Darth Sugarpuff has to become a recurring character.
over 13 years ago
Darth Sugarpuff is the best character in anything, ever.
over 13 years ago
Those slugs things are cute :3
over 13 years ago
The grey area of the force has muffins.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74283]@Ditzy[/url], Family is okay, attachment is not. Become overly attached to (a person, an object, a concept) and you can end up doing great harm. Anakin could not let go of his attachments, his mother and his wife, to the point of enslaving the galaxy to try and "save" them (well just kill in the former).
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74297]@Drone[/url]: That is actually a very good point.
over 13 years ago
And that's why you never send out a new Sith lord until he/she is at least eighteen.
Mordin Solus
over 13 years ago
Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients; sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps.
Jedi Master Skateboard P
over 13 years ago
Wow old republic is gonna be a weird game
over 13 years ago
I'm with Darth Grampa, that sith is doing it wrHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG
over 13 years ago
odeio voce
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74275]@Nuckel[/url]: People see the Jedi as good and Sith as evil because the protagonists of the films were Jedi and the antagonists Sith.
Skull Bearer
over 13 years ago
Those little insects are the cutest thing ever. I would totally join the darkside if I could have one as a pet.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74275]@Nuckel[/url]: Depends on which society you're referring to.
over 13 years ago
@tim : Why are you bringing this up in a non-pony comic?
Judging from your lack of subtlety, I don't think anyone will miss you. Bye!
over 13 years ago
one more pony comic and im gonna stop reading
over 13 years ago
Looking at it, She hugs with an iron fist.
over 13 years ago
With Sith like this, who need Jedi?
over 13 years ago
I don't give a fuck.
Reason why I usually am a black Mage as the good guy.
Hell, I'd he so much Sith, simply cause the Jedi have some stupid rules (eik nvm your family)
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74275]@Nuckel[/url]: Considering how old is mankind and they still dualistic views I would say that we will be substituted by robots before we learn that.
over 13 years ago
So, basically Bioware is ascribing to the Kyle Katarn/Jaden Korr school of Jedi training from Jedi Academy? "Light side, dark side, it's all in how you use 'em."
over 13 years ago
When will people learn there is no good or evil, just two different parties that both kill people for different political reasons?
over 13 years ago
I know I've seen it stated that which side you are on just means where you were born and that morals are up to the players choices.
So you can be a dark jedi or a light sith, within the bounds of getting your jobs done.
over 13 years ago
As Bioware points out,in the Sith mentality the Jedi are 'cold, emotionless and unfeeling' and are the villains who tried to wipe out their entire civilization. The Sith are those that believe that true mastery of the force comes from harnessing emotions, not suppressing them. And love is an emotion
over 13 years ago
Well that sounds... utterly bonkers, then does that mean you can effectively swap sides in the conflict?
over 13 years ago
Speaking of Bioware have you heard that FemShep is now officially a red head? Me thinks this site may have a little somthing to do with that.
pony scout
over 13 years ago
What about the dark side of the purple tentacle ?
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
No, seriously, we can totally expect that
Now my only problem is to find a suitable Magical Knight like class/spec for a Miraluka Sith
over 13 years ago
A hippie Sith... You sir have officially broken my brain.
over 13 years ago
I don't think the vision of a light-side sith is the same as a jedi, in fact I remember reading a quote from a developer talking about. For example, a light sith isn't "good," he just prefers to keep people alive for his own manipulative selfish reason. A dark jedi may act for a greater good.
over 13 years ago
What is sad is there doesn't seem to be a "Fall/Risen" mechanic to switch sides.
Darth Sugarpuff is just one of those people who cannot be evil no matter what. The comically tragic anti-villian who for the life them are not bad people... at all. Skull Girl from Super Temps comes to mind.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_74236]@Lewa[/url]: Spoken like a true Sith there :P. No Sith are inevitably evil. What you're talking about are the Jensaarai post Galactic Civl War.
What you don't see is Sugarpuff destroying and killing 'human' settlements to 'protect' the wildlife's habitat. Some Sith != Smart. I got zip for the spy.
over 13 years ago
There is no good or evil for thinking makes it so.
over 13 years ago
Yeah Im joining the sith, but pretty much this will be my character. I do what needs to be done so that good prevails.
Mein Herr
over 13 years ago
You are the most clever man on the internets!
over 13 years ago
I've beta-ed some SWTOR. There are some actual sith like decisions. I've tortured some guy with lightning to get information on a murder of a fellow student. There are both light and dark choices on either side of the galaxy. Misconception:Sith are evil. Truth:they are passionate, where as Jedi:not.
over 13 years ago
where did you hear that? It being BioWare I expect the kinda decisions like we saw on that Esseles Walk Through where you could kill the engineers or risk the lives of the soldiers. Either way someone was going to die.
over 13 years ago
I wish this would happen. Everything I've heard about for the Sith so far suggests that the Sith side of the game is mostly the petty emo teenager bullshit that you see from Sith fanboys who don't know what they're talking about.
over 13 years ago
Which Sith lord would actually name his apprentice Darth Sugarpuff, and expect him to be some kind of warrior?
over 13 years ago
She will spread doom and cuteness throughout the galaxy
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