[url=#user_comment_43209]@wat[/url]: Apparently, that's what people liked about Prime Samus. Cut out hole, insert head here. Some people actually complain that they can't insert themselves into her shoes in Other M since she now has a unique personality.
over 14 years ago
I wish people would stop latching to this PTSD theory. They made her this way because the Japanese prefer their women vulnerable and girlish.
over 14 years ago
Samus has always been portrayed as stoic, but she's had a consistent characterization throughout the series. Soparing the hatching in Metroid 2 and donating it to science in Super Metroid demonstrated her compassion. And don't forget that she was saddened by the destruction of the temple in Prime.
over 14 years ago
Ironically, both TP and OM have game breakers that are both caused by saving at a certain point. THE EXACT SAME GAME BREAKER.
seltrut ekil I
over 14 years ago
Bounty hunters don't get payed to do as they please.
As for the speaking part... Nintendo probably made a bad move with that, but it was not ENTIRELY to gain more revenue. If you remember Twilight Princess, people raged that Link still couldn't speak. *cough* retards *cough*...
I like turtles
over 14 years ago
That's a clear cause of PTSD right there. Just because she managed to fight and kill Ridley a couple times, does not she is over Ridley's massacre of her home.
As for comic, I do not think of Samus as frail and submissive. I think of her as a bounty hunter...
Grammar Nazi
over 14 years ago
Also, telling someone to disregard their own opinions because you're right is not QUITE the correct diplomatic approach.
What you COULD say is that indeed, Samus has PTSD. She saw her parents get killed right in front of her and along with everyone she ever knew at a young age...
Metroid guy
over 14 years ago
Samus has no idea the creature shes following is Ridley. It was not even a remote possibility in her mind. Ridley was dead.
When he came out of the magma flow like a demon rising from hell it shocked her enough to trigger her ptsd again. prior wins 2, not 89.
Metroid guy
over 14 years ago
Three fights, 1 lost to ptsd, 2 expected fights.
Ridley died with zebes at the end of super metroid. He was dead, the kind of dead even ridley cant come back from. Samus would never have to worry about fighting him again, her family, freinds, and entire colony avenged.
Metroid guy
over 14 years ago
She apparantly feel spretty bad about being a complete buddy fucker now that shes ovlder in other M.
She fights Ridley again in Super metroid, where she defeats him, and the blows up the planet is defeated body is on.
Ridleys healing factor cant bring him back from that.
metroid guy
over 14 years ago
Then she held adam at gunpoint for a second crack at zebes and ridely, and he let her go instead of having her incarcerated (This is directly referred to as the vent samus knew she could get away with).... She feels pretty She goes back and defeats ridley for the first time
Metroid guy
over 14 years ago
The first time before the events of the original metroid, the first time she saw him since he killed bb1'd and ate her parents, and all of her little three year old freinds, and everyone she ever knew.
She suffered from a ptsd triggering and urinated all over herself. This was in 2003 mind you.
Metroid guy
over 14 years ago
Its a little too late to begin pooping in your hands and throwing it now.
Also... the primes arent Canon and never happend in the classic series storyline. Sakamoto has stated this himself. Its a different story, retros story, not his.
So, Samus has only fought ridley three times.
Metroid Guy
over 14 years ago
Samus DOES have PTSD, whether you agree with the depiction of PTSD or not is IRRELEVANT.
In fact, Nintendo laid out this personality for Samus, and the issues she has, in fact, directly STATING she had PTSD from the colony raid when she was 3, nearly a decade ago.
over 14 years ago
She had a personality in Metroid: Fusion, too...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42387]@Avery[/url]: Bella Swan is not a human, she is a cut-out gap with a Post-It inside saying INSERT YOURSELF HERE
over 14 years ago
I enjoyed Other M more than I would've thought, even as a Metroid veteran. And looking at where the story is settled in the timeline, Samus' personality makes sense. Phazon Wars, fighting through a pirate-infested Zebes, destroying the Metroids, losing the baby she came to like... I can't blame her.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42684]@Efrath[/url]: As I said: "You get it from something that seriously fucks you up in the head." Im pretty sure rape is under that list.
over 14 years ago
The 90th time really isn't special; she should have held her composure and kicked his ass without endangering Higgs.
And really? Ridley metamorphs from this kitten sized object to a bus sized object in < 24 hrs? How does that bird thing even pwn Lyle? He can barely eat a pine cone.
over 14 years ago
I saw the cutscenes on youtube, but haven't actually played the game. It wasn't quite as bad as the 2nd picture suggests, but damn, they made her emo. The most absurd thing was how she had a panic attack when Ridley appeared for the 90th time. Really, Samus kicks his ass 89 times without a sweat
Yeah fuck team ninja!!
over 14 years ago
Despite it being nintendo wrote the script
God you guys are fuck heads
over 14 years ago
Havn't played, so I'll try to stay away from assumptions. Is it true that you have, but can't use, a heat proof suit when you go to a LAVA LEVEL! Limiting weapons is one thing, you don't want to go in and blow up something important, but safety equipment? Thay should have found another excuse.
over 14 years ago
I suggest you look it up Cirno.
over 14 years ago
have you ever read the story "stop the sun"?
the main charecter's father suffers from ptsd after being the only survivor of a shooting in the korean war. not just the things you fail against give you ptsd, some people get it because they survived when they beleive they shouldnt.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, tell that to children who watches someone kill their parents.
Tell that to rape victims too.
In case you didn't know Cirno, PTSD is more than just soldiers watching others die. Sorry, but it can be caused by rape, robbery and all kinds of things.
over 14 years ago
Well said Cirno.
over 14 years ago
Anyway, srs mode off. It kinda sucks the state that Nintendos in. Look at Mario too; he used to be the big badass Nintendo god, but now hes jsut a fat plumber who plays sports and makes friends.
over 14 years ago
that serously fucks you up in the head.
tl;dr: Samus is ruined by Nintendo. She's fucking ruined, not scarred.
over 14 years ago
look at Superman. Superman got fucked in the ass and killed by Doomsday. When Doomsday came back, he was rightfully scared. But then when Doomsday came back AGAIN, Superman basically said "Fuck you noob" and raped him in the face. You dont get PTSD from something you beat. You get it from something
over 14 years ago
fucking have PTSD. She's just been turned into a fucking pussy by Nintendo. She's been raped in her character, fucked in the head. As someone mentioned in earlier posts, shes fucking killed Ridley like 10 times. You're not scared of a thing after you've beaten it. If you want a good example of it,
over 14 years ago
Okay, Im gonna be serious in this post for once. All you people are bitching about how she has PTSD. Fuck you. That shit isnt PTSD. I've been to Iraq and Afganistan. I know what PTSD is. Ive seen my mates have their heads blown off by guns. PTSD is a thing like youll never imagine. Samus doesnt
Drake (who'd like more space)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42619]@JediMB[/url]: The problem is that it causes a massive dissonance. You do all kinds of incredible stuff, you take volcanos exploding at your face just flinching - and yet in cutscene, one *single* shot and you're down on the ground, with wobbly legs and all but dead. It makes it impossible to take serious
over 14 years ago
I do hope Samus does less speaking in poetry in Metroid V, though. It was weird enough in Fusion, and only got worse with an incompetent voice actress.
Also, I'd like a retcon that removes the Metroid cloning from Other M, since it undermines Fusion's plot. The rest of the game is fine, though.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42461]@Drake[/url] Well, I subscribe to the school of thought best described as "Why let the protagonist do the cool stuff in cutscenes when you could let it be part of the fucking game?"
The player can kick ass on his/her own, but when you want to show the protagonist struggling it's best done in cutscenes.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42520]@Scynix[/url] I didn't say she was. But a lot of the memories she recalls seem to give merit to this.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42503]@Vulpis[/url]: She. Blew. Up. The. Planet. With. Him. Inside.
He should NOT have survived that, and Samus is suitably freaked out. "He can't be" is something she says there, I do believe.
over 14 years ago
Apparently getting infused with Metroid DNA restored Samus' bad ass factor.
over 14 years ago
..don't understand, but at this point people must deal. This is a fictional character; she could've come out guns blazing no worse for the wear and most of us wouldn't have batted an eye. Just as long as I keep getting to morph ball, screw attack and bomb pirates and other space scum, I'm fine
over 14 years ago
...on one level or another see these as sequels or make rigid comparisons. I suppose the characterization of Samus that we got wasn't up to snuff when compared to the Samus that has been searing everyone's asses for the last couple decades, but what are we going to do? PTSD is something most of us..
over 14 years ago
A part of the problem is that developers like to dick with the story telling techniques, perpetually pulling "Citizen Kane"s when they can. They make a sequel then a sequel prequel, filling in important portions of the story as they see fit. The problem is that most people are always going....
over 14 years ago
Samus in Metroid: Other M summed up into one link:
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42526]@SRG[/url]: still one would wish they slap that as a option.
over 14 years ago
Oh my god team ninja getting flak for story telling from the original creators? when the good reason to get pissy at them is for the controls and lack of nunchuck option. Oh well I like internal monologue samus. At least this game explains what goes on in her head when she goes around being awesome.
over 14 years ago
The dialogue in the game was TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE.
over 14 years ago
Oh god that was the lamest plot device ever. Why the F*** would Nintendo be stupid enough to hire Team Ninja for THE Badass Chick with a gun. I suppose it started when they made the Zero Suit, though. But even TeamN's "I'll give you a blowjob to use my Varia Suit" Samus wouldn't be that maternal.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42519]@Somedood[/url] Other M is the penultimate game in the chronology. She had gone through a lot already.
over 14 years ago
Nintendo adds something new to a franchise
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42519]@Somedood[/url] I would kindly like to remind you she was NOT a total suck up in Metroid Fusion. Ever. Thank you.
over 14 years ago
Have you guys ever played Metroid Fusion? Or read the extra Metroid manga? Probably not. This isn't anything new.
Samus isn't inhuman. Of course she had a personality and ever thought that maybe she had experiences that helped her grow as strong as she is today? This is supposed to be a prequel.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Nostalgia! Nostalgia! Nostalgia!
If I say it three times...all that was once fine will come back to me, right? ... Right?!
Nostalgia! Nostalgia! Nostalgia!
over 14 years ago
The game was good, not the best metroid of course but u can have fun with it. For some reason people cant get over 2 minutes of a cutscene. The only thing i didnt like was some monologues and the forced firs person search. Still nice comic making fun of the fanbase(if u can call it fanbase).
Oh dear...
over 14 years ago
So please, stop assuming that just because Samus freaked out that they're going against her character. Seriously. Not amusing.
Oh dear...
over 14 years ago
To be blunt, PTSD is always there. Samus may have been able to hold it down before, but that doesn't mean that the trigger wouldn't activate.
How would I know this? My dad was in the Vietnam War. Several years later, anytime I try to bring up the war, he shuts down and offers bare minimum words
Oh dear...
over 14 years ago
PTSD isn't something that goes away because you've been able to beat down the trigger a couple of times. It is constantly there, waiting for the right mental trigger to bring it out. You cannot resist PTSD when it triggers, and there is no way to repress it fully.
Oh dear...
over 14 years ago
Alright, coupla things to address. Number 1: DCoN. You misread my post. All I said was that everyone is nerd raging. I was not angry at all. Do not mistake my post for rage.
Number 2: Apparently none of you understand how PTSD works.
over 14 years ago
As far as Ridley goes...give me a break. Yeah, she was scared by him as a little kid...but *SHE'S HANDED HIM HIS HEAD EVERY D*MN TIME SHE'S RUN INTO HIM SINCE*!!! The Bogeyman is considerable less scary when you can keep kicking him in the nuts, you know? There's no excuse for that stupidity.
over 14 years ago
there is an obvious redemption to the submissive samus. It's name is Nightmare. you dont know him, then PLAY FUSION
and then there is the fact that she hadn't been through 90% of what she has in, for example, Prime 3 - where she kills past allies easily.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, some of the gameplay might be okay, but the whole mysogynist 'submissive Samus' crap needs to go. She's a bounty hunter in the first place because she's a *strong* woman--maybe Team Ninja feel too threatened by that sort of thing. :-/
over 14 years ago
@A Fan:
Ever played Fusion?
A Fan
over 14 years ago
I'm really, really hoping that Other M 2 (Other Other M?) shows Samus going "screw you" to the GF in general.
On the other hand, what did we expect from the makers of Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball?
Also whatever cosmic rays broke my Wii right before this game came out, because, despite them bastardizing what little character Samus had, I will still play a Metroid game.
over 14 years ago
@some guy Too bad Team Ninja had nothing to do with the story or Samus's characterization and the Metroid creators did. Oh wait.
some guy
over 14 years ago
& this is what happens when you let team ninja make a game with a female protagonist.
over 14 years ago
the game was ok i had fun playing it
over 14 years ago
That and Ridley, who caused that trauma, is showing serious signs of never permanently dying. Ever. I can't imagine she'd have a very favorable readtion to that.
over 14 years ago
What I want:
1: A Metroid that has some kind of Metal Gear gameplay. They already have the whole "more cutscenes than gameplay" part down, so it shouldn't be hard.
2: The hacking scene makes a code to override all restrictions provided by Adam Sonovabitch.
over 14 years ago
Is that Link in Samus gear?
over 14 years ago
Fuuuurthermore, think about her past. Her parents were killed infront of her eyes and her life hasn't been exactly painless. Yeah, sorry, but "feminists" can shove it, when kids experiences trauma, it tends to set scars on them!
over 14 years ago
To people complaining about Samus having feelings.
One of the people that helped create Metroid watched over the making of the game, including the story.
Furthermore, if you actually know Samus backstory and read the official comics of her, you would know that this *is* her. Sorry!
over 14 years ago
to those who said, "..."unfathomable" levels of mental control beyond that of humans."
Vulcans, have simmilar levels of emotional control. But on a number of instances Spock, his father, and other vulcans have cried or had an emotional breakdown.
over 14 years ago
Christ, is there another copy of Metroid: Other M that I didn't get, because I never saw the submissive women everyone talks about in it.
Seriously, even the Ridley part everyone makes a big deal out of, I was there at the screen going, "That's it!? That's what everyone is upset about?"
over 14 years ago
Fanboys rage...
Feminists rage...
Team Ninja gets boobs...
Nintendo profits...
All is right in the world.
The God of Tetris
over 14 years ago
<insert tetris theme in money falling scene>
over 14 years ago
it's super-effective!
over 14 years ago
@Oh dear...:
>I am amused by how angry everyone is.
Ha ha ha ha ha~
over 14 years ago
Awesome comic, might have to pick this game up sometime this week .... or possibly just wait for it to go on sale.
CHRIST you guys are nerd raging. Seriously. Cool down, shut up, maybe have fun killing things in another game, but please stop nerd raging.
I'm honestly amused with how angry everyone is. I do recall that Samus' characterization was made by Nintendo, NOT Team Ninja.
over 14 years ago
samus's a whore anyway
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42450]@JediMB[/url]: She kicked major ass anywhere but in gameplay? Must have missed that scene, then. I could swear Samus had got the reverse Dante bug like mad - do cool stuff in-game, become a little bitch in the plot.
I wish I had more room to type
over 14 years ago
We must remember that the whole being a little bitch characterization is common these days. However this was not the time to turn Samus into a bitch. But people really are bitching TOO hard about the power up thing. Fucking explosives and giant death balls of energy, look for people; they do not hel
over 14 years ago
If "acting as part of a military unit, while still kicking major ass" is synonymous with "weak and submissive", then... sure, that's how Samus was in Other M. Nevermind that she's completely in character with how she was portrayed in Metroid Fusion and the Metroid manga too. Voice actress suxed, tho
over 14 years ago
Maybe I should just realize that the comic is making fun of both sides of the debate, and intentionally exaggerating them to extremes, and just walk out.
I'll see for myself when I get the game (And I am going to get the game)
over 14 years ago
If who is so competent?
over 14 years ago
To be honest considering Team Ninja's line of previous games its no wonder Samus ended up they way she did in this. I think the concept of an empowered female protagonist who doesn't have huge tit's with their own physics actually scares them. I honestly hope to god that Nintendo go back to retro
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42443]@Enlong[/url] Because restricting her equipment was such a great idea. If he is so competent, why he usually ends up dead?
over 14 years ago
That doesn't explain why at one point your forced to run through at least 2 sections of volcanic activity without the varia suit to protect you from the heat. I cant think of a single reason why she HAS to wait from Adam to tell her she can stop burning.
over 14 years ago
Because her highest-level ordinance is still DANGEROUS. From what I hear of the game, they're trying to make sure that there's no accidental collateral damage from wall-melting lasers or bendezium-pulverizing missiles.
over 14 years ago
There's a DIFFERENCE between not being on active army duty and "not following orders ever". Maybe she trusts that some of the people who are commanding officers got to those positions because they are *gasp* competent!
And title aside, she still takes a LOT of Federation work, it seems
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42439]@Enlong[/url] Also, I'm not sure the Federation was entirely happy with the trail of exploding planets and ships she usually left. But that didn't stop them from hiring her and praising her for her job.
Why now that she is a veteran she has to subject herself to this?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42439]@Enlong[/url] In Fusion, she got directions and advice from the ship. In Other M, she was stopped from using the equipment she had and needed. It's very different.
And if she cared so much about the law and her orders she wouldn't have left the army to become a bounty hunter.
over 14 years ago
And yet her missions as a "bounty hunter" always seem to amount to commissions from the Federation.
And even if you subscribe to the insane idea that the Prime series is noncanon, then there's still Fusion, where she tried to bring help, and only went in alone because only she COULD.
Silent Heros
over 14 years ago
I just wish to say that I agree with Avery. Though Samus never flaunted her personality, she did express it subtly through her research notes(Prime) and such. It was from those that her personality could be unraveled. That's what made Samus great.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42432]@Exe[/url] It's characterization through action. She went through several planets and fought hordes of hostile aliens. ALL. ALONE.
She also is known to be a bounty hunter. She chose to work alone.
If that is not enough to tell she is a strong, independent woman, I don't know what it is.
over 14 years ago
I'd prefer no personality to a submissive.
over 14 years ago
Oh, and the "random" people are A: the law in the galaxy, and B: the people paying Samus.
I can't believe I need to EXPLAIN this.
over 14 years ago
Clearly not the case in this game, and not in Fusion, for that matter. Even as a bounty hunter/mercenary/hero-for-hire, sometimes you have to have the prudence to follow orders if you expect anyone to hire and pay you.
Sometimes, that is the SMART thing to do.
over 14 years ago
I'd rather have a silent characters than a submissive one. Even more when I'm controlling it and I am forced to also obey a random bastard as a consequence of said character obeying a random bastard. Especially when said character is known to act alone and be badass.
over 14 years ago
'New' personality? Samus has never spoken in any of canon sequels(Prime series isn't canon). The manga and comic series are the only media that characterize her, and Other M is accurate to them. ie. Samus is brooding and conflicted. Adam is a father figure she never had.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42429]@Enlong[/url] She is a loner bounty hunter. She left the army a long time ago. She probalby killed more aliens alone than all the army team killed together.
She doesn't have to obey anyone.
over 14 years ago
She needs a pikachu.
over 14 years ago
Exaggerations. "Suffers from breakdowns"
It is a momentary thing, and who can blame her? The monster who orphaned her came back from a planetwide explosion! She says "He can't be!" because he SHOULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED THAT. I can accept that throwing her off her game.
over 14 years ago
Because following orders from one's military superiors is a sign of weakness.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42408]@Frank[/url]: Enjoy your awesomeness.
over 14 years ago
dang so who here bought it(search online) to know who the mysterious man name was?
over 14 years ago
Sooo, wait a second...Samus becomes Adam's bitch, suffers from breakdowns whenever she sees Ridley, and is overly emotional and talkative?
...I'mma ask my friend, who bought Other M the day it was released, what he thinks of Samus' new personality. If he approves of it, I'm going to punch him.
GG Crono
over 14 years ago
You know, I have nothing against character development. I LOVED what they did in Fusion. I would have happily welcomed more like it. But they didn't have to do what they did in order to develop character. Nintendo, I am disappoint. :(
over 14 years ago
While I don't take issue with wanting to give Samus character, at the point in the Metroid 'universe' that the game takes place, Samus is not the melodramatic, hesitant, weak-willed little girl that the game makes her out to be.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42412]@Brandon[/url]: She's been a mute protagonist in every game until now (ignoring the few lines of dialogue in Fusion, where it was also controversial at the time.) He's implying fans prefer her silent.
over 14 years ago
Why the hell is her mouth stitched shut?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42396]@DM1293[/url]: Also, I LOVE ME SOME ABE'S ODYSSEY/EXODUS
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42397]@coye[/url]: Wait wait wait wait wait waaiiiiiiitt... You've read Twilight? BURN THE WITCH! BURN THE WITCH FOR HERESY AGAINST THE CROWN.
over 14 years ago
Jo, are you some kind of Psyche?
You talked about "Company of Heroes" some time ago.
Then It got a 75% off sale one Steam.
[url=#user_comment_42391]@Anus[/url]: The comic text is actually reviewed. The post under it is a jungle of ramblings fit only for the brave.
over 14 years ago
Am I the only one who can't make heads or tails of the little blurb under the comic?
Why is that illegible when the comics always make perfect grammatical sense
[url=#user_comment_42387]@Avery[/url]: She even looks manlier than Link
over 14 years ago
On a side note, Samus wears a beard well apparently.
over 14 years ago
So Samus end's up being another Mario or Link, disappointing really, Retro Studios really made her look like a Red Sonja, then Team Ninja comes and rapes her completely.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42379]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: Yes on depiction, no on it selling better unfortunately. This will probably end up being the best selling Metroid game to date.
But sure, I'll stop if I'm sucking the fun out of things.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Manly Samus = Yes.
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42379]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: BobisOnlyBob has made a motion to stop the arguing. (If in favor Troll AYE!!)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42375]@Avery[/url]: "No you" is a fair response. Regardless, you were ranting, and ranting never helps your point.
Can we all agree that the best depiction of Samus is somewhere in-between the depictions offered by panels 1 and 2, and would likely result in Nintendo needing a larger third panel?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42375]@Avery[/url]: Because you are taking this to seriously?
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42375]@Avery[/url]: Jeez Louise, Avery calm down this is supposed to be funny. You just have to let it go.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42371]@StarPilot[/url]: You have a GBA? Get Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission. They're both well worth it, and will give you a good taste of quality 2D Metroidvania (albeit somewhat more linear in the case of Fusion).
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42374]@Neutraldude[/url]: I believe the words he used were "shut up"?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42372]@Avery[/url]: I don't think you know how to actually use "No U"... the guy is only saying "Calm Down"
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42372]@Avery[/url]: Well I guess theres no point arguing, you even made Bob made so we better stop it now, and enjoy our comic
I just was giving my opinion and i respect yours as well theres no point (like I said before) to take this any longer.
over 14 years ago
@*Monocle Man*: I liked the prime games. Honestly, don't have much of a problem with gameplay changes as much as story/character leaps.
over 14 years ago
I liked Prime, but alas I must admit it's the only Metroid game I've played. Still, I never had a NES or SNES, and don't have a Wii, so I'm pretty much limited to what the GC and GBA have to offer.
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42363]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: Ya dayyymn right. I still got my snes and 64 besides my wii with the virtual consol :P
over 14 years ago
*Monocle Man*: Except Zelda TP was pretty much the same Zelda. The gameplay in Other M is decent, but it also isn't Metroid. The story is also different from the other games, so how exactly, again, is this going back to the start when its a 3D beat them up with a talkative protagonist?
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42367]@Avery[/url]: To the sidescroolling action that changed in the Prime series. Which alll winned about. Or did't you complain about it like you are complaining because of this?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42363]@BobisOnlyBob[/url]: No you
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
This happened to a friend of mine, he was all excited about the new zelda, when he saw the trailer everything came down. He said: "Its to colorfull, I whanted another TP"
But its just that nintendo returned tu the very start point. At the beggining games wheren't obscure.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42357]@Osmigos[/url]: She had a personality, which clearly shows you either didn't play many metroid games or simply didn't pay attention. Go play Fusion.
@*Monocle Man*: How is Other M going back to roots, exactly?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42362]@Avery[/url]: Shut up, you've made your point, you're just being excessive now.
@*Monocle Man*: As a fan of Nintendo old and new I have no problem with either. People will always complain; plenty of individuals don't. I'll just as happily play NES, SNES, N64, GC and Wii.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: That isn't good characterization; that is called a copout, and as has been mentioned a great way to make money as the game is selling like hotcakes. At this point, her being a little bit of a sociopath makes far more sense than this whiny bella swan we are now being told is the true samus
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
Soooo... I don't really know whats going on with the nintendo fans. They wanted their old games when nintendo "tried" to inovate. Now, they complain about how things have changed from the the inovated game they hated at the beginnig.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: You want to call me out on liking a sociopath? I'll call the fans of this game out of liking a whiny little girl in wolf's clothing. This goes beyond Fusion's characterization and, literally, has her reverting back to the mind of a 3 year old in the middle of a fight
over 14 years ago
@Godat: Which screams of Vasquez always dies. They wanted to make Samus sell better, especially in Japan, so they took the money making anime route and made her a frail flower and decided that a competent military woman was unbelievable.
over 14 years ago
@Godat: That, the big, final reveal of her inner character is a frail little girl who desperately wants her fake daddy's attention, blatantly disrespects the military, cries and paralyzes herself at the sight of things she's wrecked before, and has shrunken a foot in height, gained a beauty mark,etc
over 14 years ago
They could have given her any personality at all and people would be upset.
Because the previous games didn't show any personality, fans invented her personality inside their own imagination. Regardless of how it turned out when they actually added one, it won't mesh with everyone's imagination.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: And after fighting evil versions of herself and beating her own inner corruption, fighting off and defeating Ridley 6+ times, defeating Mother Brain twice, getting revenge for her parental species, and on and on and on and on
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: I'm saying she is a highly trained warrior monk who mastered Alien tech, was fused with their DNA and gained, quote, "unfathomable" levels of mental control beyond that of humans, graduated first class in a military academy, and became the top bounty hunter in the galaxy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: Do you honestly believe that, sitting next to the rest of the Metroid franchise, that the way she acts and behaves in other M makes perfect sense and that what she is displaying is true human emotion? I'm saying she is acting like a typical japanese anime girl, which is not realistic.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42350]@Avery[/url]: as long as you're arguing that it should just be toned down, and better justified, I'm with you on this. I think there are already plausible justifications in existence, and the degree to which it need be toned down is something I'll learn through actually playing it.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42346]@Godot[/url]: Thanks for not reading any of my previous stuff.
Samus displayed and acknowledged plenty of emotion. I'm arguing that they ramped it up to 11, and that if this was, say, Master Chief breaking down crying while fighting the covenant people would be preaching a different tune.
over 14 years ago
I'm taking the middle ground here. Samus has emotions and personality? Fine. Scared suitless and bootlicking Adam? Too much, but excusable with a LOT of effort and fanwank, which should've been foreshadowed/explained better in the games. Mute badass? Not interesting enough. Losing height? Just lame.
over 14 years ago
First Panel needs glasses and a crowbar.
over 14 years ago
Ah, so you have to be an emotionally dead sociopath to be capable, got it, my bad.
over 14 years ago
A shame. Regardless, I'll still buy it: gameplay sounds good, story sounds passable, character breakdown is hopefully temporary and will be rectified somewhat in subsequent games, while acknowledging it (no retcons!). T&A is inevitable and not a problem - the height thing is just a bit weird.
over 14 years ago
... from a "Hot" badass to an emotionally vulernerable... well, typical Japanese female character, which is an archetype that sells well in Japan. Very well.
My mistake on the Mother Brain thing, then. I stand by the comments about her homeworld blowing up, and convincing herself she'd dealt with Ridley for good. Regardless of her feelings for the hatchling, seeing it die was still a harrowing experience. Maybe she values it more retrospectively.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42339]@Godot[/url]: Don't be ridiculous; Samus was always fairly hot, but she was also ripped in a few games as well as being a little over 6 foot canonically out of suit.
She is now a good foot shorter, emotionally vulnerable, and has a baby/father complex. Its a mix of these three things that turns her...
over 14 years ago
@Bob: She had also, again taken out Ridley over 6 times before that. So, in summary, compared to many other events in other games... no, I don't think it warrants the amount of PTSD freakouts we got.
over 14 years ago
@Bob: As far as Mother Brain is concerned... The Chozo raised her, not Mother Brain, who was merely a sort of ally to the Chozo. Samus, years and years and years before Other M knew Mother Brain was bad news and really never liked it, and then grew to hate it, and kill it twice.
over 14 years ago
On the matter of people objecting to Samus's new figure: are people trying to say that Samus can be tough OR hot, but not both? I seriously do not understand the objection. It's not like they turned her into Ivy or something; does she have to be masculine to be capable?
over 14 years ago
@Bob: Even in Fusion she never called it Baby, and still "it" or "The Metroid". She does acknowledge she owes it her life twice over, but she also doesn't go on a 15 minute monologue about it either.
over 14 years ago
Hatchling: Before and After Other M she never showed too much compassion for the Hatchling. She never called it baby, and the first thing she did when she found it was take it to a science lab to be experimented upon after killing its race.
over 14 years ago
...and watched most of her homeworld (she was raised on Zebes) self-destruct, but finally put to rest the monster that has been haunting her since childhood that killed her parents. When it turns up again, she MIGHT be a little more freaked out that usual? Just long enough to scare her suitless?
over 14 years ago
Having not yet played Other M, but noticing a point I've heard put forward elsewhere missing, I may as well "Troll NOW!!" - Taking place after Super Metroid, she has just seen the hatchling which unexpectedly saved her life die, the Mother Brain (an entity that helped raise her) die AGAIN...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42330]@SamN[/url]: And I'm not against this sort of characterization, but at full you could make a 2 hour movie out of the cutscene's in this game, and she never shuts up throughout any of it. Its out of character and such for sure, but its also hamfisted and, really, a lot to eat at once for a franchise so old
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42330]@SamN[/url]: The game tries far too hard to retcon feelings and emotions into times and places where the game let you, the player, feeling some of the emotions for her from moment to moment, which, even with little words, the Hatchling Metroid sacrifice is a well known and well liked event in Gaming.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42330]@SamN[/url]: I agree very much, but what I have against it is this is a fact we've never heard of nor seen before (except maybe the manga >.>). It, to me, comes out of nowhere multiple times throughout Other M, and contradicts, say, every Ridley fight before this one.
over 14 years ago
well we don't see alot of samuses life outside of her fighting... so she can display symptoms and we just don't know it... for all we know she has trouble sleeping gets angry easily, or display any number of other symptoms... or maybe her chozo DNA alows her to keep the symptoms in check
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42325]@Godot[/url]: And just to be clear, I am not against making her more "human". I'm against her seeming so absolutely untrained and undisciplined in Other M, especially this late in the timeline. A prequel, maybe, but I cannot imagine this Samus being able to, say, fight the Corruption in the prime game.s
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42325]@Godot[/url]: Yes, freezing up in a tough decision happens all the time but I assume this is something her monk level warrior training/DNA from the Chozo would help, her top military grade training, and years of bounty hunting experience.
over 14 years ago
Godot: And why do you simply assume she, as a former military soldier, bounty hunter, and top class military academy graduate cannot handle working in a situation where any of her training would come into play? Its probably high of me to assume she can, but I'm going off previous games here.
over 14 years ago
There -are- symptoms though, coming from a military family with members who have severe PTSD. This game is the first indication that she has such a severe case, and not only do we learn this once but multiple times throughout the game. 1, maybe, but she freezes up in nearly every scene after ridley
over 14 years ago
She's got a squad of regular human soldiers at her back, people who she knows are squishier than her; if she makes a wrong move, she could end up hurting them herself. In situations like that, people can often second-guess their decisions, even decisions that have to be made RIGHT NOW.
over 14 years ago
PTSD can be triggered by anything and at random... some times something will trigger it and sometimes it wont... makes it hard to identify and treat...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42319]@Godot[/url]: She seemed to function and fight Ridley just fine when she was with the Hunters in the Prime games if I recall correctly. I also am not entirely following the logic that, when she really wants to protect something she goes into PTSD trauma mode and watches them get hurt when she freaks out.
over 14 years ago
and you know Dr, Sakuya is right... that does look like a beard...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42319]@Godot[/url]: So, when she is alone she can put aside her mental trauma and be a serious fighter but when this trained, battle hardened top academy class military bounty hunter is expected to take orders and work with people she freezes?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42314]@Sam[/url]: Prime happens between Metroid and Metroid II, actually. Other M is between Super and Fusion.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42314]@Sam[/url]: No, Metroid Other M takes place after EVERY single Metroid game but Fusion, which takes place shortly after Other M. After prime, Super, Zero, etc.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42312]@Avery[/url]: Yes, and when she's alone with him, all she has to worry about is her own survival. On the other hand, when you have a squad of people right there with you, people you know personally, then you've got a lot more pressure. You fuck up, you won't be the only one who pays for it.
over 14 years ago
Perhaps she isn't bad ass in this game because the shit that happens in Other M is what made her so cold? It kinda makes sense, from a story POV. This would've happened after Super Metroid, but before Metroid Prime, right?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42309]@Godot[/url]: I also have a hard time believing that a top class military graduate, Galaxy famous bounty hunter/killer, and former top soldier would fall under the pressure of working with a few other people when she backdrop explodes shit 10 times bigger than her on a regular basis.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42309]@Godot[/url]: Yes, the only person. Alone, trapped with the person who killed her family and no help in sight. That seems like a moment that'd be ripe with mental breakdown, but instead she tore him a new one over 6 times over.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42309]@Godot[/url]: M took Fusions dialogue and pushed it to 11. Her "I'm naive, untrained, young" thing seemed very forced, especially considering she actually ended up graduated #1 at the Academy and already had extensive training with the Chozo.
over 14 years ago
As for her inner monologue, it really doesn't seem inconsistent to me; it seems to match up about as well as Fusion's did. As for dealing with Ridley, she was the only person in any immediate danger in other games; there's a lot more pressure when you've got other people counting on you.
over 14 years ago
Cosmetic to you, perhaps, but why else make her shorter and pretty than to try to move away from the Vasquez factor and make her more appealing to a male audience? Either way, its worked in its own small way.
over 14 years ago
Reduced height and a new figure are only appearance-based complaints, purely cosmetic; furthermore, her curves aren't THAT much bigger than her Zero Suit appearance, and we've only ever seen her in her power suit in all non-Zero-Suit instances before.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42303]@Godot[/url]: Fair enough, but she had faced Ridley -multiple- times. Why has she never had this PTSD flashback before? How come she didn't freeze up in every other game?
If Other M Samus were to fight the Corruption Dark Samus she'd freeze up and lose. Disconnect between gameplay/story in M was vast
over 14 years ago
But Metroid is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn´t afraid of anything.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42303]@Godot[/url]: Fair enough.
-She is shorter than ever.
-Her T&A is larger
-Her Inner monologue is contradictory and makes little sense this far into her life.
-She, canonically, has a better physical body/mental power more than any human.
-She freezes up multiple times, and gets people hurt
over 14 years ago
Just because emotions are controlled doesn't mean they aren't present. You bottle that shit up and it fucks with your head.
over 14 years ago
Godot: Her obsession with the Baby is also out of character. She did not call it a baby before M, or after in Fusion. It was always "It", "Hatchling", or "Metroid". She actually only began to truly thank it in Fusion when it "saved" her a second time. She also tried to give it to scientists at first
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42299]@Avery[/url] even if she has defeated riddley plenty of times he has never died and she holds a grudge against all of the space pirates. I am also pretty sure that the did leave her in the manga that explain her origin. i have to reread that manga i guess
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42299]@Avery[/url]: "It's everything else" Oh come on, that's hardly a suitable complaint. Be specific, or you're just whining for the sake of whining. If you're going to say something is actually wrong, and you want to be taken seriously, you have to be able to SAY what's wrong.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42298]@Godot[/url]: Her family died at age 3, and she was trained under a new family and fused with their DNA, becoming more than human and thus she gained unfathomable emotional and mental control. This is from the creator himself.
over 14 years ago
She's also lost pretty much everyone she's ever cared about. Her family is dead, her adoptive Chozo family is dead too (and the species is pretty much extinct), alienated and estranged from her superior officer in the military (Adam) and now the infant Metroid is dead as well.
over 14 years ago
No,this was just before Fusion. This is after every other game, second in the timeline with Fusion, currently, being the last.
over 14 years ago
Oh this was before the other games? ohh... yhea i remember Adam now... he was that computer guy from fusion was he not?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42291]@Zombie[/url]: She was 3 years old, and Other M is years and years ahead. If she truly gave a shit, she wouldn't of frozen up multiple times and let people get hurt in Other M
@Godot[/url]: The authorization thing isn't the problem. Its everything else, but if you can't see it I can't really help you.
over 14 years ago
@SamM: Ridley killed her family, and she has taken him down 6+ times before Other M. She killed the Metroid's under Federation orders, so she has already gotten revenge plenty of times for her family. The Chozo also did not abandon her, and she was trained under them to be a warrior monk of sorts.
over 14 years ago
I'm frankly kind of sick of people treating Other M Samus like some sort of submissive figure, especially since nothing I'm seeing in Other M suggests that. She's going along with the authorization thing because Adam's the goddamn ranking officer of the unit.
over 14 years ago
Once again, watching the only people you actually give half a shit about die can make you a bit emotional.
over 14 years ago
The game's gameplay was designed to appeal to an American audience, while the new Samus to appeal to Japanese sensibilities. While these are both great moves sales-wise, it still isn't an excuse for what we ended up getting from a West point of view.
over 14 years ago
She probably kept up a tough exterior killing for money and to further her genocide against the creatures that killed her family. But she is probably highly traumatized by this and would love to feel safe and not have to be brutal all the time. i of coarse have not played the game yet, damn school
over 14 years ago
The creator is also quoted on saying that she has an unfathomable level of mental control compared to a normal human, because she is a Chozo/Human mix and its required to keep her suit running. Other M is also set after nearly every game, so while it may add personality it is definitely out of char.
over 14 years ago
Not to mention that hey made her physically shorter, gave her bigger T&A, and had her freeze up multiple times throughout the game. Anyone that thinks what she is now is more "human" has interacted with very few actual women, and forgets that Samus isn't entirely human to start off with.
over 14 years ago
If you think about Samus and her past history it wouldn't be surprising if she had a pretty messed up psyche. She saw her entire family brutally murdered by a dragon beast was raised by birds to be a human weapon and the savior of their people. She was then abandoned by said birds. Why limit words
over 14 years ago
Anyone who actually paid attention knew she had a character, did in fact talk before hand, and did show emotion. What Other M did was, essentially, turn her into the second picture, but your first picture clearly shows you haven't played much Metroid. They turned her into a human alright; Bella Swan
over 14 years ago
I don't see what everyone's complaining about. I thought they did a good job of taking a character with no personality traits and turning her into a very human character. Try to keep in mind she was interacting with the only people who she's ever connected with/cared about.
over 14 years ago
Because nintendo fans are famous for loving "Dark, gritty" games.
And how dare a gaming company try to make money! They should cater to my every want!
over 14 years ago
And there goes the gaming industry, aaaaaand it's gone (/southpark)
Oh and nintendo haz no soal
over 14 years ago
I probably wouldn't like that new side of Samus. The way she hinted at Adam in Fusion was like they were an old, married couple, not like you portrayed.
over 14 years ago
God that guy was such a douche bag. I would not mind if she talked but she sounds way too Emo in it.
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