What people are saying about "Cliff Notes"
Cliff Notes
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almost 14 years ago
Go Garrus!
about 14 years ago
I wanna squish the head of the moron that designed Jack!
Why settle for less?
about 14 years ago
Every Krogan is sad they are not Wrex. Grunt came close in my opinion, but he doesn't have any cool mercenary stories. Threesome with Miranda and Tali? Yes. Salarian singing and Geth dancing ftw. It can even kill reapers. "OMG, is that a geth doing the robot?" "Yes. Awesome overload." *boom*
about 14 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one that's thinking "Wrex better be in my squad in ME3." That, or he leads a massive Krogan army to beat the crap out of the reapers. Either way, if they don't let his battlemaster pwnage out of the bag, heads will roll. Btw, "Calibrations" is slang. If you know what I mean.
about 14 years ago
First, what's up with all the Jacob hating? I mean, he's the most straight up character in this game. Right from the start, he's the only non-douchebag character (Miranda does get better later on). He may not have a huge character flaw that makes him interesting, but I never doubted his integrity.
about 14 years ago
finally a comic that isn't fucking world of shitfuck or fucking ass pokegaymon
about 14 years ago
I wish I picked up legion earlier in game not when I finished all loyalty missions..
and yh wtf with garrus..I thought friends that didn't see each other for two years 'd ahve more to talk about rather than just calibraishuns
Anon douche face
about 14 years ago
thats right Jacob NOBODY LIKES YOU GTFO.
about 14 years ago
Having Tali, Legion and 3rd Engineer for a drone-infested attack, while not effective, was very fun.

What. Not effective? Are you kidding me? You spawn a drone right next to an enemy and the drone takes the highest threat priority. Hell they will even TURN AROUND to get at it.
about 14 years ago
Goddammit why i am not there you fool
about 14 years ago
I used Miranda/Garrus until I got Jack, then switched Garrus for Legion up until the last area, playing as an infiltrator. Sniper, shield buster and biotic wreaked havoc on collector groups. Also, it was fun breaking through the 'touch and die' armor of Jack to get to that adorable crazy center.
about 14 years ago
I got a little tired of the "I CAN TAKE YOU ALL!" from Jack.

But it WAS nice having Jack around for the husks since I didn't have shockwave.
about 14 years ago
Damn you, Shepard is mine !
about 14 years ago
Suddenly you realize, every character in this image has just smoked a bong and are all high as fuck. Especially Garrus, he'll just keep calibratin, ever so slowly.
about 14 years ago
You abandoned many traditions to post on Nerf Now. Dangerous...
You sir, are a hero.
about 14 years ago
Shepard <3
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53088]@Cirno[/url]: Damn you, Cirno. May I make a suggestion? Go to hell.
Urist McShepard
about 14 years ago
My team was always Tali and Garrus. They were my bro's in the first game, and my wiafu/bro in the second.
Defiant Wolf
about 14 years ago
Heh, I loved Grunt. He seemed to be the only one out of the group that was geniunly having fun. Indeed, I seem to remember him commenting during one boss fight "This is why I love fighting with you Shepard, we get to kill the biggest things".
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53079]@ShadoWKilleR[/url] You're just jealous 'cause you're not getting any hawt Krogan lovin'. <3
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53047]@ugh_Englishplz[/url] Just enjoy the comic, he's nice enough to make his posts in English and let the comment section an open one knowing jackass like you can post trolling message. *Pressing troll NOW!! button*
about 14 years ago
@Doctor S

Oh look a pirate troll, okay children say hi to pirate troll.... and stab him!
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
@Frank West

(:o They exist!?
about 14 years ago
this reminds me of a time me and Sam had to track down this mafia, they complained about everything, even complained how badly i was abusing them with a butchers knife trying to carve poems in their chests...
what were we talking about?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53012]@Francis[/url]: Youre totally not Francis. You didnt say how you hated anything.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Everyone got a Portrait including Miranda's ass.

Why does Wrex and Shepard look at each other that way? Fucking gross and to top it off Grunt wants to join in.
Well, at least Jack is looking aghast as everyone else should be..
about 14 years ago
I am pleasantly surprised of this ME comic! Now do some with Thane and Garrus, please :D? Thanks for listening Jo!
about 14 years ago
My dream team is and always will be me, Mordin, and Garrus. Unfortunately I had to dump Garrus to pick up Jack for the biotics, as I found Miranda too much of a smug snake. It made me sad, it did. I couldn't lose Mordin, though, I just love him too much.
fleeblee flabul
about 14 years ago
first chance i got jacob went i mean i just didnt do anything with him half the i ignore him cause he is a pain in the ass to talk to...... he is mainly the reason i dont get the achivment for no one left behind
about 14 years ago
tali and garrus for the win!
inless you have kasumi she is pretty boss 2
about 14 years ago
My current game I am a SOLDIER! ... Need more renegade!
And bullet powers I can spam.

I end up taking Garrus and Tali with me all the time, but I am doing all of those loyalty missions now.
about 14 years ago
Jack as a desire demon? That... actually works. Go figure.
Adeptus Enginus
about 14 years ago
First time I played through I was an adept, and stuck to Tali and Garrus. No problems. Second time I was an adept again, switched squadmates every mission so I never brought the same combo twice in a row (save for the suicide mission so everyone survived). Again, no problems. Moral: be a biotic.
about 14 years ago
You misuse gender assignments (his, her, he, him, she) too much in your rant about some game that not a lot of people play. PLEASE brush up on your English or use a translator.
Frank West
about 14 years ago
I'm sure you all realize who took those photos. That's right, I've covered spacewars.
Doctor S
about 14 years ago
@ Ack Ack:
Lol you dumb shit.
just torrent it like everybody else.
Oh wait, you have a PS3 =\
about 14 years ago
A couple of months before I have enough money to get me ME2 for PS3.
Tali`Zora Vas Normandy
about 14 years ago
the migrant fleet is deystroyed sheperad...
*a sobbing sound comes from the breath mask*
almost every one i knew was on the migrant fleet

Renegade option: i dont care tali i have bigger problems and for the rest of the star system its a good thing
paragon option: its ok come here *hugs*
about 14 years ago
heres the fun part:
you can name your char "wrex shepard" to create the ultimate time paradox
about 14 years ago
Is there some hidden joke that I'm not privy to?
about 14 years ago
And Tali'Zorah vas Normandy...

As Alice.
about 14 years ago
spelt it wrong nub
about 14 years ago
Not yours
Can't have.
about 14 years ago
Jack was my favourite character.

Miranda was a bitch, though, yeah.

...And, yes, I would <3 a Shepard/Wrex romance.
 Platypus
about 14 years ago
I rolled into Insane with soldier Sheperd. When I went through on normal I noticed that fire and inferno powers were top of the list for damage. I tend to see Tech or Infiltration Shepered backed by Mordin and whoever is situationally useful is nasty. Armor was a BIG part so "Kill it with fire!"
Tali`Zora Vas Normandy
about 14 years ago
its not enough that iv already been exiled from the migrant fleet?
no it isnt is it. im glad you didnt tell them the truth sheperad but stil now they have replased me...
im not sure what to do now sheperad
Tali`Zora Vas Normandy
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
This reminds me of the Brady Brunch
about 14 years ago
Cerburus Operative Genetically Engineered for Romance.
also known as
"If you think I've evolve beyond the joys of sex in engine rooms. You'd be wrong"
about 14 years ago
Jack was the best! She was a storm of fury in combat, and she had a fun and twisted story! She was easily my favorite in the game. <3
about 14 years ago
you should tell me this joke you speak of
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53008]@Antagon[/url]: Any network see this as a big risk, but the priizzze. -hands head in shame for spending five minutes on google/youtube for learning of this hidden jacob joke.-
about 14 years ago
Stark Rhino
about 14 years ago
My favourite method of fighting was to use biotic push in close combat. It felt good to be able to knock down a charging krogan. I don't think I ever thought about what companions worked best. I just took the ones that had the most character development at the time.
about 14 years ago
Hi, I'm Cirno!
I get my ass kicked all the time and have the stupidest attack ever!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52992]@Cirno[/url]: WHY DO YOU ALL USE MAH NAME
about 14 years ago
i smell my your blood on the ground
with a hint of lemon
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53008]@Antagon[/url]: I hate sitcoms
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53002]@SRG[/url]: I smell a sitcom!
Not Francis
about 14 years ago
I hear Jack becomes more of a violent Tsundere if you romance her.
Apparently her violence and craziness is more of a self-defense thing.

but I am afraid if they meant Yandere instead.
about 14 years ago
"it's better to give way to challenge in exchange for some fun."
That's Dorf Fortress talk right there!
about 14 years ago
I hate Loui--I mean, Jacob.
Tali`Zora Vas Normandy
about 14 years ago
sorry i was busy working on the engines what did i miss?
about 14 years ago
are you doing all these because me2 for ps3 is coming out or is this stress release for the wait for me3?

speaking of me2, until i tried the demo on psn the me series had not caught my interest. i actually plan to get the game, but day 1, or wait till weekend when i go out of town to get at GS?
about 14 years ago
So Jacob the male version of Roe from left 4 dead 2.
about 14 years ago
How dare you blanking me out? My deep, nonexistent personality formed by the absense of an abusive father who's on kind of lonely lord of the flies island planet .
about 14 years ago
to smex teh sheperad its hard not to laugh at him trying so hard and when i burst out laughing i paid for it in acceidently prssing X so as he leaned into kiss ma sheperad i got a face full of illusive man and it pissed me off!!!!
about 14 years ago
but i love garrus ;_; he is ma faviorate
P.S Tali and Garrus make a good team but not the best when your a adept vangaurd and inflettraiter on the other hand...
iv never played engineer but plan to on my next playthrough (sorry iv im rambleing on) and when garrus comes into your room
about 14 years ago
@Captain obvious Ya I was about to mention that. Guess the 'S' got cut off or something.

Random: Miranda can be female love interest?
about 14 years ago
"Miranda had one of the best support power (a party wide passive buff) and >his< biotic powers were not bad."

MJ with tits...
It is true
about 14 years ago
Basically, her little black book.
about 14 years ago
i didn't play this game, but if i was to play, i'd probably play grunt, tali, and... hmm... not jack/jacob. maybe garrus, miranda, or legion? legion's pretty hot...
Captain obvious
about 14 years ago
For those who forgot to read the description, miranda appears to be a man.
about 14 years ago
As Infiltrator Shep, I used Legion/Zaeed and Kasumi. Legion/Zaeed because two snipers means nothing lives for very long. Kasumi for her fun-loving klepto personality and how she could tap targets behind cover or not worth a sniper round.
about 14 years ago
taliwoman 2
Any one got the boss weapon weaknesses?
about 14 years ago
Nope. After the first mission his only use is to keep the armory clean.
about 14 years ago
Wrex and Shepard's subtitles should've been switched.
about 14 years ago
So true. To be honest the action gameplay in these types of games isn't their strong suit compared to a 'dedicated' shooters. So enjoy the story and characters and relax the difficulty! Mordin4eva!
about 14 years ago
I always use Legion and Grunt. The two of em just will not die
about 14 years ago
I think Jo hit the nail on the head with Jacob. Does anyone actually use him?
about 14 years ago
I always took Garrus. His rifle was pretty awesome.

Gotta agree that Miranda and Jack were boring teammates though.
about 14 years ago
ze comments does nothing!