What people are saying about "Rancorbane"
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over 13 years ago
On the greatsword is an image of "Destructor" The standard endgame greatsword in cat bone. On the greatsword is an image of "Destructor" The standard endgame greatsword in cat bone. On the greatsword is an image of "Destructor" The standard endgame greatsword in cat bone. (ad infinitum)
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almost 14 years ago
It's decorated with bands of bantha bones.
almost 14 years ago
I'm assuming the Dwarf Fortress reference was on purpose.

I love you.
about 14 years ago
Smells like a pre-order for dragonage 2.
about 14 years ago
On the greatsword is an image of "Destructor" the standard endgame greatsword in donkey leather.
about 14 years ago
Every jedi is supposed to make their own saber one time as some ritual, so it would make sense if you kept it and just modified it with the equivalent of runes. That way you can make it longer, fatter, darker, or add rings to it without buying a new dil-- model.
about 14 years ago
I know!It has to be prismatic, have a shifting color scheme, and shaped like a katana for light jedi, while more of a shifting oily-black two-pronged blade for dark side.
Georg Zoeller
about 14 years ago
I endorse this comic.
Gestalt Grammarian
about 14 years ago
@Cyclone Duke:
In extension, "its'" is the form of "belonging to (it)".

Generally speaking, the average idiot believe's word's should have apostrophe's whenever there's an S at the end of word's.

If you can tell where they belong and don't in that last sentence, you're not average.
about 14 years ago
Oh, that's easy. Make the hilt really cool.
Cyclone Duke
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56065]@zach[/url]: It's is short for 'It is'. The apostrophe shows that the 'I' of 'is' has been removed. It's made of = It is made of
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56060]@SRG[/url]: HEY! Fuck you, buddy! Rygar was the shit and his weapon was fucking awesome!
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
I've already decided not to get TOR. I'm sick of the MMORPG model and dressing it up in Star Wars isn't going to change that.
about 14 years ago
Hum, I hope you just sort of rank up your own lightsaber, cause I remember its one of those legacy items a jedi is suppose to have.
about 14 years ago
When will a new arc come out for TF2?
I gotta find out what happens with pyro and spy
*cough* no dead ringer *cough*
about 14 years ago
Frankly I've grown to hate the ridiculous armor and weapon designs in games like WoW. There's a threshold, and they crossed it ages ago.
And with no character customization (something EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE UNIVERSE has), they ram their design philosophy down your throat and expect you to like it.
about 14 years ago
grammar nazi says "it's" gets no apostrophe!
about 14 years ago
@!!!: Heh. No. =) You aren't getting a ship in TOR. You're getting a trolley that sits on rails. But, y'know, that's cool. TOR and it's spiritual predecessors has always been about going to iconic places and doing epic things. It can do without your own personal Star Destroyer. Trek, OTOH...
about 14 years ago
The Discarmor, but with lasers and space magic. There will be 3rd party mods for them too, so the guild of space gays is going to have rainbow sabers. It would be pretty nice if they let a guild pick the group blade color instead of a tunic like every other game.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55991]@Phantom[/url]: Rygar would have been cooler with a laser boomerang all he got was a shield attached to a chain.
about 14 years ago
I'd grind for it.
A Bag of Pointy Objects
about 14 years ago
No matter the weapon...there is one thing we can all agree on: The business end is also the pointy end, and the pointy end is the end you don't want to touch.
about 14 years ago
I don't care how bland some of the lightsaber designs may seem, as long as I get to kick some sith empire ass with it, this game going to be a blast.

about 14 years ago
If it allows you to make your saber flash multiple colors in rapid succession, that's enough for me.
about 14 years ago
"This is quite possibly the best English Jo's ever displayed in one of his strips."

about 14 years ago
As far as I know, the rare Lightsabers are going to have custom hilts, not blades.
about 14 years ago
Rancobane honestly reminds me of the ending of No More Heroes. In the cutscene before the final fight you encounter a impostor and he has a laser sword/whip that is in the shape of a dragon and extends around 200 feet. Sadly it's just used as the area barriers for the final fight since he is killed.
about 14 years ago
@ Mr Al

It is a joke, poking fun at the end game weapons of most MMO's. This isn't meant to be taken seriously, or designed to poke fun at any fan base. It is poking fun at weapons in general in MMO's.
about 14 years ago
Swtor is already more epic then anything else.
Mr. Al
about 14 years ago
Jo, you seriously no nothing about the SW-fanbase if you're afraid this will be a problem. there's nothing to worry about: It's a LIGHTSABER from STAR WARS currently in development by BIOWARE. THREE things which has already made this game more epic than it need to be, and more than anything else.
about 14 years ago
You should start with a tiny sized saber and as you progress and get a better one it also gets better
at the last level you get a big black saber to match your real life E penis
about 14 years ago
They're going to skip over epic double sabers and wind up with a laser boomerang like Rygar.
about 14 years ago
Another idea is, that they add a "Handle Detail view" similar to the Resident Evil Games.
about 14 years ago
It is Bioware, silly. They'll do it with gameplay :D
about 14 years ago
Continuing from my last post plasma can burn through things like the movies show and the magnetic fields would cause the blades to repulse each other.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Dude, why are the best weapons usually way over the top? master sword, best sword ever in the zelda world, not over the top. with a few exceptions, most swords that look fancy are more fragile then a girls hymen.
about 14 years ago
@Mr.Scientist: Scientists have actually looked as theoretically making a real lightsaber. The laser sword of course was thrown out for obvious reasons. However it might be possible with plasma confined to the blade shape by a magnetic field.
about 14 years ago
I cry because that Greatsword is significantly less tacky than most end game weapons in WoW.
about 14 years ago
This is quite possibly the best English Jo's ever displayed in one of his strips.
about 14 years ago
Rancorbane. Meh. Now, if it was a double bladed light saber with blades that looked like wings, that would be a bit more impressive.
about 14 years ago
Guest appearance, Shaved joker as Bioware's marketing Rep
about 14 years ago
They could just deploy epics to starships (since you get your own, like in the Star Trek MMO that no one ever plays)
about 14 years ago
arent rancors resistant to the force? lightsaber cuts? the second one comes from my experience with games so i might be wrong
about 14 years ago
I know I don't speak for the majority of mmo players but having good looking gear isn't going to make or break a game. I played EverQuest for 5+ years. Most of the time running around looking like a gay pride parade threw up on me. THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!
about 14 years ago
In the end, only one who cares about your E-Peen, is you.

Glad I realized that awhile ago.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55929]@Tkun[/url]: As Lightsabers are pure energy that falls back in on itself (right there impossible), it would not be able to be seen anyway, as there is no dust to deflect the beam, which is the only reason you can see lasers at all (also why you cannot see lasers in a vacuum)
An-On Imus
about 14 years ago
In-universe, lightsabers are small unassuming tech-sticks that can burn through blast doors and render a person into two half-people with less effort than is necessary to aim and fire a projectile weapon.

Only fools and Sith need 'e-peen'. True Jedi kick your ass without effort or show.
about 14 years ago
Since lightsabers can't change much, just add hats instead.
about 14 years ago
It will be interesting to see how BioWare's new work will fair with it's most direct competitor, Star Trek Online.

Try not to flame too much...
The Sturk
about 14 years ago
Chances are that what will make lightsabers rare are their components. Like KotOR, lightsabers could increase in strength and give ability boosts through the crystals used to make them. I bet that this game will follow the same general concept.
 Platypus
about 14 years ago
I don't know, I think they could get away with "glow" effects, bonus "dance" animations, and color trails that follow swings. Also unique effects on strike would do.

Besides it's the Sith that will want e-peen. Jedi get the Apple like smugness of clean unembellished design.
about 14 years ago
I would want to have a infra-red lightsaber so I would have an invisible blade!
about 14 years ago
That looks like the kind of thing a 12 year old would think is cool. And I thought lightwhips were retarded...
about 14 years ago
e-penis, star wars version.
about 14 years ago
At first, I thought this was gonna be yet another "TF2 TIE IN" comic.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_55902]@MattM[/url] But the Buster Sword *is* from Final Fantasy.
about 14 years ago
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber#Variations_and_specializations lists eleven hilt variations and eight blade variations (not counting color), and I think there were even more. The fanciest are the Lightwhip and the Lightsaber-chucks.
Anon Mc Dorf
about 14 years ago
Yes, but does Rancorbane menace with spikes of spikes? HMM?
about 14 years ago
I get where the name comes from, and I understand that its supposed to look over-the-top, but I think a design that would fit AND be rare looking, is if you had a silver-colored lightsaber, with maybe a little gold lined on the holder. Sure, it ain't "epic" but it wouldnt be out of place either.
about 14 years ago
I want six.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Sometimes less is more. The buster sword, lightsabers, the master sword. These have look of dangerous weapons. The over-designed swords of fantasy games look like fragile toys.
about 14 years ago
oh I get it