What people are saying about "Random Encounter"
Random Encounter
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almost 14 years ago
Background of Engineer looking kinda japan there when spewing coffee.

radioactiv gasping?!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59565]@Ivan[/url] Unskilled guys never rule on skilled ones. If you are being beaten, maybe you are not that good. You may also use the new weapons. This hate towards every new item is pathetic.
almost 14 years ago
Heavies always was powerfull, but with new blackboxes, milks, new rocketguns its take just one crit to kill medic/engineer/ even other soldier. Unskilled guys rule with these new guns on skilled guys with standart weapon.
almost 14 years ago
Cara, suas tirinhas sao excelentes !!
Engineer OAK
almost 14 years ago
Hey, wait! Don't go out! That was close! Wild Demoman live in tall grass!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59472]@Cruel_Armpit[/url]: next step Jo past that step LONG time ago.
Dr. Obso1337
almost 14 years ago
Knew there was gonna be some pokemon in the mix.
I think the engie might just be short. but she's still a few inches shorter.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59484]@Jagos[/url]: You mean /b/. Most of the other boards aren't so bad.
almost 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: Wait, just 75%?!

Don't EVER go to 4chan, then...
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59467]@Lucky[/url]: Creeps make up 76% of the internet.
The Anon known as Ivan/Lolineer
almost 14 years ago
@oh dear..

From where do you know this? ^^

Please have a seat over there .....
oh dear..
almost 14 years ago
Maybe she's wearing one of these.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59467]@Lucky[/url]: NOW realizing? Half these jackwagons have been 'claiming' everything even vaguely feminine between the ages of zero and ninety on this site since the first Zerg-tan comics. You must be -really- new.
I see boobs
almost 14 years ago
10 years old lolineer is 15.
almost 14 years ago
Next step... porno comics.
almost 14 years ago
So many comments on how attractive the 10 year old girl is. Jo is now realizing that most of the people reading his comics are creeps. Also, I'm hoping BLU Engineer takes Demo's caber, rams it up his ass, and then kicks his ass.
almost 14 years ago
I see Jo too has tried to conquer the hell that TF2 Beta is.

Since it's free, lots of noobs who don't know shiz about TF2 will join in, get owned, then whine to Valve about broken weapons, in turn, spreading a plague in this already cancer-infected game.

Needs more vanilla.
almost 14 years ago
No, wait, he just coughed up that Zalgo thing. No worries.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59452]@Kryptik[/url]: Engineer is the shortest of all the classes.
almost 14 years ago
On another note about the niece's supposed age...either she's damn tall for a 10-year old, or Engie really is puny.
almost 14 years ago
Rage spy, I do that all the time as heavy. If there's nothing in front of me that I can kill within a very short time frame, or nothing that is a critical threat to me or medic's survival, then I'll pretty much be spy checking every second or two, especially chokes. Any good heavy does that.
almost 14 years ago
There is one good heavy I always plays with or against.
What is odd about him is that he always 180 with the boolets firing everytime I creep up behind him even in the middle of a firefight.
And nobody warn him with a mic, we are playing in alltalk so I knew. (Plus plenty of micspam)
almost 14 years ago
Heavy Medic combos were godmode back when TF2 first came out IIRC.
almost 14 years ago
Dang this is a Pokemon/TF2 arc. darn it the whole boobs on a ten year old, RED and BLUE, the fact she doesn't talk is all there. Now she gets a Explosive Charge Demo'mon to safely travel through TF2.
Samuel Oak
almost 14 years ago
It's all about pubbing with Fists of Steel. Instaspawn 2Fort?! Stand over the Sniper range and laugh while they "try" to headshot you! Push the cart?! Stand behind the cart and laugh at anyone trying to hit you. Of course you still die to a full HP Equalizer hit, and you're basically useless. Pubs.
stout chako for 2 refined
almost 14 years ago
A dwarf demoman is not dangerous.

A giant demopan will be.
Spy, gentlemen
almost 14 years ago
Yes, heavy is a little overpowered now, but the heavy spinal column is still the Promised Land in the religion of the Spies, the glorious reward for good little boys who disguise well and sneak behind enemy lines.
almost 14 years ago
Who thinks, she gonna have a TOTALLY new personality?
almost 14 years ago
@ Anon/Ivan
The Heavy becomes OP when you bring in the Fists Of Steel. Then the Heavy can simply tank all long range damage until he either runs away (and then heals) or gets into close range, slaughters the opponent and then heals. And if the opponent tries melee, spin up and win.
almost 14 years ago
QuickFix on a scout. I never thought a Medic/Scout combo would be even plausible.
almost 14 years ago
dawww. she's stepping on her coverall's leg hems
almost 14 years ago
Let me guess the next comic, Uncle Engie, trying to protect li'l future engie, sacrifice himself in a heroic manner, and she will do a killing rampage, when the smoke are settled, all reds lying on the ground, dying, and she realize she's a natural engie.

almost 14 years ago
From now on and forever, the nameless young Engineer girl will be called Lolineer!
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
Scout: Pistol, jump above him (Sometimes a Heavy don´t notice you if you jump on his Head ^^)
Soldier: Yo tell me, is that a Bazooka?
Pyro: If you Surprise him
Demo: SPAM
The other classes know what to do (Sentry, Spy and so on)
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
Heavy isn´t really overpowered, he lacks long range Combat skills.

Miniguns: Mid an close range Weapons
Shotgun: Mid and close Range Weapon
Sandvich/Dalokosh/Steak: No Weapons and don´t Increase his Long Range Combat skills
Fists and other Meeles: Who uses them in Combat
almost 14 years ago
Personally even though i don't play TF2 much anymore (my computer sucks too bad so i lag too much for it to be worth it :() I think the heavy getting more powerful is good, he was underpowered before. now if he's a little OP then good more power to him.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
"Who's that Demo-man!"
almost 14 years ago
you want TF2 to be like it used to? play it on a console, they stopped support for it.
almost 14 years ago
afro demoman is afro
almost 14 years ago
What makes me a cute demoman ?

If I were a ugly demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, touchin' her tits now would I?
almost 14 years ago
Lolineer so cute!
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
I think the Demo-mon will kill the Engineer and then Lolineer will kill him, or get rescued by a Spy ^^
almost 14 years ago
A wild demoman appears! use the master ball on it! [url=#user_comment_59391] @Zeta[/url] The "QuickFix" is a new medigun currently in TF2 beta that lets the medic run as fast as the class they are healing, it also charges up 2x (or so) faster, but it just lets you heal them 4x (or so) faster, so no ultra-fast uber or kritz
almost 14 years ago
So demomen are dwarves now....

Haha I know Jo was struggling to fit the whole demoman in that panel because the impact of his appearance would be lost otherwise.
almost 14 years ago
What does Jo mean by the "quickfix" gun? :l
almost 14 years ago
Medics beware?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
almost 14 years ago
I demand an alternative version with Demopan!
almost 14 years ago
that cute helmet makes me regret not having real females in tf2.
damn you, dark ages of cold war!
almost 14 years ago
Demo-mon should be named Rick James, bitch!
almost 14 years ago
Loligineer is WELL EQUIPPED
almost 14 years ago
Where is "Nerfnow.com" sign?
almost 14 years ago
Like her bow on the helmet.
almost 14 years ago
Engineer likes his coffee black.

Really black.
almost 14 years ago
Time for guessing the Demoman's moveset!

Seed Bomb
Egg Bomb
Sludge Bomb
Magnet Bomb
Mud Bomb
Night Slash
Blu Engineer
almost 14 years ago
When you are a mercenary fighting twenty-four hours a day, you've got to have strong coffee.
almost 14 years ago
Oh no! With the Targe he can get a critical hit with the ca-...

Wait. The caber will kill an Engineer even without a crit.
almost 14 years ago
What makes me a Wild demoman?
If i were a Demoman i wouldn't be hitting ya with this Caber now would i!?
almost 14 years ago
To someone saying something living in coffee:
That is actually the shadow of a tall grass.

Demoman uses Ulapool Caber;
It's super effective!
???? fainted
???? fainted
Double profit!!!
almost 14 years ago
She's got the calves of a 20 year old, and the shoulders of a 30 year old! Her kidneys look a bit mature too, if you catch my completely non-sexual meaning.
almost 14 years ago
so, no boobs on the whole panel, so now it's her ass...

nothing about her thighs, her calves?
almost 14 years ago
tits alright..
almost 14 years ago
but that ass and those hips are certainly not 10 years old.
almost 14 years ago
Speaking about her boobie size:

p.s. chibi demoman :3
Too much creativity
almost 14 years ago
Whatever keeps you hard at night,first.
almost 14 years ago
TF2... with a Pokemon joke? Awesomesauce!
almost 14 years ago
Love the hairbow on her helmet.
No Creativity
almost 14 years ago
... Well I guess this is when I say First and wait for people to shoot me down right?