@Elia Moroes: Also, While Civilization and Simcity are certainly Genre Definers in their own right, Neither of them are Real Time Stratagy games. (Civilization is perhapse the original 4X game, and is Turn-based. Simcity is A city-builder. Neither are usually referred to as RTS's )
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: Welcome to the world of rational Debate! I'll have to disagree on that opinion, however, since it's pretty much a matter of historical fact that War craft introduced a great many of the features that are now commonplace in Modern RTS games.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
Saying in advance that I just love Diablo 2 and WoW till the early WoTLK expansion, I just don't think that we should give Blizzard THAT much credit for the RTS Genre ... You know ... Sim City ... Civilization ...
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: By all means, If you do, in fact, find some actual argument to present for debate, I'd love to discuss it with you. Untill such time why don't you just be a good little Girl/boy/Hopelessneckbeardhater and just be quiet while the grown-ups are talking?
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: Ah but see, that's the thing. There's been no reasoning from you, ever. Just an endless litany of "BLIZZARD IS SO HORRIBLE" without any explanation of why Blizzard is, in fact, the most awful thing to ever happen to mankind. You're a Text book hater and troll. Deal with it.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
@[Insert overcomplicating coolesque name here]
Trying to reason with you would be a waste of my brain capabilities. I'm sorry.
mr troll
over 13 years ago
acually im not becuase i get you sisters kids and her house, also trolls dont smoke cigarettes there to small for our big mouths we use cigars
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75951]@taytay[/url]: Bliz isn't pandering any more than Nintendo's been doing since they announced the Wii. And Frankly I welcome not having to portal back to town every 15 minuets. It didn't add anything to the difficulty, and detracts from the time i have to murder shit.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: Haven't we already established that you're a trolling waste of human life with no credible argument beyond "BLIZZARD SUCKS!"?
mrs troll
over 13 years ago
u just mad becuz i keep the kids and the cars and the house and you end up in the streets with only a pair of jeans, 2 bucks and a cigarette
mr troll
over 13 years ago
you see we never really married, the only reson this marrige thing started was becuase u thought it would be funny since i named myself mr troll, plus ur not really a troll face your a forever anlone face
mrs troll
over 13 years ago
you knew i was a man and still married me?
that makes u gay
MR troll
over 13 years ago
to be onest mrs troll i only married you for you money and i was sleeping with your sister, oh and real trolls dont care little trollins that noone will truly give a shit about so we dont say that we troll the would by re arranging the marrige rules, plus we all know your a man
that dog
over 13 years ago
says alot about d3 players
nothing wrong about stat allocation if there is a way to reset points so mistakes can be undone if someone ever wants to minmax
just put a explanation of what each stat does and tell each class about how important it is for them, and how much they should have
that dog
over 13 years ago
Taytay is right but that guy is seriously wrong.
The auction house will kill endgame minmaxing, preventing hardcore player to easily access stuff unless they want to pay real money, but they dont because they are not 12 yrs old
also assign stats and skills is simple. a 2 yrs old could do it.
over 13 years ago
This is why I hate it when they boost the level cap. It means it takes longer to max out a character, all that gear you spent forever farming becomes useless, and the only people who are happy are the people who were screaming for a level cap... and once they hit the new one, they'll start up again
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
"Ugh. I really don't understand all the Blizzard hate. FACT: Without Blizzard, The RTS Genre as you know it would not exist. Between WC2 and SC1, Blizzard practically defined the genre."
Please, don't make me laugh ...
over 13 years ago
And for d3, it is like aimed for 12 years olds. Seriously, you can sell items in the dungeon, revive your mercenary etc? You can't assign stats AND skills because this system is too hard for other players (read 12 years olds). WTF
over 13 years ago
I can't play LAN or single player without internet connection just because blizzard wants to leach more money? Seriously, they are just punishing their customers.
That guy
over 13 years ago
You guys do realize the auction house is so that players who found these rare items sell them to other players right? not blizzard themselves its not a pay to win formula. Blizzards only profit is a small % of the overall payment between the two player.
mrs troll
over 13 years ago
Mr Troll, stfu its sulfuras talking, if you cant figure it out your not smart enough to be a troll, so I divorce and take my family name back, you'll go back to being mr n00b
in troll marriage the husband takes the wifes family name, trolling teh world
mr troll
over 13 years ago
did anyone notice that its the turkey leg saying that it was lengendary, no the big red thing
over 13 years ago
My internet goes off or is slow at some point ... fine, play one of the other 3 games i have in my computer ... when is back to normal i'll go back to D3
I don't like the real money AH ... i don't use it ... simple ...
over 13 years ago
True, oh well shjt happens.
Double posting rlz ! :D
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
( I lied!) Also, on the subject of PVP: And this will be different than the Super geared out low level Twinks funded by their 85 mains on WOW how? Lets face it, Blizzard has always been awful at PVP balance. I doubt this will change anything.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75821]@Olej[/url] aka I think Not aka spamer xD: >_> This is diablo.. People Care about PVP? ( holy crap i didn't double post to make a point?!)
over 13 years ago
As far as i know idea was , you need to be conected all the time even in single, so to be sure you dont hack it at some point
I think i will still buy it and play, its just sad, how it goes
Oh god need to stop spam so much >.<
over 13 years ago
Let them use all the money they have :P
Olej aka I think Not aka spamer xD
over 13 years ago
Well thats true, but in this game in multi "rich" guys can get stuff without any effort, and pvp will be divide between gold farmers , and guys with money.
If they make some contermeasure against this in pvp, or you can use it only in single/multi cooperative then i'm ok->>
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
Also: yes. The world is pure greed, People want to get paid for their Work just as much as anyone else, more so in the current economy. This really isn't something that should surprise anyone, or be held against blizzard. The companys that arn't greedy? They go out of business.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75813]@Olej[/url]: instant updates, Access to the Auction house even while playing single player, the ability (potentially anyway) to jump in and out of multiplayer at any time. Has it been confirmed that you have to be *constantly* connected to the internet to play even single player? Or just to register?
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
The other answer to the Auction house thing is this: A) if you don't like it, just use gold instead, you don't have to use real money. B) There have always been people willing to give you cool stuff for Real money. I'd personally rather pay blizzard than someone who's going to run off with my money.
over 13 years ago
Well world is pure greed, i like blizzard they make great games, its just sad that they join to the overall greedness in this bad way.
over 13 years ago
So do tell me, whats the point of Single player game if i still need internet to play it ?
I have f.e quite good isp but even i have times when i dont have conection for hour or so, and cant help much bout it, never know when it happens of course.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@I think not: ... That... I don't really have a defense for. It's pretty meh. It is however, no worse than Turbine trying to nickle and dime you for EVERY. LITTLE. THING. on their F2P MMO's. At least this will (probably) be less intrusive.
over 13 years ago
ANd drm is just obstructing only the guys who paid for game, if they dont have internet, they cant play, if they lost conection while playing, they got loged off, if they cant afford better or any net conection they are focked up.
ANd Pirates can still easly pirate thing and play it.
I think not
over 13 years ago
First of all i was talking about real money auction wich is pure greed, and not even auctin itself but all these extra taxes (taxes, not just one small % ) off you while selling every item or trying to get moeny form selling. Pure greed
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
If you want less companies to use Heavy DRM, Pirate less of their games. I frankly find it idiotic to blame and hate on the big successful company, for doing nothing more horrible than putting out great, successful games and then attempting to actually get paid for the work they did.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
@I think not: How are they greedy, exactly? Because they want to protect themselves against the pirates illegally downloading and cracking their games? Am I greedy because I lock my car every time I get out of it to keep some hood from running off with my Radio?
black little boy who love KFC
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75777]@Leeroy[/url]: that racist !!!
over 13 years ago
@Prof. Luigi: "At least I have chicken."
over 13 years ago
Corporatism is the death of anything great. Just look at modern medicine.
Adam Jensen
over 13 years ago
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros never asked for this.
I think not
over 13 years ago
NO matter how good they were and how muh impact they do, fact is they are becoming greedy, and bcz of that are slowly going down
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
Or perhaps more accuratly: It's the Chemo that's making your hair fall out, for the cancer that's slowly killing you. Both Suck, but you wouldn't have the former without the latter. *Sagenod*
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75747]@Alex[/url]: Is it that they have less and less repsect, or more and more players all with their own opinion of how they(blizzard) should do things? And more and more of those players looking to Pirate/hack/break/exploit their games? Yes, DRM sucks, But it's more the Symptom than the disease.
over 13 years ago
Blizzard are a bad company plz boycott them
Prof. Luigi
over 13 years ago
I didn't know that chicken legs were so valuable way back when.
over 13 years ago
@A Monument to All Your Sins: Yet, they seem to have less and less respect for the players.
I respect them all right, both as a great game studio and as a menace for the future of gaming.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
You can Love Blizzard, or you can hate Blizzard, but you cannot deny that they have had a huge impact on nearly every facet of modern multi-player gaming. The very *least* you could do for the people whom have shaped the gaming world so much in the last decade+ is give them some *respect*.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
Fact: The MMO genre, while it might have certainly continued on without Blizzards contribution, but it most certainly might be a very different place, if EQ1 had remained the unconquered king of the MMO mountain.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
Fact: The Diablo series Spawned it's very own Genre of RPGs. Regardless of which is better, Torchlight would not even *exist* if Blizzard had not first created the framework on which it runs.
A Monument to All Your Sins
over 13 years ago
Ugh. I really don't understand all the Blizzard hate. FACT: Without Blizzard, The RTS Genre as you know it would not exist. Between WC2 and SC1, Blizzard practically defined the genre.
over 13 years ago
Torchlight 2 > Diablo 3
I'm still getting both :D
over 13 years ago
or you could play torchlight and skip all the terrible bullshit that comes with all blizzards games
over 13 years ago
Yah new sulfiras needs to not feel bad he's still pretty awsome...
over 13 years ago
you do realize a decent chunk of blizzard north is at runic games right? these comparisons are unavoidable.
over 13 years ago
I bought and paid for Diablo, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Warcraft 2 & 3.
This time I'll either hoist the skull flag or just wait 'till D3 is in the bargain bin and they've gotten that DRM BS out of their system.
over 13 years ago
Sulfuras and Thunderfury for ever! :D
over 13 years ago
It does sound very casual. I wonder what (if any) will be the end-game since re-speccing lowers the need to reroll.
over 13 years ago
@your name: LAMEBALLS. How utterly useless it then is. >_>
your name
over 13 years ago
You can't use legendaries for trasmoglyphthing.
over 13 years ago
Yeah , but that would most likely let you out of the online functions.
over 13 years ago
Can't you reskin your lvl 85 weapon to Ragnaros if you have it, with that new skin system stuff?
over 13 years ago
spellforce has a similar skill system.
You can learn 100 spells, 9 can be casted. You can change them whenever you want, but who is gonna change spells mid-battle?
over 13 years ago
1. Get the game.
2. Get the inevitable day-one crack made by the jackasses that stole the game so they don't have to log in every time.
3. Play without logging in.
4. ???
5. Give Activision the finger.
over 13 years ago
Nice D3 review. No bugs? I knew I would get it even with the controversy.
@bp[/url] I really wish people would stop trying to compare D3 to Torchlight before D3 releases. Torchlight is a poor man's Diablo and it always will be. Its not fit to clean the demon entrails off of D2 or D3's greaves.
over 13 years ago
and i forgot to put "of" between hammer and ragnaros.....
over 13 years ago
sadly this happens in alot of these games,
remember in WOW when having the hammer ragnaros was a REALY big deal? i do.
over 13 years ago
Casual and console = evil.
Indie and oldschool = good.
Simple enough.
over 13 years ago
Shame on you, then. It's thanks to people like you signaling that sodomizing us with DRM is OK that we are losing more and more control each game.
Me, I'll buy Torchlight 2. Blizzard has lost me us a customer until they stop this BS. Think it is impossible?. See how MW3 now has LAN and dedis.
over 13 years ago
Nicely done! Love the styling, Thought this particular strip was going to be about league of legends. *has to stop reading the titles*
over 13 years ago
EIGHT skills. You can take 8 skills into battle in gw1!
/nerdrage :P
over 13 years ago
i still think its awesome
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_75662]@Naoto[/url]: Keep on trolling dud.
over 13 years ago
so it sounds like more or less like torchlight but $40 more.
over 13 years ago
Please, to have a blue dragon mount I'm going to be after this thing for years to come.
over 13 years ago
I Hate It! The Illidan Weapon is Low Level Now!
over 13 years ago
Regarding SC2: Have you tried any of the custom maps? Nexus Wars and Team Monobattles are quite nice (well, Team Monobattles are quite nice as long as nobody cannon rushes).
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Everything about diablo 3 screams casual to me. Not that it's a bad thing but there doesnt seem to be much depth anymore.
Damião > All
over 13 years ago
Fourth =(
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
over 13 years ago
Indeed. Except that I would use it to turn all of my weapons into the SAME STAFF. BUT BETTER.
Except the effect isn't the same. :\
over 13 years ago
Aaaaah Ninja'd!
over 13 years ago
lol so true on so many levels. enjoy your caster legendary in 6 months you'll be replacing it with a leveling blue
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