You honestly realize if you keep it up, we're gonna start trolling the crap out of you, right?
almost 14 years ago
Oh hey, look everyone! It's a friend/sibling/parent of the bully!
almost 14 years ago
lol@people saying that casey had time to think n stuff, let me, someone you do not know at all, but half ur size walk up to you, punch u in the face, then start punching u in the stomach, also you have never had confrontation before because u stick to urself mostly and dont both other people
almost 14 years ago
Right. The Skinny Kid who propably would have punched out the other kid isn't in the wrong. at all. OBVIOUSLY. I am sick and tired of people who only notice when the kid being bullied reacts. Schools do diddly squat about this. Yknow why? Cause boys will be boys! *insert troll face*
almost 14 years ago
The bully is lucky that he only got away with a sprained leg: I've seen bullied kids do some nasty stuff when they lose control at an aggressor.
From experience, the only way to stop this sort of harrasment is to hurt them badly enough they fear you more than they want to pick on you/retaliate.
almost 14 years ago
(cont) either are a hardcore bleeding heart, or they were the bully. they will not leave you alone, not until they fear retribution. the staff doesnt deliver that fast enough.
almost 14 years ago
Honestly, kudos to the victim. Its good that he managed to stand up to his bullies. I had one in middle school too and the only way they left me alone was when they started to smack me around, and i then went batshit on them with the closest thing i had, my bookbag. to all the naysayers, (more)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58215]@Kyte[/url]: and all the other haters.
You've obviously never been properly bullied in school have you?
Ask the victims, theyll tell u if their attackers get killed no 1 gives a flying fuck.
Quit you fkn bitching about 'he could have done it in other ways' or GTFO
almost 14 years ago
FINALLY Jo makes a comic about motherland!
i would have kept laying in the skinny shit until he has no more teeth
almost 14 years ago
It is NOT a fuking piledriver. All he did was pick him up and slam him ON HIS SIDE. Not his head. Teachers/Parents/Cops don't do squat. Fighting back is a double or nothing situation. They either leave you the hell alone after wards or it comes back double. A small chance is better than no chance.
Anne Onymous
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58289]@Missilepony[/url]: Speak for yourself. In second grade, I once (allegedly, I can't remember it) punched a kid who had been annoying me at lunch. One of the teachers wanted to punish me, but my mom (who is also a teacher and saw me punch the guy) convinced her not to. Her argument? The kid deserved it.
almost 14 years ago
Typical. Kid gets bullied, nobody raises an eyebrow. Same kid hits back, and all of a sudden, all the concerned parents and teachers start coming out of the gorram woodwork. (Why NO, I haven't gone through anything like that myself, what ever gives you THAT idea? [/sarcasm])
almost 14 years ago
His punch, then probably got scared that he would get free and so just acted on instinct grabing him, then of course he was angry and was carrying a low weight guy that had just been hitting him so he threw him as ahard as he could, he takes time between grab and hold, more between hold and throw
almost 14 years ago
Well all people asking for something other than a piledriver, how much fights have you been in? ptryy much none or too much is what I get from that thinking cause first times you get into fights, particularly if you dont look for them, you dont even think straight, he grabed the boys hand to stop
almost 14 years ago
And if one can measure its own strengh then he had his share of fights, thus he should be afraid to deal with bully or get bullied, so going all out is natural.
almost 14 years ago
If someone is an asshole to you and there is no peaceful way to get rid of him then kick his ass before he does, because he is going to try sooner or later.
About "overkilling": If one can measure its own strengh then he can go easy on bully, if not, then restraining oneself might lead to defeat.
almost 14 years ago
This is how to solve your problems. Teachers, authorities, police, they will not solve your problems, they will not defend you, they will not stand up for you. You have to stand up for yourself. When I was in school, I had to break a bully's arm before they let up.
almost 14 years ago
Those of you looking for the TF2 version still:
almost 14 years ago
Isn't that video a viral promo of Tekken x Street fighter? clearly you see the Zangief use a normal throw and tag out.
almost 14 years ago
@nom nom :U
Maybe some strong bear?
almost 14 years ago
Oh Kyle, the punch to the head didn't hurt? Have you seen his head flip back forcefully? There have been cases where people where paralyzed or dead after a punch to the head. You ARE defending the bully - what's the problem? Did a victim of yours fuck you up the ass too? Wanna cry Biff Tannen?
almost 14 years ago
compare and contrast
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
The worst one however i never got to shove into his place myself. i do get to bask in the knowledge that hes now behind bars and will be for a good 20-40 years.
almost 14 years ago
ow yes. that just looked, exhilarating!
Ow i wanted to do that to so many kids in school.
that will teach you to pick on the fat kid!
I was picked on by multiple toothpick like skinny kids in my days.
almost 14 years ago
Really, that's a power slam that the kid did, not a piledriver. Still, grabbing and throwing the little shit was probably the best reaction.
almost 14 years ago
As it's already been stated in here, if somebody is evil enough to video his bullying he deserves a piledriver and then some.
At least the kid had the brute strenght and balls to use it. It would have been traumatizing to have that fucking rat kid to humiliate you and then put it on internet.
almost 14 years ago
Deserved it,
I don't really care what any one else says, if you want to get hit in the face a million times go ahead and be that kind of person. Want to stand up for your self? be like him.
almost 14 years ago
AS far as im concerned, if anybody deserved to suffer the wrath of that kid, it's the guy with the camera, it's one thing to pick on somebody, but to film it is a new level of disgusting.
almost 14 years ago
For example if you keep poking a dog with a stick eventually it will bite you. Same thing with humans but instead of a bite it's sometimes a piledriver. Little faggot got what he deserved.
almost 14 years ago
About brain damage, broken leg, etc No, the bully didn't broke his leg of damaged his brain during the fight. He wouldn't have get up like that if his leg were broken and he was just stunned but to be fair he might have had some brain damage much before the fight started
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58240]@Johnny[/url]: fyi judo is considered one of the most harmful for non dojo fights due to it being mostly grapples
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58206]@@StarPilot[/url]: Oh I'll stand up for myself, I just won't use violence.
almost 14 years ago
iz gud to be bigger man
almost 14 years ago
...of the chosen method, but because the kid fell on that little curb. Judo - which is, along Aikido, considered one of the less harmful yet effective martial arts - would've done just the same if the kid still fell there, if not worse. So, piledrive or ippon seoi nage 'em, all the same.
almost 14 years ago
For all the folks getting on about "less harmful self-defense":
Really, any and all damage that came from that pile driver, including the sprained ankle (or broken leg according to some), could've happened with any other attack, including more skillful ones.
The kid hurts himself not because of...
almost 14 years ago
Anyone who says the little kid got brain damage or broke his ankle hasn't read the report of him only spraining his leg.
almost 14 years ago
Your life is most likely a living hell because you never stand up for yourself. As for people getting their just desserts when the time is right? That's what happened here, except it was delivered by the person who deserved to do so most.
Wolfe M. Howler
almost 14 years ago
Waiit... Why the HELL did they put that on the internet, It's obvious that the douche's friend had the camera, I don't get it?
Kuro Fox
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58229]@zeruf[/url]: Meh, he didn't suffer any lasting injury, so the little fuck deserved it.
Watching it a second time, noticed he doesn't land on his stupid head as it initailly seemed.
So good show of self restraint and defense there from Casey.
almost 14 years ago
atleast Casey had the braincells not to piledrive him in a 90degree angle whilst holding the head between thighs, THAT would have killed the scrawny shit, i say good for him.
As for the "he went too far", let's just say that the "victim" can get a verry verry bloody revenge if the grudge remains.
Paladin do Cerrado
almost 14 years ago
The best!
The retribution of Zangief's kid is a real prove to:
"not shake who is quiet"
The slug kid, all time provoce the retaliation, and after a punch in the face, and took a lot for that to fight back Zkid!
I go to publish this story in my BRAZILIAN website:
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Better to get your ass kicked once by a pretty slow-to-piss-off guy than do that to someone less forgiving who will get his friends in on the action.
Knee's a jerk
almost 14 years ago
Funny seeing people's kneejerk reaction and defending the bully. It doesn't matter if he piledrived, tornado kick or shoryuken that little twat, look at their size difference, had he just punched the twat in the face, it would still have looked like he just pulled a Dudley on the twatty kid.
almost 14 years ago
I think Casey can be really proud, for defending himself!
And to all of u saying it was unappropriate, there is a very good reason noone should ever start a fight:
"There is ALWAYS someone faster, stronger, better or even more lucky then u and when u get severely damaged its YOUR OWN FAULT!"
almost 14 years ago
And regarding the "he had lackeys" idea: If they'd really meant to help in the fight, they'd've flanked'em.
I think most of you are just too butthurt over your early years. Let it go. I know I did. Bully got his ass kicked. Woo. Bullee almost killed bully. Not woo.
almost 14 years ago
I'm not defending the bully. He was an asshole and if it'd been done to me I would've reacted as well. (Matter of fact: I was 19, in the bus, a guy doing pretty much the same. Shoved'im off the bus when it stopped.)
But normal people just shove'em off or punch'em. Piledriving is just way out there.
almost 14 years ago
Oh please. Everyone makes it look like bully was kicking the other kid's ass. He was just being an asshole. Bet those blows barely hurt. It's the human equivalent to a barking chihuahua.
Others make it look like it was a split-second life-or-death situation. As if. He had plenty of time to think.
almost 14 years ago
From what i see I don't think the girl was a faculty member just a girl from a sport team and you can see the bully friend trying to follow the victim and put the blame on him
almost 14 years ago
Had he gone in with anything less, even knocked him down. How long would it take the other kid's friends to jump in and slaughter him? He dealt a single devastating blow and walked away. He didn't follow up, didn't curb stomp. He made an example of the ringleader and left. Honourably, I'd say.
almost 14 years ago
Hold your head up high, kid, a token suspension is a small price to pay. To anyone who says he went to far, take another look. He's probably too slow to land an effective punch or a kick or even run away. He's alone against someone who obviously has friends with him.He tried to avoid conflict.-more-
almost 14 years ago
@ Platypus: Actually yes, yes fights do usually happen without any additional reasons behind it. I can back this up 100% as someone who grew up through similar shit. In fact because of that I find most of those who work at schools like yourself tend to ignore it till the victim fights back.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58204]@steven[/url]: My life is already a living hell, but it's all internal, and nothing on the outside phases me. Besides, even if I do nothing directly myself, they'll still get their just desserts when the time is right.
almost 14 years ago
Now this is why I tried to make Zangief evil. Yes, yes, YES. Now only if the brat had died, the world would have been better off. At least with all the pussies defending the brat, my world conquest is assured.
almost 14 years ago
who gives a damn if a piledriver can kill. if your willing to bully someone and make their life a living hell then you deserve the punishment that is to come. stop defending the bullies
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58197]@gordo[/url]: IMO, the big guy was right. he diddn't fight back at all when he was getting punched and the smaller one deserved it cuz you shouldn't fight in the first place. Instead of teaching the big guy fighting, you should teach the little guy not to.
Sam N
almost 14 years ago
Am i blind or was that woman a falculty member... and she was standing there watching the whole thing and did nothing...
almost 14 years ago
I am proud that my son has finally mastered my techniques. I pray he will grow stronger then even his father! Bahahahahaha!
almost 14 years ago
@Liam Riordan: I prefer to look at it this way: Don't be a dick, as that kid could be your boss in 10 years.
almost 14 years ago
Now the parents of the big guy should look a local gym to put him into some martial art. Not to "Kick ass harder", but to learn some ways to defend himself effectively and withouth harming others too much (A.k.a no permanent harm. A broken bone that heals withouth sequelaes is fine in my book).
almost 14 years ago
I'm happy the bully isn't paralized or dead, because he is just a kid after all and it could be a lot of trouble for little Zang.
But I agree with[url=#user_comment_58193] @Narbodi[/url]
They are kids, and it's clear the big guy don't know how to punch, he did the first thing he could.
Liam Riordan
almost 14 years ago
Fair play to that kid! It's hilarious to see the kid stumble around concussed. A lot of little gits need to be taught a lesson while they're young. Don't be a dick, and don't mess with people two times your size.
almost 14 years ago
Not to say that he shouldn't look into less dangerous defense lessons, but I can tell you at a glance he's not likely enrolled in youth karate. With WWE as popular as it is, the runt's lucky he didn't get chokeslammed on that lip block thing.
almost 14 years ago
If you have time to think about doing something in a fight, either the other guy is down, or you're down. At that age, available tactics include whatever the hell comes to mind. We're not talking about professional brawlers, here. These look like middle schoolers.
almost 14 years ago
The funny thing is my friend sent me a link to that vid
Bullies deserve worse
almost 14 years ago
For all the psychological damage he and his buddies caused Zangief Jr., the little shit got off easy with a slightly messed up ankle. No matter what some people may think, there isn't a fair non-violent resolution for every problem, and instilling the fear of god into a serial attacker is reasonable
almost 14 years ago
Kudos for the kid for defending himself. That's never a bad thing. The problem's that, as awesome as it may look, there's a reason piledrivers're reserved for the ring.
Like someone said before, kid might wanna look into other defensive methods.
almost 14 years ago
What most the people are forgetting here is that:
1) Killing is a Bad Thing.
2) A piledriver Can Kill.
3) If you can piledrive, you can do something else. (It's not a particularly quick method, after all. How about a nice shove plus tackle? Or maybe a kick, or something.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58139]@Anonymous[/url] with man chest: Damn right I am, and proud of it. I've found that this stuff often happens because they expect a certain kind of response to justify their behavior, so I simply don't give them a response. If they keep it up, fine whatever. They'll eventually grow bored of it.
almost 14 years ago
I really, really, REALLY dunno what that little shithead was thinking. Seriously, "oh, lookit that kid who's bigger than me. I'mma go bully him!"
almost 14 years ago
(cont'd) It's clear that the school had been doing nothing. Kid was completely on his own. There is no non-violent option when his back's to the wall, he is ACTIVELY being punched, and the bully's friends have him surrounded. They were videotaping one of their own punching on him for the lulz.
almost 14 years ago
A lot of comments that the retaliation went too far. Do you really think the big kid planned it? This was a split second gorilla response, and he probably didn't have the guts to throw a punch.
almost 14 years ago
If the dipshit would have been paralyzed or killed - tragic but an acceptable accident.
The big kid isn't a trained soldier - he just tries anything to get the bully off him.
He is acting in affect/impulse.
In my book - win/win for the big kid.
No more bullying.
almost 14 years ago
And the big kid obviously tried not to get in a fight after that.
Even dodged a second attempt to his head, took a weak punch to his stomach and when the little monkey tried a !fourth! hit to the stomach the big kid retaliates.
God damn after the first one he should have roughed up the cunt.
almost 14 years ago
I've seen the little faggot's facebook pic after this incident, and he's on crutches now.
Unfortunately, there's no way he broke his ankle, from the way he's still hopping around on both legs in the video.
When this video went viral, I was fucking hoping he cracks his goddamn head on the pavement.
almost 14 years ago
Congrats young man.
You got the "Kick the Bully" Achievement.
To lall those who think it got too far - it got too far when the little worthless shit hit him full in the face with his fist.
What no cryout about that? He could have been seriously injured even paralyzed.
almost 14 years ago
I've already seen the one with TF2 sounds far too many times, and it's still hilarious.
almost 14 years ago
There goes my hero!
Observent man
almost 14 years ago
@Kuro Fox He actually lands on his leg (cellphone quality FTW) if you look closely which is why he is stumbling around like a drunken FOOL.
@Dexterous Rex Getting hit so hard your leg goes numb can also do that
Anyways Man tear for the win.
Kuro Fox
almost 14 years ago
As much as I agree that jerk deserving that, it might have been going a bit far.
Slammed head first into concrete could mess you up worse than what happened there, even kill you, which is a bit too much for bullying.
Glad the kid stood up for himself though.
almost 14 years ago
This calls for an epic LOL
almost 14 years ago
Little punk had it coming. Nicely done.
almost 14 years ago
That doesn't work when you have 3+ people ganging up on you. In none of those fights could I run away. The 3rd fight, I let them throw the first punch. Then I threw the smallest one into the biggest one, and tackled the last one and started swinging away at him. I never got picked on again.
almost 14 years ago
I have only been in three fights in my life so far, and never started any of them. The last fight was 9 years ago, when I was in junior high. I WAS the big kid. Always have been the biggest in my class (in terms of height). The first two fights I got into, I simply tried doing nothing but blocking.
almost 14 years ago
hahahahha good one. someone had to do it. glad it was you XD
my contribution:
almost 14 years ago
derp derp derp
almost 14 years ago
I read a few reviews of people agreeing and disagreeing to the thing and I have to say, the kid deserved it :\. One thing, the big guy was back against a wall with the bully's buddies in sight. He had to do what Ender did, make it so they don't bother you ever again.
Anonymous with man chest
almost 14 years ago
StarPilot is a pussy hahhaha
nom nom :U
almost 14 years ago
wait, what?? vangief has a son?? who's the mom?!?
almost 14 years ago
Check out 0:25 in the original video. When the kid lands, you can actually hear the sweet, tender sound of a bone snapping. Or as Zangief would say: "I apologize. I damaged the floor with your head!"
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58144]@Maphysto[/url]: most likely more than justified. poor kid probably was being tormented for quiet some time. most big kids like that are as the saying goes "gentle giants" it was just that he finally snapped and the little guy got exactly what he deserved no more and no less.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58134]@StarPilot[/url]: actually proof is quiet a problem these days. as you may notice it was most likely the little guys friends filming it which they would of never have shown it to anyone if they had there way and most other times when other kids film or take pictures they too are beaten and brought down
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58138]@Bunnie[/url]: It had apparantly been going on for years, and this is the first time the kid defended himself. I think it's justified.
almost 14 years ago
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated.
hurr i'm a durr
almost 14 years ago
@Dexterous Rex
nothing of value would have been lost if he died
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58134]@StarPilot[/url] You'd rather be muged? Sweet! *stab* *grabb walet* *GTFO*
Yeah, I was the target of bullies. Telling the teachers does shit all and I had to go to theropy for a few years because of the bullying. I wish I had had the balls to just piledrive one of the shits that bullied me.
Who Cares
almost 14 years ago
@Dexterous Rex,
Well the little shit shouldn't have started it and if he does have damage no great loss to humanity.
almost 14 years ago
Bleeding hearts unite. Those that prey on the weak deserve nothing worse than to have their neck snapped. The only things those people understand is power and they won't change. You either defend yourself in this world or you lose everything.
almost 14 years ago
to be honest, I feel sorry for the one who started it. I mean, I know what it's like to be on both sides, but unless that shit had been happening for weeks, that was too much doing that to someone.
almost 14 years ago
@Dexterous Rex
you can't be fucking serious.
I don't think the little punk even has a brain that's possible to damage.
Dexterous Rex
almost 14 years ago
I don't think that most people realize that Zangief kid almost killed that kid. He could have snapped his neck. the fact that the kid couldn't stand up straight means that he has already sustained severe brain damage. There's defending yourself then there is taking it too far.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58133]@Steven[/url]: >Walking video camera
Anyone with a cell phone nowadays has at least a picture camera on it, sometimes even video capabilities. How else was this video recorded in the first place? So yeah, with this generation, lack of proof is pretty much not a problem.
almost 14 years ago
im so glad the kid actually fought back, schools these days suck ass at stoping bullying. literally the teachers cant allways be looking or be with you. and you need proof as well so unless your a walking video camera then you aint going to have jack. best thing to do is fight back.
almost 14 years ago
They should take the video of that kid doing the pile driver and put Marvel Vs Capcom 3 plugs in it
In Russia when you toy with Bear, bear will toy with you!
Michael Ong
almost 14 years ago
Zangief kid got his appropriate street fighter remix. hilarious.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58120]@Mac[/url]: I'd rather get mugged. I just can't bring myself to intentionally hurt someone, even in self-defense. If I happen to hurt someone on accident, I do my best to apologize and make up for it.
almost 14 years ago
@A Drunk Russian: In my case, yes that's what I did, only I actually told the school authorities and it actually stopped. Then again, I'm very passive by nature, and rarely get aggrivated by anything. I like to think of myself as a nice guy.
almost 14 years ago
For all this talk of "he shouldn't have defended himself," I note that this is not the case once students reach college level. At that point, it's either fight back or be mugged.
almost 14 years ago
F'n A! That was an awesome vid.
almost 14 years ago
Also, there are many cases of bullied kids that kill themselves and a few that go crazy and shoot everybody so use violence in self defense seems like a much better solution.
1. It stops the bully.
2. No innocent is harmed.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
@A Drunk Russian: Yes, that is exactly what they want you to do. School administrators always turn a blind eye to bullying. Some encourage the practice, they feel it keeps students in line.
almost 14 years ago
I think I should have been more violent in school... The worst I have done was strangulate a boy who was messing with me. If I had a little less fear of causing severe damage to jerks I would have much less fights. (you only have to fight once instead of fight every day)
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
Circling Heart?
...I fail to see how that is good for an Asshat.
almost 14 years ago
Which was why it was likely only 4 days and not longer. And that more to keep the "buddies" from trying to have a go at him, then true punishment, my guess.
almost 14 years ago
@A Drunk Russian,
Then you miss then point. 1.) Small kid was *very* wrong. 2.) Big kid was wrong for level of and type of retaliation. It likely wouldn't have been a 4 day suspension if he had used more defensive options. What was impressive is he didn't do that after the first punch.
almost 14 years ago
I don't know if violence should always be the answer but that little punk had it coming. I'm actually surprised the littler one didn't get a concussion or something similar. I wish he did the full pile-driver but it still delights me to see a good ass-whooping.
almost 14 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions
All classes can wear the Asshat, sometimes it even comes in Unusual with Circling Heart.
A Drunk Russian
almost 14 years ago
@ Platypus: So the kid should just let himself be bullied while school authorities do squat? That is not how you handle yourself in life. You fight for what it's yours.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
What has the world come to when the skinny are now the ones terrorizing the burly? D:)
almost 14 years ago
Also what's the larger context? Fights like that rarely happen without additional reasons.
almost 14 years ago
As someone who works at a school, yes we have to crack down on any kind of violence, even self-defense. As StarPilot says, that could have ended far worse then it did. And "Zanigef" needs to send Jr. for more lessons on less damaging defensive arts. A pile-drive is not appropriate.
Kayrol Ineonovus
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58092]@StarPilot[/url]: Well, at least that should teach him not to mess with someone else or, if he does, to be absolutely sure he can walk away, no? ;P
almost 14 years ago
You make that sound like a bad thing StarPilot...
almost 14 years ago
Usually is other way around between the big and the small kids, but still cheers for the kid sticking up for himself.
You can even see it him trying not to get into the fight, but what a way to finish it! Heh.
almost 14 years ago
Also to note: I Congratulate the kid for defending himself, I wish I could have done that but the problem with me was that it wasn't one on one in most cases. Also love the fact the girl steps forward and gives him time to get away from those that would have jumped him. They run in packs for reason.
almost 14 years ago
FYI:: The Bully (The smaller kid) was suspended for 21 Days from school (with no major injuries just a sprained leg). The Large Boy was suspended for 4 days due to using violence. Needless to say people feel that this is BS, the only reason the school suspended the boy was because of the violence.
almost 14 years ago
Was that video staged?
Seriously, I can't tell.
almost 14 years ago
Honestly I just can't find something like this funny. I understand the joke fine, I just hate the idea that it's based off of something that actually happened. If that piledriver was off by just a bit, that skinny kid could be paralyzed right now.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
I'm pretty sure Zanigef will take Zangief Jr. out for borscht in celebration of him nailing the spinning piledriver.
almost 14 years ago
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
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