What people are saying about "Poker Face"
Poker Face
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about 14 years ago
Max is randomized
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48699]@SJTNK[/url]: Pretty accurate Max is a nut. His playstyle is completely erratic. Strong Bad has a big ego. He doesn't want to lose face. Heavy is very steady. Plays the good, folds the bad. Tycho plays very conservatively at first and becomes agressive when a couple of other players are eliminated.
over 14 years ago
@Dangeresque, too?

If it sets the mood any better, the movie had a budget of no dollars.
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
oh, and if anyone is confused about whats going on, the order is going from left to right, max went all in so lets say he has 1,000 stronbad raised so lets say he has 15,000, heavy called so lets say 15,000 as well, tycho folds because hes a pansy.
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
A fine multiplayer addition would be just more people, and still include max strongbad heavy and tycho, the witty banter is an enjoyable thing to an otherwise quiet game, the next night at the inventory game will probably be bowling, and you get a bowling pin as a melee weapon too.
over 14 years ago
Just be glad I didn't make it into the game. They had to take me out because I kept cheat- I mean, winning.

Those assholes.
over 14 years ago
You wear BLU sweater, and you wear BLU Engie-tan suit
Dangeresque, too?
over 14 years ago
So remember, next time you see a demo with these shutter shades, remember that they stand for a man greater than you. Greater than all of us.
Dangeresque, too?
over 14 years ago
They represent a man who didn't back down when faced with the painful truth of Cutesy Button's kidnapping. A man who fought against Killingyouguy, knowing it may be his last. And a man redeemed himself in his partners' eyes after the Nefarious Craig created a robot copy to destroy their friendship.
Dangeresque, too?
over 14 years ago
@ChargrinnedGoat [url=#user_comment_48687] @Brandon[/url] I can't believe the first thing that came to your mind when you saw these was Kanye West. Disgusting. These shades represent a serious character in a strong-willed, blockbuster movie series that touched the hearts of millions.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48687]@Brandon[/url]: Kanye West only exists if you think he does. I don't think he does, so clearly he doesn't exist. I also hide by putting towel over head. If I can't see you, then clearly you cannot see me. You'd be surprised how often this works.
over 14 years ago
I hate Poker.
over 14 years ago
You mean this isn't the game where we take off our clothes?
over 14 years ago
It also helps that Texas Hold 'em is the easiest kind of poker.
over 14 years ago
"Rules for Draw and Stud poker?" You're supposed to take these out of the deck!
over 14 years ago
Slap some glasses on Engie-tan and you get your self a makeshift Tycho's wife for tycho to barter...

...maybe add some marker freckles just to be sure.
over 14 years ago
@Dangeresque, too?: History? Celebrities wearing them for a few decades doesn't seem like much "history" to me. I agree with Brandon. They're ridiculous. Sure, Homestar is cool, but shutter shades never will be.
over 14 years ago
@dangeresque, too?

They're Kanye glasses, which I have always found ridiculous in a rather negative way. Regardless of what history they might have with Homestar (who, I understand, the glasses actually belong to), I'm pretty much biased from the start to dislike them. Personal opinion, mind.
over 14 years ago
Tycho always folds on my games. :x
Dangeresque, too?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48683]@Brandon[/url] You've gotta be kidding me. You clearly don't know the history behind these cool shades. The only real tragedy is that only the Demoman can equip them
over 14 years ago
Poor Engie-tan, having to listen to Heavy's engineer killing story.
over 14 years ago
Plus, Strongbad's glasses are stupid, and pretty much only the player will notice Tycho's watch.
over 14 years ago
My feeling regarding the items is that it's to a point where a cosmetic item is just that, a little extra thing, and since SO MANY people bought this game purely for the TF2 items (and thus totally missed the point) any status to be had by having the items is lost.
over 14 years ago
It's totally possible to raise an all in bet. There are only 2 requirements for it to happen. 1st, you must have more chips then the person betting all in has. 2nd there must be at least one other person that is still playing the hand. Generally that person also has more chips then the all in better
Frank West
over 14 years ago
You know who should be in the next poker night? Frank West. Oh yeah, you'd never be able to keep up with my mean Servbot Poker Face.
over 14 years ago
I would love to play against the developers for money, every character overplays their hands so often.

Did like the heavy looking for the spy because he keeps getting bad cards though.
over 14 years ago
The game gave me a loose understanding of poker so all in all it was a good game, I think.
Strong Bad
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48672]@SJTNK[/url] BAD BLUFFS?! BAD BLUFFS!?! I have the best bluffs around everyone is intimidated. Nothing to intimidate your opponents like a heavy think hard. HRRRGGNNNNNG- So anyways STINK you don't know what your talking about.
over 14 years ago
Max: Plays Aggressive, likes to raise, will play anything.
Strong Bad: Bluffs early, bluffs often, bluffs badly.
Heavy: Plays very tight. Heavy like strong cards.
Tycho: Plays tight early, becomes evil when there's less people.

But none of them are particularly good poker players.
over 14 years ago
I learned to play poker from Club House Games and the DS.
It's far better than Poker Night in case you were wondering, although it lacks the witty banter.
over 14 years ago
Max goes all-in, Strong Bad...Raises? How do you raise an all-in bet.

Oh wait, Jo doesn't know how to play. It's okay, Jo. Poker is not for everyone, and that includes me. I know the mechanics, but I get crushed in live games.
Strong Bad
over 14 years ago
HA! You wimps WISH you could'ave seen the rest of the hand! I totally OWNED all of them including HEAVYMAN! And of course like always that geekasaurus Tico, or whatever that freak's name is folded. Anyway, Bunnyman got out, HA! thinking he could go against ME?! ME?! MEEEE?! ARRRGHHARG JIBLIYJIBLY!
over 14 years ago
I know how to play poker, but my game is blackjack.

but I'm at -$90000
Whenever I go all in and have less than the other guy. I'm winning the hand at the fourth card(which is why I went all in either get the pot ot win the pot), but always loss on the last card.
over 14 years ago
I would like to apply for worst Poker Night player ever.
Uber Spycrab
over 14 years ago
It's ok, Jo, I have no idea how to play poker either :P
over 14 years ago
Play poker with friends! That is fun!
over 14 years ago
Max always goes all-in, no exceptions, seriously, its rather obnoxious.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48631]@SAXsamus[/url]: Because they are off duty. Heavy's not being paid to attack her. And also because Engie-tan already lost her money so she bet her pants this round.
over 14 years ago
Wow, this is exactly how I feel!
over 14 years ago
I'll be honest. I felt a bit sad when I took the Heavy's gun away. ;_;
over 14 years ago
Ohh look how cute, Software2 is attempting to sound witty.

FYI people, we hate because you're the wet noodle of photo notes. You're on the Internet, kick it up a notch already. You're boring.
over 14 years ago
At least you can play, my copy is a complete lag fest!
over 14 years ago
-Max is an aggressive player, DO NOT TRY TO BLUFF HIM
cause its hard.
-Strongbad frequently bluffs, so sometimes if you put a higher bet, you can make him fold.
-Heavy is more balanced.
-Tycho has a fetish to giraffes and hedgehogs and only bets high on GOOD hands.
pros and cons
over 14 years ago
also, strongbad is fucking irritating worthless mouthy peice of shit... who i hate for his attitude
pros and cons
over 14 years ago
max is an agreesive better
strongbad almost never folds
heavys more balanced, but is hard to bluff
tycho folds alot.

also, is it just me, or when the bonus items turn up, the better fold nearly all te time?

and yes you can raise an all in if you have more money than the person going all in
over 14 years ago
When I play poker I fail miserably... until I decide "This is no fun, I want to bust out ASAP" and announce the fact...

Then I win.
Life is cruel.
over 14 years ago
I went all in on my first hand of a game with a 10 and 7, everyone else went all in as well, I won with a flush and got the iron curtain. lols.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48625]@Ikkonoishi[/url]: Thanks bro for the heads up! Was playing the demo last night and thought of getting it...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48627]@Sammy[/url]: You shouldnt ever call a when you're bluffing (unless its just a check) you should either try to force them out or give up on your bluff. If you are bluffing then you are basically giving them money by calling their bet (if they have anything) and if they were also bluffing its all chance.
over 14 years ago
why is BLU engie tan there instead of red? and why hasnt the heavy killed or attempted to kill her?
over 14 years ago
Tycho and heavy always fold on me D:<
over 14 years ago
I called a bluff with my bluff and than I felt really stupid when the cards were laid and we both had shitty cards, Heavy never folds.
over 14 years ago
How can one not know how to play this? The rules are so simple! In fact it's pretty much like chess. The rules are moderately long and easy to learn, but it's the tactics and decisions that make the game turn into a win game.

....I've lost 40.000 dollars :I
over 14 years ago
I figure you guys might be interested to know that Recettear is only $5 on steam today as part of the indie puzzle pack.
over 14 years ago
Well finally we have 4 things in common, we like pyro, we like heavy's comments,we like TF2 and we both like to watch poker instead of playing it
over 14 years ago
I hate Tycho, he always folds until he's the last person.

all of his lines are funny, yes, but I still enjoy it everytime he's eliminated so I don't have to watch him fold AGAIN.
over 14 years ago
That Tycho's a bit of an asshole.
over 14 years ago
I like da red hair!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48602]@Grug[/url] photonote Not everyone know how to play poker Grug, I only understand half the rule until now.
over 14 years ago
You can raise an all in when there are other players competing. It will go into the side pot and not the main pot though - the first "all-in" person won't be eligible for that side pot.

By the way, there's a bug in-game: it only announces who wins one pot and not the other
over 14 years ago
Max, unless you got the royal flush, I'd say that's a bad idea.
Chuck Greene
over 14 years ago
So who want's to play Strip Texas hold 'em?
over 14 years ago
Any one during the second panel thought back at to the tycho's wife conversation from this game.
or Heavy's tale.
over 14 years ago
the way lady gaga says it sounds more like poke her face
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48596]@Software2[/url] Nah, but I do notice this one dude who tries to get a cheap rise out of annoying people with repetitive photo notes ... simple minds eh?
over 14 years ago
So you hear the conversation they have involving the killing of wave after wave of the undead? Cast for L4D3 confirmed.

Also, there's a bunch of Sam & Max cameos in the background, like Mamma Bosco and Miss Stinky playing Game Boys.
over 14 years ago
To be fair Poker really doesn't make any god damn sense.

I mean 90% of it is attempting to convince people not to play their cards.

Also fuck Strongbad's poor decision making. 3 times he has bought in with shades only to let some other jerk (Who is not me) take them from him.
over 14 years ago
Tycho folds every damn time.
over 14 years ago
You can if the other players have more money (I think)
over 14 years ago
can you raise an all in?
SF Legend
over 14 years ago
Even left to right it makes no sense, as money had to have been in the pot prior to strongbad's raise, which means heavy wouldn't have been able to check.
over 14 years ago
It makes more sense if you read the first panel from left to right
over 14 years ago
The heavy would not be able to CHECK because previous players have bet money into the pot. This comic is illogical and it makes me laugh because the article about the comic talks about not understanding poker. :)
over 14 years ago
I always wanted to say "First!" on one of these.
But don't worry, I won't be labeling the picture with any "mine" tags...of such I anticipate the inevitable claiming of Max's head (now you can't be witty by doing it since I already said it).

Also, I'm hoping we see some multiplayer DLC for PN.
over 14 years ago