Don't even check my FPS.
If i can move, i can play.
almost 14 years ago
for shooters I normally only aim for 25-30 fps...I like my pretty.
almost 14 years ago
I dont notice a difference between 60fps and 25fps...
about 14 years ago
I enjoyed the White Chamber reference very, VERY much.
about 14 years ago
I play cube 2 at around 20 fps on most maps and don't really care. Power to the Intel GMA 950!!!
about 14 years ago
OMG, I literally just got the pun in the title. FPS has two meanings! :O
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53581]@StarPilot[/url]: I wanted to try that Team Fortress 2 game a try before these goddamn vampires came along and my computer died.
about 14 years ago
The strength of your computer and internet connection is inversely proportionate to how well you play.
about 14 years ago
I never get 60 fps on games...or is i do i dont care once i get below bout 20 is when i start the tweeking....
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53682]@FF[/url]: Yes, the difference is very noticeable to some people.
about 14 years ago
60 fps looks great, high settings look better, who cares if you miss even 10 frames in 60, your eyes can't see it anyways
about 14 years ago
I'm one of those people who rarly see 45 fps, and can still blow away folks who have top-end equipment and 120 fps
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
I only play with 10-25 fps
and I still own you guys
about 14 years ago
I play with a ping OVER NINE...ok, over 2 thousand.
Top that.
Granted, I explode with missiles exploding 10 feet away from me, people teleport, and my shots go through enemie's chests without dealing damage...
Yeah, my PC is good, my internet sucks...
about 14 years ago
I play FPS' at 20fps AND I FUCKING LOVE IT.
Seriously, why do people obsess about 60fps? is it REALLY that big of a difference?
about 14 years ago
I play TF2 below 60 FPS.
And I still have fun.
Harry Mason
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53527]@RandonPersonInTheBar[/url]: Well at least there's another person. Cybil always runs off without me.
@Regal[/url]: D:
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53623]@Cirno[/url]: Not you <.<
about 14 years ago
FPS whores.
Get some freaking better rigs already!!
about 14 years ago
Go, go lefties! You shuld totaly visit Ned Flanders Leftorioum.
about 14 years ago
So true, except try 30 fps :/
120 fps is the way to go. Chris' FPS Config FTW
Space Ork
about 14 years ago
Comic needs more dakka.
about 14 years ago
Sam Neill quote made my day. Mostly because I have to run all my games on that setting. Lucky bastards with computers good enough to play fps, I can't even run a modded oblivion.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53647]@sp[/url]: Thumbgineer? Booo, go run around and kill people with your shotgun and wrench/gunslinger like a real engineer.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53627]@Damien[/url]: Same, but the worst part is when you get framerate stutters. When the framerate climbs and drops repeatedly (and quickly), it easily throws you off on any kind of multiplayer.
about 14 years ago
My laptop is the reason why I main Engi on TF2... the sentry can aim without me or my lag :)
about 14 years ago
Sure most games try to look nice, but games trying to sell on graphics alone are few and far apart and plenty games focus more on things like gameplay or story.
Then please good sir, explain how something like the last 3 CoD games sold so well?
ooh, a box
about 14 years ago
I guess in multiplayer a high FPS can help alot, but in a singleplayer experience 25 and over is good enough for me. The good ol' "Even movies play at 23.5 or 25fps" is a good comparison measurement.
Then again back in the (N64) days having a occasional 10-15 fps stuttering was not that rare...
about 14 years ago
my loest accept for fps on source games in ~10 fps, i just got a new cpu so that why (in the comment i left below) i get such good fps, before it was around 20 or so
about 14 years ago
I hate it when people end up whining about FPS quality. I can handle it if things go a bit slow, mid-20's at the lowest, and it only really troubles me if it's in a multiplayer game where it hurts the teamwork.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53603]@MattM[/url]: I think you are a step removed there. Images seem to be the first substantial information released about a game(developers may talk about the game, but that talk tends to be pretty abstract). Good images, and video, drive the marketing which can drive portions of the industry.
Defiant Wolf
about 14 years ago
Feh, I'm usually happy at about 45 fps myself. Long as I can keep up with the server's tic rate, I'm happy.
about 14 years ago
And never forget to turn off the grass and show those graphic whores who's the strongest!
Mr. Al
about 14 years ago
Hm, good thing you can't get higher than 24 where I live...
about 14 years ago
This is essentially me trying to cope with TF2 on a really REALLY bad laptop. It rises to 50 rarely, 40 on occasion, and usually stays around 30. :C
I like FPS
about 14 years ago
Bullshullocks. There's an _extremely_ noticeable difference between 15fps and 30 / 60.
30 fps = minimum for usability
~60 fps = good enough for most
~120 fps = an edge for high level play : bordering on overkill
about 14 years ago
Ahh Event Horizon. It's one of those movies that I love to hate with fondness. Yknow, the fun kind of hate!
Me or I, one of them
about 14 years ago
My lowest acceptable frame rate is 30FPS. However I refuse to play any game on anything less than max.
about 14 years ago
There also seems to be this myth that graphics drive the industry. Sure most games try to look nice, but games trying to sell on graphics alone are few and far apart and plenty games focus more on things like gameplay or story.
about 14 years ago
All this graphics bashing seems a little crazy. Good artistry can really pull you into a game and good technicals mean you stop noticing the artificiality of the world.
about 14 years ago
The current trend of movies zooming way in on the action scenes really shows the limitations of their low framerates. I the goblin fight in spider-man 3 just being a blurry mess.
In games, a solid 60 looks nice, but getting the fps up to 120 makes first person turning and strafing smooth.
about 14 years ago
if u get kills n die less (or not at all) then IT IS WORTH IT!
High Ping > High graphics; if it = epic pwnge on enemies
about 14 years ago
Haha, I get it.
Funny. :)
about 14 years ago
Lefty? the world is in good hands!
about 14 years ago
This really depends on how the game is programmed. If you change your graphical setting and it doesn't increase your FPS much, your CPU is the bottleneck.
I normally play tf2 on low at 1280 x 1024 for 40-50 fps. I can go for high setting for 20-30 fps, but no, I play games not to see graphics.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53590]@Kyorisu[/url]: There is no kill like overkill, I guess.
about 14 years ago
I'm using a 120hz monitor with some SLI action. I'll enjoy my 120 frames thanks.
about 14 years ago
cntd, wheel comp still opts to lag me out. I know I've got snowbirds, and some piss poor internet, but when I can get maxed settings on a high end game, single-or-multiplayer, and some low end game fucks up, I just wanna punt the designers.
about 14 years ago
Lol, i have to do this for some of my games these days. Dang newfangled graphics enhancers doodads.
about 14 years ago
I tend to get 30 FPS on games, even high end crap. while I do think that FPS doesn't matter (I actually prefer games to run on lagg, I can think my strategies through instead of whiplash gaming/flying by the seat of my flaming ass. However, I do rage when an online game that runs on a hamster cntd.
about 14 years ago
@Harry Mason: Don't worry, she's fine. A bear came by earlier and offered her a ride in his van.
about 14 years ago
Well I expect Monday Night Combat to be a bit more known to the TF2 community with that new cross-promotion they've got on Steam.
ProTip: Don't run face first into a Tank as an Assassin.
about 14 years ago
My cpu sucks.
I'm playin' TF2 with an average of 25 FPS. If I had 60, I'd came.
about 14 years ago
180 fps in tf2, all max setting, 300 in gmod max settings, and 60 in crysis max settings.
about 14 years ago
As a poor gamer I'm okay with this image resolution.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53570]@Francis[/url]: You're in a zombie apocalypse, why the hell do you care about computers? What are you, Louis?
about 14 years ago
Oh my god. I hate my computer.
Anonymous Coward
about 14 years ago
This comic would be funny if my rig wasn't so outdated that I can't even run the demo version of CoD:World at War above 20 FPS.
about 14 years ago
FPS doesn't bother me, so much as when performance lags so awfully that the slightest twitch of my wrist in L4D2 sends my aim spiraling a full 180 degrees, making it literally impossible to aim. I'm jealous of folks who can afford to have their games playable at max graphical settings.
about 14 years ago
This is why source engine games are great. Because they have the motion blur effect, and you only need about 20 FPS for it to look crisp.
Assey Cocklord
about 14 years ago
i would actually play the hell out of a fps that looked like a kid's scribbledy drawing, no lie
about 14 years ago
Nice Event Horizon reference, by the way.
about 14 years ago
They should have formed one ok-standard in graphics and from there on spent all ressources on making an actual good game only instead of bringing those hardware killers one after the other that lack any soul...
about 14 years ago
60 fps?
Christ on a cracker, I count myself lucky if I can get more than 20, even on low settings.
about 14 years ago
I did not know jo was a lefty, and truthfully, some people are trying to get a 60 fps average when some others are lucky to get a 20. Even though the human eye will only process 15 (thanks to lethosos for the info).
about 14 years ago
Funny, human eyes process info at 15 FPS...
about 14 years ago
you do realize that if a game had graphics like the last panel, people would consider it to be really good.
about 14 years ago
usualy play wow with full graphics, get about 20-30 FPS during rush hours in stormwind (like, 2000 players plus city graphics) and i get about 60 fps everywhere else, yes, including laggrimar.
about 14 years ago
I found it most hilarious when my friend was trying to get 120fps from 115fps in Enemy Territory, by turning off every thing that he could including windows background programs, and then I told him he would never get more then 75 anyway because THAT THE F*CKING MONITOR HAD A 75Hz REFRESH RATE ANYWAY
about 14 years ago
This game isn't Sven Co-op. Therefore I am not familiar with it.
Yes, I am a old-school half-life online gamer.
Sad panda
about 14 years ago
What is this '60FPS' you speak of. Most of the games I play are lucky to get 20 FPS...
I need a new computer :(
about 14 years ago
I play WoW and I average about 30 fps if I put most of the settings at their lowest except for a select few. If I don't, my Wal-mart bought system can't handle it and I end up w/ about 5 fps.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Jeez i am one of these people, but its not 60, its 90 FPS, if i dont get 90 FPS i swear my flick wrist shooting will seem slow in TF2 and L4D 2
about 14 years ago
Left handers FTW
about 14 years ago
See, this is why I prefer consoles. I'm totally this anal about my games when I have the option. So just take away the option and I'll stop worrying about it.
about 14 years ago
sry...wanted to write that XD
about 14 years ago
It's all because of lcds!
if you insist on anything but triple buffering, dipping below 60 kicks you right down to 30 with vertical sync, or gets you horizontal tearing. Of course, triple buffering adds 16ms to your latency via your display....and who wants that! :P
about 14 years ago
OMG you are lefty too?
best day evurr
about 14 years ago
I just played TF2 with you! And to be honest, internet lag is so much more annoying than frame lag. My campus went to all wireless, SUCKS SO MUCH!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53517]@StarPilot[/url]: Hahaha, Doublecross. Have fun falling off into the void while trying to land on the tracks.
At least there's no train.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
I average 30-40 FPS on most games, mostly because I'm running two-year-old hardware (although my card's not too shabby.) Lower-grade processor + slower hard drives = good luck getting those 'butter' framerates.
That said, my card's good enough that only the stuffiest games drop frames.
about 14 years ago
Don't care, i play minecraft.
about 14 years ago
I remember when 20fps was good enough.
Man, I feel old.
about 14 years ago
"You can play way longer on the 3DS if you deactivate Stereoscopic 3D!" *herp derp*
about 14 years ago
@Harry Mason: I have seen her, she went in the area where people that aren't you can pass through somehow without a googolplex worth of enemies out to kill you for some pointless reason, here's a pipe and this guy, his name is frank west or something.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53516]@Salamander[/url]: Actually the only reason movies seem smooth with around 25fps is because they use tricks like blurring.
With perfectly crisp imagery like games people can actually even notice the difference between 60 and 100 fps.
Harry Mason
about 14 years ago
Excuse me, but has anyone here seen a little girl? She has short, black hair. She just turned seven last month.
about 14 years ago
I feel like I'm laughing at a hypothetical person, as I personally don't know a single person that cares so much about their FPS.
about 14 years ago
2009 MacBook + 10.5.8 OSX = This Comic
Only I get around 30 FPS instead of 60. Or if its CTF_DoubleCross which murders me anyway down to 15. And before anyone asks, yes I use a tweaked version of Chris's FPS config.
about 14 years ago
A fun way to break people like this: I tell them that movies here are 25 fps. The truth burns them.
Personally I don't actually notice or care what the fps is as long as it is at or above 25, as thats where I can start to see the individual frames.
But are there linux drivers for it?
about 14 years ago
Some of us just upgrade our five year old video cards.
about 14 years ago
Say what you will, but the detail of the graphics is meaningless as long as those graphics have a decent style and are CONSISTENT.
South Paw
about 14 years ago
Lefties rule.
about 14 years ago
So true!
about 14 years ago
Loved the Event Horizon quote
Gosh Golly Geewhilikers
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