What people are saying about "Policestation"
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over 13 years ago
about 14 years ago
Hooray for an unexpected HL2 reference
not a troll, just saying.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55147]@ackackack[/url] i hate all of those comics you just mentioned, and i don't even know what rooster teeth is
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55237]@JackDesert[/url] EA trys the "We track you down for stuff" method now. On DS2 (which is awesome by the way) you can create an EA account to play and go multiplayer, but if you don't that's okay, but some extra content in the shop won't be available to you. If you register, they track your IP and PC.
about 14 years ago
Reminds me of the whole Electronics Arts mess
if you insult anyone at EA they make sure you can't get your EA games online... that's right... (Soup Nazi voice) "no madden for you! End of the line now!"
about 14 years ago
oh and Facebook login is not working for some reason??
about 14 years ago
I wouldn't have gotten that joke if I didn't complete Half-Life 2 a month ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55135]@SRG[/url] As long Jo use this Deadpool. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0812/rule-63-deadpool-demotivational-poster-1229336602.jpg
hey playstation
about 14 years ago
i talk to my playstation.
about 14 years ago
The can joke sold it for me. Sony Overwatch is enforcing the peace!
about 14 years ago
I hate PS3 now.
about 14 years ago
or replace every one in Nerf Now with DeadPool?
about 14 years ago
oh my so fourth dimensional Nerf Now will be nothing more than a interactive comic where folks can create photo notes cubes with sound bytes of them\Microsoft sam saying Mine on to third dimensional boobs.
Über Spycrab
about 14 years ago
I lol'd at this comic xD
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55089]@SRG[/url] Simple, a 4D character this guy need to bring in audience as a willing (or unwilling, sometimes by dragging them screaming and wailing) as a part of the story, just like Deadpool
about 14 years ago
I was wondering the same thing. How can they be Mary Sues? At best, they're author stand-ins, but in a gag strip with no overall storyline, that's fine.
about 14 years ago
@A PC Gamer: or a 360 controller, or a ps3 one if you go an extra mile to set it up for it. Also isn't the wii version just 'deadrising mod' for Resident evil 4?

So Frank are you still piss that you're not in MvC3 when Sentinel was announced?
about 14 years ago
@not a troll, just saying.: Mary Sues?

They aren't taking the spotlight from the main character (because they are the main characters in the first place), they aren't more powerful or capable than existing characters, they aren't inexplicably attractive or have any other such traits...
A PC Gamer
about 14 years ago
@Frank West: Uh, Frank? Dead Rising is on both PC and the Wii, and since I've pretty much disbanded my Wii from duty, I'm gonna have to control you with a Keyboard and Mouse.
about 14 years ago
The only way to respond when someone tells you pick up a can:
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55081]@AckAckAck[/url]: he was redirected to Nerf Now and their Mary Sues from those sites Ack^3. though I wonder if two dimension characters are a sign of bad story for a third dimension person then what does it take to make a fourth dimension character?
about 14 years ago
At least NerfNow creator portray himself as a tentacle monster, just like VGcat creator portray himself as a drunken,pants in the head moronic superhero.

They both are having fun, and that's the spirit of making a fun comic.
about 14 years ago
@not a troll, just saying.

Tell that to:

Penny Arcade, Rooster Teeth, VG Cats, Ctrl-Alt-Del, and all gaming webcomics who have Mary Sues everywhere.

about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55075]@Scout[/url]: The seagulls here love anything that isn't a known trap, really. though there might have been a gull or two who fell for it, I'd have to check...
about 14 years ago
@not a troll, just saying.:
how come? the style of the character is unique and alluring.

besides the finding nemo seagulls around here love her. :P
Get over it
about 14 years ago
SCEA is going beyond concerned into down right scary control freak territory at this point. Fanbois need to take a step back, a deep breath, and try opening their eyes for two minutes.
not a troll, just saying.
about 14 years ago
i am dissapoint at your more frequent use of your pathetic female mary sues
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55059]@Memory[/url]: Sounds like an old man who plays games that has kids on his lawn. Wonder if he uses a noob tube?
about 14 years ago
Okay yes at first PS3 didn't have much in the way of games. Time went on it got more games and it was great! People were happy, then the hackers came and Sony freaked out like an old man with kids on his lawn. Only instead of shouting PS3 busted out one of its windows and opened fire on them.
 Platypus
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55037]@Wendle[/url], Whoa now Wendle, this is the PS3 not the Kinect. Lets accuse the right system of the not-so-appropriate things. The PS3 is just a jerk and bully. With the Kinect, the 360 has been proven a perv.
Metro Cop
about 14 years ago
Pick up that can.
about 14 years ago
Then again, I DID flame both the systems in the last comic, so I may be a bit hypocritical :D
about 14 years ago
I'm not flaming the PS3, i got all the systems and I love playing Resistance 2 (can't wait for 3) and Uncharted 1 and 2 on it, but then that amateur Troller had to attack my superior logic (Well, superior to him at least) So I decided to troll back.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55040]@jasdero[/url]: To be honest, I thought the PS3 had a lot of things going for it, since it has a good library now, has a good HD size for a console, better reliability than 360 and free online multiplayer. Then the whole hacking thing kind of just blew it up. This is why we can't have nice things.
about 14 years ago

Nice try, OP.
about 14 years ago
I approve of the more frequent use of Engie-tan in the comic.

In tight fitness clothing. Oh yes.
about 14 years ago
sigh why is it when someone mentions the ps3. 360 fans have to start a flame war? look I don't care who is better. I only like the ps3 because its free online gaming, that and the RROD thing
about 14 years ago
He just wants to see her bend over. Yes, please pick it up.
about 14 years ago
LOLS, i love the half life 2 reference.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55027]@Korey[/url] I think I covered my ground ಠ_ಠ
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55027]@Korey[/url] The only good games that come out for that system are nothing but overhyped, underqualified sequels to better games that are quickly returned for the customer's money back and the only money Sony gets are from the PSStore, mainly because you can't return anything from there.ಠ_ಠ
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Its almost sad how accurate and pathetic sony is, even after this i still have mine working, sony needs to chill the fuck out and soak their heads in a steaming hot chocolate full of marshmellows, i mean thats what they have for brains isnt it?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55027]@Korey[/url] Every game that goes on it requires you to install it to the PS3, which takes up several more gigs, and its install time, as well as patching time, takes up most of the day. What is good about it is that you can play Blue Ray movies on it, but you can do that with any BR player for less
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55027]@Korey[/url] ಠ_ಠ I hear a PSTroll out of you, my friend. And for that, I don my helmet. THIS IS WAR!! *AHEM* PS3 is nothing but a overrated, overhyped, Expensive blueray player that does nothing but take up all its precious space with updates, patches, and Security.
about 14 years ago
Haha he thinks Resistance is a good game, I returned that shit after 10 minutes.
about 14 years ago
Okay I'm sorry I meant one decent game on xbox that you can't get on PC or PS3
Emo Panda
about 14 years ago
LOL! This is a first I've seen of that HL2 reference in a webcomic! This comic made my day!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54990]@Korey[/url] WTF, I have NO idea what you talking about. I was just saying that I play both of those because I can't stand the PS3 and all its updates/loadtimes/poor games (Not including Resistance)/YOU/Sony anymore. Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends happen to be PS2s and PS1s, okay. :D
Frank West
about 14 years ago
This is why I'm an Xbox exclusive. I don't need security measures, I've covered wars, you know?
about 14 years ago
Why they didn't just go directly to Cray/IBM/AMD given the proper node design for that's already developed and PS3's IBM Cell processor is ancient in computer terms and not designed for changeover period is admittedly an open question.
about 14 years ago
Other aspect people may have forgotten is the USAF and MIT run Linux supercomputer clusters with the things because they originally were advertised with Linux capability. Which also helped with tariffs as they could classify it as a computer.
about 14 years ago
Welp, there goes me ever buying a ps3 if it's going to not let me play games I buy for it.
Advice Dog
about 14 years ago
I once heard somewhere "If it can be hacked, it WILL be hacked."

Sony can make it harder and harder to hack, but people can and will hack that.

Plus, it'll get to the point where thier security measures are so bad, people will no longer buy the PS3, and Sony loses all the money they "saved".
The Jaid-mastah
about 14 years ago
aah good ol' half life 2
about 14 years ago
@can'twealljustgetalong?: And Ace Combat 6, and Gears of War 2, and Fable 2/3, and Halo 3/ODST/Reach/Wars, and Castle Crashers, and Geometry Wars, and Battlefield 1943, and Super Street Fighter 4, and Breath of Death VII, and Comic Jumper, and Pinball FX, and Shadow Complex, and The Dishwasher.
Some jerk
about 14 years ago

In my experience the PSP/PS3 take far longer to update than my DSi, my Wii my 360 AND anything I own on Steam

about 14 years ago
You can't fool the Playstation 3. The Playstation 3 ain't got no games.
about 14 years ago
Pick up that can! Oh it is surely quite awesome reference to HL2. Now you can make a comic about upcoming Mass Effect 3, yes? Thank you ;).
about 14 years ago
For things you can't explicitly play on the PC, there are implicit ways of still being able to; ergo, ROMs.
Still, it's much more entertaining to play the actual games on their respective consoles than having them ported or using ROMs.

about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54990]@Korey[/url] Wait...what? I don't think you can play Alan Wake, Bayonetta, Earth Defense Force or Agarest War on the PC. You do have a point, though. And system updates are short...but only if you're 10mbps or faster. If you're stuck somewhere with only 1.5mbps DSL, you ARE hosed for a few hours.
about 14 years ago
God, I really love that one! That's how I feel xD
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54986]@PC[/url] Hahaha, lame, there is only one game you can get on the xbox that you can't get on the PC. Also I can only remember one security update in the last few months, or maybe it's just because turning it's self on and updating, nonetheregardless-ness, it's doesn't take very long.
about 14 years ago
Did you intentionally use horrible grammar in the description/blog post thing under the comic?
about 14 years ago
And that is when she learned that you don't own a PS3, it tries to own you. That is why I stick to the PC360 combo (Computer+Xbox360=Success-ish) :D
about 14 years ago
Lol, this was hilarious, all the gaming webcomics are doing something regarding the subject, but this was definitely the most hilarious of the bunch, awesome work.
about 14 years ago
Bravo JO!
about 14 years ago
I claim this!!
about 14 years ago
hackers life by one rule: information must be free.
crackers have another: Money comes here.
about 14 years ago
I choose not to pick up your can and put it in the trashcan.

I choose not to pick up your can and throw it at you.

No, i choose a third option, i choose... Jumping over your head. AHAHAHAHA!
about 14 years ago
I bet Mr. Playstation will sing a different tune once his innards are modded.
about 14 years ago
Good job, G.I. Jo.
Haven't laughed this hard at ANY of your comics before.
about 14 years ago
Just you wait until we get gravity guns you ill mannered console! =P
about 14 years ago
And the wars rages on, I have a PS3, I hope their cooperation with Valve and Steam will help them learn how to handle piracy (hint: don't be an asshole to your customers)

And yeah, like those guys from Extra Creditz says: "Don't make trouble with people who can install linux into their PS3"

about 14 years ago
Boohoo! Welcome in the PC gaming world. Here, we are all criminals to begin with. Look forward to the Ubisoft launcher... it´s great.
about 14 years ago
Oh, man. It took me a second to get that, but then I read it again, and suddenly I heard the Metrocop's voice. That's really clever. Needs a bonus panel where she throws the can at him, though.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54953]@Podiatrist[/url] I think she put the CD in at the start. In the end it ejects it to push the can off the edge.
about 14 years ago
What just happened with that CD...?
about 14 years ago
policestation 3. now with more authority...
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
So, what's this noise about, again? What'd Sega do this time?
Cyclone Duke
about 14 years ago
Crossing her arms.
Devil Dan
about 14 years ago
What is she doing in the last frame with her right hand?
Admiral Sandvich
about 14 years ago
*throw at ps3's face, make it into trash can.*
about 14 years ago
And how. :D
Alex Pizzini
about 14 years ago
I love that HL2 Reference. I LOL'd.
about 14 years ago

about 14 years ago
As somebody else once mentioned on the internet somewhere, you DON'T mess with people who install linux on their PS3s
about 14 years ago
Half Life 2 refrence was gold.
about 14 years ago
"Now put it in the trash can." owait, Derf Llennod beat me to it.
Cyclone Duke
about 14 years ago