If a a word will start with a vowel, then you use "AN", if it starts with a consonant, then use "A"
about 14 years ago
In Chapter 4 there's a village you need to defend against the goat guys. If you don't let any of the five buildings fall, they reward you with a new sword: the M60! The only problem is that now instead of casting spells I just mow enemies down with a steady stream of bullets. It's making me lazy.
magicka lulz
about 14 years ago
don't know the current state but me and 3 friends decided to buy it a minute before launch and some of the bugs while annoying were quite hilarious..
for example you fall trough a hole at the start and if playing with 4 you have a chance someone dies from the fall itself
about 14 years ago
No, the black mage is from Final Fantasy. and I mean it started in the old 8 bit FF games where there was not much color options and a black cloak black mage would not look right back then.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53940]@Captain_Seasick[/url]: Google "Black Mage". Black mages DO wear blue robes.
I find your lack of Final Fantasy knowledge disturbing.
about 14 years ago
Has anyone noticed the extremely blatant flaw in this comic? Black is not black, but rather... black is friggin' BLUE.
I'm starting to wonder if the creator of this comic is entirely colourblind.
about 14 years ago
Happy late birthday,Jo!
about 14 years ago
the hell kind of rpg do you not use fire to kill trolls
about 14 years ago
and this is how I never got "Nothing Special".
I hate error messages.
Black Guys.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_53815]@Creeper[/url]: You fail. You dont elongate SH noises for hisses. You dont say "ssssssssssssssssssuck my ssssssssssssssssssshit". Thatt makes no sense. You say "sssssssssssssssssuck my shit."
about 14 years ago
That'sssss a nice game there, sssshame if sssssomething would caussse it to crassssh.
about 14 years ago
I had literally no idea this game existed before this comic. But props for including both Black and White Mage as well as Orko.
about 14 years ago
Happy birthday!
Also, what is Orko doing here?! Is He-Man gonna be the group's fighter? Must be time to save the world from Skeletor and his evil, nefarious plot to destroy us all.
about 14 years ago
Happy birthday, jo!
about 14 years ago
Black mage with hood. *electric jolt* Not blackness... *BZZZZTT* ERROR ERROR. Black...hood BZZZTT.... hoooooooooooooo---.. *BSOD*
Just looks strange to me (I have seen the actual Magicka dudes)
about 14 years ago
Happy birthday, Jo. May your birthday wishes be granted more efficently than the game.
about 14 years ago
-> Cara faz uma assim:
"Esse jogo tem varias combinações de magias, fazendo ter varias estratégias de combate!!"
-Todos prontos??
*Todos usam laser*
about 14 years ago
Happy Birthday man!
Harry Mason
about 14 years ago
@Heather Morrison: I don't know. I dont think we've met. Have you seen a little girl? She has short, black hair. She just turned seven last month.
Heather Morrison
about 14 years ago
@Harry Mason:
You seem familiar...do I know you?
about 14 years ago
Is that Orko, right there in the middle?
and @platypus: Nice references, but The Master of Time would never touch the white robes (except a certain cleric's...)
about 14 years ago
I say no game is worth the money if it doens't work properly in all its apects. If you say otherwise then chances are you're a fanboy.
about 14 years ago
A dude on the message board I frequent described this with a "had a baby" metaphor. I find those so incredibly obnoxious it completely turned me off to this game, despite the fact that I love the "parents."
about 14 years ago
Enchant to sword.
Win everything forever.
Harry Mason
about 14 years ago
Excuse me, but has anyone here seen a little girl? She has short, black hair. She just turned seven last month.
Sasha Nekosune
about 14 years ago
Honestly I'd say that was... "Tragicka" *insert awesomeface*
about 14 years ago
dude has a old deviant art account wich notifies you of his b-day.
i figured i say happy b-day here as he's probably more active here then there.
about 14 years ago
Great game, but soooo frigging buggy right now. Tried multiplayer last night, and only the host could really play. The rest of us just lagged like mad.
about 14 years ago
I tried the demo, and I'm on the fence about getting the game. It's fun zapping goblins with electricity and blowing stuff up, but not quite so fun when you're getting insta-killed by a water beam you have no chance to dodge. Multiplayer was going to be the make-or-break factor for me.
about 14 years ago
Its fun, but buggy. Hopfully they will fix it.
about 14 years ago
An excellent plan, but personally I would just use steam arcane lightning and kill it in 3 seconds.
about 14 years ago
Is what you say true? today is Jo's birthday?
Well, Happy Birthday Jo! thank you for entertaining us since 2008!
about 14 years ago
so far i havent had any problems at all, game runs smoothly and totally perfect... but then again that might be due to me only having played the single player atm :P
about 14 years ago
they are currently supporting the idea that untill multiplayer is FIXED.
you can try it through hamachi.
people said it went alot better on hamachi so far.
ASLO happy birthday Joe pereira.
about 14 years ago
it's a black mage from final fantasy, check the hat. the creator is making a pop culture referance.
about 14 years ago
I think you meant "blue" instead of "black" in the first panel
about 14 years ago
Is that... Orko?
about 14 years ago
when I saw the game once. Should I feel like it was a sequel to castle crashers but swap suit's of armor with robes? seeing it once from a drawn art sketch off a game news site. So my view of it might be really off.
about 14 years ago
Just bought this yesterday! Soo much fun! :D
Now I just need to convince my friend to get the game >_<
Cyclone Duke
about 14 years ago
Where's the arcane beam that crosses with a healing beam and kills everyone?
about 14 years ago
It's a great game indeed, shame it has all those crashes :(