I liked Odin Sphere. So their line of games are win in my book.
over 13 years ago
Beargineer will eat your soul. Seriously, it's kind of creepy the way it flaps up and down as Engie walks, as if trying to make its escape...
almost 14 years ago
I had Teddy Roosebelt drop within the first 10 minutes of an 11 hour TF2 session. I think I should've stopped there, the night never got better after that.
Touhou fag
almost 14 years ago
Eirin! Eirin!
almost 14 years ago
Jo! Telltale's having a 7th year anniversary sale until the 30th! 75% off everything! Think you could use that sometime?
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
But the other 5% wear these hats... like a true gentleman
almost 14 years ago
wait, that's soldier? i wasnt aware there WAS a soldier-chan... she looks old LOL... and canadian.
almost 14 years ago
"Its my money! I spend it on whatever I want. Sure I buy an SUV that uses 3x the fuel, thus increasing the demand and the prices for EVERYONE..."
almost 14 years ago
Lol, Ygritte XD
almost 14 years ago
By the way - 95% of the people craving for hats would never even touch one in real life let alone wear one.
And I don't talk about those bad excuses of a hat like a baseball cap.
I mean a real manly hat. :P
almost 14 years ago
Feels like the shit that some MMORPGs - especially WoW - are doing with the mount and pet thing.
Just cook something up that seems rare and let the people pay for it unbelievable amounts of money despite the fact that it could be copied by the producer a billion times with no further costs.
almost 14 years ago
Thanks Dead Herald, I think I understand now.
So it went from some "elite" thing to a worked out scam telling people that hats are totally cute or something like that and the masses fall for it believing that they absolutely need that hat.
almost 14 years ago
That is how I used to view those stores, but now I realize they give us cute/fun things!
As for the SoIaF comic, awesome :-)
Jon is one of my favorite characters, along with Arya and non-whiny Bran. Totally know how you feel about not being able to talk about it with people as well :-D
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65907]@MartyMcFly[/url]: When hats were first introduced, they were exceedingly hard to come by. You couldn't buy them, trade for them or craft them. You essentially were waiting for them to drop. They were a status symbol of sorts. Nowadays, every rank nublet has hats up the yin yang, thus no one cares.
almost 14 years ago
I never understood the concept with the hats. They are totally uninteresting - please enlighten me.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
I'd totally buy the Villain's Veil. The problem is that this November will be a month so full of good games that I'm seriously risking to get broke
almost 14 years ago
Vanillaware's new game creeps me out >___>
Pick Yer Poison
almost 14 years ago
Maybe putting my money in the Engie-tan bank wasn't such a hot idea. Although the receptionist sure was. :3
almost 14 years ago
I imagined Ironside from Kill Bill playing from panels 3 to 7
almost 14 years ago
I hate when people complain about the hats and the store.
almost 14 years ago
Well she has to relieve stress somehow.
Also I thought that the art direction for Dragon Crown looked familiar. It's the dudes who made Odin Sphere!
almost 14 years ago
Those hot pants are tight!
almost 14 years ago
JUUUUST when I thought that you people could go one comic without a "Mine," it happens. I am disappoint.
almost 14 years ago
Haha, that Song of Ice and Fire coming is GREAT!! :-D
Somehow, I knew everyone would say that was Eirin.
almost 14 years ago
Eirin!! I though you were a medic!!
Money Spent=So worth it.
almost 14 years ago
Dragon's Crown looks kinda like Golden Axe with sexier/beefier versions of the characters from Gauntlet: Legends. But that's just my opinion.
almost 14 years ago
Just...wow at Dragon Crown. The proportions on the women are just...wow.
Sorceress moves and has GIANT BREAST SACKS SWINGING AROUND. Amazon is...freakily muscular. Also for some reason the Dwarf is humongous.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
This reminds me that I don't have any miscelanea or hats for the Engineer class. THAT'S GUD.
I care about hats in general only when it comes to the Spy (I've got a Detective Noir + Le Party Phantom combo) or the Sniper (bald)
However,[url=#user_comment_65785] @Bob[/url], that's an interesting idea
almost 14 years ago
George Kamitani worked on Shadow over Mystara, so no, you can't really said it was "blatantly copied"
almost 14 years ago
Thanks for the Ice and fire comics, jo.
Had a good laugh with that one.
almost 14 years ago
i think valve should just open a store where they sell hats and teddy bears, not games. sounds 100x more profitable.
almost 14 years ago
I'd rather have a real teddy bear than a digital one any day. Besides, then there's no threat of boolits, fire, or knives to the little guy.
almost 14 years ago
I just want to option to disable this shit Valve.
Also, cute Engi-tan is cute.
almost 14 years ago
I dont know what I want more, cute engie-tan or sexy engie-tan >_<
J. Somebody
almost 14 years ago
Daww, wotta cute widdle bear!
almost 14 years ago
A great beat em up for the Xbox arcade is "Streets of fury" (not rage). For only 3 bucks. It is an indie game with very large combos and nice special moves. Be sure to watch the training videos.
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
Soldier-tan has appeared before
almost 14 years ago
wait.. is that soldier.. eirin from touhou?
almost 14 years ago
welcome to tom nook's hat shop, for all your teddy bear needs!
almost 14 years ago
engy bear is a must have
almost 14 years ago
I like the song of ice and fire comic. you should do some ero comics in that vein.