What people are saying about "Deus Ex"
Deus Ex
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over 13 years ago
I think KoKoRo is right.
But its not Do sex. Its more like Dooo sex (except dont make the oooo sound for to long).
about 14 years ago
That's a funny way of spelling "X-COM: UFO Defense".
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50711]@KoKoRo[/url]: I'm also American. Your argument is invalid.
about 14 years ago
Don Equis Parody! Stay Hyped my friends
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50659]@ChagrinnedGoat[/url]: I'm American, I plead ignorant and like it my way.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50636]@KoKoRo[/url]: More like "Day of Sex". Consider Deus is pronounced day-us.
about 14 years ago
Do Sex
The Guy Of The Many Questions
about 14 years ago
@Beef Wellington III: hey if ya havent observed Jo is...kinda weird and puts himself as a girl
Jack Daniels
about 14 years ago
Thats not Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines...
over 14 years ago
I never understood that commercial. If he said that he normally didn't drink beer, then you're getting advice from someone who doesn't know beer.

over 14 years ago
All I hope for the game is that they don't render everything in sepia, single-colour games are ugly y'know.
over 14 years ago
Deus Ex HR got delayed! LOLOLOLOL
over 14 years ago
After playing Deus Ex 12 times and Deus Ex: Invissible War 1 time (Yes, the difference is HUGE) it's time to reinstall Deus Ex original again.
over 14 years ago
you made me want to install it again.
over 14 years ago
Megaman Legends better make it to consoles even if it's just wii
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50377]@Nerfnow[/url] I wish they make Megaman Legends MMO, it will be an awesome dungeon crawling MMO.
over 14 years ago
Dat Engyass
over 14 years ago
The most funniest comic in the world? LOL! This was awesome.
A Bag of Grounded Beans
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50398]@Dr[/url]: Ohoho! I get the joke! You make reference to a hot cup of tea, but you could of made reference to coffee because JO, as in a nice cup of jo, also mean coffee! You are indeed clever!
over 14 years ago
Play Deus Ex 1, Liam. It's something like $10 USD on steam, so there's very little reason not to at least give it a whirl. Not your cuppa tea, it's not your cuppa tea (and, luckily for you, Human Revolution appears to play different). Your cuppa tea, enjoy.
over 14 years ago
Time to play the original Deus Ex game.
over 14 years ago

Fuck yeah, G-Police. Someone needs to remake that.
Beef Wellington III
over 14 years ago
Let me see if i understand.
You are talking about TF2.
She says she usually doesn't play other games, which i understand as that she doesn't play games other than TF2.
But if she does play something besides TF2, it's Deus ex.
Did i get that right?
Liam Riordan
over 14 years ago
Never played a Deus Ex game, but the trailer was amazing and I may get this. The closest thing to a cyberpunk game that I've got in my library is G-Police 1 & 2 on PSX o.0

Time to expand and augment!!
Viva le pun.
over 14 years ago
It was my understanding that the long it takes a boyfriend to come the better. Taking a year however, I'm sure that requires a doctor.
over 14 years ago
Deus Ex is overrated, IMHO.
Yes, I just said that.
over 14 years ago
I understand what you mean Joe, same with me, I should be excited for Deus Ex, Mass Effect 3, Torchlight 2, instead what am I sitting here, waiting for urgently...

Megaman Legends 3.

Just 3 years less time of a wait than for Duke Nukem Forever.
over 14 years ago
too bad your boyfriend will just come next year.
over 14 years ago
Speaking of things that are interesting, ever notice how the "mine" meme is the opposite of those things?
over 14 years ago
Just to point about the Witcher.

CD Projekt so far has said, that yes, they want to release the Witcher 2 on the consoles, the last presentation was even on an xbox360, I think, but since then, one of the studio leads has stated, that it will be a PC title first, cosnoles - maybe later.
dos xx
over 14 years ago
dos equis ≈ deus ex... i c wut u did there/

also: did any one else like those commercials during the world cup too?
over 14 years ago
Eh. So are you referring to the original Deus Ex, or the upcoming Deus Ex 3?

Because I can completely understand Deus Ex being awarded Game of All Time, but I've been disappointed far too often to ever give an unreleased upcoming game any real hype, no matter how kick-ass their trailers are.
over 14 years ago
It's official that this is engie-tan's BF?
I guess they met during a "Amputated Limbs Anonymous" meeting.
over 14 years ago
She's so happy because his bionic fingers vibrate at 12 speeds and pulse-patterns. Engie-tan appreciates craftsmanship of that caliber.
i don't care
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50325]@StarPilot[/url]: funny thing some servers that actually still want to play the game have anti random trading rules.... do you have boxes? (:P)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50354]@Grug[/url]: He's Brazilian. As per this...what is she, Miho Tohya?
Zak Canard
over 14 years ago
I spill my dreenk!
over 14 years ago
I was like "What's so special about Deus Ex?" until I watched the trailer.

Do. Want.
Chi Chi Rocket
over 14 years ago
Oh, I thought we were talking about Starcraft.
over 14 years ago
I'm starting to think Jo doesn't speak english as a first language.
damn it
over 14 years ago
Fuck you reinstalling
over 14 years ago
Stay thirsty my friends.
SF Legend
over 14 years ago
My eyes are augmented.
over 14 years ago
Dat ass...

over 14 years ago
"Put on a trenchcoat..."

over 14 years ago
I was skeptical of Deus Ex: Human Revolution (alright, still am and extremely so), but am now looking forward to it for ONE hypothetical scenario.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution... Malkavian Mod.

Oh yes.
over 14 years ago
if this is becoming an arc, i almost dont want to know what the next pic will be...

ok, i do want to know. and im sure it will be awesome.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Dayyymn. Thank god Jo set a limit of three photo notes or I would've filled a whole panel by now...

...I'm looking at you HyperHopper.
over 14 years ago
Correct grammar is "Every time someone mentions it..."

Apologies if I sound rude, but sometimes people appreciate being corrected if they're using a non-native language. *shrug*
over 14 years ago
You mean one can PLAY Team Fortress 2? I thought it was all trade and idle servers now.
over 14 years ago
hopes for an old spice commercial with engie!