What people are saying about "Prejudice"
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about 14 years ago
You are all so small, is funny to me.
over 14 years ago
I like vests.
over 14 years ago
@Pyro.Jr: Nope.
over 14 years ago
Francis, is there anything you don't hate?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47385]@Coach[/url]: Oh? ...oh, heh, hey, that's right! ...MAN, Keith is gonna love hearin' about this!
over 14 years ago
Ellis... boy, you ain't right in the head. That weren't Keith, that was me an you an nick and Rochelle.
over 14 years ago
@Frank West: Hey did I ever tell you about that time me an' my buddy Keith, we got locked in a mall with a whole buncha zombies, and we had to fight our way out and use a race car to get away?
over 14 years ago
Oh, man, I hate my brain.

I was gonna say "call 'em mummies". Yeah.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47345]@OMGWTFBBQ[/url]: Mummies are, like, Egyptian zombies, man. Same thing. Just makes it easier if I call 'em zombies so everyone knows what I'm talkin' about.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
*Photographs, then drop kicks the zombie girl. Then photographs her corpse in an awkward position for erotica PP*

God I love my job.
over 14 years ago
About that mech game, if I had a chance to make a game for kinect, it would be a completely realistic fighting game.
over 14 years ago
is it necrophilia if they want it back? think about it
over 14 years ago
Why can't we just get a new system instead of this motion stuff? That way my pc games could advance not stagnate because of the consoles?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47365]@hello[/url]: Here's a hint: Borderlands, Call of Duty WaW, and Red Dead Redemption all have something in common...BRRRAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNSSSSS.
over 14 years ago
I just want to see a new Bushido Blade using the Kinect/Move/Wii controllers.
over 14 years ago
I admit I'm not getting the reference here...
over 14 years ago
ew, you missed a big chance to use "foot snake squiggle squiggle bird" on your comic :(
over 14 years ago
"because Kinect is such a new concept, both in execution and in hardware"

Hi, this is the Eye-Toy calling....the Sony toy no one cared about...............
over 14 years ago
Steel Battalion only slightly disappointed me when I realized that the switches for the startup were just toggles and I couldn't actually control the fuel air mixture

Yeah stupid I know, but I saw it in a display case and I was all OMFG that is going to be sick, and it was, just no fuel air mix.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47349]@AckAckAck[/url]: This person is correct. The best part of Steel Battalion was having this gigantic complex clunky controller. You can't get the same feel out of having NO CONTROLLER AT ALL. D:
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47346]@kshade[/url] What? steel batallion is supposed to be with a special controller, the feeling of controlling mecha with this http://cdn.gameist.com/static/contentimages/mrd/steel-battalion-controller.jpg feel awesome I wish they make one for gundam games
over 14 years ago
That mech game you're looking for is probably this: http://kotaku.com/5639336/steel-battalion-triumphantly-returns-with-a-different-sort-of-custom-controller/gallery/
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47344]@Francis[/url] I thought you hate zombies?
over 14 years ago
I hate mummies.
lacking importance
over 14 years ago
@Me or I, one of them
out of curiosity, have you played either?
over 14 years ago
I'm wondering how you'd do Siegfried's drop kick on Kinect.

Hope you've got some thick carpet.
Me or I, one of them
over 14 years ago
@I-ninja: It amazes me that more people don't make the comparison.
over 14 years ago
all the kinect is, is the eye toy for the x-box 360
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47329]@howlingblue[/url] This Hand of mine glows with an awesome power. It tells me to... FUCK MY HAND IS ON FIRE!!! oh wait it just the TV FUCK MY TV IS ON FIRE!!! (if you can't tell, I'm making fun of stupid people using kinect)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47329]@howlingblue[/url]: Watching a guy play a mecha game with Kenetic controls will be more like Gurren Lagann or Mazinger Z, rather than the rather tame G-Gundam. All with me now: "ROCKET PUNCH!! BREASTO FIRE!! GIGA DRILL BREAKER!! KOUSH.. KOSHIRYO... erm... SOMETHING BEAM!!"
over 14 years ago
So, you want a G Gundam game for the Kinect? Sounds AWESOME.
over 14 years ago
No jiangshis!? PREJUDICE.
Captain Obvious
over 14 years ago
Jo, your idea for Kinect has got to be one of the best I have ever heard. Ever!

Also, poor mummy-man. Even when you're dead racism still gets you down.

One last thing: The people who "tag" the zombie girl are necophiliacs.

Captain Obvious signing out!
over 14 years ago
one more thing, yay! my first photonote! and not MINE! variety (even though I can't promise for the next photones to come)
Scorch Tries to Translate the Egyptian Insult
over 14 years ago
You poke dog strongly.
Roughly, "Go fuck a dog".
over 14 years ago
I'm saved from getting dissapointed
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47313]@Nah[/url] It's much more older than that, remember power glove? I've seen a promotion photo where someone using his power glove finger to be a makeshift platform for mario to stand on I don't know it's BS or not, but during my teenage years I got so excited seeing that. But I can't afford it, so
over 14 years ago
your couch at night playing some racings, platformers, rpgs, fps or other genres you prefer

btw, anyone hyped over the soon to be released Gran Turismo 5?
over 14 years ago
I want to play games for relaxation, to unwind, playing with motion controller gadgets need energy, energy that already spent during workday.

I remembered when I play a computer game until I fell asleep on the keyboard.

Use your energy for outdoor activities (for me, photograpy) then relax on
over 14 years ago
Kinect isn't that brand new, it's basically an advanced eye toy, like move is an advanced wiimote. But i do agree that move is superior. Not sure if/when i'll buy it though.
over 14 years ago
Of course we'll have games like that. This is just the beginning. Remember how Wii turned out?
over 14 years ago
And let's not forget the mommy in Capcom's darkstalker
Derf Llennod
over 14 years ago
there are some in Tomb Raider too.
over 14 years ago
How did I know the girl zombie would be the first thing tagged?
That Guy
over 14 years ago
Nope...Ninja'd, I was third.
And I remembered that there's Mummies in Diablo 3.
That Guy
over 14 years ago

Also, I wonder what ever happened to mummies after D2?
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago