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over 14 years ago
Sometimes mistakes and pain over what we've done make us realise how close we're coming to losing what we're putting at risk and we do our best to keep our precious bonds healthy and growing.
over 14 years ago
Horrible ending, that they both cheated on eachother probably means their relationship is eventually doomed to fail, maybe some day Heavy and Medic will accidentally leave the photos around, who knows?
Beter Early then late, after they've developed a lot of trust.
over 14 years ago
You're kidding. This was what you were building up to?
I hate to say it ZP but this was bad. REALLY bad.
This was just a frustrating arc with an empty, frustrating conclusion.
I'm not sure I can like any of these guys after all this.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41865]@Batabii[/url]: Pyro mentions the coffee, Heavy says great, mini-medic wants bonk and he wisely tells her no.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
so wait...is heavy saying no AND let's do it? OR what order are you supposed to read those speech bubbles in?
over 14 years ago
@/!\: that's because they had some happy fun time between the panels
Missing Panels
over 14 years ago
Somewhere between 1st,2nd, and 6th panel sniper changed her shirt back and forth
over 14 years ago
Yep. That's the size of it. Shit isn't it?
Medic and Heavy were doing Naughty things. Why else were they shocked?
Mr Fun
over 14 years ago
this is the first time mini medic has ever spoken.
over 14 years ago
I hate for the spy to get away with his part in all this. And truth is very important. However, both Pyro and Sniper-tan seem to have gotten past their indiscretions. In this case I think it's best to just let it all drop. And don't let mini-medic get into the Bonk!
over 14 years ago
So, both unfaithful assholes who go running to bang someone else when things get a bit tough get off with no consequences at all. Happy end?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41658]@Walter[/url]: now you mention it sniper does have ethan hair bangs, dye that hair brown and replace her face with a B^U and pretty close ethan... really makes you want to side with spy here and say there is to much petty drama.
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41650]@Lggvyv[/url]: a yeah...well...I...
I didn't knew hats respawn, or do they? Well yeah they respawn but when YOU get killed.
ze popcorn
over 14 years ago
3 years later pyro guy got letter saying that sniper tan was some where in the town of silentfort
any idiots out there thats a refrence from silent hill 2 that and im changing my name
over 14 years ago
I'm fine with Pyro-Guy and Sniper-tan remaining unaware of the photos (I like the idea of them confessing and reconciling without seeing them even more)
As long as BLU Spy gets painful, bloody comeuppance, I'm happy.
over 14 years ago
Truth is, Pyro-guy and Sniper-tan have an open relationship.
over 14 years ago
This is a good solution but at the same time i could see problems coming up later, in the form of Engi-tan...i think comfronting them with both photos would have given them a deeper relationship in the end if they could work through it. still at the same time, i agree with the heavy/medic.
over 14 years ago
i bet pyroguy knew snipah-tan cheated so she was like its okay for you to cheat once buts thats all and stuff
over 14 years ago
Pffft, you mean that after all that shit nothing happened? Is this turning just like Ctrl Alt Del comics? Next thing we know Sniper-tan is pregnatn and Pyro Guy drowns in his mask because of the tears.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41539]@regnar[/url]: I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THAT.
Mini-medic talking hat.
over 14 years ago
Man, Jo could have done so much with this story line...
I feel saddened....
over 14 years ago
Let those two stay together! Plz :
@*Monocle Man*
She would respawn, duuhhhh :P
over 14 years ago
I must say I never really expected you to follow up on the whole Engineer thing.
Fail Comment
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41644]@This[/url]: The pyro was cheating on her too maybe even before she cheated on him.
over 14 years ago
This is unacceptable. Ignorance is bliss my A**. Dude should be told that she is an unfaithful cheating wh0re. what was the point of having this arc anyway now???
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
You all whant a mini-medic hat, but... what would you do if in the heat of battle your mini-medic hat received a bullet, bazooka, or the sticky things from the demoman?
over 14 years ago
Oh, what a touching story ^^
over 14 years ago
I bet the Pyro and Engie-Tan were RED Spies.
over 14 years ago
Perhaps it is best if Spy deals with Spy >_>. Red Spy is gay after all XD
over 14 years ago
The spy just took photos of the Pyro's last relationship. That sneaky bastard.
The Anon known as Ivan
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I DEMAND THAT WE ALL DEMAND STEAM TO MAKE MINI-MEDIC A HAT! Together we can force them to do anything! maybe... DO IT!
over 14 years ago
Mini Medic-hat reminds me of this so much: http://pics.livejournal.com/noretus/pic/002bp8gw
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41633]@Muck[/url]: Because you touch yourself at night Muck. That's why.
over 14 years ago
Why does everyone want an unhappy ending?
over 14 years ago
@WHERE IS HE!?: He's out rapin' everybody with sticky bombs. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, hide yo husbands cuz he rapin everybody.
over 14 years ago
hmm :/, I think they should tell them or else they will like blame themself or something...They should ateast tell the pyro.
even money has it that the both already know about the pictures and have moved on. it would fit in with the irony that is keeping secrets.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I'm disappoint with how this turned out, I'm glad they're together but they should know. And Pyro still did not do anything with the Engie-tan.
over 14 years ago
You know, Spy probably doesn't know that they already know but reconciled with each other... however unlikely.
And looks like I get to say "Inb4 FRANK/ZACK IS *!" again?
over 14 years ago
The internet demands dramatic end!
over 14 years ago
MiniMedic hat became a MiniScout hat.
Oh and for the Pyro cheating on sniper, I think those were just pictures from when pyro was trying to win over engineer-tan.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I demand Mini Medic does what every other manic pixie girl has ever done, and drink that high atomic filled sugar drink and run around at hyper speed, it must be done!
over 14 years ago
I'm sorry Jo, I love your Comic, but unless the description means this little story line isn't over yet, this is bull-crap, I and Ecomeco have both been waiting for that Sniper to get her comeuppance, and those photos of the pyro are obviously fakes, the spy can turn into other people.
over 14 years ago
That Spy is a Spy!
over 14 years ago
Yeah, not how this should have turned out. So they just both keep thinking it's fine to go sleep with someone else when they have a small argument? That's got healthy relationship written all over it!
over 14 years ago
God dammit. I have waited a long time to see her get her comeuppance. I only bookmarked this comic because I wanted to see that story-line wrapped up. GOD DAMN IT. I hate people who think ignorance is bliss. One single fight and that fair-weather floozy rushed into the arms of another man.
over 14 years ago
Next comic will be Medic going "Pyro... there's something you should see."
over 14 years ago
HAHA, blu spy was simply evening them to keep them together!
over 14 years ago
It's not a happy end if the truth is never revealed. It will always be on the back burner. A sleeping drama waiting to unfold. If it is ignored, it will always be looked at as unresolved.
over 14 years ago
Give dem photos goddamit!
Death to happy-ends! Praised be carnage!
over 14 years ago
Last panel should have been "evidence crusher"
over 14 years ago
@/!\: It's not in the third picture either, plus in the second picture you can see her midriff while she's not wearing a shirt like that in the first or 6th panels. Sniper-tan must be changing her shirt between panels.
over 14 years ago
What is interesting is not just the script, but as everyone reacts to it here in the Trollagem commentaries.
Who's to blame anyway?
O interessante não é apenas o roteiro, mas como todo mundo reage a ele aqui na Trollagem dos commentarios.
Quem é o culpado afinal?
over 14 years ago
Somehow, I thinking this is just going to raise the suspense, go on a hiatus for 6 months, and come back whne nobody really cares.
over 14 years ago
Mini-Medic hat is the most awesomest hat ever.
over 14 years ago
By the way, nobody has noticed the knot on the 2nd picture to the chest, is not in the 1st picture?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_41529]@foducool[/url]: Damn, I lol'ed
over 14 years ago
I hope Jo lets spy get away with this.
Disco Stu
over 14 years ago
It....it can't end like this! Answers! We need answers!
Was Pyro cheating on Sniper as well or was that just another spy trick? Where did the pics come from originally and for what purpose?
Dont do this to me Jo, I'm begging you!
over 14 years ago
Nice work, Jo. Really. I guess through their mistakes that they have done to each other, that they realized without a word of confessing that they do love each other.. and it's highly unlikely said mistakes will happen again with those two.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Nobody listens to Frank.....
over 14 years ago
I hope Jo isnt gonna let the spy get away with this
over 14 years ago
Mini-medic on bonk?
*takes off sunglasses* My god...
over 14 years ago
Pyro and minimedic are spies.
over 14 years ago
Next Comic:
Both confessed to each other shortly after their respective "mistakes".
over 14 years ago
Where's the funny?
over 14 years ago
Inb4 heavy and medic drop photos in trash and someone else picks them up(maybe blues scout playing heavy)
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