What people are saying about "Tour"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
reverse snipe
over 13 years ago
@Whitey Mc.Crackerhonkey:
>My best friend had boobs when he was ten
>had boobs when he was ten
>when he was
over 13 years ago
Loads of 10 year olds have breasts. get over it.
over 13 years ago
Tits on a 10-year-old. Classy.
over 13 years ago
wow, you guys sure are asses and perveted retards, oh wait, why should I care your all trolls.
over 13 years ago
tc_hydro is pretty fun
over 13 years ago
@Whitey Mc.Crackerhonkey

Khan FurSainty
over 13 years ago
I guess she is attracted *shades* by hard things. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
over 13 years ago
Props to Rooster for the Big-O reference. She does look a lot like a certain girl from that show... ;)
over 13 years ago
Goes to show how subtle changes in art can have an impact. In frame 1 it looks like she is sad rather than bored and serious because here eye lines are just barely not parallel with the floor. But in frame 2 and 5 we can tell she is bored.
over 13 years ago
I am 13. That's why I put a lot of notes on the 10 year old girl we know nothing about yet.
over 13 years ago
Is this an origin story of the short haired female engineer? Oh I love Origin stories!
over 13 years ago
So is this going to become a sakuya thing?
Engie-tan is using pa-*wrenched*
over 13 years ago
Not a Bot
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59301]@Tkun[/url] She may look tall but Engie is still taller than her and Engie is the shortest of all the 9 classes. So its ok!!
Black Dragon
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59301]@Tkun[/url]: I don't know what I find more disturbing; the fact that she has them or the fact that everyone's obsessing over them. Please tell me I'm not the only one D:
over 13 years ago
Everybody talking about her breast size but how about her height?
over 13 years ago
If you're looking to start a Minecraft project, my advice would be to take it piecemeal. It's okay to build a gigantic town, but if you start with a fort then it can become the focal point of the town when you feel like expanding.
Whitey Mc.Crackerhonkey
over 13 years ago
My best friend had boobs when he was ten <.<
Not Impressed
over 13 years ago
@ Cyclone Duke

You just posted a link to a picture with a couple of 10 year olds with normal sized busts for that age. Compare their chests to the "10 year old" in this comic. Engie's niece better be stuffing with tissues or something otherwise I say Jo is steering towards Bleedman territory.
eyes of death
over 13 years ago
engie-tan : birth of a super-villain
over 13 years ago
I wonder if Bob's wife the pie from "American pie"?
Which might explain how the the girls looks.
Though the whole lighting issue could be that she nocliped/is a ghost/or is a civilian D) Valve can't code in dynamic lighting for Hydro and had the developers paint the shadows on the stuff.
over 13 years ago
Poor, poor, POOR Hydro... ;~;
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
That's a rather lean Engineer...
over 13 years ago
multiple panel suit up sequence incoming!
Probably Improbable
over 13 years ago
Eh, who's to say she's a 10 year old with forged documents to make her at least 12 so she doesn't need mandatory supervision to get on a plane as a "Unaccompanied minor" and stuffed her training bra to help with the act?
over 13 years ago
Oh yeah, he's sooo busy and in a hurry to fi fix his boxes and move dem teleporters... I can see it right through his face.
over 13 years ago
oooooooooo snap "no one gos to hydro" lolz!
Cyclone Duke
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59256]@Seriously[/url]: http://i.imgur.com/JKjbd.jpg Have you seen ANY pokemon 10 year old?
Dr. Pwn Call
over 13 years ago
Has anyone else noticed that the Engineer hat she has in her hands is just Copied can pasted from the 4th frame to the 5th frame. I mean in order to have that same type of shadow, she will have has to been standing behind that desk. So in order for the 5th frame exist, she must be using noclip. Hax.
over 13 years ago
Took me long enough, but I just figured whats going on... http://preview.tinyurl.com/6j6zqhw

Pervs, you have the field.
over 13 years ago
She's smiling on the inside, I think she found her 'pet,' so to speak.
over 13 years ago
People. I am quite sure there are ten-year old girls with breasts these days.

Y'know, all those people out there complaining that kids are getting physically mature earlier? Yeah, them.
over 13 years ago
The only reason I opened the comments section was because I wondered if anyone else noticed this. I can just picture her making the same dry-wit snide comments.
over 13 years ago
All the guys wanting to claim this girl, be careful. I'm wondering if she's secretly sadistic. "Don't let her have a pet" is a rather odd instruction.
>:- /
over 13 years ago
Rather doubt that this an origin story though.
Could be one, but I doubt it.
over 13 years ago
I agree she kinda looks like Dorothy from Big O.
As for the bust, yeah it happens.
She may even be exaggerating it by padding with tissue.
Peer pressure can be a real bastard.
~ DB ~
over 13 years ago
Kind of feels like she's drawn to look like Dorothy from "Big O!" or is it just me?
over 13 years ago
This 10 year old has a 19 year old's body. God damn it I sort of respected this comic once upon a time.
over 13 years ago
@Sigma Silver
Wow your right, she does look like dorthy
Sigma Silver
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59248]@DarkAngelAz[/url]: I was thinking more like Dorothy from The Big O
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59228]@Manwhat[/url]: Same here. I think the problem is that it just either turns into a stalemate or a steamroll most of the time.
over 13 years ago
Engy tan origin?
over 13 years ago
Is it just me, or does she look a little like Youmu from Touhou?
over 13 years ago
Its so sad.
When she grows up she will spawn on the opposing team for sure and thus forced kill her uncle.

She was BORN to be in the red team.
over 13 years ago
Is this Engie-tan's origin story?
over 13 years ago
Wait that's the wangler never mind this can't be young engie-tan those items where made late TF2.
so I guess this is a new character.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59235]@Lobster[/url]: or that she slowly turns into Engie-tan and the end with no word if she had a age 10 growth spurt or was it a yearly montage causing the Fan-lore of the character to be that she really ~10 all these years making her a jailbait.
over 13 years ago
This better be building up to loli incest rape.
Also, this little girl grows up to be engy-tan, called it, it's pretty obvious because of the red hair.
over 13 years ago
Hey Jo, why don't you make her say, "Actually, Uncle, I'm 18" so people can at least stop perving over a PRE-TEEN?
no pyro :-(
over 13 years ago
where's pyro-guy ?
over 13 years ago
I always liked Hydro too ...
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
@Manly Engie: So,a clue this is a prequel?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
Well at least no one has said "TITS OR GTFO!!!" yet.

Awww, Dammit...
over 13 years ago
stop running around yelling some incorrectness that already be proven before.

And this is a comic, deal with it.
over 13 years ago
Dear Internet,

With present day nutritions, there are young girls that develop early, I have a cousin who just like that, in the past not everyone can drink milk everyday, or getting meat and egg at least once a week, heck, some people only eat meat annually, when there's great annual event(s) so
watching too closely
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59206]@Jade[/url]: it's phenominal given they were smaller in the last comic.
over 13 years ago
10 year olds can indeed have bust... but it normally takes about 4 years for the average woman's bust to mature. Even given the most favorable hormonal conditions, however, the set shown here is "phenomenal" for "two" years of growth.

But then again, it's a drawing.
over 13 years ago
at bottom right panel: "....My precious.... @_@"
over 13 years ago
And thus, born Engie-tan we know and love <3

And her eyes will be alive with...... murderous intents and willing to put sentries where it can KILL!


over 13 years ago
*Five minutes later, sentry gun runs out of ammo*

over 13 years ago
@ the14th

It can happen, my cousin had boobs at 10.
Manly Engie
over 13 years ago
No one noticed that on the third panel engie's glove disappeared? and besides that, on the comic before this it didn't really clarify did Bob sent his wife or daughter.
over 13 years ago
since when do ten-year-olds have a bust?
over 13 years ago
Thankyou Joe,
you have all of my virtual love :3
Manly Engie
over 13 years ago
Is Manly
over 13 years ago
Oh god damn
over 13 years ago
Why no comments?
over 13 years ago
The claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw....