Sorry about the late comment... But I sold D2 items to many Chinese companies back in the day... I get 3 dollars for an unidentified unique; they get double when some derp who can't play buys it.
There's no difference... Except that now it's legal and controlled and the farmers don't make as much.
over 13 years ago
i know it's said but hacking is our way of gamers to say stop you're doing or i continue i see hacking as the same thing as greenpeace does for animals XD i just throw roots into blizzard and their still blind followers a kick in their ass. yahoooooo XDDDDD
over 13 years ago
NAAAAH NAAAAH i just fucked blizzard alot because they tried to fuck meh so yeah i'm cheating hacking their game wow flying around in bg killing some noobs from higher grounds, going to get the flag just seconds after start i don't care of blizz policy cuz they don't care about us. So just hack
over 13 years ago
"There should be a game option in D3 where players cannot join your game if they have items bought from the AH"
I can't agree more.
"meanwhile, I will be playing fun games made to entertain people with their gameplay"
"Having to pay for items with a paid game sucks a lot."
Double Ditto
over 13 years ago
There should be a game option in D3 where players cannot join your game if they have items bought from the AH.
over 13 years ago
i thought the pvp will use premade characters instead?
over 13 years ago
Is that Yuugi's father!?
over 13 years ago
For the love of Diablo just have sex allready you two!?
over 13 years ago
FFS when did they start to have sexytime ?
over 13 years ago
It's been so long since I seen both Engie-tans. It's been longer since I last seen them not doing something naughty to each other. lol
over 13 years ago
I like the comic also.
Not Jo Pereira
over 13 years ago
I like pie
over 13 years ago
meanwhile, I will be playing actually fun games made to entertain people with their gameplay
It's nice to see the two Engie-tans in one picture/comic again. I love these two when they're together from their adorable rivalry.
over 13 years ago
Having to pay for items with a paid game sucks a lot.
over 13 years ago
Left engie-tan is wearing the Holy Wing armor from Vindictus. I can guess what Jo is playing right now.
over 13 years ago
If this goes anything like last time I expect to see that damn scout any minute now
over 13 years ago
Oh yeah, I forgot to state how upset I am over Diablo III.
Also, hey Jo, play The Stanley Parable.
over 13 years ago
I will buy the game, the itens... never!
Won-Mean Lee
over 13 years ago
I'd buy it.
The game, not virtual items.
over 13 years ago
@Frag-ile: Yeah, sure. You're still going to buy it.
over 13 years ago
@Frag-ile: really? Sounds like a boring-ass way to play.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71183]@Bob[/url]: Yeah looks like she going to open her mouth and say "GET OUT"
over 13 years ago
I can't stop chuckling at the faces in the second panel.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71083]@Derp[/url]: In case of TF2 I am actually alright with the system (normally I am totally against these things) since you get most items in game and its F2P now
What they did with Portal 2 tho really was a punch in the groin
the cute war
over 13 years ago
Engie girls are both cute as hell.
They must kiss, but far from virgin scout.
over 13 years ago
Typical Day on Diablo
Proto Mecha Jesus
over 13 years ago
I don't know why but I do love it when the two Engie girls argue
over 13 years ago
Looked at all the comments so far... but nobody mentioned Hardcore ladder can't use the cash AH! So all is well with the world
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71137]@Zeph[/url]: Who the fuck wants 'balanced' pvp? The best part in D2 pvp was to try to find people with bad enough judgment to engage you when you were clearly better equipped and specced to max your choice in skills where as a PVM character would be far weaker even with plenty more levels.
I was against the whole Blizzard ran AH when it was first announced. Having time to think, I really don't see what the big deal is anymore. Blizzard is just beating item/gold farmers at their own game and people will spent RL money either way. If you're upset about it say, "It's a video game"
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71076]@sheep[/url]: You know that you can play without using either AH, right? All that unneeded loot can either be sold at shops, or broken down into components for your craftsmen to make you better stuff that way. Both AH are entirely optional.
over 13 years ago
You do realize that the PvP matchmaking also takes your items into account(so that PvP is balanced even for those who buy items)... right?
You sir, you are a blight.
over 13 years ago
I'm personally not going to get Diablo 3. The genre itself hasn't aged well and with the addition of walletwarriors the community will be horrible.
over 13 years ago
@Girls... Because most likely guys IRL and can't drop trou to measure sizes.
over 13 years ago
Oh, why don't you two just kiss already? Or at least start bragging about your Skimpy Chainmail Bikini with +50 sexiness instead of weapons and jewelry.
over 13 years ago
Frankly, the item shop is tacky - but after SC2 made me choose between two groups of my friends, the region locking is what makes this a no-buy for me.
over 13 years ago
Milking the (dumb) people til blood comes out...
over 13 years ago
To be honest, I really was expecting a french-kiss the next time these two went head-to-head over something that ultimately doesn't matter as long as you're having fun.
over 13 years ago
You can still ignore monetary system. (Or make it your new job :P ).
over 13 years ago
This auction house thing is starting to like the MTS in Maple Story. Only that in MS you have an actual Cash Shop too that unbalances the game completely.
over 13 years ago
First you got to subscribe to the RMT AH, then pay a fee for every item you post (sucks if you get undercut by a cent) then finally Blizz takes their sales fee if it gets sold.
Gentlemanne of Leisure
over 13 years ago
@Mein Herr
The drop of profit was the time Blizzard release a new purchasable mount. It's featured in NerfNow but I can't find it in the archives
over 13 years ago
@The Cakemeister:
I can't believe it. You just summed up my whole essay in one single sentence.
The Cakemeister
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71080]@Zacsi[/url]: I'm confused, isn't that what their subscription fees are? The money the get monthly from WoW?
I say stop making a hug deal about it.
over 13 years ago
Comment part 4 (I know, I'm long-winded...):
Ever played Allods Online? In the beginning, it was basically unplayable without cash because downtimes were extreme and items broke etc.
Do you see any of that in WoW? Nope. Will it be in D3? Don't think so.
over 13 years ago
Comment part 3:
Diablo, however, is simply the best Hack'n'Slay franchise there is, and Mr. Nostalgia will ensure that it stays that way. Yeah, people are going to say "Blizz killed Diablo!", but I mean, come on! Think of the item shop as the Dark Side: A shortcut to power.
over 13 years ago
Comment part 2:
So there wouldn't be any use for the bought items. And saying that Blizzard is retarded or evil just because they're jumping on the bandwagon is a bit extreme. I can understand the situation with WoW, yes, because you already pay for it. But there's many alternatives to WoW.
over 13 years ago
Meh. I don't care about the item shop or whatever. Diablo III is going to be fun to me whether someone from a different server has a better e-peen than me or not. I didn't rage about the Winged Guardian, and I love mounts.
Besides, I recently read that the PVP characters are premade or something.
over 13 years ago
Blizzard is dead to me.
Valve is the final bastion of good PC gaming still standing. I still hate them a bit for the Mann co. shop but they made the game free and update often. Its not perfect but, I'll take what I can dammit.
over 13 years ago
Its still bullshit.
They have all the money they could ever need to support diablo 3 just from the wow subscription fees. (and thats not looking into the money they get monthly!!! from those hopeless suckers who still play wow)
Will be buying Torchlight 2 instead.
Would've happened anyhow
over 13 years ago
Just with shadier sites and more risk.
Whether the people buying gear deserved more risk and gouging is up to your point of view.
over 13 years ago
I don't like the idea of auctionhouse in Diablo (not even talking about cash auctionhouse which just makes things worse). What made Diablo fun and replayable was finding loot. When you finally got a piece to replace a main item you were so happy...
over 13 years ago
well the RL money is just a part of the auction house so you can choose wether you use ingame currency or not and you can also buy in game currency with real life money.
Mein Herr
over 13 years ago
You got the profits chart all wrong!
It should be consistently rising, no dips.
red pie agian.....
over 13 years ago
oh look pc engie-tan vs mac engie-tan agian i predict more skimpy outfits... watch im right
over 13 years ago
that red sword makes a fake boob
over 13 years ago
well, now we know where Engie-tan is at. playing WoW... ;_; now wish she was back in TF2...
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
The AH thing isn't what will keep me from playing mostly because I wouldn't use it except maybe to sell stuff I can't use. Even them hardly worth the trouble. What will keep me from buying and playing it is the online-only deal. I didn't play any other Diablo game online why this one?
over 13 years ago
I'm going to blame the Activision half of this Blizzard-Activision alliance. Totally their fault. More reason for me to hate Activision. Watch Bungie-Activsion do the same.
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