Yes, I see your point. Playing games is about having perfect conditioning. Every thirty seconds, you wiggle your tail... I mean, activate Spawn Larvae and you get a treat... I mean, you don't lose the game.
over 14 years ago
You will be waiting a while for spawn larvae to be autocast - the whole point is that every race (Terran/MULE, Protoss/Chrono-boost) has something which gives them an edge over someone who forgets to use it
over 14 years ago
how can you do such a thing to those poor lings?
also id prefer if there were a few more non tf2 arcs as i can find them hard to get into
over 14 years ago
this image scrap play xp(http://www.playxp.com/nios/list.php)
over 14 years ago
Everyone knows Zerg belong in Hell.
T-Rex in a Top Hat
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42930]@Esg[/url]: Terran's aren't bad, it's all fun and games till you take 40239284892432 Void Rays up the pooter
over 14 years ago
To all of you saying the Terran are OP, the koreans are actually saying toss is the most OP race atm.
Hatchery-tan tard
over 14 years ago
Dare I dream we go back to the old SC plotline?
codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
fuck i pressed the "troll NOW!!" button...
codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
im a good zerg player, but ive seen what the terrans can do, i can barely do anything about it untill i get hydras and infestors up, next thing i know i get steam rolled by battlecruisers, only to surprise them with mass corruptors :D.
on a side note, queen-tan need
over 14 years ago
@Sigma Silver: hmm...Justin Bieber maybe?
over 14 years ago
You require more mineralssssssss
over 14 years ago
You honestly cannot argue that Terran aren't at the moment, the best race. The really high up players say it, the really low players say it. As it stands, Terran has far more ways of doing things, and can much easier adapt to a situation, which, in a RTS, is what it's all about.
over 14 years ago
reapers are so easy to stop, your comment makes me facepalm
over 14 years ago
I also aggre with platypus, Void Ray's are supposed to be good against heavy units / buildings but since they dont need to charge up after every kill they can just own everything...I think StarCraft 2 has made me hate charging blue lasers -_-
over 14 years ago
I kill Zerg without hestitation what-so-ever. But i do kinda feel bad for them , I mean it's not like they want to do what there doing :/
Sigma Silver
over 14 years ago
God. Damn. It. Stop making me feel sorry for the damn Zerg! If you can't unreservedly hate a swarm of hideous bugs who who to barf acid on you and then slurp up the human slurry, who CAN you hate?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42648]@Scuffles[/url]: I'm pretty sure that there's no planned multiplayer changes for the other 2 "games". They only provide new single-player shit, and you can have any of them to play multiplayer, since they're all the same there.
over 14 years ago
Just hang in there and have fun. I play Zerg in diamond league, and while the minimum skill level is very high to beat a good Terran is very high, it's still a good learning experience as long as you try to figure out how to beat them.
over 14 years ago
alright i agree with Jer, uszy, Scuffles. Honestly auto cast would be cool for spawn larva but its not really that critical. If you time it youll be fine, its just a matter of learning the timing. Hydra having 2 pop is wrong, i miss lurkers, defilers and scourges. Marines extra health is bull.
Mad Skull
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42609]@Derek[/url]: believe me i tried it before with fungal growth, good terran players only use 2 siege tanks to kill the infestors before they can cast anything or only use the radar to see your borrowed units before attack.
Mad Skull
over 14 years ago
nah.. auto cast spawn larva isnt necesary, maybe if the hatchery has that skill as the terran and protoss have it already in their bases , cuz while you build the spawning pool for the queen they have energy for mules or chrono, and your queen spawn with only 25 energy, while they have +120 energy
kawaii baneling
over 14 years ago
i think it's same that delete chrono boost and reduce all protoss unit build time to half.
Blizzard give us many adventages that can be useful. And they annoying us
over 14 years ago
I think auto-casting Spawn Larva would be just silly. I mean, not that I don't think Zerg needs it, but wouldn't it make more sense to remove Spawn Larva altogether and just make the larva cap/rate higher while a Queen is nearby?
over 14 years ago
Wait! What happened to lings hair?
over 14 years ago
You know, I main as Terran and I find Zerg ridiculously easy to play.
There are a number of reasons you're losing to Terran, and supply depots aren't one of them.
over 14 years ago
I dont agree with the auto-cast larva. Why not add auto-attack and auto-mine and auto-scout to every other unit aswell?
I like that the queens have a purpose, I also like the mechanic where I have to choose between getting a creep tumor and more larva.
Zerg isnt for everyone.
over 14 years ago
Ohhhhh, relax little ling, the pach 1.1 is coming! and then heart of the swarm! Realy soon you will be alive i say!
over 14 years ago
As the devs have said, the problem is that those Koreans have proven the Zerg are TOO good sometimes. So it's not as simple as buffing Zerg/nerfing Terran.
But man I am all for some autocasting spawn larva! I would actually play Zerg!
over 14 years ago
"I refuse to play until spawm larva is autocast. "
I can not agree with you more.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42611]@Batabii[/url]: Gotta read the blog below, dude
over 14 years ago
I'd love to see more renditions of Zerg units and how they use their abilities. ^^
The problem with SC2 and the reason I won't buy it until its all three games/expansions(whatever)in one battle chest. Is that it doesn't seem like it will be complete until that happens.
Things on the drawing board that got pulled to make the exgamesions necessary to remain competitive etc.
To have... fun? To be reactive? Or... the other thing you said? You have forgotten WHY we play Zerg! We play Zerg... because zerg... is really really GROSS. :D
over 14 years ago
There should be a button to cast larva on all hatcheries from the nearest queen. Just like Protoss have a special [W] hotkey to select all warp gates.
no more of these comiz pl0x idk colonies or starcraft or w/e this is ur trying to do kthx
over 14 years ago
You can micro with the queen make a ton of zerglings before they know what's what. Got the building blocking your base off? Still have enough bodies to take it down.
Now [M]ove my still-plentiful zerglings into the SCV miners.
over 14 years ago
Someone needs to make a nerfnow mod for SC 1,2. Visualize it, picture the Ling rush, the Meganeko!overlord. wouldn't that be adorable and/or awesome?
over 14 years ago
It's not that the game is imba, a perfect zerg versus a perfect terran is a pretty even match. It's just that being a perfect zerg is just harder than being a perfect terran.
over 14 years ago
What do you expect? Blizzard doesn't know the first thing about making games.
Diablo 2 was crap until after lod.
Starcraft wasn't playable until after 10 patches.
WoW was always bad, and now it's terrible.
Wc3 is only good for it's engine.
Buying any blizzard game at release is retarded.
over 14 years ago
dont rage at him, he's right. from what i have seen is that the terran DO have an unfair advantage. but its probably just that they havent balenced everything out yet, hopefuly we get a huge zerg buff. who knows,
over 14 years ago
Cute lings are cute!!
A Reader
over 14 years ago
Nerfnow a rage kid cant play zergs
over 14 years ago
I think it's only because this is the Terran slice of the game you're playing. When the Zerg expansion's out, things'll gear up to the Swarm's expectations.
Zerg is about speed
over 14 years ago
Are you REALLY complaining about the state of Zerg macro? Really? It's in vogue to complain about percieved Terran imba, but you obviously never played SC1. SC2 Zerg macro is far easier, mechanically. All you have to do is spawn larvae. And this is coming from a Zerg.
Should MULEs be autocast too?
over 14 years ago
Maybe the Zerg will be the OP race in the next "episode". In 1-2 years...
I'm a Terran player
over 14 years ago
I admit zerg is built largely for early game rushes (6 pool) or endgame with massive expansions allowing for fast rebuilds of armies (sup multihatch/8 larvae). Terran hold a strong balance throughout all times in the game.
Once the next SC comes out, I anticipate stronger zerg though.
over 14 years ago
Void Ray Spam! Stupid laser charging ridiculousness.
Face it, they built Starcraft 2 multiplayer for the ADD, hyperactive, twitchy Koreans. GG hard cores, you got the game you wanted... one that no one else even has a remote chance of winning at.
Company of Heroes player
over 14 years ago
Needs a Company of Heroes arc, something that usually happens to a sniper. Lucky Howizer shell, jeep/bike rush, blitzkrieg tank drives over it, Ranger/Airborne Fire up. Strafing Run, walking on it accidently, British recon snipe, etc need one of those! :D
over 14 years ago
Bitter zergs everywhere: game isn't as imba as you all think. =|
over 14 years ago
That's a lot of comments for something that really has very little to do with video games and is just a little dark humor (plus arguably an old joke).
over 14 years ago
Spawn Larva really does need to be autocast. There is no reason not to.
@Mad Skull: If Terran is going bio just fungal growth the blob and roll in with the banelings. There is a very good reason I never go bio versus zerg.
Mad Skull
over 14 years ago
lol, merc, get ultralisks? in the time to try get that ones, the terrans come at your base with 60+ marines, +20 marauders 5-6 medivacs and 4 or 5 siege tanks with only tier 2 tecnology, while ultras/brrod lord are tier 3, very expensive and take massive time to get it.
Mad Skull
over 14 years ago
i aggre with you, while Z vs Z and Z vs P, feels balanced, Z vs T feels very unbalanced lately, you cant do an surprise attack cuz they have the radar and the sensor tower make any rush or surprise attack useless, mutalisk vs terran = fail, roaches? fail too, hydras? that dont work vs massive marine
over 14 years ago
T is a bit overpowered, but not invincible. Just open up EVERY TIME with speedlings and voila! Reapers and Helions can't do shit anymore, put down 1 spine crawler in your mineral line and you're protected even better!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42595]@Zese[/url]: Huh? Mutas take a Spawning Pool, then a Lair, then a Spire. Reapers take a Barracks/Lab. I can't bring up SC2Armory for exact numbers, but that's extremely expensive and time-consuming in comparison.
(Though Terrans do usually just send one or two Reapers in right away.)
over 14 years ago
Reaper harassing is weak to early mutalisks, though. If they wait longer than 3-4 reapers, you have an equal number of mutalisks ready to nuke their reapers down.
over 14 years ago
Wonderful artwork there in the third panel. Keep it up.
Meanwhile, I play Protoss, so I have nothing to say.
over 14 years ago
I know that playing Zerg can feel uphill (and that's from a Random player), but it's not all bad. Zerg's advantages are really fun once you get used to exploiting them, and the Matchmaking helps if you always play Zerg.
On a similar note, though, I see a lot weaker Terrans in Plat/Diamond... :P
over 14 years ago
Spawn Larva Autocast: However, Chrono Boost and Orbital Command stuff can be hoarded and stacked with minimal penalty, while if you miss time Spawning you miss time Spawning, and it hurts much more than the super-harvester or slightly faster teching/training. But that's a tired argument.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42589]@78uh[/url]: You use the ling to scout what unit composition they have.
over 14 years ago
lol what would one ling do!!!
over 14 years ago
Maybe you just suck at SC2.
over 14 years ago
You can cast spawn larva by clicking the minimap, or so I hear. Group your queens, push the button to cast Spawn Larva, hold shift, click each hatchery on the minimap. The closest queen with sufficient energy to each one will spawn larva at each one.
over 14 years ago
so far what every non TF2 game tells me about scouts are that they are observing ninjas, ninjas that have fangs and will kill and/or turn you into one of them that and pretty good at hiding.
some how TF2Scouts don't seem to be the relay of on battle field information than just fast cannon fodder.
Me or I, one of them
over 14 years ago
I was just using Jo's terms.
If you can't defend against that stuff you deserve your curb stomping.
I play random and no race seems stronger or weaker than the others. You simply just need to understand the core mechanics of your race.
over 14 years ago
also: protoss will have to wait longer then zerg :( and i really like protoss
over 14 years ago
Spine/spore crawlers pretty much wtfpwn reapers/banshees.
Macro up. Get Ultralisks.
over 14 years ago
well, think about this: they're releasing the game in 3 parts, the first part (the one everyone is playing) is the Terren part, meaning they had to focus on Terren for the singleplayer, if not for the multiplayer.
hopefully the zerg campaign will bring in new units to balance it out.
over 14 years ago
tell me your id and i'll train you to be a ZvT killer.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42574]@Engineer[/url]: The Zergling is obviously a Scout
over 14 years ago
The queen is obviously a spy.
Spawn Larva Autocast
over 14 years ago
Spawn Larva, like Chrono Boost and the various Orbital Command abilities, was made with the express purpose of keeping you busy and bringing you back to the base.
Or in other words...you will never play Zerg, because Spawn Larva will NEVER be autocast. It would defeat the purpose.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42567]@wkz[/url]: Thanks for the info.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42565]@Frank[/url]: Zerg is the "adapt" and "ambush" race in Starcraft 2 (more so than their old "strength in numbers" gimmick in Starcraft 1).
Scouting is much more important for them than any other races especially at higher levels of play, which sucks because of their lack of a good scouting unit...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42547]@TheBaron87[/url]: Technically, all zerg shooting units are blow-hards... Shooting ichor, spitting spikes, losing your brain and free will to a long, hard thing piercing you...
over 14 years ago
So why did the Zerg player only send one zergling to a Terran base? WHAT USE WOULD THAT SERVE? He/she already sent one there to scout...
over 14 years ago
Queen looks great : ) That said +1 "Terran are overpowered". Terran who knows what he is doing will be able to counter everything zerg. Bring back the Defiler !
over 14 years ago
@Me or I, one of them: Implying that Terrans constant harass with Hellions/Reapers/Banshees is 'falling back'.
over 14 years ago
No love for 'toss? D:
over 14 years ago
"Zerg need to win with units which blow themselves making the slightest error a game loss."
"blow themselves UP"
"blow themselves" means something entirely different.
over 14 years ago
P.S. Mass hydras + level 3 upgrades = win, there's nothing like the classics
over 14 years ago
Aw, no more bitterness Jo, we want teh old adorable zerg. (hot queen though)
over 14 years ago
Even though I am a terran player. I think Zerg were really hurt when they lost the lurker.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
If all Lings go to heaven, then who goes to the...
...you know...
Me or I, one of them
over 14 years ago
Love the art on this one.
The Terran are meant to have so many fall backs as that's the human way. Victory through myriad options.
Zerg, on the other hand are basically bugs. Victory through numbers.
Any Zerg having issues with Terran are probably just failing at Macro.
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