What people are saying about "The Sacrifice"
The Sacrifice
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about 14 years ago
Pity you never completed any of the campaigns on hard.

Hard demands a completely different type of play than the other difficulty levels...or at least they used to, back when I played l4d 1...

I logged 60 hours or so on the game, so it's not like a big investment to play it.
reverse snipe
over 14 years ago
They're eating her..! And then they're going to eat me! OH MY GAAAAAAWD!!
over 14 years ago
they're eating him..........OH MY GOD!
over 14 years ago
I agree with Sander, it's almost exactly like it!
over 14 years ago
I just read World War Z a week ago, and this reminded me completely of Redeker Plan.
over 14 years ago
Ya know what?
I just realized how much I hate ice. Lead on.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45391]@Francis[/url]: Eye'm the best, good sir. Eye freeze those zombies and then fight them. Thats how the strongest survive!
over 14 years ago
All of you wanna be zombie killers, suck.
I'm the best of them all. Bill's only the second best.
over 14 years ago
damn right
Bill's Dead Ghost
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45230]@Frank[/url] West: That's not too amazing. You ever beat a tank to death with your own hands? I have, and without a scratch on me.
not trolling
over 14 years ago
what a retarded looking peashooter
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45230]@Frank[/url] West: and by North America I mean you.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45230]@Frank[/url] West: BEST COMMENT EVER... ...Hockey pucks!
over 14 years ago
no wally! dont be a hero!
over 14 years ago
-Teehee- Frank you're so manly!
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey, I'm still alive, aren't I? Jerkface.

Hey Chuck, how 'bout I remind you that the Zombrex you adore so much was made in part by me! It wouldn't exist if I didn't help Isabella. And you wanna talk snipers, ever heard of the Hall family? I killed them, with hockey pucks.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45253]@Sama[/url] Cause they send out 4 more when you kill those. Yes,I've done it.
Chuck Greene
over 14 years ago
Well Frank, last I heard she had yet to find a cure for it. And on the Hillbillies, I had to kill several who basically wanted every person who wasn't a redneck dead. And they had good vantage points and sniper rifles.
over 14 years ago
Cure!? Didn't she give you the prototype to stunt the growth of the bug? which led to North America ability to profit off of the virus?
Chuck found a way to Tame the queens, though He did Kill Bill Overbeck I mean he has the suit.
over 14 years ago
Aw, poor Wall-Nut. D':
over 14 years ago
I don't get why they couldn't have just killed the tanks with the fixed gun emplacements BEFORE Bill jumped down...
Frank West
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45249]@Batabii[/url] You're welcome. See Chuck? I'm even better with children than you. Why not just hand that girl over to me and my smoking hot hispanic scientist girlfriend will cure her.
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
I do not like that little peanut man.
over 14 years ago
FFF. Its night time, now mushroom is fucking things up
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45230]@Frank[/url] West: Thank god you censored that single letter, now the children will never figure out what that word is.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey Chuck...

F*CK YOU! I killed a PTSD war veteran with nothing but a taser and a length of pipe! I pulled out the intestines of a soldier wearing a bullet proof vest, with my BARE DAMN HANDS. God dammnit I roundhouse kicked a shotgun wielding hillbilly until he stopped breathing!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
.... Wow seriously? Never beat it on hard? Jo... Is there any genre of games that you DON'T suck at? L4D2 is easy, even by console game standards. I wonder how you have the gall to put forth your balance suggestions about games when you are so terrible yourself.
over 14 years ago
I only ever managed to finish hard/expert campaigns playing with my original L4D playing group. For some reason this specific group always had the best results for me, probably player skill involved, and tighter teamwork
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
GRRRR get out of the way punks! I'll save him!
Chuck Greene
over 14 years ago
Heck, I even tamed a hungry tiger with nothing but 3 steaks and while surrounded by zombies to give her as a pet.
Chuck Greene
over 14 years ago
Well I killed zombies dressed as a ninja and I had makeshift rocket launchers, spiked bats, boxing gloves with knives on them a motorcycle with chainsaws on it. and I did this while trying to clear my name of false accusation and find my daughter 24hour anti-zombification medicine.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Feh, lightweights. That's not how you fight zombies. You do it with miniature chainsaws, and soda cans, and above all you do it in your boxers or in children's clothing.

I know these things, wanna know how? Because I've covered wars, you know!
Professional Mole
over 14 years ago
Poor little... pod? Anyway, he's taking this whole being eaten alive thing very well... =/
over 14 years ago
that wallnut is a goddamn HERO
over 14 years ago
Where's the Peashooter with the beret? o,o
over 14 years ago
The Sacrifice does not have new Midnight Rirders music. That makes me a sad panda.
over 14 years ago
Hey, Pea Shooter, here's an idea for you:

over 14 years ago
wait so the canon has pill shooter taking the sack of rice right?
over 14 years ago
didn't like the abrupt ending. i mean come on Bill gets loved to death by three tanks and then credits roll... wtf?
Doc Lithius
over 14 years ago
I must be without a soul. I tend to sacrafice my Wall-Nuts like gangbusters without a second thought.

Incidentally, I actually broke down and bought both games, thanks to this week's special deal. I still say it's basically <i>BrainBread: Source</i> though. ;P
over 14 years ago
Summon... the Tallnut!
over 14 years ago
4. If your teammates don't understand any of the above. If they insist on AKs. If they can't live without their bat or frying pan and use medkits after the first hit,accept you're going to be dragging them through the campaign or just quit now. It's really not worth it getting all worked up.
over 14 years ago
If you're not going to do that,take the mag.

3. Don't use a medkit unless you're black and white. Pills and shots are more common on any setting and almost as good.
over 14 years ago
Last panel, it sort of looks like an Exeggcute.
over 14 years ago
2. TAKE THE GODDAMN AUTOSHOTGUN AND MAGNUM,YOU BRAINLESS NOOB. Even on expert,4 autoshoties take a tank down fast,fast,fast. And the Magnum takes down normal zombies in one hit on any setting. You should only take a melee weapon if you're going to be the guy who sits in the door and blocks.
over 14 years ago
How to survive on Expert.

1. Duck and cover. Get your back in a corner or,better,a room that the zombies can't break through the walls of (safey safe). Standing out in the open might be fine for normal,but on expert,the normal zombies do 20 points of damage a hit. Get to safety,dumbass.
over 14 years ago
man i actually lol'd at this comic. gj josué
over 14 years ago
Just play with one or two good friends. and you just WIN. Also, its more fun.
over 14 years ago
Damn, that nutcase really going to sacrifice himself? I mean, he already planted himself there. Other plants sprinkling tears for him, while others prepared their trunks for evacuation, sunny is reluctant to leaf him alone....
over 14 years ago
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
By the way if your up for a game, just let me know, i don't mind carrying people in L4D 2.
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
Then play L4D 2 with me, i do expert alot with BOTS so i know what it feels like to carry people, i dont win alot nor do they all still stand usually like ever, but i get lucky with bot behavior, ive had coach crown a witch so... yea i trust em to survive more then most people.
over 14 years ago
The Wall-nut.

More fucking manlier than you ever will be.
Adnon White
over 14 years ago
They're eating him! And then they're going to eat me!!!

A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45184]@Grain[/url]: Oi! What do zombie farmers want to eat more than brains? GGGGGGGRRRRRRRAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSS! OHHOHO! That slaps me on the thigh!
over 14 years ago
You must have bad luck. I've played expert with people and had blasts.

Also, that's one sexy flower.
Manne Handes
over 14 years ago
Grabbin' Bill.
over 14 years ago
you should have made it "There eating him, and then they are going to eat me! O MY GOOOOOOOODDDDD" -- troll 2
over 14 years ago
Sorry, Brain, not Brian.

Dyslexia is fun.
over 14 years ago
@Brian: Do you like when they come after me?
over 14 years ago
I hate zombies
over 14 years ago
This one time me and my buddy Kieth-Nut...
over 14 years ago
Inb4 "MINE" all over the comic
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
guuu brain no be mad...we get to him when flowers gone
over 14 years ago
RIP Wall-nut :'(
over 14 years ago
They're eating him. And then they're gonna eat me.
over 14 years ago
I hope after eating so many plants the zombies will become vegetarian and stop trying to EAT ME!!!!!!!!
over 14 years ago
I hate plants
over 14 years ago
Holy crap do I have timing.
That Guy Who's First
over 14 years ago