What people are saying about "A game by another company"
A game by another company
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about 14 years ago
Hilarious... by the way, Prinny only has peg legs.
over 14 years ago
I liked this strip! Moar!
over 14 years ago
This is the most frightening Nerfnow comic I have ever seen.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47963]@Bisected8[/url]: Not. Really. Perhaps the better term would be upgrade. The engine still suffers from interaction weirdness, which panel 3 demonstrates perfectly.
over 14 years ago
Knights of the old republic by Square Enix. Dear GOD that is a horrifying thought.
over 14 years ago
am I the only one who thought of a hovertank when I saw "nekomata"?
hxc gam3r br0
over 14 years ago
Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas fixed the stale characters / meh roleplaying and other general problems in f3 / oblivion. Of course, the engine still feels ancient, but its updated, so I can easily live with it. I gotta say though, when it comes to bethesda itself, Jo did pretty much nail it here.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47969]@ChagrinnedGoat[/url]: No, you're not the only one. I'm playing it at the moment and loving it. I don't really understand the hate.
over 14 years ago
Dear god, I hope this doesn't happen to Disgaea... It's my favorite series next to Harvest Moon.
over 14 years ago
I wonder how would Flonne looks like
 Platypus
over 14 years ago
@Andre Wave
photonote, The dangerous creatures of course.
over 14 years ago
Also lol at no one claiming anything on Etna.
over 14 years ago
This comic made me double take, though the second panel made me lol hard.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47973]@danvolodar[/url]: It was made by a subsidiary.
A good guy?
over 14 years ago
Meh i have much more fun and playtime with bethesda games than any of those annoying nippon ichi games

i dunno they just try too hard to be "funny" and their artstyle is repetitive
Glittering Gem
over 14 years ago
If only people appreciated the rough diamonds that Troika or Obsidian developed instead of the polished turds of Bethesda. Quality will forever take a backseat to playable mediocrity, which Bethesda has an iron lock on. At least there are the original Fallouts, Arcanum, and PS: T to remember.
over 14 years ago
Bethesda makes okay, fun to play games, but Jo pinned down the problems with them flawlessly.

Also, >trololol Fallout 3 is no worse than Fallout 1 or 2.
over 14 years ago
Oh, and I would not doubt Bethesda removing lift and throw, and making prinnies not explode.

Its too much work for their out of date engines.
over 14 years ago
... as much as I like FO3 I concede that it is very prone to crashing, full of lifeless redundant characters, and overall very glitchy.

But that kinda makes it more fun to kill everyone.
over 14 years ago
That does not look right, yeah keep Bethesda away from Disgaea, Nippon Ichi does it right. That Nekomata looks nasty, and leave the turning-1500+-year-old-loli-busty to the japenese fan artists, at least they do not make it nightmare fuel unleaded!
over 14 years ago
I feel like I'm the only person alive who actually likes Bethesda's games.
over 14 years ago
Who or what is Bethesda?
Hipster Bastard
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47964]@Grug[/url]: I think that's kind of the point
over 14 years ago
Prinnies are supposed to have sticks for legs and little bat wings.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47945]@AckAckAck[/url]: Ageing engine? It keeps being brought up, but last time I checked they used an up to date version of the Gamebryo engine (the last stable release of which was just last year) for each of their recent RPGs for the graphics and good ol' Havok for the physics. Both are still supported...
Imperial City Guard
over 14 years ago
@Imperial City Guard:
I've fought prinnies more fearsome than you! Hyaaah!
over 14 years ago
This strip is going to give me fucking nightmares.
over 14 years ago
If this is a Beth's game the hair would look more like ass.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
I wonder what it would be like if Valve made Dead Rising? Nah, wouldn't happen. I don't need three other guys to kill 53,596 zombies.
over 14 years ago
I'd play this game in a heartbeat. I love Bethesta and Disgaea. :D
over 14 years ago
Also, I hear you about the Wii's poor graphics. Goldeneye looks atrocious.
over 14 years ago
wergitrger God DAMN I wish Bethesda would learn to animate faces to the point where they don't stare into you with soulless eyes. That's the one problem I have with the company, and the fact that it's in **all of their games** doesn't make it any more comfortable.
over 14 years ago
Touch that there prinny, and you might find your head missing...dood.
over 14 years ago
The dogface nekomata and disproportionate Etna are really creeping me out dood.

Also, Prinny arc plz!
over 14 years ago
for some reason i would be able to tolerate this more than what Nippon ichis games look like
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47937]@Bisected8[/url] I think Bethesda like to think that the aging engine can be redeemed by good storyline, but I think Bethesda game stories are not he award winning kind, but still engaging.
Imperial City Guard
over 14 years ago
Stop Right There Criminal Scum! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit!
over 14 years ago
olol bioware fallout
over 14 years ago
@!!!: They updated it with Fallout 3... Am I the only one who thinks Bethesda's an awesome company...? [url=#user_comment_47931] @Nick[/url]: The only franchise I can recall them getting hold of is Fallout. And they did a great job with it, despite the small clutches of fanboys throwing hissy fits in dark corners of the web.
over 14 years ago
Bethesda isn't *all* bad... unfortunately they decided to stick with a fundamentally broken engine.
over 14 years ago
Bethesda developer to their 3D modellers: This is Etna, she's flat chested, do it.

3D Modelers: But sir, if we make it flat, she will look like a man.

Developer: ......... *sigh* oh alright do whatever you want.....
over 14 years ago
Heh, it's funny. Bethesda needs to update their engine BADLY (When was Oblivion out, 4 years ago?)
over 14 years ago
Bethesda warps everything into it's own twisted image. I hope they never get a hold on another decent franchise.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
When did Etna become a guy in drag?
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I hate crossovers.
over 14 years ago
I uh NO.Not even funny.
over 14 years ago
that etna is spy!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Smith
over 14 years ago
Yes make more crossovers
over 14 years ago
This is hilarious, but, at the same time hurts sooooo much
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47892]@fallout[/url]: NPC: The supermutants are killing everyone! Please help! And your options are... "Ok, I'll help." "Ok, I'll help for an exorbitant amount of caps." "Fuck off, Wady. I'm huntin' Wadwoaches!" "I STABBETH THEE!" That's RP in Fallout...
over 14 years ago
I see we have a bunch of NMA fags in here. Boohoo, Fallout 3 wasn't any worse than 2 or 1.
over 14 years ago
Super Mario Galaxy.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47880]@Geary[/url]: Totally correct, better graphics would not have made Other M less shitty. The decision to hand off the series to Team Ninja was it's official death knell. But I guess it needed to be done since Ninty is going into the cell phone business.
over 14 years ago
Jesus. I remembered when the fan community released sexier female models for Oblivion that were LOWER in polycount as well. So much fail in Bethesda.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Uncool Dood! Uncool.
over 14 years ago
Learn to grammar >:0
over 14 years ago
Protip: New Vegas is not made by Bethesda.

Also, the comic is hilariously accurate.
over 14 years ago
I can't stop laughing, but I'm crying at the same time!
What have you done to Etna!
Flaming Cats
over 14 years ago
Oblivion much?
over 14 years ago
so this is why there are no fallout comics :(
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47889]@Stunball[/url]: Go back to 1&2. You will be missed.
over 14 years ago
I can't wait for a post-Bethesda Fallout. I REALLY can't wait.
over 14 years ago
So, on the one hand, Bethesda would probably rape all that we know and love about Disgaea (because it's a really quirky game, damnit). On the other hand, physics engine + prinnies = fun times.

Also, the class is "Nekomata".
over 14 years ago
This hurts... This hurts a lot... Yet it is surprisingly accurate.
over 14 years ago
Bah, Metroid: Other M doesn't seem like it would have been better on any other system, it's just that there didn't seem to be much care in fine-tuning it. Not to mention it's graphics don't hold a candle to Monster Hunter Tri, and that runs like a beauty.
over 14 years ago
5th Panel: Defend yourself from system crashes and graphical bugs!
over 14 years ago
Holy crap, my first first!