"Have killed in many ways - gunfire, knives, explosives, once with farming equipment."
Spartan A291
about 14 years ago
I loled at the fact that I was immediately able to hear Mordin's voice in my head when I read this.
Mordin = win.
about 14 years ago
Just look up Shepard on pahael.
about 14 years ago
Don't have a link but I do have the comic on my Hard drive.
Give me your e-mail if you want me to send it to ya.
The very notion of FutaShepard has probably led people to a lot of fucked up fantasies. Don't look at me like that, you know you thought about it at least once.
about 14 years ago
finally a comic that isn't about world of shitfuck or pokemon
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52950]@TheMaskedMan[/url] link plz
about 14 years ago
This reminds me of that comic I read where everyone stages an inverention for Shepard because she was posting explicit fan fiction of about her crew on usenet.
She was even writing about the elcor.
'Repulsed: I do not wish for these stories to become reality.'
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52934]@ILikePie[/url]: Not much of a combo breaker if it took you 3 hours to pull it off.
Wow. I guess Blasto really does have a lover in every port.
about 14 years ago
Took me until right just now to get the joke.
You're leaning on some pretty dangerous territory here you know.
about 14 years ago
look at all these retards with their "mine" bs
about 14 years ago
I...you...why...bu...lemon curry
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
So... does she still has a penis?
about 14 years ago
Tencale rape, everywhere tencale rape
about 14 years ago
Game Dealer:
Those asari-hanar porn games in Shin Akiba, are really nasty
about 14 years ago
"We are are not disturbed, we are attempting to emulate Sheperd Commander," says Legion.
about 14 years ago
Well then you need to go read the archived comic I linked. As Miranda said, "upgrades".
Cyclone Duke
about 14 years ago
Chick's into some kinky stuff.
about 14 years ago
Mordin looks rather pale
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52896]@Davtwan[/url]: he*
I, however, have problems remembering gender. Derp.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52855]@Somefag[/url]: A lot of the other people got the joke just fine (although some may be distrubed). I don't think she has a problem "getting the joke across" at all. :|
about 14 years ago
Yay, ME! Now let's get to the action! And it's not deviant, it's human!
about 14 years ago
Live long and impregnate.
about 14 years ago
Rape eye'm pleasesese
about 14 years ago
I like to think he's just there to help catch all the fish, since having several long, dangly arms would probably help a lot, and she's watching him like that because hanar are so shiny and colorful.
about 14 years ago
I approve this message
about 14 years ago
Ah its just a big stupid jellyfish anyway.
Tentacle Monster
about 14 years ago
that creature looked so sensitive...
about 14 years ago
You still doin commissions Jo?
about 14 years ago
There's something wrong about ol' Engie's eyes here.
about 14 years ago
Dont go there...
Francis Kitt
about 14 years ago
Now we know HOW scale-itch got on the Normandy.
about 14 years ago
Eh, Mordin's too cool to rain on FemShep's parade - he'd recommend a cream or something and comment on the best way to proposition a squid.
about 14 years ago
This one wishes not to participate in alien mating rites. But if you want religious pamphlets it can hook you up! Yo!
about 14 years ago
@ Platypus
I know that term and I don't want to google that, so this Shephard is a fu... aw maaaan.
about 14 years ago
Is that some type of inverted Ocarina?
about 14 years ago
Why do you play a woman? ( if your a women in real life I have no problem)
about 14 years ago
Oh Femshep. You are hilarious. :D
@Somefag[/url]: Tentacle porn. LOOK IT UP.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52855]@Somefag[/url], here I'll let the good doctor explain...
about 14 years ago
Correction: To boldly go where many, MANY Japanese schoolgirls have gone before.
about 14 years ago
...I still don't get it.
You really have problems getting the joke across sometimes.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52842]@AckAckAck[/url], as to what Cirno and Six were talking about...
Futa(nari), look it up and see
for how it applies.
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
Who's up for some calamari!
about 14 years ago
Suddenly, tentacles. Long and sticky.
about 14 years ago
Why is Mordin like, completely pale-white in this comic?
Just curious. He's usually kind of red/tan/pinkish. Dunno what the color would be called.
about 14 years ago
Ok, Now I understand! thanks both of you!
Well Shephard, you naughty naughty girl, come to my room, now!
about 14 years ago
At first, I thought the squid was clobbering him in the face.
Then I realized it was just passing, and she was ogling it.
Then I serioused.
about 14 years ago
profile needs work.
otherwise, your girls are cutest webcomic buttons around!
about 14 years ago
Tentacles. That is all.
Oh, FemShep. :3
about 14 years ago
Ok, somebody please explain this.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_52831]@Six[/url]: Futa Shepard, huh?
Fuck it man, id stick my dick in that.
about 14 years ago
Pwnage claims Shep's lower half? Someone forgot that this Shepard's a futa....
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