I once wrote that. "t2 3p boni would be nice!!!"
It was more of a joke but i god invited anyway. Raidet 3 1/2 years with those guys :D
almost 14 years ago
Well back when I raided when server first purples were actully enough to give a nerd a heart attack the only challenge was that we all were mentally.
almost 14 years ago
I am a bad person. I read that second-to-last speech bubble as:
"Tell me why you want to join our raping guild."
And it the gag made sense.
almost 14 years ago
The most honest answers are the ones that everyone knows that you OUGHT NOT give........"I wanna work for your company because I want your monies to pay my rent" doesn't fly well
The Perfect Stranger
almost 14 years ago
Strangers in the night......
almost 14 years ago
I play WoW as a healer, but, nowdays, I only raid for messing around friends, talking shit and things like that. Epicx are secondary now.
almost 14 years ago
I raid cause I wanna see/beat the freaking dungeon, that's pretty much it :P
almost 14 years ago
I'm *not* in it for the purples, though. I'm quite happy embarrassing bad players in purples by doing more or damned near as much DPS as them while wearing 346 blues.
Also, Marty's got it right.
almost 14 years ago
See what I did there - famous rading guilds ;)
almost 14 years ago
And for the record:
Most uberl33th@XX0r rading guilds believe that they can rip you off your time for nothing - you only get the "pleasure" of joining them if your equipment is as good or better than the shit that is dropped.
almost 14 years ago
Ähem. I don't know anyone who is "rainding".
Soooo no wonder why noone ever told you that. :P
almost 14 years ago
i told my guild I have too much free time and need a time vampire. Purples come with that!
A random internet stranger
almost 14 years ago
Mr. Al: Even Dragon Age II: The Grind?
almost 14 years ago
people playing for fun? on MMO's?? iz not possible!
almost 14 years ago
I want to do raids so I can see the endgame content and experience the fight mechanics that go with them
Unfortunately, all the major raiding guilds are all "YOO MUST HAZ 999,999 DPS ON TRASH TO JOIN OUR GUILD" and then freak the fuck out on the slightest mistake, even if we still won the fight.
Mr. Al
almost 14 years ago
And this is why I hope Bioware will hold to their claim of making farming in SW: ToR more hard/boring/impossible than any other MMO. A fool's hope, i know, but at least a hope...
I haven't seen a single Bioware game where at least one of it's aspects doesn't outshines any possible flawes...
almost 14 years ago
206 guilds have killed heroic sinestra, 33 3s arena teams past 2700 on bg9.
The challenge is still there if you look for it.
almost 14 years ago
and this comic is another reason why clans suck.
Someone who agrees with JSO
almost 14 years ago
I agree, it used to be alright, but now it's just ridiculously easy for newbies.
almost 14 years ago
Why *wouldn't* they say they're in it for the loot? Shit, that's what I did, who are the other people fooling?
almost 14 years ago
I raided for prot purps.
I arena'd for ret purps.
I bg'd to make someone ragequit.
I quit because WoW sold out.
almost 14 years ago
I'm confused.
Does Jo play WoW or not?
almost 14 years ago
Want to avoid panel 4?
Roll healer.
You will never need to interview for a guild. Ever. At all.
almost 14 years ago
Lol, I love the arena, the new dungeons in cata are pretty fun too. But yeah, farming crap is boring. Really, what always make me laugh about this is that there seems to be some WoW haters who spend more time hating the game then I spend playing it.
Just go play something else if you dont like it
almost 14 years ago
I used to play WoW. It got boring. Than I did a raid. Eeveryone killed everything before I could hit a single key. I got no EXP, no good items, and a shit-load of lag. I did groups, and people bitched if the paladin tank needed on a shield that would increase my health. It just seemed dumb to try.
Yeah, typically the highest rated MMO is totally the worst one out there. Lets go Play a game imported from Korea where the servers are never up and the updates come once a year.
almost 14 years ago
world of shitfuck isn't fun, wowfags are the only ones who can't admit it
it's true
almost 14 years ago
I like turtles.
almost 14 years ago
I started raiding because 2 goods friends wanted need another body to replace someone. After that all i wanted was the purples that didn't have resil on it
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
This is why I don't play MMOs for very long. They almost always have these same just-here-to-eat-up-time elements that rub me the wrong way.
almost 14 years ago
at least people have some kind of reason to join guilds. The only reason that I joined any guilds at all was because it has a cool name..
almost 14 years ago
@fix it: happens to me as well. glad i'm not the only one.
almost 14 years ago
"And why do you want to get the purples?"
Answer: "To get more purples!"
Nothing but cornflakes.
almost 14 years ago
Yanno, I can't remember a time when I joined a guild and didn't know most of the people from it IRL already.
I haven't had very good experiences with people outside of the group I already have, with very few exceptions. Most people have been completely retarded, others be trollin'.
"Rainding for the Purples"
almost 14 years ago
Who else loves rainding?
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I would tell you I want to raid for the Orbs. lol Why not I'm an engineer and need them.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61826]@Thndr[/url]: No, purples are the only reason.
almost 14 years ago
There is no challenge. Only morons standing in burning crap or forgetting mechanics.
almost 14 years ago
Wait, people raid for reason OTHER than purples?
I'm confused and also lost some hope for humanity.
almost 14 years ago
Irony has it that I actually was a RL myself because of the challenge.
Which doesn't mean I didn't include multiple nasty questions in the apply form - weeding out the people who can't read or think.
Before grilling them on game mechanics for an hour or two.
Good times.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
With that in mind I fully approve of dungeons and raids being way easier to make without having to depend on a guild. My WoW guild made my life miserable in BC and I quit because juggling the guild and my real job was taxing my health.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
The reason most people don't admit they're joining guilds for the phat lewtz is that most high end raiding guilds will turn you away if you want purples. Many guilds will disenchant purples before giving them to a nublet member who lacks dungeon points.
almost 14 years ago
friggin copy pasted dude on the first 3 panels.
almost 14 years ago
I know a feeling. I ran pick up raids and did guild raids and we got alot of people joining our guild because they got the fabled greed. But whenever we took a break for a month or so for holidays, whoosh! Gone.
almost 14 years ago
I mostly join organizations/clans/guilds/whatever so that I can stop joining guest channels to talk to the people I hang out with in a game as a group.
Most of the time I play in pick-up groups and pull more than my virtual weights worth of the work load involved.
fix it
almost 14 years ago
is it me or every there's a new comic the site freezes my whole computer when i enter the site
no rage i do like the comics
almost 14 years ago
When did Francis start playing MMORPGs?
Pfh raiding
almost 14 years ago
Haven't raided in months. If I do raid, it's not really "because of the challenge" it's more "So I can see the rest of the game."
The purples are nice, I guess. But if I could do JUST the instance without failing for no items I'd still do it.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I used to say that sort of thing. "I want to meet new friends and have fun raiding!" And then I grew up and decided being blunt and selfish got people liking you more than being fake did.
almost 14 years ago
Reminds me when I used to run a guild back in the days. I always had people asking to join raids and only one person ever told me the truth why he wanted to join: "To get Epics, what else?" I was shocked to hear his answer.
That man is a good friend of mine, even though today.
almost 14 years ago
Noone made a comment? mine! oh wait. why do i forget to type my name and bushido is faster?