What people are saying about "Learned 2 Play"
Learned 2 Play
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about 13 years ago
When I notice I start to play too seriously, I stop and start to roleplay. It helps a lot, believe me.
almost 14 years ago
to those
almost 14 years ago
fags who started mmorpg with wow, thats what u get, spreadsheets. didn't know you're one of those noobs who never tried L2, RO, EQ.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Is this in Azshara?
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Geez, QQ more? if you guys want to play something with no math, no races just play the Sims.
almost 14 years ago
I agree with this as well on lv60 this game was fun now its only race :( sad
almost 14 years ago
I actually never felt this way until my recent re-foray into WoW. I have been playing MMO's for 16 years. For me most MMO's were about the journey but over time levelling has gotten quicker and death penalties reduced. We are to blame though - we want easy games with no risk. They get dull quick.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52691]@Requil[/url]: True Vindictus is a must play NO other MMO is like it, w/o a doubt, its long ahead of the "next-gen" MMOs to come. Supposedly its a prequel to something else? I recommend just "trying" it just to see whats to come in the future cause it really is ahead of the times.
almost 14 years ago
Agree and approved 100% feel the same way. Been playing MMOs for, say about 8 years, and WoW since release, now I barely play WoW

WoW just gets to be too much about number crunching then mashing buttons that totally evolves around the previous number crunching you did.
almost 14 years ago
This crystallizes everything I feel about games
almost 14 years ago
This is specifically the reason why I refuse to become a "progression raider", since it just sucks all the fun out of the MMO and feasts on the dried-up husk. Too much stuff to do (exploration, lore, slaughtering my existential enemies in PVP) for me to power-level and run a raid ad nauseam.
almost 14 years ago
this comic speaks truth. ive played wow a little over a year now and im already bored beyond belief with it. it was fun the first few months but after a while when the facade of being a decent game is lifted and you see what really goes on inside makes you just want to get out
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52769]@Ark[/url]: If there is any other genre that is absolutely unchanging it's FPS. Quake was released 15 years ago. I would love to hear the complicated ways in which shooting someone in Black Ops is so different than shooting someone in Quake. The state of all video games is pretty abysmal right now...
almost 14 years ago
I agree with PewMcPewington. Havnt had that much fun in an Mmorpg game since Daoc got released. Rift is the best game this far if you ask me. Only thing its lacking is Daoc 3 faction pvp system
almost 14 years ago
I absolutely agree.
The next big mmo will surely address all the issues mentioned. It simply can't be a spreadsheet covered with 3-d toons, anymore. Whoever makes it first, will take over as the top MMO.
almost 14 years ago
You could create an MMORPG that didn't depend on mathematical formulae to determine success, but it would just be a SecondLife clone anyway.
almost 14 years ago
I sympathize with your position. As long as computer based MMORPGs exist (and thus, a numerical system that can be modeled and exploited), the top players of those games (who will always have a statistical aptitude) will seek to maximize their performance in those games.
almost 14 years ago
You obviously haven't gotten into the Rift beta! I've played mmos in UO and it took me until I was level 9 to notice my xp bar. Ignore the trolls saying it's a WoW-clone as well, because they obviously haven't played it.
almost 14 years ago
Welcome to the world of MMOs. Seriously, thats why i play FPS
Chuck Norris
almost 14 years ago
I only have one button when I play MMOs, and it says "win".

Too bad I don't have a computer that can handle me.
almost 14 years ago
Pssh, I still play many games like on top, even MMOs... Well, mostly C:O, because the customization really helps the immersion.
almost 14 years ago
Try out some Vindictus! it's dungeon based and plays a lot simpler than most mmo's out there, but it is still growing as it did only come out in the 2nd half of 2010. It runs on Steam's source engine so both the visuals and gameplay are amazing and very smooth, but the game definitely has potential
almost 14 years ago
@Yukari Yakumo: Eye hate Gaphags.
almost 14 years ago
I was at this situation till I found out DDO... What a relief it was to go back to the innocent "let's play for the sake of having fun". Of course, it's online, so numbers and personal skill matters. But once you get the hang of it, you can be really creative and most builds you try will work.
almost 14 years ago
Ugh, this is me. I love seeing all the shiny buttons and areas and stuff but then I look up how one thing works and find out I've been doing something wrong, so I sperg out and get tired of the game faster than I should. It's even worse than I LIKE to see numbers, so too minimalistic is bad also.
almost 14 years ago
I just can't play like that. There are many an game that I have quit because it was too much work of being efficient. I prefer to sit back, have fun, and explore a bit and what not, instead of having 'YOU HAVE TO BE A CERTAIN BUILD' type guy. I wish to play what I want, not be another clone.
almost 14 years ago
A shame really, but this comic shows what mmo's have become, just a series of numbers and figures and a need to do things a "certain way" instead of a way that is enjoyable.
One Tiny detail
almost 14 years ago
You forgot to put "ur" in between rofl, and face.
almost 14 years ago
@Will Smith: I fucking lold [url=#user_comment_52621] @Cirno[/url]: Eyem gonna cut you man. You dont even know. YOU FEEL THAT CHILL? THATS ME AT YOUR WINDOW. EYE SEEEEEE YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52583]@Cirno[/url] Eye dont nid undelayn to be strongestest!
almost 14 years ago
play some Ragnarok Online!
The music there is beautiful, and the monsters are simply cute.

almost 14 years ago
there is a dangerous lack of breasts in this comic
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52515]@AckAckAck[/url]: I don't doubt that there are free-to-play regimes that work. My issue is less the whole pay issue, and more the fact that it's just WORK. And tedious work at that. Nothing really fun about doing the same thing over and over again for hours just to get some trinket or experience.
Yukari Yakumo
almost 14 years ago
*Tosses all these pesky Cirnos into the void*

No need to thank me.
almost 14 years ago
The Witcher made you interested? Wow! :(
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52596]@Drake[/url] Agreed. Every point.
Will Smith
almost 14 years ago
@Fronk GODDOMMIT FRONK! *aims M4A1*
almost 14 years ago
sounds like fiesta mmorpg
almost 14 years ago
Immersion of single player games like, for example, Mass Effect, Fallout, The Witcher is unreachable at the moment by MMORPG. Could be that the new Star Wars by Bioware will fill this empty space. In the meanwhile I would suggest you to try Lord Of The Rings Online, especially on a RPG only server
Fronk Wost
almost 14 years ago
@Frank West: Yoo ore oll omposonotors
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
@Frank West: Clones, huh? Well, have YOU covered wars like *I* have, you imposter?!
Metal C0Mmander
almost 14 years ago
I buyed the first Guild Wars and I found it so boring I never went for another MMO afterward.

You know, it is pretty much the same in every games it's just that it's more susceptible to be apparent in online game since there is a lot of repetition.
Frank West
almost 14 years ago
Whoah, what the hell are all these clones doing here? At least nobody's tried impersonating yours truly.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52519]@Maths[/url]: Triple of $1 is $3, triple of $100 is $300, triple of $1000 is $3000. Tripling, whether small or large, is only a good thing when it's your pocketbook.
Marisa Kirisame
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52584]@Nanoha[/url]: No! It must be another incident which must be solved by beating up people and having a tea party with the incident causer/causers afterwords! I'll get Reimu and my Mini-Hakkero!
almost 14 years ago
What? Clones?! I see this matter can only be solved with the power of befriendment. Who's up first?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52578]@Cirno[/url]: Eye have the underline under my name. That means EYE was first. And signed in. Suck my icicle.
almost 14 years ago
This is exactly why at least in large part why I abandoned P2P MMORPGs for their F2P counterparts. Seldom do I find anything that really inspires. For the most part its enjoy the game, get bored, move to the next MMO on the list but there is little substance to the experience.
Lan EX
almost 14 years ago
There are few brilliant MMOs which cannot be turned into a flashy spreadsheet.

For instance, Uncharted Waters Online.
WoW and EVE players would drop tears of blood if they ever managed to get away from the grip of their mundane, systematic, repetitive, and derivative (grind)play...
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52572]@Cirno[/url] EYE iz the strongest!!! [url=#user_comment_52563] @V[/url] ye, you cant run away from farming, still its a different expirience from everyday (wowclone) mmo.
almost 14 years ago
I've said the same thing for a long while. That's all that MMOs boil down to, numbers galore.

And seriously, who reads the quest text anyways? I bet you could fill it with naughty stuff and no one would notice.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52494]@Cirno[/url]: Dont you steal my name you lil bitch. Eyem a cut you
almost 14 years ago
happened the same to me in tf2, it is not a mmorpg but i'm taking it too much seriously XD. unbelievable
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52494]@Cirno[/url] I tried. Friends said that there was no farming , but when the best way to level is repeat the same dungeon 5-11 times, im pretty sure it constitutes farming.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52527]@Detis[/url]: i was half asleep while typing that. i meant mmoFPSes.
almost 14 years ago
I feel so ashamed that I know where in wow this comic is suposed to be based on -__-
almost 14 years ago
I normally manage to do both for Pokemon games. That's why I love them so <3
almost 14 years ago
But the numbers need to get bigger. MUCH BIGGER!

I must haz the precious expies and stat numbers! *hiss*
almost 14 years ago
Really me 2 I got into the beta and see the same damn thing. Except im a necro/warlock/hippy.
almost 14 years ago
Someone got into the RIFT beta =)
almost 14 years ago
and this is why I still play eve online, I don't have a well defined limit to what I can do, its all rather vague and leaves me with a sense of new found discoveries quite often
almost 14 years ago
Honestly, this is probably why I never reach the level cap. I usually reach about level 20 or so, and then lose interest and stop playing.
almost 14 years ago
cont. spending money to have the best gear, and screaming at noobs for screwing up in a virtual reality game do not attribute as "fun" for me. Real life is stressful enough without having to take the "game" out of "video gaming".
almost 14 years ago
Cataclysm made WoW back into the first one.

Instead of a grindfest, you do quests and get to 60 pretty fast, the story along the way is mostly detailed and fun along the way.

Then you reach 60, get to Burning Crusade content, and grind despair. And it was originally an improvement
almost 14 years ago
Honestly I never really had this problem, since my approach to videogaming has always been "immersion first, stats second". As a result I'm considered "mediocre" by most other players stats-wise, but honestly, I don't care. I play games to have fun. And constantly crunching numbers,
almost 14 years ago
Been playing WoW for years and my mindset is still pretty much from the first panel. I never stopped loving exploring the world, reading the quest, doing some RP and just having fun from the simple stuff. Of course, doing PvP is still even more fun (kill those damn mages!)
almost 14 years ago
This phenomenon has been noted by designers and developers as well. There's been much discussion on how to alleviate this. Of course, "discussion" doesn't automatically mean resolution.
almost 14 years ago
I still play MUDs, so I cut the shit and get right to the score sheets and efficiency. Not fun in so far as single player goes, but it is fun knowing that you're going to get stronger than one of the other 200 or so people playing the game as you, and then you'll destroy them. http://www.hellmoo.org
almost 14 years ago
Guild Wars 2 might change this. Just saying.
almost 14 years ago
@ 2033
I think you have that backwards?
almost 14 years ago
thats why I prefer MMOs over RPGs. I don't like playing spreadsheets.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52515]@AckAckAck[/url] Yeah, but triple of $1 is still only $3.
almost 14 years ago
I'd say try Vindictus, hack and slash mmo on source engine made by devcat/nexon. It is a instanced game though..
almost 14 years ago
How I used to play MMOs:
Curious piece of landscape, I need to stop the assault, what's he doing there, why isn't this bar moving, and 'Ooh, cool, plants!'
How I play now:
...pretty much the same. Maybe I'm weird, but I like the game for the game, not the grind.
almost 14 years ago

Paying to work? Lord of the rings online tripled in revenue after they go free to play, their scheme is good too, not restricting playing-for-free gamers too much.

almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52508]@BigB[/url] Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out later.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
Games like WoW are absolutly a snore, i tried it for 3 hours and never cared to try it again, a waste of time when i could be hunting for hats in TF2 :P (next arc much?)
almost 14 years ago
I went into my first MMORPG experience almost a decade ago with a mind for PvP. Not that I am competitive, just the fact mob AI is so boring and predictable. As WoW's skill ceiling lowers with every update, I am left with half-arsed MMOs like Global Agenda for decent PvP.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52490]@AckAckAck[/url]: Others may not think so but Mabinogi has a good storyline and is much less of a grindfest. Its actually more there for the social aspect of MMOs. I am currently in a guild that has been together for about 3 years and still going strong.
almost 14 years ago
Lol WoW clones....
almost 14 years ago
Looks like Oasis of Marr from Everquest.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
...I feel out of place after the last few comics been made.
almost 14 years ago
That's the whole problem with MMOs: When you get to the bottom of it, it's all reverse-labor (paying to work).
almost 14 years ago
mmorpgs: taking the 'game' out of online games

since forever
almost 14 years ago
Well nowdays its hard to find immersive gameplay or even an immersive story in MMOs

Thats why I am totally waiting for Guild Wars 2: I Want to care about the environnement and not just be some random guy killing nasty monsters just because they are there.
almost 14 years ago
Try DDO! Even with min/maxing its still fun to blow explosive barrels with wands to make your mage friend so happy he'll run to ressurection shrine. Or instawipe traps coz "oops I forgot to tell you about that one". And have you seen quarterlings? Get halfling barbarian, find a blade trap .. profit!
Phil Jackson
almost 14 years ago
Sad but true, I even do this with any sort of RPG after I've played WoW. I think in terms of min/maxing my builds. Ruins some parts of the game but it in itself is a new game of numbers which I do enjoy.
almost 14 years ago
Is there any MMORPG that have good world AND story and not just a grindfest?
almost 14 years ago

Pura verdade cara, eu não gosto muito de MMOs por causa disso.
almost 14 years ago
Lol this reminds me of RF. It's WoW IN SPACE!
almost 14 years ago
I too, suffer the same predicament as Jo. Perhaps its time to stop playing these mmorpgs.
almost 14 years ago
Betchya someone will tag the I Win Macros as theirs.
almost 14 years ago
Original comments!
almost 14 years ago
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