What people are saying about "TF2 Guide"
TF2 Guide
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over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
On the servers I go on, rtv usually means "Who the fuck voted 2fort, I'm not playing this shit"
Lowly peasant
over 13 years ago
That pyro is wearing a hat that now exists! Are you a wizard?
That Geek from the Shadows
over 13 years ago
Thanks for the tips! Even if you were insulting me a little.
over 13 years ago
I am the Terminator.
My job is to terminate the one who can see the future.
over 13 years ago
Triple J
over 13 years ago
I suspect time travel may be involved?
over 13 years ago
That hat in the middle is now a real hat. : o
over 13 years ago
While I welcome the influx of new players, I'm still just as worried as most about the griefers, hackers, etc. that will take advantage of instant Steam accounts to be assholes. If I start seeing those bastards on my own server, that server plugin that blocks F2P players will get installed, sadly.
over 13 years ago
Half of that isn't even true, it seems you haven't played the game yourself in a while...
You forgot...
over 13 years ago

over 13 years ago
I gotta say, it's weird for me. I was there at the beginning, but I haven't played for two years out of necessity (living out of suitcases, basically). So...I dunno what to make of this.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66946]@Nandito[/url]: I was never new. I AM Team Fortress 2.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_67002]@Kyono[/url]: Battlemedic, lol.
stay retarded, my friends
over 13 years ago
"I don't usually hate video games, but when I do, I hate Team Fortress 2."

The happy player
over 13 years ago
God, I can't believe this happened...this FINALLY HAPPENED!
over 13 years ago
On the topic of medics, I'd say the real trick is knowing when to go battlemedic. Don't laugh, I've won a 1V6 on arena with skilled BM'ing, and it's no joke on other servers.You want the blautsauger for it though, the lifedrain is a lifesaver.
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
The tradeoff to the medic's ability to turn the tide of a battle is that he's only as good as his teammates. You can be the best medic in the world, but it don't mean shit if your team is a bunch of drooling retards.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66988]@kazor[/url] WTF??Rly?LOL! I've seen one trying to shoot through a sentry.
over 13 years ago
even as a new player,i find it odd that other f2p players think its natural for team mates to try and hump sentries.

(thank god for three day passes,it teaches you so much )
over 13 years ago
Didn't Gabe Newell said he was thinking about allowing players to rate other players ?
And, has we all know it (at least those who bought the game before the hats appeared in the game) TF2 is the Valve's personal sandbox for experiments on the video-game's community.
Do the math.
over 13 years ago
A newbie arena for spoon-fed gamers of the new generation that expect to be rewarded for their lack of skill and practice? Sounds like you'd fit right in to your new home, Jo.
over 13 years ago
f2p is good imo.. brings a lot of new players (who wont suck forever hopefully) and the banning of F2P people is sort of a rerun of the halo war
over 13 years ago
Move fast, avoid spies/pyros/scouts, stay away from risky situations, especially at high Ubercharges. Back up Heavies, Pyros, Demomen, and Soldiers, use mic to let others know if I see danger, check my back. Team up with other medics. Anything else? Thanks, and if you see JamestheFox, that's me.
over 13 years ago
It might be the first time I'm playing TF2, but that doesn't I haven't read the instructions manual AKA the wiki.
Ryu the Pyro
over 13 years ago
So... Many... SMG snipers. The only thing bad about this is the ACTUAL players stepping on my fun when I ambush them :<
le nazi doctor
over 13 years ago
to become a good medic

Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
@James Brawner: When you're a pocket medic, watch your buddy's back. Besides keeping him healed, your other big responsibility is to keep an eye out for spies and other flanking enemies. Also, keep your other teammates topped off when you can.

Also remember to heal other medics.
over 13 years ago
@James Brawner play the training. You'll get achievments too.
over 13 years ago
I'm new to TF2, though I've been reading this and lurking for a while. I found that I enjoy playing Medic after my first drop was the Ubersaw. For now my strategies involve buffing the bigger classes and q to saw spies (not that most matches I play have many spies). Any tips, things I should do?
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
I got a domination today. First time in a long time.

God bless, nublets.
over 13 years ago
Wow, plugins for removing F2P players? That's a new low.

Meh, doesn't affect me since unfortunately my computer sucks so I'm stuck playing Vanilla Xbox360 TF2 regardless. Still... instead of complaining, try teaching them. We were all new once.
over 13 years ago
I miss old school FPS, before Counter Strike, where there was no such thing as respawn time.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66931]@Nerfnow[/url] That actually happened for a time during the Australian Christmas update. You could eat the steak sandvich with the GRU equipped and move as fast as a scout.
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
There is a reason Modern Warfare spammers won't last long, no autoaim. Having to actually put the cross-hair on the place you mean to shoot will be way more then they can handle and they'll rage quit.
over 13 years ago
you should try new online games, there are a lot of new ones each year, now i'm playing divine souls and before was global agenda, they are good games and recomend them
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
@Bad Karma: Game companies says lots of things. I will hope for the best but will not be surprised if the next Heavy I meet is moving at Scout speed.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66920]@Loxen[/url]: You do know that as long as they can grief with aimbots and such, they will? It's been 4 years and they haven't tired, I'm not as optimistic as to think they'll stop in the next 4 years...
Bad Karma
over 13 years ago
Valve says they have new measures in place to detect cheaters quickly. And of course, even if the account is free, if you do get banned you lose all those neat hats and weapons and whatever that you unlocked in the time you did play. We'll see, I guess.
Veteran Pyro
over 13 years ago
New players are shame. Useless engineers all putting their sentry at the same spot, spies uncloaking RIGHT BEHIND their targets... and their targets don't even notice it, lot's of heavies wasting their bullet in the air, Bodyshotters snipers, pyros not using airblast nor shotgun/flare gun/detonator.
over 13 years ago
There is a disturbing lack of engie-tans in this TF2 comic
over 13 years ago
Good think i used to play the hell out of Classic back in the day, now that i got the game (finally :D ) I'm not AS lost as most people.

Some old players are "afraid the game will turn into CS meets Runescape" (actual quote)

Still, I love it :3
over 13 years ago
I think that all the ppl who's complain that TF2 is free now, will die and stuff like that are overreacting... yes noobs and hackers are just like a kick in the nuts, but soon they will learn to play or get tired of being a jackass and go back to the CS
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66911]@Corrderio[/url] New players don't know much about engineers
over 13 years ago
i will start playing team fortress 2
yes, im a filthy noob that could barely survive the first one...
but the sniper gave me the most easy and important advice: Be polite
over 13 years ago
Should have had a square that said "Engineers - Valve hates them"
over 13 years ago
I hope the noob-factor goes down a bit in a few weeks, lots of games end up completely unbalanced or stalemated because half the team is running the wrong way, ignores the cart or cap, or is made up entirely of Snipers and Spies. On the other hand, I broke my backstab-record as Spy (I suck as Spy).
over 13 years ago
I like my bunny ears. Makes spotting spies disguised as me SO much easier.
over 13 years ago
Something change since the update... I don't hear "medic medic medic medic". So... peacful
over 13 years ago
know what sucks those who bought the game or buys the game for the Xbox and ps3 you think valve could give them a update or make the game free or something?
over 13 years ago
A NEW game in my country is, with luck, 70 U$D. And 1 U$D is $4.2 of my country
over 13 years ago
Well you see, im in a country with high prices for games, and i bought orange box for my ps3 last year, I really enjoyed it, but the PS3 version don't have the updates. So I was playing 1.0 version all the time. Now that this game is free, I can really enjoy it, with all the updates:D
over 13 years ago
As someone who played, got his account hacked, remade, and requested help by valve and got nothing, I'm glad this happened, all in all. I don't have that kinda money, and I really wanted to get onto the field. Now if only (Dare I say it) Pyros could learn to spycheck.
over 13 years ago
I have played a little of the game, and enjoy playing Heavy and just killing as many people as possible.
I also feel I play a decent but tactically underwhelming Medic.

I don't think I'll ever get all of Jo's jokes about the game from over the years though, hah.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66885]@Lobster[/url]: I share your pain ;_;
over 13 years ago
Hey Jo, you've misspelled "cosmetic accessories."

Have a nice day.
over 13 years ago
What? There was a patch for TF2? An update? Huh. I hadn't noticed. I play Engineer, you see.
Tutorial Man
over 13 years ago
The other day someone asked me how many headshots it takes to kill, when I told him that it might be higher than one, he quit the game. He raged "this is too complicated, why couldn't Counter Strike be free?"
over 13 years ago
I got Team Fortress 2 the day before it went free >.<
I'm really happy I just had to trade someone a roll cage code for it, and didn't actually buy it. I would've been Peeeeeeeeessed.
*Monocle Man*
over 13 years ago
Me when TF2 anounced free: " Yeah! Finally, now I only need to download Steam!"
Me 2 hours ago: "F**king S**t! Stupid computer! Why won't you let me install steam?"
Me 1:59 hours ago: "Waaaah!"

Stupid, stupid computer...
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
i got my hat for... like a toonie from the halloween sale XD
Mr. B
over 13 years ago
I wish people played 2Fort more, I'm sick of Badlands.
over 13 years ago
TF2 will never die.

Cause parts of half life and counter strike 1.6 are STILL ALIVE.

Hell, even Sven Co-op is still pretty good fun and has its little community stickin around.

And if we keep making mods like the Saxton Hale, Prop Hunting, Zombies, Dodgeball, it'll never die.
over 13 years ago
I see all the new ppl as just more people to headshoot and backstab.
over 13 years ago
Well, if this comic is any indication, I guess I must be ahead of the curb in that I actually recognize that it's my lack of skill in comparison to other players that is the cause of my deaths.

Was not sure if my computer could handle the game, so I didn't want to risk buying it before. ><
Dead Herald
over 13 years ago
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
I've immediately tested the fresh meat ... Right away ... With the SPY
Hilarity all over the place
Also, I want to wait a bit longer till deciding if TF2 F2P is a good thing
truth teller
over 13 years ago
It's WOW: Cataclysm. only for TF2
over 13 years ago
Actually I've been seeing ALOT of Demoman and Scouts since the F2P.

Also, servers are now banning F2P players :P Awesome.
over 13 years ago
@Defiant Wolf: I love ridiculous hats painted in awful colors. You can tell so much easier who has no style or dignity at all when they're wearing pink christmas trees.
Defiant Wolf
over 13 years ago
I walked away from the game when it started to become the visual mess it is now. I'm glad people can still have fun with it thought.
One Little Surprised Sniper/Engy
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66832]@McButterpants[/url] Actually, most of the games I played was SPAM SPY SPAM ENGY I'd been planning to get the OJ Box for Portal and TF2 (played both on a friend's Steam account) and get Portal 2. With this, now I don't need to get the OJ box and go straight to the Portal combo. Yay for cheapskateness.
over 13 years ago
PyroMan going to take on GibusMan stage?
over 13 years ago
me and my 20 haunted scraps care not for your hats, for we have keys.
over 13 years ago
My first thought when playing for the first time after the F2P Update was:

over 13 years ago
Did you know!?!?!?: That there's ALREADY a plugin to auto kick F2P players? Yes, there is. Nope, not putting a link up.
over 13 years ago
Don't worry guys, cheaters and hackers can be easily kicked out, and there's tons of kids that still prefer MW2 and blops anyway.
 Platypus
over 13 years ago
I'm sure Valve has something to get the cheaters and hackers under control. For one thing they've been building up the VAC library of "shit people do" for 4 years now. How many legitimate players it also takes out....
over 13 years ago
I have a different impression of the free TF2: n00bz = free frags.

30 kills in a row with Scout, over 200 (TWO fucking HUNDRED) as a heavy.

I love this update!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66801]@Iceholder[/url] Considering most people got Team Fortress 2 bundled with the Orange Box, I would say the majority still roughly payed only $10 USD. All the other games included make up for the extra +$30/+$40.
over 13 years ago
Me and a group I'm in coined this injoke based on the repetetive chugging noise of the Tomislav firing.
Applications running wild.
over 13 years ago

Huh. Whenever people RTV when I'm playing, it's for Sawmill.

Haven't logged in yet to check, but from what I can find, people who paid get a special hat. A HAT THAT, FOR ALL INTENT AND PURPOSE, COST A LOT OF PEOPLE $40-50 USD.
over 13 years ago
Paid 9.99 for the game a few weeks ago.

It was totally worth it at the time.

Did I get 9.99 worth of stuff when the game went free? No. Some keys would've been nice.

Still, good game, got my money's worth.

over 13 years ago
tF2P - now with more imbalanced weapons coming.
Say hello to the 100% accurate minigun, usable by the sniper as well and it increases running speed.
OH, its only available through the store and it costs 500$. To have it for a month.
over 13 years ago
I knew the free weekend training seesions would pay off one day. @frag-ile: Right, my Battlefield 2 dated machine is having a bit of hard time aswell. Anyways, let's all enjoy the game now.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
So many bads, so little spy.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_66786]@Goto[/url]: Unless your system is a 5 year old low end thing you probably dont really need to.
over 13 years ago
i'll play this... when i upgrade my comp