, Jo.
over 14 years ago
This one's deep. Make Pyro become An Hero. :3
The Spy
over 14 years ago
I know what I would do.
over 14 years ago
C'mon, theirs got to be some Blu Sniper/Blu Engie action in there somewhere?
over 14 years ago
Reveal Sniper, the ungrateful chick >:(
Always good to mix in some darkness to a web comic!
over 14 years ago
I beleive revealing none may be the more logical choice. It will either come out on its own or the relationship was doomed anyway. Starting an argument over the photos will just harm the team and pyro jr.
over 14 years ago
Idc what they do as long as Pyro and Sniper stay together! D:
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41277]@Kits[/url]: yes, REVEAL IT! FOR THE LULZ!
over 14 years ago
Make them all forget about the situation and troll everyone.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Reveal Sniper and Spy affair, The pyro didn't do anything with the Engineer, and when he snuck off to see the sniper in her room he got the "1st Love" achievement, and he didn't take advantage of Engie-tan when she was drunk.
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A young, energetic woman fights her way up in the world of super-powered boxing after discovering the mighty gloves of her missing idol!
Zack Morrison
Superpowered middle schoolers fight evil spirits in their rural hometown. Come for the jokes, stay for the cast, the creatures, and the mystery that ties them all together!
Knights Errant
J.R. Doyle
Wilfrid's humble quest for revenge becomes bigger and bloodier by the day.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Meaghan Carter
Edith has been thrown into the dangerous world of modern-day Egyptian mythology. Fighting monsters and dealing with family drama of godly proportions.
Adam Warren
A sexy superhero comedy (except when it isn't) about the never-ending struggles of a plucky but very unlucky young superheroine.
Love Not Found
Gina Biggs
Abeille is on a quest to find someone who wants to do it the old-fashioned way in a time when touching has become outdated.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Sister Claire
In the troubled aftermath of a great war between Witches and her fellow Nuns, novice Sister Claire just wants a purpose.
Claire K. Niebergall
A ghostly princess must sail across a haunted sea to save her soul from a devious, shapeshifting death god known as the Red Tide King.
El Goonish Shive
Dan Shive
WARNING: This comic often ignores the Laws of Physics
The Sanity Circus
Magic, monsters and mysteries await in the odd city of Sanity. It's up to Attley and a colorful group of characters to find out just what is going on.
The Witch Door
Anni K.
Katariina Lehto discovers her neighbor is a witch called Jousia Muotka. Jousia introduces Katariina to the strange people and places beyond the witch door...
Ghost Junk Sickness
Studio CARTRIDGE, Laura Lee
Two hunters try to survive and end up being pushed to pursue a deadly bounty dubbed "The Ghost".
Never Satisfied
Taylor Robin
Lucy Marlowe, a magician's apprentice, competes against other apprentices for an important, magical, Goverment Job.
This is Not Fiction
Nicole Mannino
What do you do when the person you're in-love with is an anonymous romance novelist? Get your best friend to hire your worst enemy for help!
Goodbye to Halos
Valerie Halla
Cuddles, gay flirting, weird feelings, and magic-fueled knife fights - it's an adventure across the queer multiverse!
Astral Aves
Moon Cabal
A fantasy coming-of-age following the adventures of Astra The Black and friends, as they navigate the mysterious world around them. It's politics, adventure, and the supernatural; oh, and crazy hair.
Taylor C
Wallace Foster, a young, bright-eyed human social worker, has his entire world view rocked when he's suddenly relocated into a city primarily inhabited by monsters.
A depressed, portly, hirsute anime fan stumbles through life in the ever-pursuit of chicken nuggets and other life-shortening indulgences.
Atomic Robo
Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener
The robot punches monsters and bad robots and one time he was a cowboy.
Cut Time
Rel and her trusty avian friend Fugue are on a quest to save a world that's lost track of time. Follow them and their new recruits, in a story written with help from the stars.
Tigress Queen
Allison Shaw
A barbarian warlord and a pampered prince try to avoid a marriage alliance that could end decades of violence.
Lighter Than Heir
Melissa Albino
A young Volant woman joins the military in an effort to upstage her war-hero father.
Tiger, Tiger
Petra Nordlund
A young noble lady steals her brother's identity and his ship to find love and adventure, and to write a book about the fascinating life cycle of sea sponges!
Star Trip
Gisele Weaver
Jas is a human taken from her home planet on a trip across the galaxy she will never forget.
Sam & Fuzzy
Sam Logan
Troubled by gangster rodents, lovesick vampire stalkers, or confused ninja assassins? Don't panic! Sam and Fuzzy are here to help. (For a reasonable fee.)
Between Failures
Jackie Wohlenhaus
The low stakes adventures of an assorted group of 20 somethings trapped in the declining years of American retail. They are naughty and say lots of swears.