@ Checkers: Technically Chess is Turn-based Strategy, not Real Time Strategy
over 13 years ago
Fps= Halo
Sandbox= Minecraft
over 13 years ago
i think my first mmo was the 4th coming. that was so long ago
over 13 years ago
Let us all talk about how inferior massively popular products are while ogling a drawing.
Quite the critics corner.
over 13 years ago
No, WoW was definitely the first mmo.
over 13 years ago
I still miss EQ. Best gaming years of my life.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73762]@anon123[/url]: Space Marine?
Anyhow, we all know that Halo is just some shitty first-person remake of Math Blaster.
over 13 years ago
Halo invented spheeze mahreen
over 13 years ago
Everyone knows Call of Duty invented the FPS genre
over 13 years ago
@Dot Hack: I still wanted to play it. -_-
over 13 years ago
All you people citing DOOM. What about Wolfenstein 3D?
Get off my lawn!
Dot Hack
over 13 years ago
What conclusion?
.hack// Infection through Quarantine and the G.U. series of games were awesome and available but extremely hard to find. If by "conclusion" you meant LINK, then well... supposedly it wasn't that good anyway.
over 13 years ago
@Dot Hack: very awesome game series!
Darn you bandai for not releasing the epic conclusion in the US!
over 13 years ago
@My previous comment
Goddamn my magical ability to overlook glaring grammatical errors.
"People who think this (what Jo talks about in the strip) feel like an insult to human intelligence" is more what I wanted to say...
Dot Hack
over 13 years ago
I think it's worth a (brief) mention, but correct me if I'm wrong. The .Hack// series of games was the first single-player MMORPG, as redundant as that sounds; you played a character playing a character in a fictional MMO wwhen all hell breaks lose and players fall into a coma.
Pretty awesome.
over 13 years ago
Now are we sticking to just computer games or can we argue in favour of the old school too? I mean you haven't roleplayed with out having tossed dices and descriped what you do.
Or the game that Warcraft takes a load of influence Warhammer.
But if we stick to just MMORPG's, I couldn't care less.
over 13 years ago
THIS IS MY WORLD!And those "Mine" comments suck,just like YOU!You un-manly bastard!Stop doing those abefore i strangle you with my own training bra!
over 13 years ago
The first MMO wasn't Everquest. It was Neverwinter Nights. Not the Bioware game, but the AOL-only Gold Box MMO. I seem to recall that one of the heads at AOL used to drop into the game as Lord Nasher.
over 13 years ago
I would like to state this because it is an MMO that is nothing like WoW. Any similarities either are ones that games in general simply share or added in the most recent "expansion" but whom I believe to be someone without a clue what they are doing.
over 13 years ago
Even though I play WoW and never played Everquest...People just feel insulting to the human race.
Also, Engie-tan(1) working the Sexy Back. FANSERVICE IS A-GO!
over 13 years ago
we are still waiting for the first mmo that doesn't suck so I can understand why some people have never even heard of everquest
over 13 years ago
Halo, the first FPS?
Nah it set new standards, lets take a view before halo, we got the Turok series, we have the N64 classic Golden Eye 007, we have DooM, Duke Nukem (before it sucked), Wolfenstein 3D...
over 13 years ago
@NeoPets before Runescape: Neopets was more of a social media site than a true MMO, but it was similar in concept.
over 13 years ago
Not seen in this picture: The underground fort that EQ built while everyone thinks it's died off.
NeoPets before Runescape
over 13 years ago
It seems like such a long time ago, but I remember in elementary school (+10 years ago) when seemingly everyone played NeoPets (way back when it first came out). It was an online MMO, but I'm not sure if it was an RPG, I can't really remember too much.
over 13 years ago
Well I don't know which games of which genres came first, but old or new they are still fun.
Chess predates Command & Conquer.
Quake predates Call of Duty.
Hell, even Half-Life 1 predates Halo.
Stupid kids these days...
over 13 years ago
Oh man. I had an email from SoE inviting me to come back for a month free. Solsek Ro server representing!
Miguel Young
over 13 years ago
o primeiro MUD Gráfico (que era como os MMORPGs eram chamados) foi o Meridian 59, o qual eu joguei :D
Tinha de ir na USP, jogar de lá, no incrível backbone de 1mb! ahahahahah
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks that "I STILL ATEN'T DEAD" would've been funnier? Discworld HOOOOOOOOOO!
This also annoys me when I encountered a guy at school who thought Judas Priest had ripped off Lady GaGa for their name.
over 13 years ago
i was arguing with this guy on you tube who was saying modern warfare was the first first person shooter ever made.
over 13 years ago
ah, those exciting doom2 matches over serial port... good old times and god damn im so old. when i literally tilted my body against an incoming rocket... and IT WORKED!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73549]@pong[/url] Actually, that's a good point, usually newfags consider the oldest thing they can remember to be the first, or at least, the most commercially profitable.
For instance, did the Wright Brothers create the first flying plane? Lol nope, but theirs was the most successful (at the time).
Do people just assume the first oldest thing they've heard of in a specific subject is automatically the oldest?
over 13 years ago
What?!?! I coulda sworn the first fps was Cod 5 =/
over 13 years ago
@Ze Spy: F2P accounts can't give items in trade, only receive. Unless they changed it recently, idling in newly created F2P accounts would be a useless "activity".
On topic: I heard someone once say that the Fantastic Four movie was copying The Incredibles... *facepalm*
Ze Spy
over 13 years ago
Is this even possible to idle now than there is an item cap?
I heard people are setting up F2P accounts for that. That's sad.
And now than I think of it, idling means you're not playing, how can you read kids if you're just running a program/softare in the background?
Uncle Atari
over 13 years ago
Tssk, what the hell are kids learning in school??
over 13 years ago
No surprise, a lot of morons out there who think Twilight created vampires and werewolves....seriously think there's something in the McDonalds we raise our kids on these days.
over 13 years ago
I read someone's blog who thought WOW made Orcs. Poor J.R. Tolkien
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73447]@rellly[/url]: Bye!
over 13 years ago
WoW? Nah, I'm playing Everquest. You probably haven't heard of it, it's 6 feet underground *shades*
over 13 years ago
Doom had multiplayer!
over 13 years ago
@O no: google "An Illustrated Guide To ESRB Ratings" for your purple tentacle rape on engie-tan
over 13 years ago
Rare created the modern FPS with Goldeneye 007, and I won't hear anyone say otherwise. LALALALALALALALALALALALALA.
Nando Rock
over 13 years ago
"Saudade" of Ultima Online!
the firts console are PS ONE.... SLIM
over 13 years ago
While WoW was not the first and clearly took inspiration from earlier MMOs, it's hard to argue that it wasn't the first to get it "just right," and made eleventy zillion dollars. By the way, Jo, that tie won't work for a formal cocktail party. Get a black one. Red, maybe.
Moses Moore
over 13 years ago
... and Lucasfilm's Habitat predates Meridian 49 and Ultima Online! Habitat single-player became "Maniac Mansion," which begat SCUMM VM, which begat all the point-and-click adventure games.
over 13 years ago
No, first FPS was Halo 2.
over 13 years ago
Proof you are correct (or wrong) --> http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/553
over 13 years ago
I still get newsletters from Asheron's Call now and then, too. AC was one of the "Big Three" alongside Everquest and Anarchy online back in the 90s.
Hell, evidently they released a new expansion just last year or so.
This Old Guy
over 13 years ago
Avatar, played on the PLATO network at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
In about 1982.
That's an old-school MMORPG.
over 13 years ago
I played everquest and everquest 2, they were both very good :3 I prefer them to WoW anyway
over 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic about the Halo thing
over 13 years ago
No, it wasn't.
Good ol'
over 13 years ago
Castle Wolfenstein 3D, now that's where it's at!
over 13 years ago
:/ Halo...Are you kiddding me?!?!?Did you ever hear about Quake 1?That was basicly the first fps that added multyplayer!Doom 3 had a addon multiplayer but it was more an experiment.ID software made the first FPS games evah and still are teh best.
over 13 years ago
They're getting ready for the big Q&A with Kritzcast, you just watch.
over 13 years ago
Am i the only one wondering if Engie-tan married a tenticle?
over 13 years ago
Am I the only one wondering why they're dressing in fanciful attire?
over 13 years ago
There is a WoW edition of D&D. World of Warcraft: the Roleplaying Game was released in 2005 under the OGL and was based on D&D 3.5. Suck on that.
over 13 years ago
Ultima Online isn't the first or even the second MMORPG.
And no, MU*s are not commonly accepted as MMORPGs. The term could technically be applied, but MUDs predate the term "MMO" and it is commonly applied only to graphical games.
over 13 years ago
Jo thinks Everquest is the original MMO.
Ultima Online is turning in its grave. Assuming we're not counting MUDs.
WOW is not the first MMORPG! :O :O :O :O
over 13 years ago
I swear, if I hear some kid saying Cawadootee or Halo created the FPS genre, I'm gonna slug his head off with a metal bat.
over 13 years ago
what about MUDs? They are not count as MMO? there are MUDs with hundreds of people.
Neverwinter Nights (1991)
over 13 years ago
On another note, nice work again!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73475]@Geary[/url]: Yeah, and its exactly 4th edition that he's talking about I bet. Bloody abomination of a PnP system.
over 13 years ago
No love for Runescape? :'(
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73473]@Thisishiphop[/url]: Go to comic.
Scroll down.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73471]@Dumbledoofus[/url]: no U.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73472]@Runescape[/url] Hush, nobody wants to remember you
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_73462]@COYOTE[/url] OBJECTION! DnD was first published in 1974, and WoW was released in 2004! Therefor, WoW cannot be held credit to anything before 4th Edition.
over 13 years ago
Just letting you know, Everquest isn't the First MMO, Ultima Online beat it by two years, Check yourself before you wreck yourselves and what not.
over 13 years ago
I guess I dont count?
over 13 years ago
Fuck ponies.
over 13 years ago
That's nothing. I actually heard someone saying that Elves and Dwarves came from WoW. I almost strangled them for their stupidity.
over 13 years ago
mr. No comment is why the troll face is so popular, some just can't see sarcasm in text.
over 13 years ago
Next thing you know, kids are going to say DnD copied WoW...oh wait nvm it did.
over 13 years ago
I'm just gonna chill over here >.>
O no
over 13 years ago
Full purple tentacle rape on red hair engie-tan.
Stop that or I send my army of trolling ponies.
over 13 years ago
Awww man, Meridian 59. I played that game! I got banned for harassment though.
True story.
over 13 years ago
Thanks for mentioning Meridian 59 :D. It's still alive, too.
Name Not Given
over 13 years ago
What are they dressing up for?
over 13 years ago
Your trolling will not anger me...much.
won't prevent me from bitchslapping any kid saying FPS came from CAll of duty or halo!!!
"The only thing original would be FPS, everybody knows Halo created these."
over 13 years ago
Yea... no comment...
over 13 years ago
Writer and engie-tan relationship. Yup. Full CAD comic transformation complete. I'm gone.
over 13 years ago
Doom Doom. Doomy Doomy Doom. DOOM!!!
Ultima Online
over 13 years ago
No one remembers me :'(
Hail to the king, baby!
over 13 years ago
EQ have ponies, WoW don't.
over 13 years ago
And damn you spamalot song stuck in my head now... "I am not dead yet <insert music i cant remember>"
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