What people are saying about "Royal Marriage"
Royal Marriage
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
YES ;~;<3
almost 14 years ago
An engie-tan statue? I'd love to help ya make one! Which one are you referring to though, the redhead or the orange haired one?
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62481]@Obby[/url]: Just for that, I'm leaving the photo note where it is :D
almost 14 years ago
Yes. Please add a statue.... Many statues, in fact.. All with the different people you have drawn. :3
Random Guy who is Someone
almost 14 years ago
Who's up for some Ace of Spades? It's infiniminer with guns, aka Minecraft with guns.
almost 14 years ago
Engie-tan with Pyro-chan (playing engeneer)and Heavy (playing Medic) who is Übering them both =D
Do not forget the obvious invisible spy!
almost 14 years ago
Peach has been growing BROCCOLI this whole time?! Delicious!
almost 14 years ago
Engie statue YES! Also with cute sentry, please.
almost 14 years ago
Engie-tan nao!!
almost 14 years ago
Here's an idea. Make an Engie Statue and a new site rule where posting "MINE" on ANYTHING will get you banned from commenting in any way, shape or form. Forever. That way people can get their perv on without messing up your nice comics.

Do the same thing for "Spy Here" too (statue of nothing).
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I'd be happy with a comic of engie covered in post-its and breaking the 4th wall like a boss.
almost 14 years ago
Engie Statue do want. <3
almost 14 years ago
Jo. i would totally go for it if you ever decide to ever do that!
almost 14 years ago
I don't even comment, generally, much less tag stuff "mine," but... you absolutely need to have a statue made now. You can't talk about something like that and then not do it. It'd just be... cruel.
almost 14 years ago
boobs are mine
almost 14 years ago
boobs statue : do it.
almost 14 years ago
Depends on how easy it will be to clean semen off that statue.
Wave Summers
almost 14 years ago
long time reader first time commenter.

GOD YES on the engie statue ^.^

love the comic btw Nerf NOW rocks
almost 14 years ago
Would definitely love to see an engie statue!
almost 14 years ago
+1 on the Engie statue!! Use Kickstarter and offer some commissions to those who pledge more!

Also sporty Daisy is the best Daisy.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62466]@QPopz[/url]: The first panel of the comic was edited after the fact, actually. If you look at the photo notes, they're all on the wrong side. Specifically, the one about the "knobs" is on the opposite side, where the control knobs would have been if the image hadn't been flipped...
almost 14 years ago
Jo, the Engie-chan statuette? Hiiiii-fucking-larious idea. I lol'd hard at the postit notes thing too.

Unfortunately someone WILL use it for.. uh... rather deviant means. D:
almost 14 years ago
@???: ...why? It's not like there's any evidence he'd be incompetant as a figurehead. Plus he's one of those "Royals Wh Actually Do Something" as TV Tropes puts it.
almost 14 years ago
I claim the post-its on engie-tan statue.
almost 14 years ago
I am interested.
Please make that.
almost 14 years ago
To the people who think Peach and Daisy switched places:

First frame was from behind. You're looking at the backs of their heads. Soooo... if you go around and look at them from the front... Yeah. Derp.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62436]@Fili[/url]: What the bloody hell you playin at.
almost 14 years ago
He apparently edited the first panel by mirroring it. You can tell because of the photo note someone put where the tv knobs used to be.
Everybody here
almost 14 years ago
we're very interested
almost 14 years ago
In my opinion, Daisy is hotter then Peach.
almost 14 years ago
Jo seems to have ninja-fixed the comic, with where Daisy and Peach are sitting in the first panel.

Yeah we noticed.
almost 14 years ago
Engie-Tan statue: DO WANT
almost 14 years ago
Has anybody noticed the consistency of the couch? It changes size in each frame.
almost 14 years ago
Why bother with a full statue of Engie? Just make a statue of boobs. It's clearly the only part the people making the "mine!" claims are interested in.
Its me, Mario
almost 14 years ago
Mama mia, Princess! Quita shaving your leg hair anda flushing it down the commode!
almost 14 years ago
uh... I think he'll be ok making the statue, if valve is at least as nice as nintendo..
almost 14 years ago
Seriously, I literally laughed my ass off. This was genius!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62435]@Dee[/url]: ...Aside from all of the comics in the archive with Engie-tan labeled with the artist's intention that they're "Team Fortress 2" comics in addition to plenty of other circumstantial evidence through comments and discussion that certainly paint the perception that she is a representation of IP.
almost 14 years ago
Yeah, to avoid copyright issues, don't dress her at all.
almost 14 years ago
What are you all smoking? Engie-tan is not a derivative work in the eyes of the law. A derivative work has to use a significant amount of copy-righted assets from the previous work. Nothing is used for Engie-tan except the concept "engineer" and a generic color scheme.
 Platypus
almost 14 years ago
Don't bother with the Post-Its... Actually include a pack (added to cost) with the statue. We'll provide the placement.

almost 14 years ago
If you don't make it, someone else will. Like me. Then it really will be MINE.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62417]@Bicorn[/url]: Just don't dress her up like a tf2 engineer.
almost 14 years ago
As for Engie-tan, that's pretty much a golden example of a derivative work, though the design is simplified enough to try an argument, I suppose; still, I don't know that just going ahead with something like that would be wise, and if you can trust Valve to just let it slide.
almost 14 years ago
Actually, even a "free comic" that can't establish itself as parody has basically no protection of "fair use", and generating ad revenue shoots the foot of the argument anyway. Further, fair use is a defense and not a prevention of litigation, so court costs still become a factor.
almost 14 years ago
If you could properly bypass the copyright issues, that Bicorn mentioned, I would totally buy and Engie-tan figure.
almost 14 years ago
Wow, as often as he's saved her, you'd think she'd be a bit more appreciative.
almost 14 years ago
Yes, please.
WTB Engie-tan statue
almost 14 years ago
Produce one. You'll get rich. o_o
At least you would get my money for one xD
almost 14 years ago
The problem with a possible Engie figurine is that Engie's ultimately derived from TF2's Engineer (although gender-flipped). A free webcomic falls under fair use, but a statuette sold for money could run into copyright issues.
almost 14 years ago
WTB Engie-tan figure
Cley Faye
almost 14 years ago
Go on, do it. You won't be able to produce them fast enough...
almost 14 years ago
Ok I realize that might seem like an overreaction to a cake, but then y'all didn't see the cake.
>: (
almost 14 years ago
I had to make a cake congratulating the Royal Wedding.
But I live in the United States, so wtf.
Are most Americans THAT in to ANYTHING they see on tv?
I gave up on tv years ago due to all the crap on it :/

Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Oh yeah, I'd totally buy an Engie-Tan figure if you had one made, Jo.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Remind me again why I should give a fuck about the British Royal Family?
Great Biotic Wind
almost 14 years ago
@???: I dont know, this monarchy business is pretty much the only thing that makes Britain any interesting these days.
Cruel Armpit
almost 14 years ago
@Yee-Tvae Corinst: It's not the color, it's the shape that is raising doubts.
Yee-Tvae Corinst
almost 14 years ago
Hmmmm... Either Jo pulled a stealth hair color shift in the first panel, or there is a stunningly large number of persons who cannot visualize a 180 degree camera rotation in their head.

The plot thickens...
almost 14 years ago
depends on how it'd be rated, jo.
*fully* dressable? maybe. maybe...
almost 14 years ago
I'd order an Engie-tan statue if it was within my price range.

@Yoo-jin: A large amount of tourists, apparently.
almost 14 years ago
2 Billion people watched it. So, more than the UK population.
Marika Oniki
almost 14 years ago
I'd even pre-order an Engie-tan statue. Please have it made!
almost 14 years ago
Kane, are you saying they switched seats from the 1st panel to 2nd/3rd panel?

cause if so, they didnt, the 1st shot is behind them and the 2nd/3rd is infront. LIke how when you face someone, your right is their left.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_62386]@Cas[/url]: Indeed. I know a couple of peeps in the Bristol riots of late. I'll say, when Wills becomes King (which he will when Elizabeth dies, no fucking doubt...that's why the wedding was like this), the monarchy will break.
almost 14 years ago
Those beautiful shots came at the cost of a violent police crackdown. 5+ squats were raided by police, 50+ facebook groups were purged, pre-emptive arrests were made all around the South of England. One person was arrested while dressed as a zombie for "suspicion of planning a breach of the peace".
almost 14 years ago
I just like how they're so active they switch seats before Peach even answers the question.
almost 14 years ago
Would it be clay statue or more like action-figure with removable clothing ?
almost 14 years ago
I dunno, you would have to share the profits with Cap-tan right? How about make a minimedic? She is your original character!
Samuel Creshal
almost 14 years ago
+ for an Engie-tan statue
Me or I, one of them
almost 14 years ago
Officially declaring my interest in such a statue.
almost 14 years ago
Seriously who cares about some stupid monarchy.
almost 14 years ago
Did Daisy and Peach switch sides before Mario came over or something?
almost 14 years ago
M-m-m-m-m-mad Milk.
On statues.
And fuck that stupid ass wedding.

Also, what's with Daisy's hair?
almost 14 years ago
I'd rather have a Jo tentacle statue to claim.

Felipe Enormowang
almost 14 years ago
no jo dont do it! what if one of those people who jizz on anime figurines and post photos gets one? ITS NOT WORTH THE RISK
almost 14 years ago
Response to Description:

Make it to where you can't post photonotes at all so you can troll everyone.

almost 14 years ago
Oh oh oh! You could give Engie Tan different hats too swap out possibly, like the hardhat and even a mini medic!
almost 14 years ago
They SO switched places, mamma mia!
Re: Engie statue
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
It was SHIT in her plumbing.
almost 14 years ago
I would love to claim an Engie-tan statue.

One of these days, I'm going to commission you to make a Finding Nemo seagull comic.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
Conform Jo! CONFORM!

We all would enjoy that Engie Statue...it surely will cause some interesting reaction from us...

...Oh, idea! If you do, WE, the NERFNOW!! Community should not post anything on it. Oh how brilliant, the irony it will be!
almost 14 years ago
the media really has a way to exaggerate some things.
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago

...did anyone outside of Britan watch that wedding? I don't think even the English people I work with gave a crap.

Also, +1 for nerfnow statues!