What people are saying about "Nope"
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about 14 years ago
Captain Obvious
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52993]@Cyrotha[/url] "im pretty sure theres no ps3 cause mass effect is not for that system so stfu" http://www.amazon.com/Mass-Effect-2-Playstation-3/dp/B002I0J5YW Casey Hudson "we put together a really great version for the PS3,and now this is really the definitive version of Mass Effect 2"
Random Boi
about 14 years ago
I believe they had it be those 3 'consoles' in order of how good it would be for legion, him being a robot PC would be best while wii.... should be obvious
about 14 years ago
@Turian Councilor: Yup. And he's awesome at everything except dating sims. Poor guy. What he's awesome at, he gets banned from on grounds of suspected cheating. That just leaves what he sucks at, and he can't get better because he's not supposed to have any emotions.
only faggot do the console war
about 14 years ago
see what i did there?

now stfu
only faggots do the Console war
about 14 years ago
Xbox has no gaems!
Turian Councilor
about 14 years ago
Wait, doesn't Legion have a gamer profile?
about 14 years ago
o and im not jokeing go to the bar on illium and there will be a turrian and quarion sitting at a table she may not say it rigtht away though
o and P.S. nervstimulation is a vibrator
and to all the ps3 fags shut the fuck up stop bitching and get over it
about 14 years ago
the comment i clearly posted before has not been awensered or had much attention paided to it i would like aq opinoin you winny little ps3 nubs and im pretty sure theres no ps3 cause mass effect is not for that system so stfu
tired of the bithin
about 14 years ago
I hate the PS3.
but you know what I don't hate?
I don't Little Big Planet.
about 14 years ago
PS3 has

about 14 years ago
PS3 has

about 14 years ago
What about the PS3?
about 14 years ago
You all peasants missing apron-wearing Tali.
about 14 years ago
Clearly someone never played Lair of the Shadow Broker. Legion already plays shitloads of video games, as he was even accused of hacking once because his reaction times were so good, no human would be able to match them.
about 14 years ago
I love it! Moar ME related comics plox, Jo? Also I'd like some Geaors of War/Fallout/Borderlands themed! Just giving you more ideas.
about 14 years ago
"the geth would have helped us against the reapers Tali!"

"I had to think of my duty first! My exile is being renounced! I'll be back with my people!"

red renegade choice

"no...you wont"

*non fatal double shot to tali's suit and leaves her to die from infection*
about 14 years ago
what if based on events they make a squad member betray you?!

But like always, its in shades of gray?
about 14 years ago
@Arnon the Mouse: So you are saying you're just as excited about it as I am?
about 14 years ago
@Liro Raeriro
Mass Effect is to put it simply the effect Eezo has on the mass of an object, usually lowering it enough it can move at or beyond lightspeed for spaceflight. Eezo exposure while in the womb is also what makes Biotics, who can manipulate Mass Effect fields on a smaller scale.
A bad person
about 14 years ago
I never got into play Mass Effect... I got bored with all of the text.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52770]@Ark[/url]: You kiddin' me, Shepard? Forget the kid. I'll get there first.
about 14 years ago
im seriose its freakin me out thinkin what she does in her spare time.
about 14 years ago
omfg its so true.. I WANT MY MASS EFFECT 3!!!!
but explain to me something in 2 i over hear a conversation between a turrian and a quarion the quarion says she has a nerv stimulations program built into her suit (standered equimpent for any responsible adult) it makes me wonder does tali have it?
about 14 years ago
Legion actually plays video games. Including Grim Terminus Alliance.
about 14 years ago
They'd better not kill Kelly in 3 (unless you were already lazy in 2 and got her pureed)
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52773]@frank[/url] Maybe they'll check your save point from ME2 and look at who your love innterest is and KILL HIM/HER?
about 14 years ago
seriously, theres all kinds od stories and they concern me like 'your love intrest from 2 will die early in the game'

please let that stay a rumor, i like tali
about 14 years ago
Agreed. If anyone fucking insults her, expect me to sic' Grunt at ya.
about 14 years ago
If anybody goes renegade on Tali, I'll castrate them with a ballpoint pen.
Le Fromage.
about 14 years ago
Play it, you'll see.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Now dont go straight to the trollish responses, i know what mass effect is, what i want to know is just WHAT it is, like what do you do, whats your goal, a short little jist of the game(s)
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Okay, im going to be the hate target here, what the fuck is mass effect?
about 14 years ago
Aww, Tali blushing . . . through mask? I always liked Tali, favorite companion, was stoked when I found out you could be with her in Mass 2. On to MASS EFFECT 3!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52754]@SRG[/url]: seeing
about 14 years ago
see that greet suit horribly reminds me of that recent gabe interview and that if the camera pan lower folks could have had a Cgi Ad for half life episode 3.
Wrex Shepard
about 14 years ago

read it
ill bet youll lol your ass off
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52716]@patton360[/url]: Also on Dragon Age 2 (comes out in March)
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52726]@Zacsi[/url]: oh wait scrach that i looked it up in the book and it really is called vogons sorry my bad god i miss douglas adams so much maybe thats why i love the ME games that much
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52743]@Merc[/url]: Garrus and Legion :P
about 14 years ago
@Kaguro Draven

Awww, oh well, priority 3 that is.
about 14 years ago
Just read the news in Kotaku about Mass Effect 2 is now can be purchased fully through PSN, 12 GB! hhmmm, physical copy or digital...
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52734]@Erzengel[/url]: There are still two slots on the http://masseffect.bioware.com/universe/ squad category that is still Classified. New squad members? :D
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52737]@Commander204[/url]: I know, right! On a more serious note...anyone else upset that the narrator in the new trailer ISN'T SIMON PEGG.
about 14 years ago
Heh, I swear when I saw "Nope" at the title for the webpage, I thought it'd be a TF2 strip. xD
about 14 years ago
Mass Effect is a game for people who secretly want to play dating sims.
about 14 years ago
@Spartan A291:
Thing is, when they announced they were shutting down Cerberus News at the 1 year mark, they also said they were going to start up Cerberus News 2 more times: 1 week before the next DLC, and 2 weeks before ME3. So they at least INTEND on 1 more DLC.
Spartan A291
about 14 years ago
Honestly, I don't think they're doing any more ME2 DLC. Truth be told, the vast majority of the DLC available for ME2 was content originally intended to be in the retail version of the game to begin with, then either cut because it wasn't ready at the time of release or because they got greedy.
about 14 years ago
lol, yeah I'm also experiencing ME withdrawal symptoms since ME3 is sooo far away and new ME2 DLC is yet to be announced... I am fill ing this gaping void by currently reading the tree ME novels (Finished the first, started the second); and I must say they're pretty damn good :D
about 14 years ago
Damn, when PS3 isn't even an option for being good, bad, or neutral.
about 14 years ago
PC is the good option

Bahahahahahhaha, PC Gaming Master Race
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52721]@Serathis[/url]: wait... is this supposed to be a "Hitchikers guide to the galaxy" referance? if so than its called Voglon anyway cant wait for ME3 going to prepare with all sort of chars before i get into it all hail the Talimancers and i hope garrus wont be doing the fucking callibrations
about 14 years ago
NERF NOW, now with more hate towards ps3
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52715]@Wraith[/url]: Vogon poetry?
about 14 years ago
Mage is pretty awesome in Kings Bounty. You can mind control enemys and watch their allies spend time killing them, reflect damage they did to you multiple times, and later on you can cast twice in the first round.
I never finished the game, but that was just because it is so long.
Arnon the Mouse
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52716]@patton360[/url]: You and three quarters of the rest of the galaxy.
about 14 years ago
The Renegade Nope is sarcastic.
about 14 years ago
Bioware is currently working on Star Wars the Old Republic mmorpg http://www.swtor.com/ Hopefully it will be out by the end of this year but who knows. But I'm really looking forward to this game because I'm so being a F*ing JEDI!
about 14 years ago
Next Panel:

Ash asking "Do you want to read some poetry?"

about 14 years ago
Josué: Make a Mass Effect arc about Tali, you're fan pleaser. Half ME players adore Tali, also she's awesome.

Ps.- I'll effing praise you for life if you do it.

Ps.- Say yes!!
a completely different engineer
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
@Lord of the dance: Memes are the lowest form of humor.
about 14 years ago
The game could offer you an infinite number of answers to choose from for that final question and they'd still all be wrong.
Great Biotic Wind
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52700]@PointyKnives[/url]: Well duh. He is a well known cheater and Quarian hater.
about 14 years ago
Heck no!
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
I just got to the final mission in ME2 last night, after hittin' dat first panel of course. ;D
Lord of the dance
about 14 years ago
Not going to lie, was expecting another joke on that engineer meme. Well done on not settling for that tired hash.
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
Am I the only one who expected (from the name) a TF2 comic?
about 14 years ago
Okay, I brought TWO characters back up from scratch to be prepared for ME3, my Janeway-ish Paragon Adept and my hard-broiled bastard Renegade Infiltrator.... now we play the waiting game.

By the way... Anyone knows something about that relationship reset bug in ME2?
about 14 years ago
Agree. You should play Warrior or Mage :)
about 14 years ago
Frankly though, I'd like to see less talk about console wars and more talk about FemshepXLiara.
about 14 years ago
@That guy: PS3 has plenty of games. 90% of them are released on XBox as well. So the XBox choice might as well include PS3.

Just think of PS3 as an XBox with less potty-mouthed miscreants.
about 14 years ago
(since not everything fit in one comment)
For me, it's not about a console vs. PC thing, it's just about playability and how well the game is coded and everything. I know that, if a game is on the PC, I can find someone in the community who's fixed all the little irks I had with the game orginally
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52678]@scout[/url] My thing about PC gaming is, it can usually be done better on PC than it can on consoles. I'm all about gameplay and interactivity with the world around me, which is why Crysis is one of my favorite games. To that end, I need a keyboard for more controls and more ways to interact
Commander Shepard
about 14 years ago
I'm Commander Shepard, and those body tight suits give all the answer you need.
about 14 years ago
This reminds me of a Geico commercial. "Will switching to Geico save you money on your car insurance? Was Abraham Lincoln, honest?" "Does this dress make my butt look big?" Lincoln, "Um, *cough* well maybe just..."
about 14 years ago
You can also try Evil Genius.
about 14 years ago
contrary to my name being a character from a PC game...

I really hate the stupid fanboyism between systems. like the "master race PC" people and the "this game would be much better on -, it sucks because its on -.

Why can't you guys grow up and like all kinds of games!? /rage
about 14 years ago
Oh god, I just beat the second game. Perfect timing.
about 14 years ago
Play Tropico 3 instead of King's Boredom!
Ample Ryan
about 14 years ago
Requesting Hi-res of the face in the last frame.
about 14 years ago
@65535, I didn't really romance in ME1, hated ashly and didn't care much about Liara. I did in ME2 becouse Tali is freaking awesome. [url=#user_comment_52668] @AckAckAck[/url], the threesome cannot be done ingame, I've checked.
about 14 years ago
@ that guy: ps3 has far more games then you have brain cells.
about 14 years ago
@#65535 Can you really do the threesome?

/Not yet playing ME
//If we can do that, it will be my priority one purchase.
about 14 years ago
No PS3?

But PC is... well, here we go:

about 14 years ago
*Hat hovers above head*
about 14 years ago
@Kaguro: Have you ever tried to romance Liara and Ashley at the same time? Choosing the renegade option (asking for a threesome) will offend Ashley, but Liara will be totally down for it. Everything you say gets the same reaction out of her. She's like the alien equivalent of Yes Man from Fallout.
That guy
about 14 years ago
PS3 has no games
about 14 years ago
Legion is a PC gamer. You can look up his gaming history in the Shadow Broker DLC.
about 14 years ago
No, the PS3 was not forgotten.
Besides, as we all know, PC > all.
about 14 years ago
I don't get the 'nope' with the asari. What is it you're just a moron if you say anything but no?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52648]@StarPilot[/url] They don't let you play characters *that* evil. It'd be like helping the Reavers! You just can't do it!
about 14 years ago
Hey, you forgot PS3 as an option in the 2nd panel.