What people are saying about "Requiem"
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about 14 years ago
I think the next guitar game will be "Air Guitar Hero" for the kinect.
about 14 years ago
@the doctor's photo note

thats not how the song goes, it goes:
"It gets so lonely, being evil... what i'd do to see a smile... even for a little while... and no one loves you when your evil...... IM LYING THROUGH MY TEETH, your tears are all the company that I need!"

awesome song tho.
about 14 years ago
Let me play you a sad song on the world's tiniest violin...
about 14 years ago
is upside down
about 14 years ago
I think one of those tombs should have been reserved for Starcraft: Ghost.

Nova, We hardly knew ye...
about 14 years ago
...it was DDR with multiplayer.

You mean, like DDR already is? :|
about 14 years ago
Have you ever played it with a couple of friends while everyone was drunk?

...Anything done with friends while drunk is fun.

It's sad, too. The first few really did breath some fresh life into gaming.

...it was DDR with multiplayer.
about 14 years ago
GuitarHero Franchise
"Death by Guitar(hero) warrior(s) (of rock)"
about 14 years ago
Just for clarification, Harmonix and Red Octane did Guitar Hero 1 & 2. Red Octane owned the name rights so when it was bought by Activision, Neversoft created the Guitar Hero games from that point on. I love Harmonix for a lot of the music they got me into and for inspiring people to play music.
about 14 years ago
You know, it might be a cello.
about 14 years ago
The violin is backwards because, now that Guitar Hero is gone, no one will learn to be able to play it the correct way....
about 14 years ago
It's sad, too. The first few really did breath some fresh life into gaming.
about 14 years ago
Frets on Fire are still alive.
about 14 years ago
I don't get why so many people hate Guitar hero...

Have you ever played it with a couple of friends while everyone was drunk? ~Hilarious...
Especially when the guy who can't sing at all screams into the microphone as if he's Ozzy Osbourne.
about 14 years ago
Meh, Rock Band is better.
Hollow Aizen
about 14 years ago
As soon as I saw this "Warriors of Rock" version come out, I told all my coworkers that this is the end of Guitar Hero.Many other games have gone that route and seldom few have made it out of the transforming character forest. It's too bad though, the first few were bleeding new life into gaming.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55264]@Coisa[/url]: No More Guitar Heroes, kill your way to the top ten using your ebay bought light guitar-saber as Travis Rockdown.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
every 3 months my ass Valve :| eh, atleast they gave us portal, TF2, L4D, L4D2... HEY!!! dont make a sequal to a game and ignore episode 3! thats lame! (if this comment prevents me from getting my TF2 crowbar for pre-purchasing HL2:E3 then i fail.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Why are we talking about dead games? and why isnt their a "reserved" for half life 2 episode 3? i mean jeez its been what 4 fucking years since the last release?
Madman Hobart
about 14 years ago
At least someone knows when to let a series die, rather than milking a long rotten corpse.
about 14 years ago
I'm not entirely surprised, there was really nowhere left for the series to go without going the Madden route.
about 14 years ago
Hell... it's about time.
about 14 years ago
Do you hear that? its the tiniest violin in the world.
about 14 years ago
abp has been rebooted. you need to draw a zombiehand a la left 4 dead cover coming from the unholy soil!
about 14 years ago
And there, like dust in the wind, goes the hopes and dreams of all who had hoped for Cowbell Hero.
dah boi
about 14 years ago
That violin is backwards.
about 14 years ago
Speaking as someone who played most of the Guitar Hero games and enjoyed a pretty good portion of them, I can't be happier then to hear this news. Maybe now I'll see less of an influx of people who claim to "shred" on squeaky baby sized guitars.
about 14 years ago

Now how am I meant to get extra songs for it (considering I don't have the net to download the DLCs :P)
about 14 years ago
Thank god, now to kill off Rock Band.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55260]@Nerg[/url]: You'd best get used to it. Jo knows that about 65% of his audience are involuntary celebates and this is as close most of them will ever get to an actual woman.
about 14 years ago
No more guitar heroes... THIS YEAR... =/
about 14 years ago
The position of this violin makes my skin crawl.

Unfortunate that the first time I'm moved to comment it's because I'm disappointed.

about 14 years ago
I only ever played number 3
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55247]@KarmikCykle[/url]: MTV Games (publisher) shut down, harmonix (Developer) did not. "The beat of Rock Band marches on. We’re continuing to invest in the franchise and the brand that we have built, and will do our best to serve all loyal band game fans." - John Drake, Harmonix
about 14 years ago
every time I keep seeing frank west I get a horrible idea that due to the recent events Capcom going to story wise recreate final fight. All they need is some Asian with Reeboks and a penthouse for the crippled blonde holding katey hostage.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55252]@DM1293[/url]: Uh, no. Not much time anyway. Until the end of this month. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/10/guitar-hero-and-dj-hero-dlc-dead/
about 14 years ago
Ironically, Hellgate is only dead in the west and lives on in Korea, where it's still being developed further (it will be coming to us in a year or two too) and APB is going to be revived as an F2P by some company that bought it.
about 14 years ago
No more games.


Only time will tell.
about 14 years ago
Speaking as one who never caught on to the whole rhythm game band wagon ..... It perplexes me why they have lasted as long as they have.
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
Cue zombie hand in spiked fingerless glove emerging out of APB's grave
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
For me Guitar Hero/Rock Band stopped being cool when I found out it was more enjoyable to listen to the actual music then to smack technicolored frets in the right order to be rewarded with music to listen to.

Or more accurately not have the music full of plunks.
about 14 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions: Nope. MTV Games just shut down around the same time. The fake guitar subgenre is dead now.
about 14 years ago
To be fair APB is going to necro pretty soon. Looking forward to it.
about 14 years ago
didn't everyone hate this game
about 14 years ago
Isn't it no more of the Hero games in general?
about 14 years ago
Well i will say only one thing: YAY ! altough i doubt any desent games will come out this year well mayby one
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
So...is Rock Band still going strong then?
about 14 years ago

I'm a huge Guitar Hero fan, we're gonna miss you...
about 14 years ago
Huh, well this is news to me.

I only played one of the games once. It turns out I have a really poor sense of rhytym, so I didn't get really felt up to trying the other games.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55156]@Chris[/url]: Well, have you tried playing the worlds smallest plastic violin? It's not easy! D:
about 14 years ago
Im not really sad about it, it was time they stopped making them, there was like 8 games that were the same thing >_> Though i wanna try True Crime Hong Kong but they cancelled it too D:
about 14 years ago
Nice dress you have there :3
Injury Man
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55210]@vomit[/url]: Best place to mess up tense ever. Everyone become less stupid that day indeed.
about 14 years ago
She's holding it backwards.
about 14 years ago
@Mr. Al: Spelling is not grammar >.>
about 14 years ago
While Guitar Hero was cool for the first two games, when Rock Band came along, Activision stuck to the Hero method of 'FUCK YEAH WE ARE OVER THE TOP' without actually being over the top. Rock Band knew what it was, and worked on tightening up the existing formula. Always felt more precise.
DJ Vee
about 14 years ago
I expected this for Guitar Hero for a long time, but the death of DJ Hero really hit me hard. I love those games, I'll miss DJ Hero so much :'(
about 14 years ago
Eh, Bemani games are (still) where it's at.

Kind of sucks about DJ Hero though.
about 14 years ago
You mean they canceled Guitar Hero: Air Supply?
about 14 years ago
Well, it's not like Guitar Hero's sequels would be much different from the priors, except for the new songs. Which can be milked through DLC.
about 14 years ago
and good riddance.
Doctor Scraps
about 14 years ago
Guitar Hero just hit the ground running too fast. But I guess there's only so far you can take that hog until it runs out of gas.
Frank West
about 14 years ago
-10,000 points-

What, a journalist can't make a few PP off a funeral? What has this world come to?
about 14 years ago
...and everyone become less stupid that day.
about 14 years ago

Rock Band is still on for tonight right?
about 14 years ago
i think we all had it coming, they kinda overdone the series.
about 14 years ago
I am suprisingly okay with this.
about 14 years ago
APB is totally going to become a zombie.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55193]@SRG[/url] It's underwater with the legs encased in cement.
about 14 years ago
@ Mr. Al

about 14 years ago
Honestly, I am not sad that they killed off Guitar Hero - just for the REASON they did.
Mr. Al
about 14 years ago
WOW, every photo note and comment on this strip so far have spelling issues(not mine though)! Gz, guys :D
about 14 years ago
Just wanted to say that this is really well done.
about 14 years ago
Wait where's True Crime's Grave they kill that franchise too.
about 14 years ago
Where is the exhumed grave of Duke Nukem Forever?
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
This series died a long time ago. Their just getting around to burying the corpse, since it's finally starting to stink up the place.
about 14 years ago
Too bad nobody at Activision cares that the series didn't die, they killed it. They'll just keep strip-mining franchises until the cows come home. *sigh*
about 14 years ago
And now the world is a slightly better place.
about 14 years ago
OH GOD thank you! I really hate this games.
The Anon known as Ivan
about 14 years ago
There should be an open grave and on it´s stone should be written:

Reserved for Rift
about 14 years ago
Cant say Id shed a tear.

I want BGaE 2.
about 14 years ago
Also, you know you've still got Rock Band, right?
What Destati said.
about 14 years ago
Hellgate instead of Tabula Rasa? FOR SHAME.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
The spirit of Guitar Hero will live on in its half-brother, Rock Band.

For the curious, many of Rock Band's creators were on the team that developed Guitar Hero 1 & 2.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55162]@Taltos[/url]: God I hope so. Hellgate: London was a game I found enjoyable. It was released way before it was ready though.
about 14 years ago
Ahh Hellgate london... You are missed. Also Whats wrong with the commentors and the inevitable "Mine"? Time to grow up :).
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55159]@Gun[/url] Nah, someone stole the corpse and it will be revived, gangsta style.
about 14 years ago
Ironically, both Hellgate and APB have received revivals of various sorts. Each is currently in the process of being rebuilt and re-released. So this comic is a bit premature.
about 14 years ago
It's the same game over and over with just different music. Rock band added more instruments but how many plastic toys do you need to do exactly the same thing?
It is a fun party game but it has it's limits.
about 14 years ago
APB is getting a F2P release. They're completely re-balancing it and re-working the way progression works.

So might it be appropriate to have a zombie hand coming out of that grave
about 14 years ago
That doesn't look like the right way to play a violin XD
about 14 years ago
Ah yeah, Dark Lord Kotick and his Activision kingdom latest victim, and no one can buy the IP because Acti will ask a high price for them.
about 14 years ago
I never really played so much, but that was a fun game. Must investigate this news.
about 14 years ago
sometimes they comeback

undead apb will soon