True, but I guess blood is something kid's see most every day. *cough cough* the news *cough cough*. It's sad, isn't it?
Ohhhh, so THAT'S what you meant!
almost 14 years ago
Sorry, I misinterpreted. I just think violence is, unfortunately, exposed to children more than sex is. I would suggest doing niether in public.
almost 14 years ago
I like the one on the right more anyway.
almost 14 years ago
@Challenging your logic.: And so you slash and cut people up in front of your children? You're the one who needs thinking. The argument is not about whether we should censor sex but about why violence is considered less taboo then sex.
almost 14 years ago
What a screwed up place we live in where we tolerate blood more than skin.
Challenging your logic.
almost 14 years ago
@Darth Vader: While I do agree that violence is over the top, think. Seriously think. Sex may be a natural part of life, but would you really want to do it in front of your children? Give me an honest answer. Then think why we might censor sex in media.
almost 14 years ago
To answer the question.
Yes they found a way, from the demo its come out very well
They seem to have made a 3d version of ultimate mortal kombat 3 [from the sega]. Which is something i loved and played most when young
I came blood when i played it.
almost 14 years ago
Dat ass, babie!
almost 14 years ago
Its alright everyone, next match she will be perfectly fine again.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58455]@Meat[/url]: It's Kung Lao. He could have his eyes torn out and still be able to fight effectively.
almost 14 years ago
we need a new tf2 comic right here!
Darth Vader
almost 14 years ago
according to the gaming industry:
Violence, something average people dont do very often and results in loss of life, is ok
sex, something that is a natural part of life and many normal people do more commonly, is wrong and not allowed??
I find your lack of logic disturbing.
almost 14 years ago
2nd panel make sense. Why?
Because Lust is forbidden for monks like Kung Lao. He would have turn his eyes away throughout the fight in the 1st panel
SRG -Typo
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58448]@SRG[/url]: Chance that he could be one of his characters in a comic*
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58430]@Anon[/url]: jo's Shang Tsung!?!
Wait won't this make every one of his character actually him? people were "Mine"'n his ass!
almost 14 years ago
There has never, to the best of my knowledge, been a good Mortal Kombat game.
The very first entries in the series were exhibitions in horrible animation, terrible controls and unbalanced characters.
The only draw was the gore...and as far as I can tell, that hasn't changed over the years.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58416]@retrospection[/url]: Now, that's not really fair. The first three or four games, the 2D ones, were pretty good. The series started deteriorating after the jump to 3D, sure, but this 2.5D return seems to have at least somewhat returned some of the old school fun.
almost 14 years ago
Tentacle, Pele, big pussy... omg, Jo is a shapeshifter!!1one
Dead girls (in pieces) can't say no and are maintenance free.
almost 14 years ago
Mortal Kombat games have always been shit, you just got older.
Wut am i writing?
almost 14 years ago
In fact it's been suspected that all evil in human being stems from the moment when a baby first sees mom's nipple. It is from that moment on that the baby becomes a creature that just wants to see the world burn.
Wut am i writing?
almost 14 years ago
Apparently by some logic children who watch realistic decapitations, maiming, incineration, torture and butchering in general during their teens have less chance to become murderers and rapists than children who have seen a female nipple.
I feel awful, v2 awful harder
almost 14 years ago
Everything looks so realistic to a extent that it's just really uneasy to watch spears go through peoples eyes, dumped head first into lava where for some reason the skull remains behind, pouring lava out of the eye sockets while the guy/girl is for some reason still screaming, it's unsettling.
I feel awful
almost 14 years ago
With agreeing with Joe on that, it looks great and it's probably fun, but some of the moves just kinda... are to much for me and make me feel ill. Like it's hilarious in older games and funny but that's mainly because it's a bunch of nerds pretending to be ultra violent ninjas.
almost 14 years ago
Why would they censor that? Mileena is barely clothed. And Jade is dressed up just like the girl getting cut up by Kung Lao. So......
a guy
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58391]@thanti[/url]: try telling that one to cammy, shes a got a total atomic wedgie on her >_>
almost 14 years ago
Violence and gore = "IT'S AWWWWWRIIIIIIIIIGHT~!!!"
Sex and nudity = "OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"
Censorship: more fucked up than you think.
almost 14 years ago
I'd just would like to point out that a legging is much better for fighting than a wedgie, also the bra in the first pic is uncomfortable as the breasts might fall off. I'm not a girl it's just that when you are an adept of martial arts you get to look at that things and get a tad upset.
Kuro Fox
almost 14 years ago
The industrys strictness policy towards violence is confusing, more so on the lower than M ratings.
MK VS DC: Sword stabbed through the chest is shown on screen. Getting shot isn't???
And sex is apparently much worse than violence.
almost 14 years ago
This does seem to be MK's return to prevalence, in all honesty, and for legitimate reasons, rather than JUST the gore.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
@Dead Herald:
WE have always been necrophiliacs, this just brought it out.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
@'That Guy':
Now with more necrophiliacs.
'That Guy'
almost 14 years ago
I got the weirdest boner right now.
Fanservice Dan
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58351]@KarmikCykle[/url] on Darkstalkers
Agreed; with Duke Nukem, Bayonetta, and a friggin' 3D DEAD OR ALIVE GAME, this gaming year wouldn't be complete without it.
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
I can´t wait to play as Kratos in the new Mortal Kombat game.
That will be Epic!
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Also, I think I'd prefer the old MK gore style where you'd blow somebody's torso up and like five ribcages would pop out.
almost 14 years ago
We need a new Darkstalkers game. Not just a few characters appearing in crossovers.
almost 14 years ago
@flaming june
If you have time, listen to some of George Carlin's old routines about the 7 words you can't say on television. It sums up American morality real well.
* fixed
almost 14 years ago
In the end, I am more of a violence n' gore cartoonified beyond recognition or consequence kind of guy anyway
almost 14 years ago
I don't doubt at all humanity's capacity to hideously mutilate each other. It saddens me, really.
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
@Flaming June
In America, Violence is acceptable and Nudity not.
almost 14 years ago
I find sex taboo and violence good the world is way too over populated.
Flaming June
almost 14 years ago
Violence is acceptable and naked skin not. What a world we live in.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
"Off the top" seems more appropriate. >D
bon oui
almost 14 years ago
think i might be gay, originally thought the joke was that there was no difference, then realized later that the muscle-y man was pretty hot.
almost 14 years ago
Need a new Powerstone game. If they could make online multiplayer not suck like almost every other Wii game, it would be gold.
almost 14 years ago
"I am more of a Street Fighter / Darkstalker / Samurai Shadown kind of guy anyway," I was thinking you're a less violence guy up until you added Samurai. Now I don't know what your talking about.
almost 14 years ago
Second this, but it can be difficult to pull off combos. But to me that's a good thing, I want to earn my wins and not be given an easy button.
oh and also try Melty Blood and some of the PC doujin fighters, they are (most of the time) very fun to play.
A Bag of Limbs
almost 14 years ago
So...Jo can now throw hat-discs now?
almost 14 years ago
Gotta try BlazBlue
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58298]@SRG[/url]: LoL, so true!
almost 14 years ago
How it will look like if made in Japan on the left.
almost 14 years ago
"For Team Ninja Development process read right to left."
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
i didnt even know they were still making mortal kombat games, i guess ive just been licking VALVes boots too much in an attempt to get them to release HL2:E3 faster
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