What people are saying about "Loot R Us"
Loot R Us
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about 14 years ago
I claim this space!
about 14 years ago
so true
about 14 years ago
You have to try Record of agarest war then.
sure on the LE box and (very) few scenes are provocative and it has DLC weapons. But its a deep story and difficult game despite the production cost. The DLC weapons ware out by the 4th gen and even by the 3rd gen its downright cruel with bosses.
about 14 years ago
I usually have the opposite problem where I buy an awesome item, then it pops up right as soon as I get inside the next dungeon
about 14 years ago
This comic is backwards. I mean, hey, he saved 3$! What's much, much, MUCH worse is buying that new helm for 3$, walking into a dungeon and finding the helm sitting right inside the door.
about 14 years ago
Didn't he make this joke already, I swear I read that news post verbatim before.
about 14 years ago
@Mr. Al: The mapmakers will answer your call to arms. TF2Maps.net, chaaaaaarge!
about 14 years ago
SWEET! That's an extra $1.50 in my pocket when I find the next free helmet!
Mr. Al
about 14 years ago
This is TF2 if the medieval mode would completely take over...

No harm meant, I actually love that mode, I just hope they will add more maps designed for it, or else I might get bored and start playing, ugh, AoC for HL2 again... bleh
about 14 years ago
You said sumthing about Brazil in your "comissions" page. Why?
about 14 years ago
this has happend to me a few times, the fact that games are tending more towards buyable and less towards GREAT! is also annoying, but yeah most of you could guess my favorite class of character to bring along, so you can see why chests like that annoy me
about 14 years ago
You should play Divinity II The Dragon Knight Saga. exploration is crucial in this game!! and the history is IMBA!!
about 14 years ago
Heh, Titan Quest was one of those games that if you didn't scour the edge of every single map for every single enemy, later you'd end up being under powered and easily defeated by grunt enemies.
about 14 years ago
But people love that crap!
When SE push out FF13 which skips all these illusion of choice bullcrap, people screamed to no end!
about 14 years ago
What's even worse is dumping ALL your cash to beef up your character(s) Escaping the next dungeon barely alive but not having enough cash to even stay at an inn/heal yourself. (has happened to me only once)
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50606]@pong[/url] Pretty much why I quit WOW too, but more on the PvE side. Burning Crusade was fun until the end, quit, came back for Wrath, fun was gone quit for good. Guild Wars has got me now, waiting for GW2.
about 14 years ago
You taking commissions?
about 14 years ago
You have no talent
about 14 years ago
If you ask me, it feels like this is the other way around a lot more. You go to a town, see new item, and buy one for each of your party, possibly grinding for the cash if you need to. Then you go to the next dungeon and find one in the first treasure chest. Either way, this is ridiculous.
about 14 years ago
Play Nethack.
You will know pain
You will know fear
Then you will Die.
Many times.
about 14 years ago
I find that Golden Sun is one of the few games that actually rewards you for hunting around for the treasures and extras in each dungeon an such, since you can find the massively buffing Djinn and lots of artifact weapons you can't really find in stores and that you'll end up using for a long time.
about 14 years ago
It makes a lot more sense in a game with limited enemies and no way to grind out more. In Mass Effect I found myself hacking everything for the experience points and so I could buy Spectre gear that much earlier in the campaign.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50604]@Altherix[/url] That is the worst part of MMO's but not all they are about. I no longer play WoW, but when I did it was because the game was actually fun to play. I would mostly play in battlegrounds even though you didn't really get much or anything at all for it. The day I stopped having fun, I quit.
about 14 years ago
I disagree, loot is OK unless it's the game being a Skinner Box.

IMO, a game needs to have a better reason to be played then just giving me a reward every five minutes. Most MMOs are the worse violators of this. Press the buttons monkey and we'll give you a caterpillar.
about 14 years ago
OMFG I can't stop the OCD either. The last couple times I played RPGs, I ended the games with a hueg ton of loot that went unused, and over 9000 gold that was useless. I still can't... stop opening every single chest (then checking a walkthrough to make sure I didn't miss one).
about 14 years ago
I don't miss Nerf Now comics about Team Fortress 2.
about 14 years ago
Usually its the opposite for me; I go around earning money until I can buy good gear, go into the next dungeon, and find out that I could've gotten it there for free. Well, at least in older titles, like Final Fantasy.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50591]@Nick[/url] Variety is the spice of life.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50593]@Tim[/url] The best RPG shop is in Suikoden 2 IMHO, you can recruit a merchant and he will open shop in your castle/base, and their items are good. IMHO, Suikoden 1 and 2 ARE the best RPGs, you can recruit merchants, entertainers, blacksmith, chef and many more!
about 14 years ago
I am an unabashed pack-rat, I'll loot like crazy and attempt to live off of dungeon spoils alone. I suspect I've been burnt by too many non-functional shopping mechanics in RPGs. I know the developer has put actual thought into the shop system if I find myself *buying* antidotes.
about 14 years ago
I miss Nerf Now comics about Team Fortress 2.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_50578]@TK[/url] I miss my delicious multi-paste. Where is it ME2? *cry*
about 14 years ago
DLC giving you the strongest gear in the game at lvl 1 does no help either.

cough kestrel armor.
about 14 years ago
I know this thing happen often, and yet every time I play RPGs I always search dungeons extensively for items. Maybe I have a little bit gaming OCD.
about 14 years ago
What? No new comic or blog on the new christmas update?
about 14 years ago
happens in mass effect too. Very first stage.

Search around the beacon, opening those boxes. Maybe you'll find some armor or a weapon that will last you a moment.

but hey! you can turn them into delicious multi-paste :3
about 14 years ago
this is sad truth.
about 14 years ago
See, I have exactly the opposite problem. I am COMPELLED by unseen forces to explore every corner of every dungeon, kill everything that moves, and take anything that isn't nailed down. And christ forbid I buy a peice of equipment only to find it waiting in a chest in the very next dungeon....
Nega Francis
about 14 years ago
I like armor.
about 14 years ago
much worse is spending a ton of money on an expensive piece of equipment only to find it in the VERY NEXT DUNGEON.
about 14 years ago
At least he saved 3$
about 14 years ago
Jo, you should try the DIablo series. Every nook and randomly-generated cranny has some kind of goody in it. Whether it's a zombie that needs whacking or a chest that needs opening.

Do you have opinions on the upcoming Diablo 3?
about 14 years ago
Final Fantasy 12 was exactly like that.
about 14 years ago
Any game in particular, Jo?
ghostjustin4 (that's my youtube)
about 14 years ago
WOOT!!!!! FIRST!!!!! sort of. ...at least im the first to say it! :P
about 14 years ago
My word... A firsties? Amazing!