What people are saying about "Teamwork is Magic"
Teamwork is Magic
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Guess who
over 12 years ago
I am amused by your inability to tolerate, that people like different things XD

Oh and a last thing "Gay" means happy too not just homosexual, so most people that know that doesn't mind being called that.

My work is done here.... CYA LATER SHITLORDS!!!!!!!!! :P
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I am getting sick and tired of these stupid flame wars Brony's you should try to stop welcomepeople to the heard and haters you need to shut up about how MLP is a curse just enjow the comic and STFU both ends
My god.
over 12 years ago
The you don't know about friendship argument. I hate these from the fans!
over 12 years ago
Teddy Roosebelt
over 12 years ago
RainbowScout God damn it
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
As a kid, my sister had a copy of the My Little Pony movie. I had Transformers (the original). We were excited to take turns watching them. Then I lost my copy of Transformers within about a week.

You haven't lived (died?) until you've been forced to watch the MLP movie for a month straight.
over 12 years ago
You should consider using Project Wonderful for the advertisements. Or at least read their page. They sound pretty convincing.
over 12 years ago
Everyone that's butthurt about My Little Pony can cry some more, or join the friendship train. I for one welcome our new pony masters.
Teddy Roosebelt
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
I can't believe you're a brony. You just slapped me in the face with such interest of a GIRLS show. Shame. I hope you burn in hell.
over 12 years ago
Why would you force yourself to watch the whole damn season? 4-5 eps should have been more than enough to convince you. I watched the 1st 6, then a couple random ones.
over 12 years ago
@L.O.L. Police: Yeah, I asked myself the same question, except I forced myself to watch through all of it.

I tend to have a mind to complain about shows I've watched. It's a sub-par series at best.
over 12 years ago
Giggle at the griefers,
Chuckle at the creepers,
Howl at the haters,
Watch them kicked out later,
Before they can get far,
Just say TL;DR...
over 12 years ago
The comments are hilarious. One guy flips shit whenever ponies are mentioned and calls them faggots, then wonders why everyone is denying bronies being normal people even though he's always been running into the ones who are shoving the show down his throat to piss him off.
over 12 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI everyone watch this. Now.
over 12 years ago
Ponies are fun. But like Pinkie Pie in "Griffon the Brush-Off", we should know when to leave someone alone with our shenanigans.

If your experience has been different from this, well, once again I apologize, for whatever the apology of a single anon is worth.

Have a great day.
over 12 years ago
No imageboard is a hivemind, and people have a tendency of overdoing things. This has always been the case, from what I can tell.

As such, please do not assume that any persistent, obnoxious behavior is indicative of the fandom as a whole, or the users of this imageboard in particular.
over 12 years ago
For those of you who have been linked here from /b/:

First off, welcome.

Second off, while I can't claim to speak for the community as a whole, I'd personally like to apologize for any annoyance or inconvenience that has befallen you in the past due to fans of the latest My Little Pony series.
over 12 years ago
Holy shit bit late on the bandwagon here and quite frankly nothing I can say will add anything more.
But, still I think FiMchans opening note fits best:
almost 13 years ago
Wow...with this many comments, you might wonder if Jo intentionally caused a flame war with this comic.

Bronies are like Furries: As long as they're not interested in 34 of certain stuff, I don't bother trolling them, since they're not too bad.
L.O.L. Police
almost 13 years ago
@LC-DDM: The heavy seems as hes just hooked into the sandvich instead of the TV.
I watched 4 episodes as people suggest, stopped right there and asked to myself: "Why do people watch this thing?"
I give credit tough, that it has an impressive animation and colour for a kids cartoon.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72379]@Anonymous[/url]: Too bad the Sniper's the only sane person. That and Mini-Medic. You know, the target demographic the show was SUPPOSED to be towards?
An Anon
almost 13 years ago
search up "development of a my little pony fan" on youtube & watch for the lulz
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72396]@QWERTY[/url]: Sweet, not sure how I missed it. Thx for letting me know.
Another Internet Commentator
almost 13 years ago
I just want you guys to know that I totally freaking called this. Look at my comment for the Comic RIGHT BEFORE THIS ONE.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72392]@ShadowN1NJ4[/url] It already exists. It's called Industrial Festivizer
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72379]@Anonymous[/url]: Totally agree. Just wanted to say, heya Jo, I love your comic and will continue to read it regardless of what characters you show, because even if I disliked something, I'll always be waiting for the next one. Btw, anyone else wish there was an Engy hat with christmas lights in TF2?
Ze Spy
almost 13 years ago
355 comments?! WHAT THE HELL?
almost 13 years ago
You know, whether you're into My Little Pony or not, that was one hell of a burn Pyro just delivered. Also, cute crack, next we just need Rainbow Dash spy checking.
almost 13 years ago
The flame war has stoped for now.....
almost 13 years ago
Jo mah boi, this is the rageface that all true trolls strive for.
almost 13 years ago
As a brony I approve of this comic, and I was hoping to find some nice comments instead of the regular BS about ponies. I am dissapoint.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72306]@Alex[/url]: If with "Loud fan" you mean a guy that only knows how to answer with "you mad xD" "deal with it" and spout more shitty memes then you should be ashamed of yourself
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72291]@Sup[/url] What about the haters? They about as loud over something they don't even care about, acting offended when they can just move on. I would choose a loud fan over a hater every single time, even if I don't like what they like.
almost 13 years ago
First ever comment here just to put a thanks out to A wild nigger and G for putting the root of the issue to rest, the loudest fans always tend to be the most obnoxious yet the quieter ones are hung out to dry when the loudmouths stir up trouble.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72259]@AckAckAck[/url]: Watched the show. Still hate it as much as before watching. Your argument is invalid.
almost 13 years ago
pônei maldito, pônei maldito...
almost 13 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan

Humon is from Denmark, Scandinavia is not a country :)
almost 13 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan

Yeah, sorry bout that, I was referring to head wearing a head (headception).

It just that some gamers are hatin' on what they called BR BR, just because few gamers do that doesn't mean everyone in Brazil did.

I'm not Brazilian, but I'm trying to be nice to others.
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72248]@AckAckAck[/url] Don´t take my posts as offense Also, I never care from which countries the artists I like come from. Jo is from Brazil Shinsuke is from Argentinia One of the HTF makers is from the philipines Humon is from Scandinavia
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 13 years ago
Heavy wears chibi-Medic on his head and she wears a Russian Ushanka in her head. (Allthough heavy seems more interested in the sanviches and spares some time with his chibi-Medic)
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72248]@AckAckAck[/url] The other ones wear hats too Pyro wears his sons hat and watches a little girls show Engy-tan2 wears a hardhat with christmas decoration and watches a little girls show (Allthough, that is normal that some woman in theair 20´s watch such shows) (To be continued)
almost 13 years ago
*sigh* and so many people angered by a show they don't even watch, just like people from different country who diss other countries based on negative stereotypes, they're loud, obnoxious and create their own "pedestal" for themselves.

almost 13 years ago
Btw once again I'm going to say this, some people already leave when they found out that Jo is Brazilian (xenophobic assholes) and now some raging Man-Children with anger issues (aka usual assholes) will leave. Thanks Jo for weeding out trouble makers and assholes.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72243]@Sparks[/url] So a sane man is the one who wear a gator head on his head (hatception?) indoor (that's not polite!) and wearing sunglasses in a room that clearly a little bit darker. Yeah, sane.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72243]@Sparks[/url]: It's about friendship, you wouldn't understand.
almost 13 years ago
Thank you Sniper. Thank you for being the only sane person in the entire world, and stating the obvious about that damn show and its effects on the internets.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
Beyond that, most bronies can't give two shits -what- you call them, that's why they became bronies in the first place, because they don't give a fuck what other people think and do what they feel like. Whether that be MLP or trolling you into oblivion, that's their choice. So you're wrong.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
I honestly can't tell if you're trolololing or are really just that stupid anymore, faggot, it seems to go back and forth with you. Most bronies aren't assholes, period, it may seem like they're being assholes and condescending though. This is because on the internet, niceness is seen as fake.
almost 13 years ago
The fact is, whether or not you agree with the definition, there are a ton of people who identify themselves as bronies, and you can scream into the wind all you want, but that won't change.
almost 13 years ago
So what exactly do you expect someone to say? The show has a lot of fans. A lot of them are self righteous assholes like you say. A lot are pretty nice people after all. But you limit your definition of brony to only the most toxic subset, so of course nobody has a counter argument you'll believe
almost 13 years ago
When anybody tries to dispute that narrow definition, you call them a liar. There is literally NOTHING to debate, because you are working with the definition "Brony = asshole", and when anybody says, well, not all bronies are assholes, you immediately scream LIAR because that isn't your definition
almost 13 years ago
@ A wild faggot: Your entire argument reeks of the No True Scotsman fallacy, as well as being totally circular. You say bronies are horrible people because of how they act, and that only people who act that way are bronies.
almost 13 years ago
Except I WAS at "ground zero" which is on /co/, the 21th of october.
SA threads appeared the next month,and /b/ only catched on later in february.
And yes, shut up, if the fandom is sob ad, it'll eat itself out. Right now you just act like what you're against.
almost 13 years ago
@Denilson Sá:
"Sorry, Jo, but it annoys me. I don't care about your livelihood enough, all that matters is that I don't get annoyed."
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72117]@Th155[/url]: Wow, what a stellar effort you made. Good to know his livelihood takes second place to your -convenience-.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: Dude, if you really care, then shut up.
Whiners like you is why it started on /b/.
Right now you just look like a paranoid moron who can be easily trolled with a single pony pic.
Also funny for you to say that I lie about the origin of brony, me, who watch the show since November.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Because nigger, they claim NOT be what they are. People like me call them out on it, simple as that. And yeah, many of them ARE assholes, they're just being assholes in more subtle ways. And they don't "love and tolerate". They preach it then insult people who aren't like them.
almost 13 years ago
Back more on topic, the adds dont seem to obtrusive, especially once you can close the bottom-ribbon one.
almost 13 years ago
Sheesh, calm down all! There's an awful lot of flaming in these comments.

The brony fandom does have some bad apples in it,what fandom doesn't, but nothing i've seen so far seems to justify this level of angsting.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
You didn't answer my question. Even if bronies are exactly what you say and are all horrible people and liars as you claim, why the fuck does it matter? This is the internet, they can choose to be that if they so please. And none of them are being assholes, so "love and tolerance" holds true.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
If anything it just proves as an example to exactly what I'm saying. Also again this whole "love and tolerance" thing is a load of shit, mostly because those that preach it never follow it and the show doesn't support it. At all.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
The "vast majority" are "bronies" are here because of the links on their sites. Also the majority aren't even reading the comments just immediately making some retarded "WHY DUN U LIK SHOW?" comment. I'm here in case anybody actually wants to make a point. Instead of lieing their asses off.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot
I have a question: Why does it even matter? It's obvious the vast majority of people here disagree with you and if you're trolling, you're not getting much of a negative response, so what the dicks are you still raging about?
almost 13 years ago
im out
The Awesome Racoon
almost 13 years ago
You like ponies, Don't you Sniper?
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Sandvich makes it all complete
almost 13 years ago
I wonder how many of the "omg why you do this Jo I WILL NEVER EVER READ YOUR COMIC AGAIN DERP" fags will come back in week or so.
Oh heres an estimation: ALL OF THEM.
This happens all the time Jo tries something new.(like when he tried a dif artstyle)
Bunch of insecure crybabies.
Black V
almost 13 years ago
Soo they pyro talks
entire team is stupid
almost 13 years ago
311 (+1) comments of nothing and no two engies-tan having sex.
Headless Hillbilly
almost 13 years ago
You guys are still going at it? I gotta hand it to ya, you haters are very good at crying over nothing. If you need me, I'll be watching ponies and not giving a fuck.
almost 13 years ago
That rainbow horse is a spy!
almost 13 years ago
Just like that, I'm never reading this comic again.
Good job splitting your fanbase Jo.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72180]@Dakaring[/url]: Wrong, the originals are from /co/, we made the term around november and watch the thing since october. It only "spreaded" to /b/ on february, not before, and its YOU GUYS who tried to spread it everywhere and call it a meme. Whatever, I enjoy the shitstorm it create...
almost 13 years ago
Hmmm... Short on cash + New Advertisements + MLP reference that get ft. on Equistria Daily = $$$ (more views)

You aint pulling my hoof
almost 13 years ago
Sowwy. Adblock Plus is up all the time.
almost 13 years ago
Bronys originally came from /b/, (/b/rony) since then, the fandom spread through the Internet. But, true Brony's spread "love and tolerance", especially to the haters. Whom they will "tolerate and love the $hit out of you.

I just enjoy the show, it's pretty good.
Denilson Sá
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71790]@Derp[/url]: Completely agree. I'd like to help you Jo, but blinking, flashing, moving ads are annoying. And that ad pop up at the bottom is even more annoying.
Denilson Sá
almost 13 years ago
Scout shouted: "Pôneis Malditos!"

This version has English subtitles:
almost 13 years ago
I identify myself as a "brony" because the word has come to mean "fan of MLPFiM". I don't try to force it or any other similar thing on someone if that person wasn't receptive. It's just not in my nature. I hate to use logical fallacy, but in my mind no true brony would force MLP on anyone, ever.
Not Telling
almost 13 years ago
Actually CHaZ, it does XP
almost 13 years ago
Graaah the "Chrome browser works faster" banner is horrible. It puts heavy load on the CPU... no wonder Chrome will work faster because it won't show this banner =_____=
almost 13 years ago
Not sure why so many people are whining about Bronies. From what I've seen, they're pretty damn nice people. I personally have seen the show, and find it pretty damn amusing at times.

And, well, people who use them as Avatars on Steam and whatnot, so what? It's a picture they like. So what?
almost 13 years ago
JEEZ, why are people making such a big damn deal about this show?!

Yeah, it's an alright show, you don't see this big a deal about adventure time or regular show or the amazing world of Gumball.

Is it because it's targeted at little girls? I suffered through the original show, this is NOTHING.
almost 13 years ago
I really dont like the ads below. They are just annoying.
almost 13 years ago
Welcome to the herd/team
almost 13 years ago
The ads's above and lefty are good, but this below...
almost 13 years ago
@My Little Pony is good: I never understood the dislike for bronies all the ones I've met have been nice civil people that don't try to force me to watch the show. They also don't have the persecution complex of Furries which makes them 100x better people.
My Little Pony is good
almost 13 years ago
but then the subculture it bred is quite bad. Bronies. Bleh. I dislike seeing pony names in Minecraft and TF2. That's going a bit far. Well, I make sure to put them down with my trusty sniper rifle. Fuck friendship.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
I just wanna point out that "Debate" does not mean throwing pointless fucking insults around at the other party. Debates follow logical lines of thought and are not mud-slinging competitions. Therefore to call any one party in a debate "horrible people" is not debating. It's being an idiot/troll.
I C What U Did Thar
almost 13 years ago
Its nice that the Pyro/Engi combo and Heavy/Medic combo are the ones watching it since its about friendship.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72158]@SomeGuy[/url] Even then, I haven't seen anything (that is not pony-related) do more than a single pony reference before going back to usual content. There is no reason for worries, it is unlikely Jo will do an entire pony arc or something.
almost 13 years ago
I am a fan of the show, but it is pretty much getting referenced EVERYWHERE. If I didn't care for it, or was even just indifferent, I might be annoyed by it by now, too.
almost 13 years ago
If you anybody doesn't like MLP, there is no reason to hate either. After all, if you make yourself annoyed over something that doesn't matter to you, you are the one losing. Go do something you do like instead.
almost 13 years ago
But the cartoon is actually THAT good. It is undeniably girly, but it is not that mellow, too-perfect world that is painful to watch. The characters are well developed and very different from each other. Even if the cartoon emphasizes friendship, it doesn't do away with conflict.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72108]@Pyroguy[/url] I've never watched MLP and so have no opinion on it. But I do know that its fans are the most fucking annoying bunch of lunatic obsessives of any show since Firefly. Seriously, even the Twilight fans look sane and reasonable by comparison.
almost 13 years ago
"2 episodes of mlp"
almost 13 years ago
I saw the first 2 and..well..why is the male ponies slaves XD
almost 13 years ago
To all bronies out there: *brohoof*
If anybody told me last year that I would be watching (and enjoying) My Little Pony, I would be as skeptical as most haters. The MLP cartoon that was broadcasted when I was a kid was shit and I used to pick on my little sister over her pony collection.
Ponies are for eating.
almost 13 years ago
Oh christ no more of this shit.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72134]@AckAckAck[/url] There is a reason the comment button is called "Troll NOW".
almost 13 years ago
I honestly thought that Engi said "It's about freindship".
 Platypus
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71803]@Brohoof[/url]: ROFL at Rolling cart sound from site http://soundcloud.com/tf2_mlp_mods/general-cart-rolling-pony
almost 13 years ago
Oh people of the internet, even in the place as cramped as NerfNow's comment section people can create a fierce flame war.

Remember bronies, love and tolerate, let the haters be hatin, give em a hug.
almost 13 years ago

"They're as stubborn as a bunch of mules."

Eheheheh, Pot, say hi to Kettle, you two could be a great friends..... or enemies.
almost 13 years ago
As I can speak from the community of bronies but not for them, matters such as this are really hard to deal with.

Trolls or not I don't like people who make a statement about something and then thinks it true. Such people really need to open their heart for love and care.
almost 13 years ago
I find it not so funny when people make such a big deal out of Bronie and non-bronie people. If we (the Bronies) really are so in for loving and tolerate why can't we accept that people can like the show and not be a bronie?

Tolerate and Love, that is what I do.
almost 13 years ago
@LC-DDM: LoL I actually even found that comment amusing :D
"They're as stubborn as a bunch of mules." Zing!
almost 13 years ago
Seriously, this is just one post and you're all going batshit over it? If the whole comic goes pony then yes you have a point.
almost 13 years ago
*Looks at small flame war on the MLP issue* Nope don't care enough to say anything about it. If you enjoy it that's great if you don't then just ignore it. I care about this comic so I'm turning off my AdBlock and going to put my pledge to donate should the empty jarate jar ever appear.
almost 13 years ago
It's not Bronies as a whole that are an issue.
It's the extremely insecure ones that have to label everyone and their mother who have seen just the tiniest bit of FiM and liked it as a Bronie.
..... which is a lot, from what I have seen on the net, unfortunately.
almost 13 years ago
Just start a kickstarter.
"Help the purple tentacle monster move" :D
And offer art as reward for backups.

Much better then ads ;)
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: Don't bother. They're as stubborn as a bunch of mules.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
This isn't an argument about MLP but thanks for trying. Actually READ some of it if you're going to try to spew shit out of your mouth. This is debate about "bronies" and why they're horrible people. Shit I even just re-clarified that a few posts below.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_72110]@Tkun[/url] Meh, it's overrated. Watched the whole damn thing, and the only thing that I like about it is the fact that I can complain about a show I've actually tortured myself to watch to see what the hell it's all about.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
You act as if I don't enjoy debate. And my name warding you away? Really? I'm not going to change subjects and go down that road, but that's a fairly large sign of mental immaturity. Don't take it personally though, very few people step back from the world and look at things for what they are.
almost 13 years ago
And from what i read this is an argument about MLP. Seriously? Seriously? Do people really have such a hard time figuring out that people can - shock - have different opinions? I personally don't like it, but i'm perfectly happy to have people talk about it wherever they like.
almost 13 years ago
You are part of an HOUR long debate.. Seriously, let it go. It's the internet. Nothing you do will have a lasting effect on anyone's life. Or any, for that matter. Prime example of GIFT here. Oh, your name also naturally gravitates me away from your argument.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
All I'm really doing is calling "bronies" out for what they are, but the constantly swat away points instead of refute them. The only prove themselves to be exactly what I say.
almost 13 years ago
I'm sorry. I tried, but i couldn't. Add block re-engaged... Sorry.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Plenty of people have responded to me. And troll or not my points still stand do they not? Or are you all incapable of reading and/or providing any real debate for your side? Do have no arguments that hold water? How can you be such zealous dickbags and not defend yourselves properly?
almost 13 years ago
I would say that most of the internet artists I have been following for years liked this recent version of MLP. And I'm totally OK with this!
almost 13 years ago
Goddamnit Jo not you too.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot:
well ofcourse noone responds to you
noone wants to feed a troll this obvious
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: Hey! Are you still at this?

If you guys continue at this the page will start to get heavy to load until monday!
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
I would also AGAIN like to point out that I do not dislike the show, and in fact like DO like it(though I don't think it's faust's best work IMO). I just hate the obnoxious assholes going around labeling themselves "bronies" and then proceeding to try to label me as such as well. And all their lies.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
I can't understand it for you. If people are just going to put their fingers in their ears and heads up their asses it not only proves my point but makes it moot to try to talk sense at them. Also ignoring valid points because of somebody's choice in language is just silly.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Funny thing that is pyroguy because not one person has proved me wrong or really denied that "bronies" act the way they do. The best you have is people spouting the same "WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT" card that's full of bullshit. I'd go into further detail but while I can explain something for you(cont)
almost 13 years ago
Hence this comment section is the perfect example (and proof) for that.
Even the guys who bring up some good points derail into mindless hateing and swearing.
almost 13 years ago
I haven’t seen a full, well written reason from a hater explaining why they dislike this cartoon, most of the haters just use swear words and the same phrases over and over again, making them sound like 11 year old kids on /b/.
Possibly because they are, indeed, just kids using the internet.
almost 13 years ago
Unblocked you on Ad-block. Cheers :)
almost 13 years ago
Typo correction: "Wish", not "with". 'the other half of the 'chan that wish Bronies' et cetera.
almost 13 years ago
On the other side, it's oddly fitting that a lot of the 'holy war' types are the other half of the 'chan that with Bronies would "contract the gay and [expletive] DIE DIE DIE" (as one particularly vehement statement depicted).
almost 13 years ago
The sheer percentage wherein MLP:FIM male fans overlaps with 4chan regulars is the main reason for most 'bronies' being pushy obnoxious loudmouths with the social aptitude of a chimpanzee with coprolalia.
almost 13 years ago
Also, while I feel that the "haters" are justified in being turned off from the show due to the increasingly obnoxious fanbase, the attitude of some of them would make you think they are fighting a holy war. A holy war against My Little Pony. And that's ridiculous.
almost 13 years ago
The moment I saw this comic I KNEW the comment section was going to be a total shit storm. I like the show, but anyone who calls themself a "brony" are usually the worst sort of fans. Remember, its a television show, not a lifestyle.
almost 13 years ago
Ponies FTW! :D
know someone did this
almost 13 years ago
This comic is now 20% cooler.
almost 13 years ago
Always with the sniper hate. T_T
Elia Moroes
almost 13 years ago
PS: Ops, my bad. The zoomed version doesn't left any doubts
Elia Moroes
almost 13 years ago
Sure, my dear, whatever is profitable to you
Also ... WHAT THE HECK WITH RAINBOW DASH?! She's like a mix between a Sniper and a Scout, here!
almost 13 years ago
Heh Yay :D
almost 13 years ago
If this is not about Rainbow Dash from the TF2 mod 'vs Saxton Hale', SHAME ON YOU.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
@Ze sniper from the comic.

Agreed, and it's also stupid to lump all of them in either group, but funny to watch people get so worked up trying to do just that (that includes some of you pro-brony guys).
Ze sniper from the comic.
almost 13 years ago
Indeed, micspammers should burn in hell.
But either way, like any kind of human, there are good bronies, and stupid bronies.
almost 13 years ago
This comic just got 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat.
almost 13 years ago
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
@Ze sniper from the comic
I -do- feel the need to note that Daniel Ingram's work (The composer of the MLP: FiM music) is -excellent- and I disagree with, but respect, your taste in music.

Although I completely agree with you if it's just micspam, but anything in excess is bad, not just MLP.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
@Ze sniper from the comic
On a serious note, yeah there'll be the guys that do that, but for the most part it's in good fun and is more trying to play around with the guys from their own community, not forcing it on other people. No "true" brony forces MLP on anyone that doesn't want it.
almost 13 years ago
*sees the comment count.*

Wow, it sure went "internet forum" in here pretty quickly.
Ze sniper from the comic
almost 13 years ago
MLP theme song while playing payload race. its utterly annoying.
Ze sniper from the comic.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild nigger:
Yeah, generalization is bad, but at least half of the bronies i met use the brony verbiage...

Also, ive seen a few bronies singing MLP theme song. yeah. Some have gone this far.

Nothing against MLP, nothing in favor too. but to these, do not shove it on our faces. Do not sing
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
I mean fuck, I haven't even called you a "parasprite" yet... Oh man I should, it would make you rage like a mother fucker.

But then again that would only determine your trolololol modus operandi and would not be delicious to read... Please, rage at bronies moar, is funny to me.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot
Lululul. Really? Please, I'm a brony. I don't run around shoving it in everyone's ass, and note that I didn't even use the phrase "everypony" there. I don't use that shit in common conversation, but I might if I was talking to another Brony. Neither do most bronies.
Hat Man
almost 13 years ago
Friendship is OP.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
@A wild nigger
Except that's EXACTLY what "bronies" do and why they should be regarded as the scum they are. Trying to pretend otherwise means you're either propagating their image or somebody who's so retarded that you got trolled into believing it.
almost 13 years ago
Nooooo :(
almost 13 years ago
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
Man this character restriction sucks. I can't even spew all my random bullshit with 0 effort put into writing it all at once, so I won't do the troll accusations and other shit I had the impulse to do. Back to trawling Youtube for random shit.
A wild nigger
almost 13 years ago
Derp derp derp, there are bronies in my community, derp derp derp, I cannot deal with people enjoying something. Derp derp derp pointless rage derp derp derp someone's wrong in the internet.

Bitch please, to assume all bronies invade everything and use pony verbiage is a massive generalization.
almost 13 years ago
Yeah this is boring now....

Time to stop feeding the trolls!
Crimson Glitter
almost 13 years ago
This comic proves it all.
The herd will spread to all you love, and everyone will be a filly or gentlecolt some day.

The world belongs to the bronies now. You better join in. The first episode will make you nauseous, but after the third you will feel the friendship.
Dat Sandvich
almost 13 years ago
I don't honestly think I would actually watch the show itself, much less obsess myself over it to such a degree as is shown all over the internet nowadays...

The meme will die out once Valve releases Ep3
Dat Sandvich
almost 13 years ago
I laughed at the comic, I understood the joke.
However, I have never watched the show; I've only seen some snippets of an abridged series and some funny amv that lip-synced the Savages song from Pocahontas to MLP.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Oh and for those of you trying to deny that "bronies" don't fucking invade EVERYTHING you'd have to be blind or so inclusive of your pony fandom that your head's up your ass. The best part is how you all pretend to be ponies and use phrases pertaining to such. Then claim you aren't being weird.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
The REAL problem with "bronies" is this, they try to make themselves out to be something they aren't. Then zealously defend it. And by zealously I mean shit like what you see here in this comment. There are 2 great sins in this world. Ignorance, and even worse the spreading of ignorance.
almost 13 years ago
Radar control: Commander, we've detected hate.

Commander: Fire the orbital friendship cannon!

A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
You are the exact type of person we need to hate, you spread lie and propaganda. That video just about gave me brain damage in how wrong it was. And no calling you fags is not "fine by you" because you had to change your name to "brony". You couldn't even handle being called fags.
almost 13 years ago
I'll be honest, that pop-up bar at the bottom is enough to make me block you, lol. Sorry, I hate pop ups.

The other two aren't obnoxious though...well...the one on the left and the changing colors (AT&T) is kind of distracting.
Hate Detected. Fire the Friendship Orbital Beam.
almost 13 years ago
My Little Pony: Friendship is magic is a very decent show. It's entertaining for what it is, and it's pretty well done graphically.

I will talk about it in public. But you won't see me obsess over it. Making a subculture is a bit much. But hey.
Spread love not hate
almost 13 years ago
I approve of their television choice.
so much hate!
almost 13 years ago
a little reference=FLAME WAR!
almost 13 years ago
was expecting to see a pony here sooner or later
Ze Spy
almost 13 years ago
Well, the sniper can be useful when it comes to teamwork if he got the Jarate. I'm always happy to target someone covered by it.
I don't udnerstand the comic though.
God why
almost 13 years ago
Ponyfans came out of nowhere and swiftly become more annoying then both sonic fans AND furries. It's amazing how suddenly they became so fucking obnoxious.

I don't have anything against the show, but it's for kids. Stop being so annoying about it.
almost 13 years ago
Also, I'm counting the days to when this fucktarded force MLP meme will die.
almost 13 years ago
It's funny, because Sniper has no friends :(
almost 13 years ago
I want a chibi-med-tan hat...
almost 13 years ago
augh why, lol. They're everywhere in TF2. Now they're in mah Nerfnow. Sad daaays.
almost 13 years ago
in conclusion, make 1 shot pony refrence, entire fanbase goes to war with each other.
almost 13 years ago

...Actually, the only surprising thing is that it's taken Jo this long to join the bandwagon.

Must be getting some good ad revenue out of this one.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71967]@Krikdo[/url]: Nah, They will come back! Thay just love shitstorm!
almost 13 years ago
Here's a thing; ponies mesh well with TF2 'cause both are about working with your friends to accomplish things. That's all. As for those whom are annoying or intolerant? They ain't bronies. Just trolls trolling trolls. I don't like Spongebob, but I don't go into a fit when someone else says they do.
almost 13 years ago
Oh dear lord i just finished reading all that giberish that 5 flamers posted.
The most funny thing is that your biggest complaint about this subject is that you don't like bronies being all up in you face and spamming shit.
Yet here you are with 100+ comments of hate.
The irony is delicious.
almost 13 years ago
but...I always use adblock....
almost 13 years ago
I'm going to love, tolerate, bomb and gas the shit out of everyone. Not in that order.
almost 13 years ago
/me sees comic
/me clicks comments
>194 comments in under 24 hours

almost 13 years ago
to people who didnt like this comic or ads

haters gonna hate

also, keep the good work Jo
i'll never adblock you
Lunasta, the magical wakeup pill
almost 13 years ago
Continuing from my last post, if you want to stay a closed-minded fuck and call us fags, fine by us. You're not hurting us, we will tolerate it. May I turn your attention to a very well researched bit for you to peruse to enlighten yourselves? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcjhG4PQpaE
red pie agian.... agian.....
almost 13 years ago
i dont like my little pony but i forgive you cuz chibi-medic and engi-tan both have awsome face
Lunasta, the magical wakeup pill
almost 13 years ago
Just read through that flamewar of hate, which I may note was between 5, yes 5 and only 5 (as far as I can tell), different people. I have to say, you guys are really closed minded. Real bronies don't troll the show, nor do we forcefully derail topics. We have respect, and if you say no, then fine.
almost 13 years ago
I have an unmitigated and deep disgust of ads. Being afflicted with ADHD, I find them incredibly distracting at all times. I have adblock and noscript, do not watch television, never use ad supported anything, etc.

I do not block ads out of spite. I block ads in an effort to preserve my sanity.
almost 13 years ago
What's this about Bronies infecting forums and shit? Got links? I've never seen any evidence of that kind of thing before, so link me plox. I post Pony Reaction pics sometimes, but those are typically in relation to the topic, is that what you're referring to?
almost 13 years ago
I just tune out the ads anyway. If you can make money for my ignoring something, good for you. Just so long as you don't get the ads that get in the way of the actual site like another site i was on, it doesn't matter.
almost 13 years ago

U mad bro?


I find it hiliarous that people get so workedup about a comic.

On the Internet.

About a game.

That's also nodding to a popular cartoon.

almost 13 years ago
Pony Trollshark and Hater Trollshark feeding frenzy achieved.

Oh, and sniper needs a cupcake...
almost 13 years ago
You know it's hilarious when people are quitting a comic over a single reference to a popular/polarizing show. Not to mention arguing in a fucking web comic comment section for hours.
almost 13 years ago
1) Post ponies
2) Enjoy your shitstorm
almost 13 years ago
Ponies are like the new Furry cancer
almost 13 years ago

almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71956]@Naoto[/url]: ponies happened because as you know there is no golden middle road on the internet jo posted something new people erupt in hate or love and tolerance*hint*hint* also this got posted on on Equestria daily (witch is a site that has 26+ milion views) so its kind of obvious
almost 13 years ago
what happened to have the quadruple of comments as before? flame wars? =D
almost 13 years ago
Yeah, we are all commercials bitches aren't we?
Also, Adblocking you right naow and always have been.
Nothing personal, it's a reflex.
almost 13 years ago
Not much to say other than:
Welcome to the herd.
almost 13 years ago
As long as the next 5 comics aren't pony related, we coo. If the next 5 comics are only pony related, you change you background to rainbow dash, and you talk only about ponys... Well, I hope it doesn't come to that. Please don't let it come to that.
almost 13 years ago
I turned off my ad block just for you (so long as there are no sound ads).
almost 13 years ago
I, for one welcome our new pony overlords.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71936]@Nosht[/url]: Give a look here http://ponibooru.413chan.net/post/view/10759
almost 13 years ago
you too joe? :D man i liked you before, but now i'd just hug you !
almost 13 years ago
@!: Flame Wars tend to do that!
You'd better get a helmet on quick private! :D
almost 13 years ago
holy shit thats a lot of comments
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot:
As long as you do not use the word in a negative connotation I really don't care.
almost 13 years ago
Seems like Gilda's out samefaging today.
almost 13 years ago
Everywhere I go, I see Rainbow Dash. Tendency
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
You seem upset BECAUSE I'm offering help in my unique manner. That says more about you than anything I can say.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71929]@JyndTactica[/url] When I can say nigger without being called racist you can identify yourself through one of the most horrible fandoms in recent times and not be called a giant faggot.
Pyro Jr
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71927]@sailoryue[/url] It's my dad, Pyro Guy. And yes, he stole my hat, it makes me sad...
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: "Oh and about the whole "not all furfags are fursuit fuckers" thing...... Same with "bronies" They are the people I just described, not just any fan of the show"

The great thing about the English Language is that it evolves and changes as time goes on.

Trollers gonna troll.
almost 13 years ago
why was Pyro jr drawn so big and fat? is he one of those obese children you hear on the news about? or did Pyro just decide to wear his kid's beanie?
almost 13 years ago
I for one thought this comic was delightful and fuck everyone who says otherwise.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot

So you're the center of the world eh? everything revolve around you eh? when you leave Jo will no longer able to sustain more clicks eh?

FYI, the world doesn't revolve around you.
almost 13 years ago
@Balls of Steel: You can pay him for a commission...
almost 13 years ago
Aint got no money to donate, but I can click all the ads!
almost 13 years ago
@Frank West: there are hardly any flames to call it a flamewar. We are just politely discussing.
Balls of Steel
almost 13 years ago
@A Wild Faggot

If he really was doing that for attention and money, don'T you think he would've asked us to donate isntead of putting ads on the site?
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71916]@AckAckAck[/url] Little bit of both, little bit of both. @A Wild Faggot [url=#user_comment_71917] @Shidoshi[/url] Watch it you two, I'm not gonna cover your flamewar, and a war that's not covered by Frank West is hardly a war at all.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71917]@shidoshi[/url] Yeah this whole thing feels like jo's stirring shit for attention(and by extension money). But stirring shit requires more than just subject material, it needs people like me. I've read this comic long enough to support him, especially if I have fun doing it.
almost 13 years ago
I'm gonna love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!
almost 13 years ago
Seems like the pony nod sure worked in getting people over here, even if jus for mad refreshing the comments page and being mad.
almost 13 years ago
@Frank West

Warm blanket, or spooning blanket?
almost 13 years ago
By the way, I'm so used toignore ads that I didn't even noticed it before I saw your comments. So I think it is fine.

Pop-ups and noisy on the other hand are annoying
Ebon Topaz
almost 13 years ago
I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Deal with it and quit your bitching.
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71909]@AckAckAck[/url] Like a blanket.
almost 13 years ago
@Frank West

Do you cover Mongol Invasion?
almost 13 years ago
Don't worry Jo, your ad is fine, and I read your comic from the beginning, be strong.
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
@Frank West
Chuck, I told you to cut that shit out! You didn't even mention how many wars I've covered, how do you expect anyone to fall for that?
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71902]@Tkun[/url] [url=#user_comment_71903] @AckAckAck[/url] HEY! HEY! The fuck did I just say? We're obviously not mature enough to express out opinions without being dicks, so shut up or so help I'll cover your war like there's no tomorrow!
almost 13 years ago
And look at it now, so riled up upon some small horse with bright colorings and positive attitudes, I bet they are kids that love to scream profanities in CoD and TF2.

Grow up kids, learn to appreciate people more, or you will grow up as Fox News people.
almost 13 years ago
Don't we get a different shitstorm in most of the comics here?
Like every time Jo makes one arc people start shitstorming "arcs are awesome/sucks"?
almost 13 years ago
Heh, I can see that the previous comic weed out xenophobes, and this comic weed out asshole "man-kids", some people here is so worked up just because of ponies? hundreds years ago horse are the pride of humanity. The Mongol steamroll both Asia and Europe with pony like horses as their trusted steed.
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny:

Well, I have seen many pony fans who are okay with people giving it a try and not liking it. I myself don't talk about it like an evangelist but there are always those fanatics extremists.
almost 13 years ago
Wow, some people got riled up over this.

Chill the fuck out. It's just a nod to the cartoon show. Just like how the entire comic is a nod to TF2.
Frank West
almost 13 years ago
Jesus H. Christ, you fucktards. I go on vacation for a few months and you all fall to shit over some ponies?

Go back to outlining boobs and making fun of typos. I know for a fact that nopony cares what you think about ponies or pony fans. You wanna know why? Because I've covered wars, you know?
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Most of the people ON those sites is exactly what the original term "brony" is for. You know why? A simple fan wouldn't spend time in either of those shitholes. Anybody who identifies themselves as a "brony" deserves the hate they get
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71892]@Tkun[/url] I guess. Like I've said, they're usually good mods and a good community. I guess I'm just upset. Oh sure, I can like/dislike what I please, except MLP. Disliking that automatically makes me an outcast. Everywhere I go, same deal. :'(
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
lawl tvtropes. Next you're going to link me a wiki for substantial info? No I'm pretty sure furfags started on SA, and quickly got picked up by 4chan. And the only reason the definition is so broad is because trolls and furfags fought to make it that broad, and due to people lieing, like I said.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: yeah, you should tell the thousands of users of ponychan and EqD that they are using the wrong term. No, words change by means of their use. Even Hasbro has recognized "bronies" as the term to refer to all peripheral fans.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71888]@13thdragon[/url]: They are too busy shitstorming over ponies!
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot:

Furfags is 4chan's definitions of furry fans, something very broad

Just like animefags, macfags, etc
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: "bronies" definitely changed definition from its origins. It now refers to all the peripheral demographic of the show.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
But you're wrong sidoshi, simply because people STILL act that way. The only people who misuse the term are those that simply heard it from somebody else or were straight up lied to by a real "brony". Basically people who don't know, and that's WHY they need to know. Why people need to be told.
almost 13 years ago
kinda surprised no one have said blue pyro is red spy.
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny:

I guess your mods aren't that good. Or maybe I'm just too lawfull.

I would give warnings and even ban if needed for people derailing where it is not allowed. But usually I just post as a normal user asking to return back on topic.
almost 13 years ago
I mean, going over all the characters making art about them with socks and going D'AWWW just doesn't seem like a bunch of bridge trolls.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Oh and about the whole "not all furfags are fursuit fuckers" thing. That may be true, but only if you have a highly vague and undefined sense of what a furfag is, because furfags ARE those people. Same with "bronies" They are the people I just described, not just any fan of the show.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71881]@Tkun[/url] They're not supposed to. But time and time again, despite bringing it to the mods more than once, MLP oozes out of its own thread and into damn near anything it can grasp and devour.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: The term has lost this first meaning and now designates everyone that's part of the fandom. Also if you look at sites like ponychan and equestriadaily you'll see that most people are there because of the show and couldn't care less about trolling. What you said is old history.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71879]@RoderickBR[/url]: Maybe because snipers stay most of the time hidden alone?
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny:

Do they allow off-topic and derailment? If so them you will have to live with it. If not you should point it up for them when a topic is derailed and they don't do a thing.
almost 13 years ago
About ADs: It's not so bad. Pops every page, but it's a second to look at it and close.
About MLP: It's actually fun. Doesn't stop my enjoyment of other things.
About the comic: As a photonote said: BUUURNN! I kinda suspect Jo has something against snipers, though.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
And I mean true trolling. Trolling where you act like an idiot to see how many other people will act like an idiot and be SERIOUS about it. THIS is why all "bronies" are to be hated. They are people who took a joke mentality seriously and now try to enforce it on other people.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71874]@Shidoshi[/url] Every single person on this forum who's shown a liking for MLP fits into the 'rabid fan' category. There's no middle ground. [url=#user_comment_71875] @Tkun[/url] Like I've said, these are possibly the most alert mods I've ever seen. It's one of the best forums for that very reason.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
thoroughly enjoyed the show for what it was, and then "bronies" the most self entitled twats to hit the net since furfags and twitards. Mix with the nature of trolls that just want to bring ruin to everything and the whole thing exploded. MLP is the ultimate work of trolling.(cont)
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny :

Seems like your problem is with the mods. There are MLP fans that when moderating other forums have no problem to delete and ban inapropriated pony posts.
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny : =P As with any big groups there's always extremists. Those who came from /b/ should be the worse. Just don't group everyone in the same category, some people just like the show.

It's the same as saying all furries are sickos who like dressing up and doing group sex.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
applied to 4chan. And the term bro gets tossed around alot. Too much IMO, but whatever, it's part of the mannerisms there. So then some genius started spouting that they were bronies. And then the transformation was complete. There were now two types of people who liked MLP. Normal people who(cont)
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
they felt they were higher than the rest of the 4chan community, felt they needed to be special, felt that the name ponyfag was hurtful(nevermind that everybody else gets called fags or something similar or worse) So they started trying to make retarded terms that sounded friendly but still(cont)
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71863]@Shidoshi[/url] As long as the fans remain, the problem will never cease. This is what I've learned. If the mods were going to do something about it, they'd have acted by now. They're very swift when they've come to a decision. I wouldn't be so mad, but that fandom has killed the one place I felt welcome.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
obsessed freaks who had to shove the show in people's faces all the time and make ponies out of everything. Then they started this whole "love and tolerance" bullshit(which btw isn't even really supported by the show at all..there's many parts in the show contradicting that mindset). Soon after(cont
almost 13 years ago
Considering that I haven't seem other people posting about it here in the other comics I would say that this fanbase isn't as rabid as some people try to paint it. About forums being taken over, it is mods fault for allowing it. If I were a mod I would delete and even ban if needed derailers.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
It's just the way 4chan is. Now ponyfags at first were repelled, then some trolls joined in on both sides and more trolls got people on the MLP side, and that's where it started getting really bad. You see it quickly spiralled out of control. Instead of just making fans, they were making(cont)
Pyrish speaker
almost 13 years ago
Well, I do understand, but how would you guys understand? It was all ooomph ooomph for you!
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny: I hope you can find a solution to your problems, I'd be wary of the start of season 2 though. Maybe talk to the mods about?
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Story time friends! Who wants to hear how the brain numbingly retarded term "brony" got coined? You see it all started on 4chan, specifically when pony threads first started showing up in /b/ from /co/. For those of you who don't know, pretty much everything on 4chan gets called fags.(cont)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71857]@Sisko[/url]: Nothing at all. I'm not saying that everybody must love it. In fact I have never bothered to post about it here before because there were no reason to talk about it here.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71859]@Shidoshi[/url] Apparently, it doesn't count as spam. Sad, because they're usually really fast on stuff like that. It's just this pony craze that never gets moderated. ;_;
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
Also, I try to ignore it and let the fans have their show. Trust me, I'd love nothing more than us both to go on our merry ways. But the fans just will not let it drop for a moment. There, you've dragged me to your level, happy now?
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny: Your mods don't seem too attentive if people can't get by with spam like that. the xkcd forums have quite a few MLP fans and each topic stays on topic, same with southperry.net (MapleStory forum)

Ponychan also stays on-topic, but that's irrelevant, because it's always pony =D
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
The internet is not a place to be civilized. Especially since said "civilized" debate is essentially boiled down to somebody being an uppity bitch and ignoring real debate because they don't like something the other side said. It's all face value lies anyway.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71856]@Tkun[/url] I watched it. Still don't like it. What more could you possibly want from me?
almost 13 years ago
Like it or not MLP is one of the few shows capable of turning so many haters into fans with a few episodes.

It is surprising how many fans used to hate it before watch it.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot: I post on everything, imageboards, forums, comments, facebook, etc.

Comment pages tend to be the most unruly place to be. If you expect to keep your faith in humanity you'd try some more civilized social networks. It's like asking people on youtube comments to be reasonable.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71849]@Shidoshi[/url] I'm a fan of a really nice forum. Great people, all civil, attentive mods, etc. But now that this MLP craze has hit, almost every day, normal topics are filled with MLP talk. They have a MLP thread, two in fact, and an RP thread just for them. Yet they insist on bringing it everywhere. :(
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Oh it makes sense now, you post on forums. Bet you suck mod dick all day too.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Comparing WW2 and other major world changing events to MLP is so ass backwards I don't even know where to begin. Oh wait I do. WW2 was relevant to everybody, there were no people who weren't involved in some manner. MLP has no bearing on anything unless people FORCE it to be.
Blah Guyson
almost 13 years ago
Yay! Mini-Medic is back!
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny: I don't know what forums you browse, but the ones I do people are perfectly fine having discussion about other topics and no one goes and mentions MLP out of the blue. You'd get infracted for spam if you try to derail a thread like that.
The Entire Population of Africa
almost 13 years ago
And with that, he split his fanbase into two raging tides.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
But is it really that unreasonable to want one topic where no-one brings up how MLP is the greatest thing in the universe? I certainly don't think so, but it happens anyway.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71843]@Sisko[/url]: examples don't make the whole, not everyone is like that. I certainly didn't stop talking to my friends who didn't like the show. I have other things I do and can talk about. Though I can't really speak for the US, I guess it's crazier over there.
almost 13 years ago
It's like complaining during World War 2 that everyone just won't shut up about it.
almost 13 years ago
I guess it's inevitable that something will be everywhere when it gets this big. If a very large group of people spread around the world and the internet, into every group and subject starts liking something it's unrealistic to think it wouldn't be everywhere.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71837]@Thegoy[/url] Oh, as a side note, I lost a whole group of my friends when I told them I didn't like the show, and was getting annoyed at how zealous the fans were. They immediately told me to get lost. They refuse to speak to me. I wish I were making this up, I really do. ._.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Still proving my point with every post. Cheers to thinking I hate the show and not you asshats. Seriously though I wasn't kidding with the new age furry thing, you guys are bad.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71837]@Thegoy[/url] Because we can't have a topic anymore without 'bronies' taking over. Imagine if you were discussing something you like and a bunch of people came in and drowned out the whole thing with talk about....Barbie Dolls. Now imagine they do this to every discussion you enter. That is MLP fans.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
It's annoying. So very annoying. And they never see reason. Only "if you don't like it, deal with it". I guess you wouldn't understand, being a fan and all. :(
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71836]@Shidoshi[/url] I could deal with it if people weren't spamming it everywhere I go. I can hardly bear to be on my favourite forum anymore. because the MLP fandom has taken over every part of it, even parts that have nothing to do with MLP or any cartoon. I've never had a fandom this rabid. (con't)
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71831]@Sisko[/url]: Really? because I told a brony that I watched it and thought it was decent and we didn't really have a problem. I don't see why everyone has to hate the bronies, even if they are everywhere.
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny: Only that it's not as if we forced Jo to make a pony reference, it just happens that people everywhere relate to the show and make references to it. Those who don't like it, deal with it.
almost 13 years ago
I don't hate mlp or their fan base. But as long as they don't Mic spam that mlp intro !! While I try to keep my team alive(medic)
almost 13 years ago
Hey listem!

Don't feed the parasprites.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago

I'll stop fighting when the fans keep their ponies to their own discussions. I don't throw the things I like into every little discussion, and I've never seen any fandom come close to doing so the scale of MLP fans.
But that's never gonna happen.
almost 13 years ago
Please everyone, stop fighting..
almost 13 years ago
My Little Pony fans in a nutshell: Worship our show, or we'll cram ponies into absolutely everything you like until you kneel down.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71828]@Valerie[/url] Lemme sum up MLP fans for you right here. "STOP NOT LIKING WHAT I LIKE"
almost 13 years ago
Lemme sum "A wild faggot"s comments for ya right here.

almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny: I don't think you got the joke here, considering the comic and the previous comments. Well, It's about friendship anyways, so you wouldn't understand.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71824]@Whyareall[/url] Wow, can't even come up with your own retort. Classy.
almost 13 years ago
Lol people soooo called for it.

Awesome catchphrase tho, I'm using it.
almost 13 years ago
@How 'bout no-ny:
It's about friendship. You wouldn't understand.
How 'bout no-ny
almost 13 years ago
Great, another thing ruined by rabid MLP fans. Seriously, your obsession with this tripe completely edges out even Twitards. It's just sad.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71818]@Uguu[/url]: It's about friendship. You wouldn't understand.
M. Bison
almost 13 years ago
a tree
almost 13 years ago
Deal with it.
almost 13 years ago
Fucking Ponies. It's always the Fucking Ponies.

almost 13 years ago
The pony reference today is specially bewildering if you see my comment on the comic before this one.
almost 13 years ago
the TV part reminds me of the saxton hale mod on tf2 ...
there a 2 ponys who are also one of the bosses on a custom server
so its pretty funny running around while a pony is killing everone
Lunasta, the magical wakeup pill
almost 13 years ago
The Equestria Daily post is up! Expect a shitstorm of hits in a few hours. Jo, have you drawn/gotten yourself as a pony yet?
almost 13 years ago
rainbows make scout cry ffs get the damn reference
almost 13 years ago
Well, it was a little weird that ponies have never been mentioned here. Jo looks like the kind of guy who would give a try at it without much prejudice. Seems like he did!
almost 13 years ago
My little pony=adblocked
almost 13 years ago
I am so sick of the fucking brony thing. If you watch it, fine, just shut the hell up about it. You people are as bad as "Gamer Girls" No one gives a fuck what you do in your free time. TL;DR: STFU, no one cares bronies.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
@A noob: Way ahead of ya.


A noob
almost 13 years ago
Now all we need is MLP mod for TF2
almost 13 years ago
Sylver is right, merch is a good idea. Anyway... i will "accidentaly" click the adds everyday ;)
almost 13 years ago
Haters gonna hate.

Ponies gonna pwn.
almost 13 years ago
Seriously. Get merch, people will buy it.
almost 13 years ago
Deactivated Adblock just for you and will click all Ads several times per day <3
almost 13 years ago
I welcome you to the herd
almost 13 years ago
oh for F*CKs sake. te one damn place that was still ponie free >_> i am dissapoint
almost 13 years ago
You can always try and do what Thunt does in Goblins: Donator comic strip. Could be the adventures of Engie.
you can't be serious
almost 13 years ago
>life of crime
>selling internal organs
if so i'm sorry to hear that
almost 13 years ago
I use a widescreen laptop. Minimal vertical real estate.
Pup-up-from-bottom ad blocked. Try static, non-animated embedded images and maybe I'll ignore them.
Or you could sell merchandise.
almost 13 years ago
Adblocking is so hard to judge.
Technically, blocking ad will steal a few cents from author.
But some type of ads are just infuriating!
I would say - block the most annoying and leave the rest. Jo can't draw without eating.
almost 13 years ago
Scout crying from Rainbow Dash and Sniper has no friends, awesome.
Great Biotic Wind
almost 13 years ago
Adblock is evil.
almost 13 years ago
go rainbow scout go! your 20% cooler than regular scout.
almost 13 years ago
The joke's been done to death I swear, doesn't make it any less funny though.

Also dat heavy. Just casually eating sandviches with mini-medic on his head. God that's awesome.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Every post, man, every post. I wish people would stop having rampant fanboyism one way or the other. Hate the person, not the show. If it's not "bronies" whining about persecution through a thin veil it's dipshits empowering them by hating something just because ponies. You're all faggots.
Jebin "Toolbox" Zedalu
almost 13 years ago
Hehehe. This made me giggle like a little girl. XD
almost 13 years ago
p.s- there are trolls everywhere! if they hate, just know that they are stupid and when u see 1........ KEEP YO MOUTH SHUT
almost 13 years ago
I don't see a point to disliking MLP. Come on man, don't ruin something that many people enjoy. It's not like it does harm. I seen clips of MLP and it looks like a pretty decent series. To all the haters, if you don't like it, that's fine, but why complain? Sorry for intruding in the argument.
almost 13 years ago
I just hope he didn't do the MLP reference only as a means to get more hits, selling out is not very respectable. And myself I like ponies and this comic, but this free marketing throws anger me.
almost 13 years ago
I must admit, its pretty damn hard to hate ponies made by animator Craig McCracken. That man did dexter's laboratory and the fucking powerpuff girls.

Hats off to you sir for this comic *brohoof* I hope the haters realize that they are throwing their nostalgia away by not watching this show.
almost 13 years ago
Okay this comic is dead to me.
I've been with you since the beginning, Jo, but this is just terrible.
almost 13 years ago
Well, would you look at all of that respect that's just flying away.
almost 13 years ago
Burn in eternal hellfire. Lost faith in this comic.
Headless Hillbilly
almost 13 years ago
When I installed adblock, this was one of the first sites that I disabled it on.
Expect a shit-ton of hits when this gets posted on Equestria Daily later.
That guy who suggests good stuff
almost 13 years ago
You need more money?
Add a donate button.
Sell merchandise.
Make your commissions section more obvious.
Make a "subtle" allusion to the commissions including something having to do with the prime factorization 2*17.
almost 13 years ago
Well 'I' thought it was funny.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Thank you captain obvious. That was totally unintentional and completely means what you think it means. It's hard to be tongue in cheek when stupid people have to ruin things, which is hilariously enough related to the subject at hand.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Herpaderp typo in my name.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot

You don't get it. You called bronies faggots, yet you yourself named yourself "A wild faggot."

A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
Premiere examples in these comments right here. Enjoy your persecution complex and needing to justify everything you do to everybody(whether they asked for it or not) and confusing why people hate you. Also good job saying that I "have not watched the show yet" when I clearly stated I enjoyed it.
almost 13 years ago
@A Wild Faggot
Well christ, aren't you just a happy pile of love and tolerance?
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot :
Haters gonna hate.

I'm guessing you are either:
1. Insecure about your masculinity
2. A middle school male
3. Have not watched the show yet
4. Watched Fox news in the past few days
5. close minded and/or feel like you are 20% cooler than the rest of us...

A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71746]@TheAweDude[/url] Nope and I hate every single fucking one of them. They're like new age furries mixed with the sonic fandom. Anybody can like the show, but it takes a special kind of faggot to be a "brony" Fuck I hate that term so much. It was born out of the very insecurity they accuse others of.
almost 13 years ago
Unblocked you, bro.
almost 13 years ago
@A wild faggot

I can presume you are a Brony as well?
almost 13 years ago
Disabled ad-block for the sheer fact that you are a brony.
A wild faggot
almost 13 years ago
@Emo Panda
Agreed, as long as it's non intrusive I don't give a fuck about ads. And 90% of people are obsessed with MLP because of a combination of peer pressure, insecurity, and needing to idolize something out of place. Essentially it's a decent show but "bronies" are complete faggots.
almost 13 years ago
Here could be you'r ad.
almost 13 years ago
I am cheered immensely by this. Brony love, Jo. Brony love.
Emo Panda
almost 13 years ago
Jo, as long as there are no popup ads or flash ads with sound on as a default, it's perfectly fine.

Also, I don't understand everyone's obsession with the new MLP cartoon. :S
almost 13 years ago
If you're actually on the pony bandwagon Jo, I'm going to fucking murder something.
almost 13 years ago
You could have a paypal donate thing.

I hear a lot of people like your work, so you could keep a tip jar of some sort.
almost 13 years ago
3 things
1. im ok with ads
2. i do not understand why older men watch my little pony
almost 13 years ago
This is the only site I disabled Adblock on, because I have followed this comic since the start and I love you and you deserve money. <3
almost 13 years ago
awww i luv the little medic
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_71721]@MuthSera[/url] It has sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much exposure, almost everyone I know and almost everyone one I have met since the Pony attack is a Brony.
almost 13 years ago
Adblock <3
Something or other
almost 13 years ago
It appears that the team is now part of the herd
Enemy Bot 09
almost 13 years ago
Hmm, first Scott Ramisar(person who does VG cats), now Nerf Now? Nice to see the Herd is spreading. Soon, Gabe and Tycho will be ours!*Evil/Maniacal/diabolical laugh*
almost 13 years ago
I approve of this comic. Friendship is magic needs more exposure.
almost 13 years ago
Oh not you too...
Mr. Kltpzyxm
almost 13 years ago
Looks like that sniper got...
*Equip Summer Shades*
almost 13 years ago
Run for your life Scout!
almost 13 years ago