What people are saying about "Too Good"
Too Good
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Eli Michon
almost 14 years ago
I believe the reason why they made the graphics a little cartoony is because they didnt want to make graphics that were super-sleek cuz in a few years they will look like shit in comparison to other games. im actually quite excited for this game.
almost 14 years ago
You should check out that TERA game ,bro, I think it's worth some attention.
Y'all should.
The in game graphics are all unreal engine 3 and look really cool, and the gameplay is all action based.
The trailers and actual gameplay actually resemble each other. That's rare for an MMO.
almost 14 years ago

almost 14 years ago
You said it perfectly, Jo, in the comic and your post. I think most every MMO has this problem, but TOR has it so bad that it's funny. XD
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65706]@RedLemon[/url]: Sorry man but the E3 gameplay they showed looked EXACTLY like WoW with lightsabers and laser guns.
almost 14 years ago
EVERY game makes cinematics look way better than anything in the actual game.
For example, nothing in WoW comes close to the Thrall&Grom vs Mannoroth cinematic in Warcraft 3 years earlier, not even to mention the newer cinematics of WoW itself.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65705]@TK[/url]: It's a movie bro =( And please never say that SWoR is like WoW with light-sabers,i really hope taht BioWare can be better tahan some doche who ruin warcraft universe (see u in the next life warcraft IV).
almost 14 years ago
Anonymous Soldier loses helmet*

*Soldier gains 100% bullet dodging, 100% to close proximity explosion survival and 100% general death avoidance*
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65697]@Sage[/url]: It's fairly impossible to actually balance a MMO.
almost 14 years ago
As for grinding mobs, I hope it really doesn't exist. They can gain more by avoiding that stuff and making things interesting, but we'll probably still have to do it.
almost 14 years ago
It CAN'T be by making an even better, more balanced game. Can't be. More thoughts about the trailer: Clone Wars in KotOR, more about silly stupid stuff then something truly badass (like the Alderaan trailer). Probably done by Lucas, but if this is what's supposed to inspire us, I'm not.
almost 14 years ago
You've hit the nail on the head. But you have to remember WoW, Age of Conan, WAR, and a lot of other MMO's do the same thing. Is it a good idea? No, but how else are you going to generate interest in a product and grab peoples initial attention.
almost 14 years ago
Hey Jo, did you know your site is the second thing that pops up in Google when you search for Nerf? Awesome!
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65671]@SomeDude[/url]: I'm still amazed anyone got excited about Dead Island. The last thing we really need is another zombie game.
almost 14 years ago
Here's looking at you, all the people who fell in love with Dead Island before they knew anything of what it was about.
almost 14 years ago
@ Star Wars Galaxies comments: Their devs were, barring one or two of them, idiots. They crippled the game, just like the crippled Planetside for many, many years.
almost 14 years ago
It'll live or die on selling a story. The aesthetic could work, if the animations are decent, combat flows well, and the game is balanced. So most likely, it could be better then WoW.
Mad Cow
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65649]@MartyMcFly[/url]: Yeah, the failure of Star Wars Galaxies had nothing to do with the fact you had Wookie getting defeated by butterflies...
Nakor The BlueRider
almost 14 years ago
I wanted KoToR III not a MMO...
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65589]@Anonymous[/url]: Thought I would also toss in TERA along side that FFXIV looking as good as the FMV it uses. Most trailers I see for TERA are actually combat scenes with a floating point of view, so they don't look like gameplay.
almost 14 years ago
With Old Republic, they can dream up all kind of shit and sell it to you as lore.
And every tool now can be a jedi or sith being the l33t€st of them all - that was practically impossible in SW Galaxies.
WoW is exactly the epitome of this - who has the biggest item dick - and everybody loves it.
almost 14 years ago
The joke is there was already a Star Wars MMO called Star Wars Galaxies.
Its main problem was that it was in the timeframe between Episode V and VI (or better known as the good old Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi).
The lore totally crippled the possibilities of the game.
von Boomslang
almost 14 years ago
So... that's your complaint? That the trailer looks too good? Not the fact there is not a single speck of anything even remotely original in it? That the only things that isn't emulated whole cloth from the Star Wars movies or games is every Clint Eastwood character ever?

almost 14 years ago
The trailer is awesome, and not just a bullshot since it's clearly portrayed as a cinematic, but... yeah, there's no way the game can live up to THAT.
almost 14 years ago
The trailers prove Bioware knows how to tell incredible Star Wars stories (which we already kinda knew, but it doesn't hurt to see it again). That has me sold on the game more than anything, that these people grok all the little bits and pieces that go into making Star Wars awesome.
almost 14 years ago
They're competing with WoW. I'm not saying that WoW is perfect but at this present moment in time, it's unassailable. People who want to play WoW, play WoW. No one's going to play this because the big kid on the block already does it way better.
almost 14 years ago
I know a lot of people who are going to be extremely disappointed when The Old Republic finally gets released.

Expectations do not met what the game actually is and it has nothing to do with graphics.
almost 14 years ago
Not you too Nerf Now artist/writer/guy, of course the trailer looks nothing like the game play. No MMO ever has a cinematic trailer that looks like the game play. Or an RTS for that matter. Go back and look at the trailers from blizzard for the last few years and tell me that that is like the game.
almost 14 years ago
Wholeheartedly agree. Game media without the in-game HUD is basically worthless.
business plan
almost 14 years ago
star wars + mmo? i smell money!
almost 14 years ago
Fuck graphics. I'd rather play a good game than one that looks pretty. Fuck WoW too. Pong is more entertaining. Has a better story, too.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
... It's me or the gunman of the second panel looks a lot like Jhon Marston?!
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
Hasn't the Star Wars franchaise died yet? It should
Tell me what you want, but The Force Unleashed 1 was one of the most clever games I've ever played and now they have put it on a dead trail, the wise guys ...
As for this new game, as long as there will be a fee to pay, I'll be stuck with WoW
almost 14 years ago
I don't think ol' Lucas would allow them to make a movie, at least not without him getting a huge portion of it.
almost 14 years ago
The smuggler overplays the cool guy role. I mean, pirouetting around on the corridor with no cover like a murderous blaster-balerina? Come ON... thats so 1999.
almost 14 years ago
Lineage 2 can stand nicely to its prerendered cinematics
almost 14 years ago
Yey, Old Republic. The most originell game ever. Didn´t you already draw a comic to this topic? I think it was called "changing places" or something. It´s the same. Instead of killing 12 Wolfes here you kill 12 Jarvas, realy originell.
almost 14 years ago
Forget the game. Salvage the fund and give it to the studio who made the trailer to make a full length movie. Get more money that way.
almost 14 years ago
I think the video for Battlefield 3 "Thunder Run" was pretty amazing, though its not an mmo.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65590]@Someone[/url] Shame FFXIV is a joke otherwise. Even Square recognizes this, hence why they haven't started charging monthly for it yet over a half a year later. As good as it looks, it was also optimized for crap at release. Felt even worse due to the server side checks on everything. Just terrible.
almost 14 years ago
@Frag-ile: They use Jessica (I think) a separate engine that still runs on the same models and effects, it just lets them coordinate the effects. Also they record in massive HD-Movie type quality and then compress it to get that video quality. The only thing pre-rendered was the Empyrean Age trailer
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65589]@Anonymous[/url]: Eve online used to. All trailers were rendered in game. But since about 2 years they've embellished those with postFX.
almost 14 years ago
I think the full convos so far.

That might be the tipping point into making it more engaging.

Or not.

Who knows, except current Beta testers.
Pinhead Larry
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65589]@Anonymous[/url]: Final Fantasy 14
almost 14 years ago
Ehh... thats an MMO for you.

Show me an MMO that looks anywhere near as good as prerendered FMV and I'll give you a million dollars.
almost 14 years ago