@EL LUPE: Lame-ass meme is... just fucking sad, jackhole.
over 13 years ago
"I want something to suppress flash"
*receives sunglasses*
"I never asked for this."
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Why do these photo notes and CSI comments make me see sadness of humor?
Deus Ex is still and always be great.
over 13 years ago
in-game it was called a concussion grenade, yet it was 100% a stun grenade... why?
Trolling Nerd
over 13 years ago
If i get those glasses once i get the upgrade, then i'l stay without that through the whole game.
over 13 years ago
old joke is old, faggot
over 13 years ago
The second pair is 3D glasses... Oldschool pol-filters. :P
Damião > All
over 13 years ago
Damião 3 x 0 Palmeiras
over 13 years ago
Adam Jansem lived in Brazil in the early 90's and bought a pair of Ambervision glasses. AMIRITE, Jo?
over 13 years ago
I think that aug also protects his ears, should be useful when he gets married.
over 13 years ago
Maybe effect varies depending on the model of the stun nade. I just've always been told why closing your eyes won't help against it.
over 13 years ago
But why does he wear sunglasses over his sunglasses? The bright yellow ones are the default sunglasses, but what are the dark yellow ones? Extra sunglasses?
Adam Jensen
over 13 years ago
I wear my sunglasses on top of my sunglasses at night.
over 13 years ago
A stun grenade can still disorient you even if you are protected from the flash component, so, yeah.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_76179]@Armyfag[/url]: You should know that the flash bang is designed to blind (flash) and deafen (bang) at the same time, thus disabling targets for short but critical moments in the target location.
Both are equally important.
over 13 years ago
You should know that the main effect of the flashbang is BANG, not the FLASH.
over 13 years ago
Cruel Armpit
over 13 years ago
On a sidenote: contrary to common roleplaying game logic, sunglasses do not protect you from the flash of a flashbang...
Cruel Armpit
over 13 years ago
It took me long while before I understood the "flash" is supposed to be consussion grenade flash, not Macromedia Flash. I thought the upgrade was supposed to suppress ads, but then I didn't get the joke...
over 13 years ago
The best part about this comic is the person on the photo notes who complains about the lack of good photo note material.
Lack of material? Or lack of imagination? You all be the judge.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
I was agumented before it was mainstream
over 13 years ago
deus ex:human revolution has a strong critic about how the so called "civilised" society is more and more drifting from social obligations to a dystopian nightmare hellbend on pleasing the economic driving forces. when industries acquire that much power over politics, it's game over for good.
I don't even
over 13 years ago
I mean even with the certain benefit it gives to the crippled, the fact that most users need to be constantly given the needle makes it something that would pretty much make it illegal in any civilized country. Even in a corporate oligarchy like America.
I don't even
over 13 years ago
With the amount of people I saw in that game needing NP drug, I'd think that the friggin technology was still in closed testing stage and not fit to be released on consumers. This is almost like putting an unfinished penis enlargening drug on the market that gives cancer on 60% of the users.
over 13 years ago
Don't forget about clothes and shoes, primitive forms of augmentations
over 13 years ago
Dont forget the retractable coat aug.
over 13 years ago
I would totally have sunglasses mounted in my head if it could look like that.
over 13 years ago
Adam Jensen is one of the few characters I can take seriously even with cheek-mounted retractable sunglasses.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_76115]@wkz[/url]: Didja forget the Typhoon? Totally beats the rest of the options.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_76102]@n00b[/url]: He has built-in sunglasses.
Yes. Other people have guns in their arms, lasers in their chest, rocket-booster legs, etc... and he has built-in sunglasses.
over 13 years ago
The door worked...
Just fine.
some one
over 13 years ago
Yo dawg I head you like sunglasses so we put sunglasses on your sunglasses so you can wear sunglasses when you wear sunglasses
over 13 years ago
someone explain me the joke plz
over 13 years ago
Wait what. So he puts a sunglass on a sunglass.
What a shame.
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