You know what's annoying? In some expanded universe comic Jar-jar lived to a ripe old age and his son is apparently a badass.
Andrew Hall
over 13 years ago
Jar Jar is basically Al Jolson with orange skin.
The Trade Federation was awful too. Listen to them again, then substitute any ethnic Asian stereotype from before about 1970. You'll be surprised you didn't notice before.
Andrew Hall
over 13 years ago
Do you all know why everyone hates Jar Jar, even if a lot of them can't put their finger on why?
Listen to Jar Jar again and his speech patterns. Pause it any time he says "mee'sa" (i.e., "me is"). Now picture him as a black human being in a minstrel costume from the blackface era.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
To Hand: Yeah well, at least I don't touch dick
Black Dragon
over 13 years ago
Honestly, aside from the insufferable romance scenes, I enjoyed Episodes 2 and 3. The first one though, other then the end battle was pretty average in my opinion. Also I fucking hated Jar Jar and took great delight in slaughtering Gunguns in the Battlefront games because of it.
pony spy
over 13 years ago
pony Jar Jar Binks > pony scout
over 13 years ago
@Finger Nail: STFU, I'm THE OVERLORD!
over 13 years ago
I will never understand why it is people hate Jar Jar so much.
Finger Nail
over 13 years ago
@ Toenail: Fuck you. All Hail the Ponies Overlords.
I Wonder
over 13 years ago
Does that apply to the half-life 2 episodes as well?
Also, many people here may hate the prequels for various reasons, but the games are still awesome! :)
over 13 years ago
Fuck ponies.
over 13 years ago
I'm sorry, but everything about the prequels that the plot doesn't make horrible, the acting makes ridiculous. For example, consider the climactic battle in Ep 3. Watching that alone should convince you that the prequels should never have been made.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73388]@Herp[/url]: You realize that absolutely EVERYTHING can be simplified that way, and that it's just a matter of opinions?
over 13 years ago
Yeah so Godot and Pyre hump each others brains out and get Star Wrs Syphilis and die from it.
Midichlorians...forcesensitive my ass. :P
over 13 years ago
Episode 1: Politics and Poop gags
Episode 2: Ridiculous Romance
Episode 3: Special Effects with a bit of plot on the side.
All this talk of Star Wars makes me want to reinstall Battlefront 2.
If Only
over 13 years ago
More sports should consider using the severed heads of their most hated mascots as equipment. It would increase attendance and lower the chance of riots. After all, both teams may despise each other, but they'd be united behind mutual hate of the ball.
over 13 years ago
@There are ponies in the stands :(:
over 13 years ago
Aaaah, no ponies... Thanks for the break Jo. :)
over 13 years ago
"Show don't tell" died with Hitchcock. (hyperbole? Maybe, but it's really not what appeals to the masses any more [if it ever was]).
Anon DeLurks
over 13 years ago
Jo should spite the haters, throw a pony in every few comics. That'll learn em.
over 13 years ago
Goin back through the comics I noticed how most of them were part of an arc. Now I'm not saying the non arc ones aren't good, but I'm kinda missing the old TF2, words through actions kind of comics.
pony scout
over 13 years ago
fuck jarjar (and ponies)
Fudge Nugget
over 13 years ago
Nah, I hate them.
There are ponies in the stands :(
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one that actually enjoyed episode 1?
I admit jarjar was annoying and his voice grates on the ears a bit, but it's not enough to downgrade the movie to the kind of level I've been hearing.
If you ignore jarjar and the crappy romance parts, the prequels are very enjoyable.
over 13 years ago
Aw no ponies.
over 13 years ago
Somebody knows the origins of soccer.
over 13 years ago
Also: Thank god there are no ponies.
over 13 years ago
THANK YOU! It's so nice to know not everyone who saw that movie suffered a stroke at the moment that explanation was given!
>: /
over 13 years ago
Power Creep sells product.
over 13 years ago
Josué, não acha que já ficando um flood desgraçado de propaganda? Sei que você quer um lucro, mas acho que dá pra maneirar, não? Só uma sugestão!
over 13 years ago
>Power creep
The Star Wars movies are not Magic: the Gathering.
>Horrible plot
Okay you do have a point here. Especially with Episode II. I'd like to add "horrible romance".
over 13 years ago
That's not a retcon, either. That's the original explanation, straight out of Episode I. The Force would still be the Force even if there were no midi-chlorians, there just wouldn't be any Force-sensitive beings.
over 13 years ago
I love it when people bitch about midi-chlorians because it shows they weren't paying attention.
Midi-chlorians are not the Force. The do not make the Force. The Force is still the Force. Midi-chlorians make you Force-sensitive; that is, they connect you to the Force. They're just a modem.
over 13 years ago
So is panel 2 a reference to ChaosD1 from "That guy with the glasses"
Fudge Nugget
over 13 years ago
Just kidding, I love ponies.
Fudge Nugget
over 13 years ago
Fuck ponies.
over 13 years ago
Honestly, Jar Jar is way less annoying the Ewoks, Bigfoots and the other stupid aliens they have in starwars...
The big bad of the prequels is Midichlorians, power creep, and horrible plot.
over 13 years ago
lol if only this happened in the first movie. IF ONLY!
Comic aside, i like the new adverts, not in the way and also advertising a great game
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