What people are saying about ""Thinking" With Portals"
"Thinking" With Portals
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Phil He rnandez
over 13 years ago
Hey guys, Might be the U.S. much better off keeping Syria's Assad?
Brother Chen
almost 14 years ago
So , so, SO true.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61779]@Cirno[/url]: So what is it, Schrodinger's Cube?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61767]@Narbodi[/url] Inside the Companion cube is love!
almost 14 years ago
@Dead Herald
Even considering the not so perfect state of companion cube? Q_Q
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Sooo... since they're referred throughout the game as Aperture Science Weighted STORAGE Cubes, I have to ask.

Has anyone else found themselves wondering what one might find by cracking open one?

Or what the Companion Cube would have inside?
 Platypus
almost 14 years ago
So satisfying I didn't mind that I was on a rail. Really... I was heading that direction anyways... on my way to brutally dismantle two of the most aggrieving creatures in the Half-Life extended universe.
 Platypus
almost 14 years ago
I guess by the time I was getting near the end of the 1st part (going to see "her" again) I was feeling a bit angry. Then "he" started in and I got really mad. I was really happy we I got to shot a portal at "it" that was so satisfying.
almost 14 years ago
Remember, kids, dark environments are stylish!

(I know that's not what this comic is getting at)
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61760]@Cirno[/url]: The jury is still out on that one, some guy named Schrodinger can't make up his mind.
almost 14 years ago
So, is the cat alive or not?
almost 14 years ago
This Means Absolutely nothing and That cube is quite the looker.
almost 14 years ago
You know I was looking at the Test chambers up there and if they are basically the same with except with Portal 2 Trimming the fat (Portal Surfaces) away.
I really only see one way to finish it unless the pit is filled with Blue Goo and since we know only Portal 2 Has Blue Goo Theoretically
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61713]@Alex[/url]: Also that health problem might only apply to manufacturing. Chell has had worse things near or on her, and not forgetting the (65% more bullet per) bullets. I suspect Chell may have super-healing... considering.. well... you'll figure it out...
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61713]@Alex[/url]: To continue this purposely-vague conversation: That thing that happens was probably only capable of happening with the current ASHPD, the older models probably lacked the finesse for that.
almost 14 years ago
I personally liked the change to remove a lot of the twitch factor from Portal 2. It's worse knowing what you are supposed to do but failing 10 times because you can't get the correct portal off in time or its 1 inch away from where it's supposed to be.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61719]@ghostjustin4[/url]: It's alright, you can be one of us people who torments "miners" for being the pervy pedos that they are.
almost 14 years ago
This is what made me sad about Portal 2.

Too many times the only reason I was stuck was because I couldn't see the white panel.
And similarly the most fun I had was when I was spraying conversion gel everywhere and could solve a puzzle however I wanted.
almost 14 years ago
Jo, you are so right on with this comic. And I didn't even realize it myself.
almost 14 years ago
I think this almost makes the campaign feel like one massive tutorial, which leaves potential for endless custom rooms or future challenge dlc. I loved the campaign and co-op, but I think that with proper dlc support (which Valve does better than anyone) the possibilities are endless...
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
i'm f***ing tired of the "Mine!" photo notes. there isn't even a girl in this one and people still figure out how to put at least one in.
almost 14 years ago
and by "portal" I meant the original.
almost 14 years ago
I don't think you remember how much of portal had "un-portalable" surfaces towards the second half of the game. Plus, with the white gel, you can put portals near anywhere and have to figure that out.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61713]@Alex[/url]: Because only by buying [posthumously removed] and turning them into [also posthumously removed] were they able to imply that that was capable.
almost 14 years ago
Now that I think about it. If doing what was done at the end was possible, why would Aperture Science have to buy (spoiler)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61704]@Yoyo007[/url] Well, it would only make sense, considering something Cave Johnson said. Considering something else Cave Johnson said about the same thing, I wonder hoow long Chell will still live...
almost 14 years ago
i have to say/agree, i did in final hour(chapter?) or two notice the following: ...i haven't used the namesake of this game for a good FIVE MINUTES what happened =(

A Fantastically Brilliant game however, depite my sadness at the decreased amount of portal oppurtunities (YAY WHITE GOO^^)
almost 14 years ago
OMG, Valve was reading in my mind when they made the ending.
I always wondered if it was possible to place a portal on "this place"(no spoil), and thinking it would be a fun thing to do.
almost 14 years ago
Well, it's easy in the Portal 2 panel. Just go up on the hill, put the portals below and on the other panel, then jump and the cube is yours.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
White gel/goop/paint....I wonder how long before the areas where you get to spray it around are dubbed the 'Money Shot' levels? ;-)
almost 14 years ago
Portal 2 was really fun, and I'M IN SPACE.
almost 14 years ago
It did make me a little sad that they took out a couple "advanced" portal tricks, like shooting a portal beam and ducking through the open portal before the beam lands and creates a new one. Now if you try it you're immediately ejected from the portal you're standing in.
almost 14 years ago
One could also argue that having more places to put the portals is easier since you could circumvent any intended puzzles with overlooked shortcuts.

Players being generally more clever at subverting a games intended difficulties than the people who made the game.
almost 14 years ago
Dont forget, if the portal chamber is too confusing, they put markers on the surfaces where you're suposed to put portals.
almost 14 years ago
I totally agree, Jo. The main reason P2 looks different is because what was once mostly white surfaces is now mostly black surfaces.
almost 14 years ago
Ghast: The white surfaces are portal conducive. The black ones aren't. The comic is implying that Portal 2 is more linear and there's less creativity involved in choosing where to put portals.
almost 14 years ago
This illustrates wonderfully my only issue with portal 2 so far - a good portion of the puzzles are "Find the portal conducive surface"
Grey Acumen
almost 14 years ago
You nailed the EXACT problem that I have with POrtal 2. It's a wonderful game, but there was a comment Wheatley made about "yay, I'm off the rails! Now where do we go? Uh.. just stay on the rails I guess..." that would have been hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
almost 14 years ago
So this comic is implying that the two games are exactly alike in graphic design / game mechanics? ...

almost 14 years ago
...Actually taking 'R A W' out makes it 'PotlTo'.

...yeah, so much for that gag.
almost 14 years ago
...huh. Now that I look at it taking 'raw' out doesn't spell 'Potato' after all. Gotta take the L out too. Ah, well.
N bodi
almost 14 years ago
I'm su prised people en't still spouting th t 'fou hou g me' c p. Guess the 'channe s ll went home.

Th t side, ight no I'm ishing I sn't the only one out of my g oup of f iends th t h d the dispos ble income h ndy to g b Po ta T o.
almost 14 years ago
Where's mah tentacle rape, Jo?
 Platypus
almost 14 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo,
I just finished Portal 2 and it was spudtacular! *don't me hurt, it was for science*
I looking forward to some enterprising person stuffing HL2 levels into the engine if possible. Better yet portal guns in a death match mode :D
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
so are we gonna get some sort of POTATO jokes coming around now? i mean VALVe is basicly a trend setter in the gaming world, or more really a meme mine
almost 14 years ago
Portal 2 is meh just like Bioshock 2, Fear 2, Far Cry 2 etc
almost 14 years ago
Gotta agree with CosmicKirby. You could almost bill Portal as a tutorial for Portal 2.
almost 14 years ago
Man.. I want this game baddly, if only I could buy it :/
almost 14 years ago
another valve game? hohoho
almost 14 years ago
Definitely noticed this on Co-Op.

However the later level's challenge was more timing and what to do in what sequence rather than just placing portals everywhere.

Whereas Portal 1 is more about mastering the concept of portals, Portal 2 is more about mastering the mechanics of how to use them.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61638]@Monocle_Lad[/url]: You mean the portal gun isn't a unicorn? Blasphemy...
almost 14 years ago
Well considering what the white paint was made of I can see why they started cutting back on its use inside of aperature labs. I'm assuming the portal gun itself has some unicorn horn in it somewhere as well.
almost 14 years ago
Despite your great complements on this fine game I feel that this comic is going to be very good trollbait....
almost 14 years ago
The Enrichment Center apologizes for the lack of paneling that supports portals. We are currently undergoing maintenance to invent a portal gun that works on all surfaces.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Jo did forget to mention conversion gel. AKA, white goop, which makes any surface accept portals. But it's only really used a few times, near the end of the game. It does add an element of planning. I wish they had utilized it more.
almost 14 years ago
For the first time in my life, I want to visit the opera now...
almost 14 years ago
INB4 "mine" notes on the cube...
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago

Huge amounts of non-portalable walls/floors in portal 2 DID make the actual portalable, and thereby necessary walls a bit obvious.

Great game though.