What people are saying about "More Drones"
More Drones
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over 13 years ago
almost 14 years ago
pathetic no one should use roaches against terran
they are op against armored units

Banelings for the win
my name
almost 14 years ago
lol this is true, SC2 is hard work
almost 14 years ago
Huh. Dressed like a female Doug Funny.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I feel like this when playing Dawn of War 2
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62323]@Me[/url] I did notice she was dressed as Doug too... It only took me 2 days to figure out who she was dressed up as tough... XD
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62488]@Face[/url] Sorry, typed that in the wrong spot.
almost 14 years ago
I think doing that gets people around 300 actually (not sure on the figure). 800 would have to be even more extreme, such as queuing en masse or microing each Zergling separately out of a group (which the guy does). Likely both and more. These people think and play faster than random clicking.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62370]@Jung[/url]: I'm just saying, you'd have to be randomly clicking and not really playing the game to do it properly. The only way that I could see that happening is if he just clicked fast at the start and then the computer calculated that he'd be about that.
almost 14 years ago
Actually you cannot get promoted into the Bronze league. You can choose to play your placement matches at any point, before that you have 50 games you can play in the practice league. So practice league isn't really a league.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62330]@Face[/url] http://pds7.egloos.com/pds/200805/10/51/f0038051_48258706320d1.png Second-to-last column is peak APM (NOT average). There are some actions in SC1 that allow for unnaturally high APM, and I'm guessing some of that had to do with the crazy number. It's an irrelevantly extreme case at any rate.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62319]@Lol[/url] Yeah, I didn't mean that SC2 pros are necessarily physically slower. Only that after you factor in those things, SC1 APMs just end up being higher.
almost 14 years ago
Good control come from APM. APM isn't just random clicking or spamming "MOVE HERE" 20 times when you want to move your army. It is hitting the production facility hotkey and hitting all the quick keys for the units you want to build while simultaneously moving and microing your army in the field.
almost 14 years ago
APM is not everything in RTS. APM allows people with equal skill to play on the same level but good strategy and control is better than having a high APM (especially APM that is just random clicking).
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62314]@Jung[/url]: That's almost 14 actions a second, that's... not really possible.
almost 14 years ago
Why is she dressed like Doug?
almost 14 years ago
BW and SC2 have different standards of measuring APM. It's difficult to compare. Including the changes with how you don't need to repeatedly select to get around single-building and max 12 unit selection limitations, you don't need as much APM to do menial tasks. SC2 pros arent slower.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62261]@Zealot[/url] try blink stalker with micro or a lot of sentries with forcefields but you have to make an observer because the zerg will research burrow and tunneling claws if your sentry number is too high
almost 14 years ago
cara, não sei se vc viu o filipeneto falando sobre o #precojusto. sei qwue vc tem um publico alvo estrangeiro, mas podia dar uma ajuda, pra ver se o preço dos jogos( e produtoseletronicos em geral) aqui da terrinha abaixa um pouco.
almost 14 years ago
Alasdair you are incredibly stupid go kill yourself
a pro player not only is faster but also has tactical decition and awareness pro players will know what 1 zealot 1 stalker no sentry 2 geysers could mean a normal player will have no idea but can fight decently because of his APM
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62206]@iKill[/url] Uhm, 200 APM is pretty low for a professional SC2 player, and extremely low for a SC1 pro. Most do play at around 300, and SC1 APMs are generally higher than SC2 APMs. (One player, July, was once clocked at 818 APM, although that was a peak figure so it's not exactly the same thing.)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62291]@Derek[/url] Sorry about the link fail, but yes, I was just trying to point out that you can generalize any genre and make it sound like it doesn't take skill to play. That doesn't mean that games that fall in a certain genre don't have any redeeming qualities.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62291]@Derek[/url] 1) Impossible for everyone to be in masters because of the ladder system 2) He was mocking the "fps takes no skill" post (just failed to link it properly)
No Lifer
almost 14 years ago
Proved: Engie-Tan was left-handed
almost 14 years ago
Man, fuck RTSs. If you want to win via having a better strategy, play turn-based games. RTSs are ultimately just about who can click the fastest.
almost 14 years ago
Make a comic with the Starcraft units plz
almost 14 years ago
the thing about apm, (actions per minute for those out of the know) is most of it is mindless and scout focused. so you can hit your camera hotkeys in mindless order (base, enemy base, choke points and special territory, scouts) which is just hitting 6-8 keys in order and glancing, repeatedly.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62243]@Catalyst[/url] Because people in low leagues don't know how to mix units. You should thank them for making it so easy for you to counter...if you won enough because of it, you'd no longer be in lower leagues.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62212]@fishbulb[/url]: If it were that easy everyone would be in Masters.
almost 14 years ago
Whoa. Those are almost High School of the Dead boobs.

Devil Dan
almost 14 years ago
To join the grand master league you need to have jedi powers. Or be korean.
almost 14 years ago
To have fun in online gaming at all is kinda amazing. Go back to his later LoL comic. This doesn't show it, but I'd say the majority of online fun is from the community, and it feels like 4chan took over, with all the trolls around.
almost 14 years ago
Title should've been "inject hatchery expand creep" :P
Liro Raeriyo
almost 14 years ago
Monday Night Combat soon?
almost 14 years ago
Meh, I still prefer Company of Heroes which is still the highest acclaimed RTS game of all time.
Waitin' on You
almost 14 years ago
I remember only one intense hour-long TvT in practice league, and most of my other opponents in my practice league matchups and placements were either actually not as good as I thought they were, or actually way out of my league, either having played hundreds of customs or team games. :c
almost 14 years ago
yes I can agree on this, back when I still played starcraft 2 as protoss, I just found that getting victory in starcraft 2 was just too stressful and not worth the amount of time and effort put in when I could be doing other things. I ended it on platinum league just before the HT nerf haha
almost 14 years ago
It gets kinda boring sometimes though. For example, if you're Protoss against a Zerg at my level then 9 times out of 10 they're going to tech to roaches and spam the crap out of roaches. There are only two decent responses: mass stalkers or fast tech to Immortals. So games can be kinda samey.
almost 14 years ago
Play a bit of SC2 now and again as Protoss. I tend to be around upper bronze/lower silver level though I find the league thing a bit eclectic in deciding where it wants to put you.
almost 14 years ago
To clear up:
1. There are masters players with around 70 apm (That's just a pinch more than one click per second, you usually type thrice as fast);
2. There's no fake accounts in SC2; each account is bound to a cd-key;
3. If you look for a brainless entertainment, SC2 ladders are not for you.
almost 14 years ago
There is a league under bronze, it's Cinderblock
almost 14 years ago
I feel the same way about DoWII.
almost 14 years ago
I haven't played SC2 in a while, so I'm still stuck in the minor leagues. Just got too frustrated with some of the common tactics, like people who build ten thousand of a single unit with a counter. Yes, it's easy to avoid, but really now. What kind of strategy is that?
almost 14 years ago
You think GamerGirl from the comments in the last comic would appreciate this now? :V
almost 14 years ago
Really?. I thought the leagues where "No LAN", "No LAN here either", "I said no", "Fuck our fans", and "You won't get LAN support in your fucking life, now pay us more".
almost 14 years ago
If you did everything in the speech bubble once in one game, it would have to be a two-hour for you to be in the bronze league. Seriously.
almost 14 years ago
Honestly I quit playing SC2 on ladder and mostly now just watch games on the leagues. SC2 almost feels like its more fun to watch than it is to play sometimes.
almost 14 years ago
I used to play terribly in SC1, making all sorts of noob mistakes. Played like that for a years before I watching pro games. Went back with my friend and trained, felt really stupid for never analyzing how I was playing and started to get better. Suddenly the game was 50x more fun. Diamond now.
almost 14 years ago
the upper leagues aren't all that great. Yeah the players are better, but a good number of them give up if you get even a few of your units into their base. This whole thought process of "I'm good, so is he, he killed 2 probes, obviously I will lose now."
almost 14 years ago
Is it me or her boobs grow?
But I feel ya, I'm thinking of sort and not want to fall in league broze again! Silver and I maybe took me to get the gold ...
almost 14 years ago
I still haven't finished SC2 single-player, and I never touch RTS multi-player until I've beaten single-player. I think I've averaged a mission a month since I got it.
almost 14 years ago
Incidentally, I find Dawn of War (and expansions) more fun than Starcraft. Probably because my circle of friends use it for some co-operative 4v4 Standard CPU combat. Playing against another person, I get pissed at myself for failing. Playing against computer, even if I fail, I'm having fun. Dunno.
almost 14 years ago
I enjoyed playing Starcraft, for a while. Then I started playing online.

It's hard to enjoy playing when half of the people I went up against were high-rankers who made low-rank profiles so they could stomp all over us. Also nobody played anything other than hacked maps with megamineral stacks.
almost 14 years ago
I was gold in season 1 and i didn't play for 4 months.. now i feel like bronze all over again
almost 14 years ago
The only way I ever understand anything going on in a pro level starcraft 2 match is with commentary otherwise I wouldn't see half the crazy stuff that always seems to happen :|
almost 14 years ago
@ pepkin88

I thought all you had to do in an RTS was memorize which combination of actions would lead to victory. Build this here, mine this, build these units, zerg rush, win.

(Not trying to start a flame war, only pointing out the inadequacies of stereotyping all games in a particular genre)
almost 14 years ago
I really suck at Starcraft. Im too slow and I dont memorize ANY of the Hotkeys.... I will go play some xbox now.
almost 14 years ago
I tried playing SC2 briefly, but it just requires such a huge amount of effort before it becomes a "strategy game" at all. I might pick it up again now that summer has rolled around, but certainly not to relax.
almost 14 years ago
StarCraft is the real factor of skill. Anyone can play FPS, shoot some heads, what a big deal. However in StarCraft you must not only click fast but also think.
almost 14 years ago
Also, I play high silver, and honestly... It's as hard as it looks. Once you get the thought processes down and OCD hard on building checks etc, it works. :P
almost 14 years ago
Lol @the 300-400 APM comments. The best pros have 200 APM.
almost 14 years ago
Exactly why i changed to DoW2.
SC2 looks like work.
Mecha Jesus
almost 14 years ago
Man you really love Doug
almost 14 years ago
This is the EXACT reason why I do not play anymore Blizzard games...They're all like this...this isn't fricken' WORK, I like to relax while playing, not work more than I do at Uni.
Doc Lithius
almost 14 years ago
This s a lot like me and Super Meat Boy. I'm more frazzled by the time I finish playing than I am before I start. And yet, the end results justify the means to me. Because it's fun to say I've completed up to World 4 and hold all the speed records among my friends. X3
almost 14 years ago
Aaaaand that's why I quit Zerg, and SC2 altogether. It's just too much busywork, and you need to be one of those Korean gaming savants to have any shot at high-tier play.
almost 14 years ago
In 3v3 and 4v4 you always get higher rankings due to "the pros" not playing it (or less).

As for 1v1, I'm in gold, but the huge sum up seems more like something that would happen at my level than bronze (As far as I've seen, bronze if full of people that go "build roaches up to 200 food, attack")
almost 14 years ago
It's a Mister Rogers vest!
almost 14 years ago
I find their ranking a bit special, was Silver in season 1, only played a handful of games and came out about even. Season 2 comes around, they place me against gold, I lose in 10 minutes and they place me in gold...

My friend who can beat me roughly 40-60% of the time is in Bronze.
almost 14 years ago
I play in Masters, you make the game seem more complicated than it actually is.
almost 14 years ago
this comic sums up precisely why I don't play starcraft.

seems like way to much work for "fun"
almost 14 years ago
My games on diamond 1v1 require really tight timing, because a single second lost here can mean a critical unit coming out a minute later.

For instance, at the start, I send my 6 drones mining, send my overlord scouting and then start my pool.
almost 14 years ago
I perfer WoW, more boom boom
almost 14 years ago
Funny... I have the same sort of thinking when I play Starcraft.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
So a league lower than Bronze now exists?
almost 14 years ago
And if I played right I could stall their first barracks long enough with the SCV that built mine to the point where they wouldn't even have a marine by the time I got my first marauder.
almost 14 years ago
Diamond and platinum are full of cheese strats. My particular Diam and Plat brackets were full of Terran players (and I played Terran), so I made up a proxy marauder rush that would completely stomp anyone who didn't bunker rush themselves by the time I got my first one out. Too easy.
almost 14 years ago
the doug theme won't get out of my head now. thanks a lot
almost 14 years ago
That red heads's a Doug. Also, that's not how you have fun with video games. Oh, and[url=#user_comment_62163] @2g[/url]: No.
almost 14 years ago
this chick should be the voice of Engie-tan

almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
There's no copper league.
almost 14 years ago
tarcraft is a hard game
Different Guy
almost 14 years ago
If you're not in diamond, then macro macro macro, he who produces more will win in the lower leagues. Strategy isn't super important against newbs.
almost 14 years ago
I think my brother is in either platinum or diamond leagues. I say he has like no life.
almost 14 years ago
I love the Doug reference. I can only hope/assume it was on purpose.
almost 14 years ago
I wonder if touch screen would make it faster or slower... Anyway, if it would make any difference the Koreans already are using it...
almost 14 years ago
This is why I can't bare to play this game sometime. All the multitasking makes my head hurt...
almost 14 years ago
Easy solution play Protoss :P
almost 14 years ago
No more Copper league. My nerdiness is coming out.
almost 14 years ago
Better to be under-promoted than over-promoted. I got a few extremely (un?)lucky match-ups and my 4v4 placements put me at platinum. I play at a silver on my best days, and now can't stand playing any pug 4v4s because I know I'm a drag on the other team members.
Some random guy
almost 14 years ago
Isn't engie-tan wearing a reference to Dough?
I recognise the green sweater, the white shirt and whats that? brown sho-- skirt? ah nevermind, made me laugh anyway.
almost 14 years ago
It's not very difficult; and you don't need that high of an apm. Just remember when your things finish and you won't find yourself continuously spamming to check to see if that hatchery requires an injection yet. Hotkey 2, 'v', click on minimap=done.

Apm is only ever really useful in combat.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
In a Pro match an average APM is 300, so yeah, 5 actions per second, but usually it get's to 400 or more during battles
almost 14 years ago
Sweater vest!
almost 14 years ago
You know I heard somewhere that some Starcraft players have speeds clocked at average of 5 actions per second.