I stole this hat... from a Demoman.
He didn't mind, with his little pompom and all.
about 14 years ago
I know it you know and this F***ing ho know it
about 14 years ago
i would love that game
about 14 years ago
No way that guy's a pimp. Look at his pimp-slap - it's so limp.
It's sad to see a hard job made to look so easy.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48260]@Loborin[/url] I'm with This.
about 14 years ago
that girl is actually really pretty.
about 14 years ago
I feel sad for the poor girl.
Whenever you draw a girl with a frown I feel sad for her and just want to give her a hug to cheer her up... :(
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48044]@gimmethegepgun[/url]: Who said I was roundhouse kicking her?
about 14 years ago
1 pimp walk
2 pimp ask
3 pimp slap
4 ?
about 14 years ago
I sense Dragon Age 2 DLC...
about 14 years ago
it begins with your kinect detecting the pimp hat you're wearing and awarding you +5 to your pimpin' reputation.
it ends when your kinect detects that you're wearing a chainmail bikini in the hopes of buffing your night elf, and promptly posts the pics on the internet
about 14 years ago
Nerfnow does however approve of righteous ho's
about 14 years ago
"Nerf now does not approve of pimping in any way."
[url=#user_comment_48078]@Medionsaturn[/url]: Yeah, the "lost episode" of the Simpsons. If they wanted to lose an episode of the Simpsons they had plenty of candidates post season 7. In fact, they should have lost all of those episodes.
about 14 years ago
Every time I look at this, it cracks me up. I've always found pimps hilarious, since I saw Homer get chased through New York City by one in The Simpsons.
about 14 years ago
Let us pray the pimps pray!
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Game-tip: if you don't leave a mark, you're not doing it right.
about 14 years ago
If a game gave me an excuse to Pimp Strut around my living room in a Pink Pimp hat with company over, I have to say I would buy it, no matter the content.
about 14 years ago
So I went to a hooker the other night and the bitch gave me crabs, and the next day I went to her pimp and demanded a refund, and he said, "what did you expect for $5? Lobster?"
about 14 years ago
Yup it's demoman's painted pimp hat from team fortress 2
about 14 years ago
Steve sure knows how to back hand Bitches how else he could teach his dog Blue to find his shit.
Not shown, the nearest ATM coughing out cash with no one around.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48026]@Ataeru[/url]: Kinect decided that you roundhouse pimp kicked her. But because it was so slow, she ducked it, and kicked you in the groin. As in, the camera jumped up and hit you in the nuts.
about 14 years ago
If we get fucking Kinect support in Indie Games, I will make this fucking game god dammit.
about 14 years ago
Damn, those boobs are on a subscription plan...
about 14 years ago
You sick man, how dare you hit her. Even if its just a video game.
*roundhouse kicks face*
about 14 years ago
And if you preorder now, you can get special downloadable content! Add Red or Blu Engie-tan to your stable of escort ladies!
about 14 years ago
Should this one to my roommate, it honestly took him 5 minutes to figure it out (me 5 seconds). We then proceded to LOL for about 10 minutes
HELL YEAH! And with Microsoft Kinect for your XBox 360, now it's even easier!
about 14 years ago
I hate pimps.
about 14 years ago
He.....he just bitchslapped his game?
about 14 years ago
Ah, I see that you've discovered the Kinect Deluxe Package.
Not shown: Cane with diamond top, zoot suit, bumper sticker that reads "Kinect: I KNOW where my bitches at".
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
Sure, Jo. Of course you don't endorse the action and profession of Pimping.
*Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, Hint Hint*
stay classy
about 14 years ago
She seems like more of the high-class type. Also lol if she was a random in-game pedestrian . OR if this is an add-in to a x-box version of criminal girls or all h-games for that matter.
about 14 years ago
did microsoft learn with valve or something, packaging free hats with their games
hustlers hallmark
about 14 years ago
lol anyone? :D
about 14 years ago
wait...isn't that the demomans hat? Kinect comes with it? MINE
about 14 years ago
new pimpthegame on xbox360! special edition with pimp hat!
about 14 years ago
Note: saying "Mine" on this one will have unfortunate implications: it means you're a honest to god pimp, and just as bad as the guy in this comic :(
about 14 years ago
The New GTA has some interesting Kinect implementations.